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Epic mount quest.Follow

#1 Feb 04 2008 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Just hit 60 on my pally, was wondering is it worth it to try and get the charger, or better to just farm up the gold and buy the skill and a mount.
I know the lock epic sucks, cause I get stiffed a few times trying to do it and I still dont have it at 70 cause I did most of the quest and dont want to just buy the skill after all the time and money I spent for the quests. I just don't want to start it and end up like my lock.
Any opinions are appreciated, and if anyone is on the Destomath server and wouldn't mind help or something let me know, characters name is Salohcin.

Edited, Feb 4th 2008 8:02pm by Hyakkimaru
#2 Feb 04 2008 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Hyakkimaru wrote:
Just hit 60 on my pally, was wondering is it worth it to try and get the charger, or better to just farm up the gold and buy the skill and a mount.

It depends. I think it is. But everyone's point of view is different. I thought it was worth it because it's a neat and unique mount. The questline, though a pain at times, had a neat storyline and was pretty cool. And, bottom line, it's part of being a paladin.

I'm not saying if you don't get it you're not a paladin, I just felt it was part of my paladin being a paladin.

You have to decide if those are good enough reasons and make it worth it.

If you're asking for monetary reasons, it's probably not worth it to do the quest. You can make up the difference in what you'd spend for the quest items and what you'd spend for riding skill and the mount in a few hours of questing/grinding in Hellfire.

I was (and am) pretty sentimental about my mount so for me it was worth it - it was a MASSIVE pain getting the holy waters, but it was worth it for me.

Edited, Feb 4th 2008 9:11pm by Celcio
#3 Feb 04 2008 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Yeah money isnt too hard to get, all I have to do is farm on my lock, like I said I just don't wanna get screwed like I did with my lock, helped a pally with his part of the quest that was in scholo, which took forever, the second we finished it he hearthed out and disbanded, I was so pissed, thats when I quit the game for 3 months cause I couldnt find any help after that.
Yeah I've never been to strat so it might be hard to get the waters, but yeah I like doing stuff like this quest for characters, especially since it a mount that doesnt take up an inventory slot, and like you said it unique to the class and thats another thing thats cool.
#4 Feb 04 2008 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
I just got my charger last night. Holy waters are a pain in the rear. There is a EPL quest to get them too, so others in group were looting in battle and aggroing the bugs and/or stealing the waters. It's also hard to get a good group together for Pre-BC instances like Scholo and Strat.

The last part of the quest is actually fun once you get a group together. I had guildies help. Group was:
60 Holy pally (me)
70 Aff. Lock
70 BM Hunter
59 Arcane Mage
56 Holy Priest

This was the second group I got together because the first run was with much lower level people I found in que.

The other mats can be found pretty easily in the AH and I started shopping for those once I hit 55. Saved some gold by buying smart. For example, I bought 20 Arthas' Tears for 8g 50s and sold the other 10 in the AH for 6g.

All in all, It was fun and worth it for me, especially since I got mad XP for the quest line too. It brought me a few bars short of 61 already.
#5 Feb 04 2008 at 8:33 PM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Hyakkimaru wrote:
I just don't wanna get screwed like I did with my lock

Well, and maybe it's just me but I don't think so... The waters are the most annoying part. If you have those and you're ready to do the DM and Scholo parts most 70 pallies seem willing to help.

I know that when I see a Paladin LFG DM I usually try to help out either on my 70 pally or my 70 mage. It's not exact'y like the lock quest where you need the "bell book and candle"

If I was waffling and I were you (knowing what I know now) I would see if you can get the holy waters (this part really really sucks because there's some chintzy-*** EPL quest for them that some idiots grab and ninja from you repeatedly). But once you get that go to a city and say "Hey want to get my charger LFM DM or Scholo"

The waters is what annoys people, the DM/Scholo part? That can be knocked out in like 90 minutes tops including travel time with a 65+ group. If you're OK with getting the waters I'd bet - depending on server - you'd have a fair to decent time in getting paladins or alts of pallies to get you through DM/Scholo to get your pony. I know I'd help (not necessarily immediately but I'd schedule) if you seemed like a nice paladin.
#6 Feb 04 2008 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
It really depends on one factor and one factor only.

Do you have the help?

A)If you have friends in your guild that will help, then by all means go for it and save yourself some gold and get the quest done.

B)If you don't and are looking to pug any one part of it, or face the prospect of spamming guild asking for help and not receiving it then spend a few extra gold and just buy your regular mount.

I started from scratch on my server, leaving my old toons behind. By the time I was lvl 52 I had the money for all aspects of the epic quest. I had all the items and even did the quest to get my Scholo key. So when I dinged 60 I had 4 friends who knew I had put the work into it and was ready to go. We knocked out the whole thing in about 2 hours and voila epic mount. Which was just plain sexy.

Of course now I am the Draenei Pally riding the tiny AV ram, but I still pop out my charger from time to time.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Feb 05 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,599 posts
I would recommend you get it. The mount is awesome, and was desinged specifically for your character.

As a quick recommendation - here are some tips to make it go faster:

1) Always ask Paladins for help. They will be more sympathetic to your cause.
2) Strat Holy Water - try to get a group that is dedicated to helping you out. Friends and other higher level Paladins are preferrable. You can complete this in under 30 mins. Otherwise, you will spend countless hours runing around with a PUG, and you may never get your Holy Waters because other folks got the silly quest from EPL. It happened to me many many times.
3) Strat Holy Water - Bring a dwarf. They can detect if the boxes have Holy Water, or mobs. Saves you time.
4) DM - Try to get someone who already has key to West wing so you don't have to run East Wing. This one is really fast since boss is near beginning - about 30 mins total (don't forget to go to SouthShore first).
5) Scholo - If possible, get a 5 Pally group. This instance was designed with Paladins in mind, and the final fight is also designed for Paladins. I did it with 4 Pallys, and it was pretty easy. Took us about 45 mins from the time we entered the instance.

Good luck :)

EDIT - bad grammar

Edited, Feb 5th 2008 9:33am by YJMark
#8 Feb 05 2008 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
It's a pain in the **** at some points, but at the end it's totally worth it when you mount up on your golden (Or blood red) steed.
#9 Feb 05 2008 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
I loved it personally. Less cost, lore was kinda neat. Only takes an afternoon if you have help. Being able to have a mount no one else can(minus other pallies) is kinda fun. If there's a mount quest I don't enjoy it's the warlock's. In the process right now on the Dreadsteed quest, a lot more travel and a lot more cost on my server, in the end I'll be paying a few hundred more gold on it than a normal mount. I'd say the amount of time it takes is about the same, but the Dreadsteed quest line is lot more tedious imo. Also kind of feels like I'm just running errands for everyone, where as the Pally mount quest it's all about YOU(at least for BElves).

It all comes down to if you want it or not. There's no increased speed, there's no wings or chocolate-sundaes that pop out from the thing. It's a unique and pretty sick-looking skin that says you are a pally. I love mine =)
#10 Feb 05 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
For me, I decided that time was more valuable. I looked at the quest line and the items needed and it seemed to me like it was going to require more time than I really wanted to put into it...especially since I had the money to buy the normal epic mount anyway.

I very well may go back at some point and get the charger, but leveling was more important at the time and now gearing up is a priority. It would be kind of cool to have the charger, but the time I saved not doing it is more valuable to me at this point. For me, time outweighed the cool factor.
#11 Feb 05 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
TacticalRage wrote:
there's no wings or chocolate-sundaes that pop out from the thing.

I'm glad I grabbed the flying ***************** charger while it was still in stock then. (The people in shat love me when I fly over them)

The funnest (that's right I said it) thing about the Warlock quest to me was the end of it. Kinda like the fight in ZF, I like those brawl outs where at the end there are corpses all around you and you can /roar like the beast that you are.

As for the BE Charger quest, seemed like you were running errands to me. "Go kill those skeletons, go do this, go extinguish the flame in the chapel, oh here's a mount for your trouble."

The Ally Charger quest was all about you. "Go get these things so I can make your barding, get this so I can make it magical, go get the spirit of that undead horse and shove it into the spirit of this other undead horse and put a saddle on it. There's your damn charger"
#12 Feb 05 2008 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
I'm with Celcio on this. The entire time I was doing the damn quest line I kept asking myself "why?" I had the gold to buy one, twice over. Thank goodness for a lock in my guild that I had run quests with from meeting him at 45ish through Outland. I helped him get his Dreadsteed and he prodded me relentlessly, including putting the group together for me to do the final part one Sunday night.

The last part, after the final boss is dead and you do the last step to get the charger, is one of my most favorite moments in the game. Something about being in that room with four people who are there only because they want to help you - because it is rare to find anyone who actually just wants to do that run for fun - with the door locked, with everyone standing by the door watching, and you are on that pile of bones while they are asking "did you get it?"

I have helped other Pallies do this, and insisted on being there when another guildie got the charger for her alt. I would do the quest again a thousand times. I would help you in a minute if you were on my server. (O.K., maybe not a thousand)

But that's just me.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#13 Feb 05 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
[quote-"CapJack"]As for the BE Charger quest, seemed like you were running errands to me. "Go kill those skeletons, go do this, go extinguish the flame in the chapel, oh here's a mount for your trouble."

The Ally Charger quest was all about you. "Go get these things so I can make your barding, get this so I can make it magical, go get the spirit of that undead horse and shove it into the spirit of this other undead horse and put a saddle on it. There's your damn charger"[/quote]

See, that's what I wanted.. Lore wise Paladins are very close to their mounts. But I guess when your class is a lorelol, things just aren't 100%.

Nice job on your Winged and Chocolate Sundae ******** Ungodly Charger Mount, I didn't have a pally till expansion so I missed out.

CapJack's Charger shall now be referred to as the WaCSSCUM.

Tac has spoken..
#14 Feb 05 2008 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm... WaxScum, ironically that's also what I call bodh (when he's not looking).

Editted for personal reasons (don't look at me)

Edited, Feb 5th 2008 3:53pm by CapJack
#15 Feb 05 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, what i have been doing is using the normal mount, but when bored, try to complete the mount quest. normal mount isn't bad once you have crusader aura, and youll get the epic soon anyway.
#16 Feb 05 2008 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
That's why I try to advise people to start saving up for their mounts and getting the items around level 50 so they can get started as soon as they hit 60.
#17 Feb 05 2008 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Just do it mate. You won't regret it.
#18 Feb 05 2008 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Meh, I haven't done it for my pally, and I probably won't, just because female draenei look god-awful on horses. Well, and I'm not really that thrilled with the looks of the charger. From the back and sides it looks okay, but I don't like all the bling on the front (yes, I called it bling).
#19 Feb 05 2008 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
You will be banished to the Twisting Nether by your fellow Paladins if you do not get your Charger. So, I suggest you all who don't have it yet get crackin' ;)
#20 Feb 05 2008 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Hahaha I plan on it just have to collect the stuff, can never find arthas' tears though, was 1 on AH, but it was up for 10g, not spending that much on an item like that, I'm just glad from what I've gathered so far that its not as bad as the lock epic quest.
#21 Feb 06 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
Hyakkimaru wrote:
Hahaha I plan on it just have to collect the stuff, can never find arthas' tears though, was 1 on AH, but it was up for 10g, not spending that much on an item like that, I'm just glad from what I've gathered so far that its not as bad as the lock epic quest.

Yes, it's a known bug that when your pally hits lvl 60 you develop a glitch in your WTF and Interface folders causing the AH to go haywire, e.g., the price of arcanite bars and pristine black diamonds doubles right before your eyes. The only known solution is for you to complete the epic horsie quest or finally break down crying at the "welfare epic mount" dealer, either of which will cause the AH to re-balance itself.

As for Arthas' Tears in particular, I plowed through Un'goro Crater like Kobe Bryant and slaughtered more than enough Bloodpetal people to get my share of Tears. At lvl 60 however that approach is clearly a waste of your time; I would put up a WTB message in trade chat. It's not an uncommon herb, but I've known a couple of alchies who say it's hardly worth picking since it's only used in a couple of rather non-lucrative recipes.
#22 Feb 06 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
As far as the holy water in strat quest....I two-manned it. I had a level 62 shammy buddy and used my level 70 mage. I parked my pally outside of strat first. We went in and cleared the trash (without looting the boxes). Once we made it to the Strat live section, I logged my mage, brought my pally in and looted all my waters. Easy!
#23 Feb 06 2008 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Ive always wondered which quest line was harder. The Alliance pally quest or the Horde pally quest. I did the horde one and it seemed pretty easy exept for the 24h cooldown alchmy bars. it was pretty much a Get his and go there kinda quest. anyways personally i love my charger.(althogh now I am using a undead horse. Kinda tryin to be a "evil" pally riding on his arch rival lol)
#24 Feb 06 2008 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
The ally one is harder, you have to go to more instances. The BE one ou can solo most of the way until the end. Then you need some help, but even when you do it, the "hard" part is right next to the entrance, so you don't have to go deep into the instance.

Yeah.. the BE one is much easier, though they both cost about the same amount.
#25 Feb 06 2008 at 11:15 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
I finally did mine at 68, Had the money and AH mats pretty cheap actually, even the diamond so all in all it was much cheaper than the standard epic, around 500G or less, give or take, and at 68 I didnt realize I still got mad xp for it, so I dont know it the questline gives you gold or not for those parts, but I had the mats like I said at 60, could never find anyone to help. PLayed to 66,quite the game about 6 months, came back got to 68 and said I HAVE to have the charger, still had all the mats and money, so I started reading up and lo and behold, I actually posted a long diatribe about it a month or so ago in these very forums to a person who asked if they could solo it.

I soloed EVERY part even up to the part of the final showdown with the deathknight, yes I said it LOL, meaning I soloed to clear the room.

At 68, it takes time and you will die alot, but you can bypass alot of mobs in Strat, and with patch 2.3, the GOOD boxes even glow for you. Usually right at the beginning you can get at least 2 of the five. Got in a little further and was able to hug the walls and get a third. If youre lucky you may get more drops from one crate than I did, one a piece. THen I would reset the instance, usually the easy ones are gone and you do have to fight the initial mobs, and if you plan carefully you can fight selected ones, just remember healing pots and also I dont think I couldnt do it any other way that PROT with the AOE tools like reckoning, using seal and judge of light and wisdom, I was able to get through most without much trouble.

FOr scholo, if you dont have the key like me you can kill yourself outside the front of the instance and rez inside, just make sure to take your gear off and you can fight the first mobs and to the right or left of the bridge jump to the farthest corner near where thebridge starts, and you might drop on one mob which is fine solo, then hug the wall to the little entrance to the next room to the right if you dumped down left from the bridge or left if you jumped down right. You can walk right down the middle, only thing is to pick off the pats, I used exorcism and killed them one at a time, and just walked to the dragonkin room picked off the first one and his handler right there, hugged the wall to the left and dropped down in the hole where the actual fight happens. Using Exorcism I picked them all of one at a time til I had the boss which was fine solo, forgot his name.

Now this is the only part I didnt solo, as I finally had someone to help another 70 pally, just him and I. Afterwardss I think I could have done it myself. AS I had tried one time to solo it, but the waves of spirits, the first wave, threw me off and I freaked. When I had the other pally with me and we got through t he first wave the other waves were really a joke, as you can sit and drink and bandgae, heal whatever between. The the deathdarknightreaver guy, I thought was pretty soloable at 68, so in retrospect I might have done it solo, but to save some time and effort, you dont need a huge group or anything.

Just periodically do the couple of waters in strat at a time, or try all in one setting, then do the scholo. If you dont havea key and have a friend its hard even for a pally naked to jump down and kill ourselves, a lock can hellfire themselves rez on the inside and pull the lever for you. or if you do bring a friend preferably 70, you can dual, then run up the stairs and finish yourself off by jumping down.

THe other instance is DM, which you only have to make sure the PATS are all killed which are soloable, and make sure you run around a few times and when you fight stand against the wall as they have a knockback, and make sure they are all gone, as I had some I thought were all gone only to find one straggler. THen the last guy, you may have to use a cooldown and pots, but the main guy is soloable, I was 68 so you may have more ease of all this at 70.

WHen you get the mount, its just an amazing feeling, I never would consider one of those plain epic horse mounts, elleck perhaps LOL, but not horses, rams or really any other mount. Plus, for me, it was considerably cheaper.

Ooops, I went on more than I intended LOL, I would help in a heartbeat but Im on another server.
#26 Feb 06 2008 at 11:21 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
woops, I juxtaposed your 70 and pally,

Well, using what I said, I think if you can get at least another 70 to essentially do what I did then you should be able to get it, and yes it is worth it.

Everyone has horses, and rams, and elleks, and cats and stuff. Only one class can get what I have and since you are 60 the xp added up to almost 100k or 85 or so, and again, for me it was maybe 500G or so.

SO yes yes yes yes yes.

Or wait til you can solo most yourself, collect the stuff, as even with the regular 40 mount when you get crusader aura its a shade under the epic mount speed, but the aura and epic mount is just a sight to behold.


when you can :)
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