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Mage vs Warlock?Follow

#1 Feb 05 2008 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
133 posts
I am going to post this in both sections. I'm coming back after a 2-year break and am debating between the two classes. I've only played Hunter and Rogue, so they will both be a big adjustment in play style.


I'm not asking which is better, I'm asking what sort of differences I will see beyond the obvious. I know that both are DPS classes, in general, but where does each class shine? I know Mages offer burst damage, while Warlocks provide damage over time.

Which class is better at CC?
How do their roles differ in raiding? In PvP?
Are Warlocks more efficient at grinding due to their pet?
Player skill aside, are Mages going to top Locks on the DPS meters?

Any other major differences you'd like to point out that would help me make a more informed decision would help. I've read the stickies in both sections, and I'm not going to ask for "a good build" or "what race should I be" or any of that nonsense. These two classes just seem extremely similar to me as far as purpose goes, and I'm having trouble distinguishing the distinctions between the two.

Thanks in advance!!
#2 Feb 05 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
861 posts
Don't have a lock, becuz I leveled a hunter to 58 before getting bored and a buddy warned me playstyle is somewhat similar (pet tanks while you dps) and I should try something else. Very happy to have rolled a mage.
#3 Feb 05 2008 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
Mage uses their CCing in raids more, though it gets really old and annoying seeing that we have to sheep in every instance. And sometimes spam sheep the same mob. Ours heals the targets and has potential to break early often, while warlocks do not, and rarely breaks early.

There roles in raid are about the same aside from the fact that mages use their cc much more than warlocks do. Warlocks will out damage mages in raids, sorry mages but its true.

Warlocks are better in pvp because they have dots. And with the add in of resilience, it has really screwed the mage class, considering we can no longer one or two shot guys, which is our intention.

As for the grinding not really sure which is faster.
#4 Feb 05 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
1.) Which class is better at CC?
2.1) How do their roles differ in raiding?
2.2) In PvP?
3.) Are Warlocks more efficient at grinding due to their pet?
4.) Player skill aside, are Mages going to top Locks on the DPS meters?

1.) Depends, generally mage, especially in 5 mans. But warlocks have strange situational CC (banish,enslave). Overall I'd say mage.

2.1) Wow big question. In raiding, both are there for DPS, but theres more reason to stack locks because of their utility (curses for the raid, imp shadowbolt up more often increases dps of shadow priests and other warlocks). The charges get eaten up quickly, so more locks the better. Mages? No other class really benefits from imp scorch, and if no fire mages were brought to a raid, that's just an extra dps curse for a lock to use instead of curse of elements (~133 extra dps).

Still theres a ton of mages, and I've almost never heard of a raid without mage slots. They pump out very competitive DPS, bring strong AOE, sheep is often invaluable on trash, and who doesn't want free mana biscuits?

2.2) Don't really want to get me started on PVP, but I'll say warlocks are better there, and many of the old "mage only" setups (2345, PMR) are replacing their mages with warlocks (2346, PWL).

3.) Warlocks are more efficient at grinding/leveling period.

4.) No

So according to me, you might not see alot of reason to roll a mage. Roll one for the FUN of it if you want, but sadly I'm going to have to say warlocks are a better designed class. They'll level faster, PVP better, at least tie mages in DPS, beat them more often then not, have better stacking utility in raids, stronger AOE, better raid survivability.
#5 Feb 05 2008 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
If you were wondering, Warlocks also bring far superior AoE to Mages.
#6 Feb 05 2008 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
1. Which class is better at CC?
2. How do their roles differ in raiding? 2b.In PvP?
3. Are Warlocks more efficient at grinding due to their pet?
4. Player skill aside, are Mages going to top Locks on the DPS meters?

Ok.. now here's my 2 cents

1. Sheep is overall pretty damn awesome. But enslave/banash can shine in certian situations. I'm still going to have to give the edge to sheep since it can be used in more situations.. for pve and pvp.

2a. In optimum situations locks can beat a mage in DPS.. sorry guys.. but it's true. But in WoW any retarded can install and play the game. Sadly enough most of them choose to roll locks. So you will tend to see alot more crappy locks then you do mages. Mainly because lvling a lock is like playing Eddie Gordo in Tekken. Select target, roll face on keyboard, dead target. That tends to give locks some bad rep in raids and pugs. But even so a 25 man with 3 mages, 3 locks, and 2 spriest in there will pwn. All 3 are going to be close and any good raid leader will make room for all 3 classes.

2b. Lock have the upperhand in PvP. Simply because they give more classes a hard time then mages do. Leaving shammys out (since every class is the anti-sham) really only warriors have major issues with mages. Locks can do great damage WHILE running away. Mages really can't.

3. Having a lvl 70 mage and lvl 70 lock I belive that mages lvl much faster. 2 shotting every mob you see is just plain quick. However, locks lvl alot... well safer for lack of a better word. If you get out of your comfort zone then lvling a mage can have some issues. Hard to lvl when your dead. But if you keep up with gear a mage will kill faster then a lock and therefore lvl faster.

4. I don't think "no" is the perfect answer to this. In alot of situations.. yes. But with the same gear, in a fight where the mage can just stand there and DPS the crap out of somthing.. it's going to be really close.
#7 Feb 05 2008 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
I will toss in my .02 as well here:

1) At CC a polymorph tends to be better/more valuable than the banish/enslave as it is used in almost every larger raid instance (minus kara -- gruuls/mag don't count because they are tiny and trash is easy) that I have been to everything except bt/mh so far.

2) In PvE their rolls are generally straight dps, although in certain situations they will be called on for AoE/CC/kiting/etc. In PvP a warlock tends to have the upperhand, because as others have said, they can be running and doing a good amount of damage, while mages only have their instant casts which almost all use cooldowns.

3) Yes, warlocks are more efficient (less downtime) because of their pet, especially at higher levels, although at 70 I have very little down time because I 2-3 shot almost everything that I face.

4) In a non-movement based fight (read: not VR/Gruul/shade/etc) the dps can be very close and the mage can outdps the warlock. This of course depends on spec and gear. The gear scales differently with each class so you can't just say 1000 fire vs 1000 shadow.

Both are wanted in raids/pvp so it isn't really an issue of that. I would try out both til 20 or 30 and see which one you like more.
#8 Feb 05 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
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Anobix wrote:
The gear scales differently with each class so you can't just say 1000 fire vs 1000 shadow.

Not just classes, but specs too since Destro-locks gear differently than Aff Locks and fire mages gear a bit differently than frost mages.
#9 Feb 05 2008 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
Select target, roll face on keyboard, dead target.


I agree though. The thing is a skilled lock isn't...much(?) better than an unskilled lock far as pvp goes. Dot/fear is still going to be what you have to deal with. A skilled mage on the other hand has so many tools in pvp. meh.

Leveling- My mages level faster than my warlocks.

Raids-My warlocks out Deeps my mages but not by much.

CC-My mages out CC my locks 90% of the time. Outside of enslave/banish locks have the worst PVE CC in the game.
#10 Feb 05 2008 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
4) In a non-movement based fight (read: not VR/Gruul/shade/etc) the dps can be very close and the mage can outdps the warlock. This of course depends on spec and gear. The gear scales differently with each class so you can't just say 1000 fire vs 1000 shadow.

Both are wanted in raids/pvp so it isn't really an issue of that. I would try out both til 20 or 30 and see which one you like more.

I was even speaking of late T5 where almost all warlocks spec destruction (0/21/40) and benefit greatly from stand still fights just like mages do.

I know there might be some "well I outdps locks" but theres so many variables. Quite often I see raid leaders not properly min/maxing to put locks in an optimal spot for DPS. ie: 3 mages, ele shaman and shadow priest in a group, well duh that's gonna favor mages. Locks really have to fight to get stuck in a sick caster group like boomkin/

But put an equally geared late T5 lock vs. a mage, in good groups (shadow priest, ele shaman, boomkin), put lowest DPS locks on raid curses, highest DPS lock on CoD, have shadow priests and geared destruction locks in the raid (for more ISB), I think warlock pretty much always wins. The best geared mage could have the lesser geared mages keep up imp scorch, I still think locks pull out ahead. Shadowbolts do MASSIVE damage in a destro setup, and we have more synergy with the raid then fire mages do ATM (shadow priests, other locks for ISB, CoS).
#11 Feb 05 2008 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
I know you didn't want an anwser to this, but the warlock is the better class. So if you chose to roll one on performance I would recommend a warlock. For two reasons.

1. The warlock as of right now have better dps than us mages. They dont have to worry about mana, they can just life tap in raids. Whereas if a mages messes up evoacation there damage is severly gimped.

2. Probably the biggest reason why warlocks are more preferred than mages is there survivability. Me along with the other mages in our guild have to put on stamina gear to survive boss fights in BT. Unlike warlocks where there raid gear covers there survivability.

For example in the black temple there is a boss that does around 8.3k instant damage and if you get unlucky you can get aoe'd for another 2-3k damage. The mage class can not survive that in pve gear, but the warlocks class can. Therefore certain boss fights gimped the mages damage. \

And honestly if it wasn't for our cc we wouldn't be brought to raids. Even if warlocks do the same damage they would still be desired for their survability.

I for one am very dissappointed in the way blizzard has dealt with the mage. So much dissapointed that I wished I would have rolled a warlock instead.

I agree with mike, that the warlock class is just a better designed class than the mage class is. We as a mage have even lost our title as king of aoe (and to be honest that really pisses me off).

So I for one am sick of hearing my raid leaders saying that the warlock class is the mage's heroe's class. And right now I have to agree. Anything a mage can do a warlock can do better.

So all in all, if your deciding between a mage and a warlock, chose a warlock or else you will be severely dissapointed with your class.

But it does kind of look promising for the changes in 2.4 where there are suttle hints that pvp would be more balanced. And that could only mean that mages would get a buff and along with moonkin druids. Considering there are the only two classes that need to stay still to do damage. (please correct me if there are any other classes that have to stay still for a long period of time to do dps. Elemental shamans might fit that catorgory but not as badly as moonkin druids or mages.)

So if you don't want to chose a class that is a disappointment, go with the warlock. Don't get me wrong, I love the aspect of the mage class but blizzrad has just made it too weak of a class to chose over a warlock. So right now if you want to be the best chose a warlock, and if you want to have fun chose whichever.
#12 Feb 05 2008 at 11:54 PM Rating: Excellent
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zxcy wrote:
Anything a mage can do a warlock can do better.

Decurse. I'm not saying it's everything, but it popped into my head when I read that statement.
#13 Feb 06 2008 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
Maybe I'm missing something here but I love my Mage. Yeah the Lock beats us in many situations, yet surely thats the challenge for us Mages? I had an Affliction Lock well before I rolled a Mage. Although I did only get the Lock to lvl43 I now have a lvl70 Fire Mage and this just proves the "fun" factor you get with the Mage class.

#14 Feb 06 2008 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
Yes its all very true, Warlocks are the current king of AOE, they have a better damage output in raids, and more often than not you feel that you where brought along for your mana biscuits.
Mages are Not a bad class, it has just become a situational class, f.eks. mages are still the best kiting class in raids, and they are still able to damage nearly equal to warlocks in a pure nuking fight, in addition to this our evocation may not be as good as the warlocks lifetap, but it does not make the life tougher for the healers.
Resilience is not a curse against mages as much as it is against warlock, it affects periodical damage aswell as crit, which tends to complicate a warlocks road to glory far more than a mages road.
Endgame the roles of the mage and the warlock are nearly identical, stand and nuke as much as you are able to, while staying alive, the damage will be drifting some days the mage might be at the top of the damage meters, others the warlock, there will probably be more days with the warlocks since shadowbolts deal the same amount of damage as fireball, and have less casting time, but hey thats what fireblast are supposed to make up for.

(all this is relying on the warlock using the Destro:40/demo:21 build since that is the most common endgame raiding build)

Still i have never regretted rolling mage, i manage to at times shine in raids, and overall i find mages most funny, though you have to be more skilled as a mage to launch the same amount of damage as a warlock.

i hope this clarified the differences between the classes.
#15 Feb 06 2008 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
lol this is kinda in right field but I just thought of it reading through this. I was in underbog today with a pug and we were taking on hungarfen with a rogue tank and a shammy enha.

I'm on my 65 frostie that I just picked back up after like 6 months and I end up solo-kiting both bog giants while the rest the group wipes on hungar. I'm sure I could do similar on my lock but would it really sound as cool?

Of course not. Locks are OP and everyone knows that but that doesn't mean mages are dead. So take heart Ssgrif. We'll comeback to the forefront someday.
#16 Feb 06 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
To be fair, fear is probably the better PvP CC. Even with DR, the ability to damage the player while they run is great.

Plus, if I am not mistaken, it may be used vs. Druids, which is huge.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Feb 06 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
861 posts
For his first toon, a friend just rolled a lock. I was helping him level in Thousand Needles on the Pally I rolled to accompany him. My lock buddy needed to kill the elite panther in cage in the centaur camp. He'd tried to solo it twice and died each time. At this point they were the same lvl (31 I believe).

So I tell him -- you're a lock, you can solo elites. I'm gonna stand back and let you take the mob solo w your vw. I'll just heal you and bubble you so you won't die, but only in an emergency, you gotta learn by doing. So he sends vw in, dots the cat, maybe hits one shadowbolt and then just stands there. I whisper "heal your vw!" as his pet begins to take damage. No response. So I throw a couple of flash of lights on it. After another few seconds, the dots finish ticking and the cat goes down.

Turned out my friend's connection lagged out. He literally downed the elite while his screen was frozen. Yes, thats a powerful class, probably more powerful than my mage. I havent rolled a lock yet and I'm sure I will some day. But a class that can kill without hitting the keyboard? Doesnt sound like as much fun as a mage. And this game is about fun.

#18 Feb 06 2008 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
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Xiemage wrote:
The thing is a skilled lock isn't...much(?) better than an unskilled lock far as pvp goes.


I have a level 70 Warlock and if you think taking a Warlock to a battleground on a killing spree only requires you to keep track of Fear and Drain Life, you'll fail tremendously in all aspects.

The Warlock class is, of the two in question, by far the most complicated one to play well. I have no experience in anything past 5-man instances (non-Heroic) as far as PvE goes, so I won't comment on that, but in PvP...

Let's just say that if you're up against anything that utilizes fast melee damage, you're screwed. Every 3 minutes you can blow Death Coil to gain some distance on the attacker, followed by Fear, which he'll most likely break. You can toss on the DoT spells, but you'll probably be dead before they chew through his health, not to mention most people have ways to counter DoT spells, if not by healing themselves or dispelling the debuffs, then by simply waiting to leave combat and eating to outlast the damage. I've tried just about every talent build there is for my Warlock and I still Fail with a capital F when I do PvP.

The thing is, you can't rely on crits, instant casts or shields to prevent you from losing casting time. With the right talents you can get some spell pushback protection when casting various spells, but you rely a great deal on being left alone and giving your spells time to do their thing. If someone spots you and singles you out, you're in for a rough time, unless you're wearing all epics, have Soul Link running with your Voidwalker out and about 300 resilience. Maybe then you'll unlock God Mode, I don't know.

Speaking of Voidwalker, that's another thing about Warlocks that makes them much more complex than the Mages. You have to choose the right demon minion for the right situation. Using your Felhunter against spellcasters is kind of like winning the lottery, but your opponent might as well be a Warrior (with no buffs to eat and no spells to lock) who'll rip your Felhunter a new one along with you.

Some will tell you to go with a Demonology build, to get Soul Link, Demonic Knowledge, Master Demonologist and Demonic Resilience. Pretty neat build, but unfortunately it relies a great deal on your demon to stay alive. Let's use the before mentioned situation where you encounter a Warrior with your Felhunter out. You've blown Fel Domination so you can't insta-summon a better demon and doing a 6-second summoning is suicide.

You have your Soul Link which basically reduces all incoming damage by 20%. That's like wearing plate armor as a spellcaster. Neato, right?

Then there's Demonic Knowledge which takes your demon's stamina and intellect, put it together and gives you 15% as spelldamage. Also pretty neato. Gives around 100-200 spelldamage.

Then Master Demonologist, which, with your Felhunter out, increases your magical resistances by x amount. Also great, maybe not so much against a Warrior who has zero magical abilities. But still.

Now, let's say the Warrior has half a brain and notices your many Demonology buffs on you. He won't switch target to your pet, because that'll allow you to get off a Fear or whatnot. He'll simply use Cleave, Whirlwind and any other multi-target attacks he can find. Since your pet receives the damage your Soul Link absorbs, it'll drop like a rock. And once your demon is gone, Soul Link, Demonic Knowledge and Master Demonologist goes with it. Buh-bye.

That's what many anti-Warlock crybabies forget about. They just see a Warlock with 12,000 health, 300 resilience and Soul Link and goes "OMG HE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE LIEK CONCRETE!" and they totally forget that not all Warlocks run around with that kind of gear and more than once the opponent has the brains to figure out that killing the demon makes the Warlock very sad. Sad like a sad panda.

Anyway, that was a little sidetrack on Warlock vs. Mage in PvP. I would definitely prefer to play a Mage there, simply because Mages have so many instant cast spells at their disposal. But it's a matter of personal taste, I guess.

Welcome back to the game. Two years is a long time considering the major overhauls this game has gotten since then. Hope you'll like it.

Edited, Feb 7th 2008 12:03am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Feb 06 2008 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
wow...nice wall of text. I want to read replies not novels.

I have a 70 lock. I pvp alot. I've seen locks with no busy pvping do quite well just due to the fear/dot mechanic. Yes skill is going to play a part and I agree with you there but skill is going to play much less a part than it would in most classes.

The most complicated class to play? Mage.

Just because you know how to hit your autopilot button faster than most locks doesn't mean you don't have an autopilot button.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 5:29pm by Xiemage
#20 Feb 06 2008 at 11:25 PM Rating: Excellent
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Anyway, that was a little sidetrack on Warlock vs. Mage in PvP. I would definitely prefer to play a Mage there, simply because Mages have so many instant cast spells at their disposal. But it's a matter of personal taste, I guess.

Err..what? You mean the AoEs? Smiley: dubious
#21 Feb 06 2008 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
I can has instas?

Maybe he/she's thinking of pom...? Ice lance, FB, Arcane Exp., Frost Nova, CoC, DB, Frost Barrier, Ice Block, Water ele, Icy veins...hmmm I guess we do have a few come to think of it.
#22 Feb 07 2008 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
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Xiemage wrote:
I can has instas?

Maybe he/she's thinking of pom...? Ice lance, FB, Arcane Exp., Frost Nova, CoC, DB, Frost Barrier, Ice Block, Water ele, Icy veins...hmmm I guess we do have a few come to think of it.

Ice Barrier and Ice Block being defensive, but still instant, I'll give you. Water Elemental is a summoned pet on a fairly long cool down. Not something I'll concede. CoC, AE, DB and BW are AoEs, not something I'll concede, especially since 3 of the 4 have decent cooldowns and I was specifically asking if he meant AoEs(yeah, Maz is a he, or at least looks like one in his pics).

Really, offensively, that leaves Fireblast, Ice Lance and Frost Nova. Two have a cooldown, one is used for control, not damage and one is completely useless as a real damage dealer without special conditions.
#23 Feb 07 2008 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
454 posts
#24 Feb 07 2008 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
Every 3 minutes you can blow Death Coil to gain some distance on the attacker, followed by Fear, which he'll most likely break.

2 minutes cooldown. Glad you nkow your class well.

Seriously Mazra, you get your *** kicked on your Warlock because of two things:

a) You're a really poor player, at least when it comes to in game knowledge. Trinket cheap shot moar!
b) You've made it abundantly clear you have **** gear. Yes, you can't tank Warriors whilst gaining health from them till you have 350 resilience. Everyone who is interested in high end PvP/ being competetive has that by now. And by high end, I mean 1500+. Your dependency on gear to survive shows how little skill comes into your class and how much gear does - all your defense, save fear, is passive. For soem reason you mentoned Fear and Warrior in the same sentence, so this is highly fortunate for you.

Here's a tip on Warriors for you: POSITION YOUR PET OUT OF MELEE RANGE OF YOURSELF. Amazing, isn't it?

On another note, let's play a game, mazra. We'll call it the instant casting game. You know who deals most damage from isntants in PvP? Warlocks. That's part of the reason Warlocks are replacing Mages in 2v2 and 3v3 - a mage's damage is shut down far more easily.

I'd go on to mention factors that make mages harder, such as kiting, playing vs casters, moving correctly (don't have to worry about that on your lock) but really, I don't think I need to.

#25 Feb 07 2008 at 12:29 AM Rating: Excellent
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krqllebqlle wrote:

Cone of Cold. A spell I haven't used since I got Dragon's Breath, tbh.
#26 Feb 07 2008 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
yeah sorry my abbreviations might could have used a bit more explanation.

I was just trying to see where he could possibly be coming from Poldarn. The wall of text laid out before me seemed somewhat close to a rant and devoid of logical warlock (let alone mage) thought processes.

To get back to the OP a mage will shine in AOE grinding. In quick (but worrisome) levels and in decent, albeit, highly skill/gear focused pvp.

A warlock will shine in being much easier to pick up. After you get your voidwalker and fear...people tend to get a complex : P

Deeps will be very high. Locks have a nice versatility where, unlike mages, all talent trees won't look the same in the end.

I love both my lock and my mage. I came back to the game after a long absence and you know what the first thing I wanted to pick up was? That is where a mage will shine IMHO
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