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Showing my Guildmaster he's just wrong . . . about tankingFollow

#1 Jan 31 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
127 posts
Hey guys,

My guildmaster is main-tanking one of our kara groups and they seem to have stalled a bit. I'd like to inform him that his build and itemization are...not optimal.

I won't link you his armory for his own protection, but his build is here. Also, he has the entire Gladiator's Vindication set for tanking in and only reaches uncritibility by his large amount of resilience. He has the full chance to get crushed and even takes regular hits (8.56% miss, 10.96% dodge, 8.77% parry, 8.56% block) which I think is what is doing him in. However, he does have a boatload of armor (16.8k) and decent hp (11.3k).

So, does anyone have some suggestions on how to broach the subject in a nice way that won't make him too upset?
#2 Jan 31 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
umm 61 points in Prot with PVP don't really matter how much armor and HP this guys has he will fail...I'm afraid this guy may be hopeless...

You could mention this site and how great the FAQs are and hope that he comes here and learns the error of his ways all by himself
#3 Jan 31 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
Had the exact same thing in my old guild... GM, holy switched to prot, 61 pts in prot, inappropriate gear, wouldn't listen to anyone, made Attumen a challenge again. While I do enjoy a challenge, using 3 mana pots on the first boss in Kara after having it on farm for months is not my idea of fun.

You can point him here if you like, but getting him appropriately geared will take weeks of running normal 70 instances and heroics. And if he's a GM, and can't even bother to do a little research on his class, chances are he's also a crappy leader.

I left that guild and found much greener pastures.
#4 Jan 31 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
i just died alittle inside. . .

if its that bad, then there is no helping it. you will **** him off, you pretty much have too. if you believe in your decisions and someone tells you that your 100% wrong (which he seems to be) your going to take it hard.

Edited, Jan 31st 2008 11:06am by RuenBahamut
#5 Jan 31 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
127 posts
I'm in a 'casual' guild and have several friends in the guild I'd rather not abandon. Although, when I'm ready for Gruul's that just might happen as I can't imagine him turning over the pally tanking spot to me and I don't want to be left behind (we already have a couple good warrior tanks who the GM likes more than me).

For the good of the rest of the guild (and especially his Kara group), I'd like to help him out if I can. I just don't know how to broach the subject (he seems to think he's awesome and is always talking about his amazing threat).

I guess I could try and get my Kara group (which just started) to finish Kara before his (who has been in there for several months and still can't down Prince). Maybe then he'll ask me how I do it? (Of course, we have quite a long way to go.)

#6 Jan 31 2008 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
He needs someone like me to walk up to him, inspect him, and laugh my *** off. I'm not very... tactful, but when I say things people tend to listen more than not.

LAWL @ UR SPEC U R BAD !!11!1!! or something like that.

You know, I really ought to make a sticky for proposed specs that make absolutely no sense just for entertainment sakes. This would definitely be in there.
#7 Jan 31 2008 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
468 posts
I don’t really know if there is a tactful way to tell him that he sucks but one way to show that your gear/spec is superior would be to record combat logs from the same bosses to prove to him that you take in way less damage. You could also have your guilds healers back you up, surely they would agree with you since you should be easier to heal.
#8 Jan 31 2008 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
127 posts
I like that idea Chood. Does anyone know of an add-on that would give me a good combat log summary or statistics or whatnot? I've never tried any. (I'll have to recruit someone is his group to log his combats too.)

And Dilbrt, I'll see if I can find some random strangers (hopefully well-geared pally-tank strangers) to make fun of him...
#9 Jan 31 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
There are a few very fancy analysis tools out there.

However, just download DamageMeters, and record the "Damage Taken" stats after a fight.
#10 Jan 31 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
nimrokon wrote:
I like that idea Chood. Does anyone know of an add-on that would give me a good combat log summary or statistics or whatnot? I've never tried any. (I'll have to recruit someone is his group to log his combats too.)

That site will tell you how to configure WoW to properly record all the information. Then, run it through their java applet, and upload it to a web site. You can get very detailed information on how much damage a boss is dealing to the tanks. Then it shouldn't be much harder to show the difference between tanks.
#11 Jan 31 2008 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Improved Hammer of Justice on a raid spec? ...improved Devotion Aura?

One point in Stoicism. It actually looks like he's trying to PvP as prot.

Just tell him that he's got entirely the wrong gear for a guild farming Kara, and let him sit it out for a few weeks while he runs some 70 instances to catch up. PvP gear doesn't work in PvE. It's very simple.
#12 Jan 31 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Improved Hammer of Justice on a raid spec? ...improved Devotion Aura?

One point in Stoicism. It actually looks like he's trying to PvP as prot.

No really it just looks like he doesn't know he can (or doesn't know how to) split trees. I've known some mages like that "Fire mage means full fire" etc.

As far as the gear - seems like he's also fallen into that purple pixel thing. I see so many people do that. Blues are better than my green, purple is better than my blue. Doesn't matter about the stats for spec, it's the rarity that matters. It works ok with some pieces for DPS but PVP gear for tanking, no matter the pixel color, is pretty near useless. Well, unless they make tank/healing gear for healers... that would rock.

As far as chood's idea? Well it would be quite telling. But if he's going on about his threat and whatnot then he's probably got quite the swollen e-peen and I'm not sure doing a comparison sort of deal would be useful. Well it would be useful but it would probably put him on the defensive.

Maybe, instead of that, say something like "Oh dude I found this good site with a gear list and stuff. Made me realize that I was doing some things wrong and that while threat is a good thing I don't generate threat when I'm DEAD"

OK, don't caps that. But if you're after actually changing things and keeping the peace say that you learned a lot and point him to the gear list here or elsewhere and leave it at that. If he doesn't get the hint he's not going to and then you're going to have to decide what you want to do.
#13 Jan 31 2008 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
I just died a little inside too :( My advise: ask him to come to this site and we'll straighten him out ;)
#14 Jan 31 2008 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
1,309 posts
I am highly saddened by this build...

I think you may need to put him down before any further damage is caused.
#15 Jan 31 2008 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
3,339 posts
DrkMateo wrote:
I think you may need to put him down before any further damage is caused.

But wait! I thought, as fellow paladins, and in class (if not viability) solidarity, we all had to stick together and validate each other.
#16 Jan 31 2008 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good

that's all I got to say.
#17 Jan 31 2008 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
127 posts
Celcio wrote:
But wait! I thought, as fellow paladins, and in class (if not viability) solidarity, we all had to stick together and validate each other.

Don't you dare turn this into another one of 'those threads' Celcio, I've been down-ranking the arguments of paladin solidarity/niceties for days now in attempt to get rid of them...

Anyway, since I'm now leading my own kara group, I'm going to be posting some links to helpful information on our guild website. I plan on suggesting he check out what I found for Tankadins. Hopefully, that'll lead to him re-evaluating some of his choices and maybe give me an in for some dialogue without getting him upset.

#18 Jan 31 2008 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
nimrokon wrote:
Celcio wrote:
But wait! I thought, as fellow paladins, and in class (if not viability) solidarity, we all had to stick together and validate each other.

Don't you dare turn this into another one of 'those threads' Celcio, I've been down-ranking the arguments of paladin solidarity/niceties for days now in attempt to get rid of them...

Sorry Smiley: frown

*shuffles off*

It's hard to shuffle in plate - it clangs no matter what you do. Any mages around I can borrow some wool batting from? Am I allowed to ask that?
#19 Feb 01 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
My former guild leader was a prot warrior with points in Imp Rend(a skill he actually used all the time) who refused to get Mongoose on The Sun Eater because it was too expensive.. I feel your pain, OP. Hopefully he isn't the thick-skulled, self-important, completely psychopathic nimrod that my former guild leader is.

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 1:19am by Poldaran
#20 Feb 01 2008 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
If he gets defensive there's not much you can do about it. There's a certain type of person that just gets narky and mean whenever you criticise them. The trick is to downplay the problem, so that he doesn't take it the wrong way, but at the same time hint to him that he could be doing better if he did this this and this.

Something like "Hey, I've been reading on Alla lately, they have some real good advice. You should drop by and check out their guides sometime." If you say "but your build is stuuuupiiid!" he'll just go batsh*t. There's a friend in my pen-and-paper RP group who's like that. Whenever he DM's, we have to be reeeeaaallly careful what we say (because his games are usually crappy) because if he gets pissed off he'll chuck us out of his house.

So, like "Oh, it's not a huge deal, it's just that you would be tanking better in this gear. I mean, purple doesn't always mean good." Also try to pop the subject of cross-specialisation, like some points in Holy. I find ten points in Holy to be useful in any Paladin build.
#21 Feb 03 2008 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

You would be surprised how many tanks out there have no idea. Try pugging for kara (I know) and see what you get. I have seen raid leaders try and MT with PvP heal gear telling me that my gear isnt as good because it doesnt have enough resilience. My answer?


At the time I had no choice but to pug as my guild hadnt progressed that far yet but I soon realised I was better off sticking to heroics then pugging kara.

Its amazing what people think they can tank with. I think a whole green set "...of the champion" would do a better job then epic PvP gear. I dont know whether to laugh, cry or just shake my head.
#22 Feb 03 2008 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
Its amazing what people think they can tank with. I think a whole green set "...of the champion" would do a better job then epic PvP gear. I dont know whether to laugh, cry or just shake my head.

I know you're probably talking exclusively about paladins and warriors, but don't knock PvP gear for tanking if you ever see a druid wearing it. It's actually pretty decent for them.
#23 Feb 03 2008 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

I was talking paladin exclusively with a hint of warrior lol. I dont read too much into druid's gear. Honestly I dont know the first thing about the way they gear themselves. These days I only really run heroics so its just the healer gear I really worry about. Poor DPS will usually just slow the group down. A bad healer or tank will most likely kill us all. I know I am generalising but its just what I have found in my experience in 5mans.
#24 Feb 04 2008 at 4:44 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Link him to this thread.

"Hey, Guild Leader guy, your Prot build is less than optimal for PvE. Allow me to qualify that by stating I have nothing against you or Prot pallies, this is just the opinion of a guy who has raided with Prot pallies from Attumen to Hyjal.

Worse you are using PvP epics to raid with. Having purples for the sake of purples is a really not good plan. Especially when you try to substitute PvP epics for PvE or vice versa. They have different functions and with only a few exceptions to the rule, tend to under perform when used outside where they are supposed to be used.

I understand that you probably have a reasoning or justification for each of your choices. Allow me to cut through them and state flat out, that they are all flawed and are doing your guild a disservice. You are the MT, one of the most vital parts of any raid and if you are all over the place in terms of build and wearing less than stellar gear for the job you chose to do then you are most definitely hindering raid progression. I won't blame it entirely on you, since I obviously don't know your raid make up and who is performing and not but as it stands you are contributing to the suck as much as a Sub Mace rogue would be."
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Feb 04 2008 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Not much to say that others haven't already. Obviously this guy has the IQ of my step brother's imaginary friend, or he's so full of himself(from the sounds of it) and thick headed he won't even consider the possibility of him not being the self-proclaimed Pally GOD. Out of all the idea's, I think you sticking with your own group is better than anything else. You don't want to get kicked out, and there's no way you want to group with this guy. In short, he's trying to be a Warrior.. Commence laughter. If he's as stubborn as you're saying, anything anyone says that suggests his spec is idiotic in the slightest is just going to **** him off.

But, if you have the bubble-hearths to do so, you may send him to this discussion. =)
#26 Feb 04 2008 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
127 posts
I'm not sure that I have the "bubble-hearths" to link my GM directly to this thread, but I did put a nice big post on the guild website suggesting people check out these forums for good advice. So we'll see if he follows along to this page.

Anyway, I'm not saying he's a super-cocky jerk or anything, just that my more subtle methods of questioning his build/gear have resulted in failure (either because he just doesn't believe me or I'm being TOO suble for him to get it) and he thinks he's doing well. So, I'm having to move on to less subtle measures and requesting advice about how to do it.

Oh, and thanks for your comments Bhod. Although, 'not nice, at all'. They're pretty direct and convincing.
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