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Bare minimum for heroicsFollow

#1 Jan 30 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,888 posts
I got 66 yesterday and am planning to get 70 till march, maybe april if I decide to farm honor at 69. So, I was thinking in what I have to do before getting there and thought about heroics and realized that I don't know much about it. So my questions are:

1 - I know that Heroics, by definition, are more dificult than normal instances. But, how much? I mean, comparing a level 60ish doing normal Ramparts and a newly 70 doing Heroic Ramparts, how much of difference it would make? Are there more mobs? Or they are the very same mobs, but higher in level and dificulty?

2 - What are the bare minimum for Heroic for a feral Druid? I mean, I would like to always be as kitty and DPSing, but I'm pretty sure that 60% of the time, if I want to go to an Heroic instance, I will have to go as a tank. So, what are the minimuns for both tank (defense, armor, hp, dodge, etc) and dps (ap, crit, hit, etc) as a Druid for Heroic? I know those numbers for raid bosses, but I think that those number can be lower for Heroics, since, more then often, you will need Heroic equipment to get to be crit immune for raids, right?

3 - I often read people complaining about fresh 70 doing Heroic right away, instead to have to grind the reputation for it. But, for some instances, I don't see so much of a problem. For example, Ramparts. I mean, I'm pretty sure that when I'm level 70 I can solo, if not it all, almost everything on it. So, what would be for me to gain running it over and over? I mean, I already runned it 5 or 6 times and I'm still 66 and dropped everything I wanted from there. So, what would be the real issue here? Is it just "jealous" because fresh 70 don't have to grind so much reputation for the Heroic or these are an honest concern?
#2 Jan 30 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
Heroics are much harder than the previous versions of the instance. One of the big changes is that a lot of the enemies are immune to the various forms of Crowd control that are available. The targets also have more health and do more damage. This makes it critical for everyone in the group to be pulling their weight so to speak. An accidental set of adds is not so easy to overcome due to shear cusidness and will most times prove quite fatal. CC is even more so a big part of the dungeon as you will want as many enemies occupied as possible while killing the main target.

Gear wise it is best if you geared for these as if you were going into a raid. There are some heroics that I have heard as being harder than doing Kara.

Also, work on your resist sets. There are several bosses that will now require you to have 250 min resistance to one school of magic. For heroic Ramparts you would need a Fire set for the last boss and possibly a Shadow set for the second one.
#3 Jan 30 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
958 posts
In Blood Furnace the first pull of 2 mobs killed a warrior tank with 11k armor before I could cast a 2.5 second heal and he had earth shield. He was under geared but had his 491 defense rating so he was crit immune. I was kicked from the group for being a sucky healer. The "raid healer" they brought in didn't do any better. Wipe and they disbanded.

Stats - Entry level Kara and Gruul

Ramparts is a level 60-61 instance and isn't overly difficult at that level with a decent group. It also stopped giving you rep after honored or so. Heroic Ramparts is a solid level 70 instance with several mobs that can deal a good pounding. The previous way to gain rep at 70 was Shattered Halls for Honor Hold / Thrallamar; I would classify it below a heroic but one of the more difficult instances for a new 70 due to the amount of mobs to control.

I would highly suggest running all of the 70 instances on normal at least once to get a feel for what they are actually like before making the switch to heroic.

In heroic - the mobs are generally the same in terms of location and number. Their attack power has been ramped up significantly to the point where many will one shot a clothy. Most of the bosses are the same but several have a new trick or two added.

By all means though give it a try but if you get pawned on the first pull because you went down too fast then don't blame your healer.
#4 Jan 30 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Thank you for your kind reply. I suppose it's reasonable to do lvl 70 instances before running any Heroic, so I'll do it, no doubt.
Good to know that they are generally the same number, and I guess I spected them to be way harder, for everything I read say exactly that.
One question, though. If the mobs are immune to CC, how one group can efectively CC then?


Stats - Entry level Kara and Gruul

Sorry if I misunderstand you, but are you saying to me that the stats to go to Kara and Gruul are the same for Heroics? I tend to doubt that, since the first impression I have is that I have to have some Heroic drops and badges rewards before adventuring into Kara/Gruul, so I would have to run Heroics before it. It just don't make sense to me. Again, sorry If I misunderstand.

I suppose that something like 26%~30% crit and 1500~2000 AP is a good starter for kitty in an Heroic. I imagine I have to be hit capped too. And crit immune for mobs of lvl 73 as a tank, right? Or the defense cap for Heroics is lower?
#5 Jan 30 2008 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
They're not immune to all CC, just certain ones; usually Mind Control is the only thing off limits (but there are some mobs that are immune to everything). It varies by instance, so check wowwiki for the rules of a particular case. SV hunters are invaluable for heroics, because very little is immune to trapping, and if he's good he can chain trap and kite 2 or more mobs while the group focus fires as few as possible simultaneous mobs.

As far as stats are concerned, first I should clear up that it is not expected of you to run heroics before entering kara. You can reach any required stats strictly off of BoE/BoP greens and blues (you'll generally have more blue than green by the time you're "ready" though), all of which can be obtained through finishing some of the more detailed quest chains around, as well as dungeon drops (many of which dungeons don't take more than an hour for a competent group).

That said, you probably do need pretty close to kara stats to do heroics; definitely need to be crit-immune, and a good amount of health and armor to deal with the mobs that will otherwise tear through you.
#6 Jan 30 2008 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Brisin wrote:
1 - I know that Heroics, by definition, are more dificult than normal instances. But, how much?
I'm only entry level heroic here, and not into Kara yet, but to me heroics are a TOTALLY different ballgame. Everybody has to be well-geared, and everybody has to both know the fights and do their job to near perfection. Anything less leads to wipes.

Brisin wrote:
2 - What are the bare minimum for Heroic for a feral Druid? I'm pretty sure that 60% of the time, if I want to go to an Heroic instance, I will have to go as a tank. I think that those number can be lower for Heroics, since, more then often, you will need Heroic equipment to get to be crit immune for raids, right?
Incorrect on a few counts.
1) To tank heroics ya gotta be crit immune. Get your heavy clefthoof set in the AH and you're most of the way there. With a combination of other gear and enchants, and 415 def is easy peasy.
2) I recommend that your first entree into heroics be as DPS...tanking them is brutal.

Skibum's right, man, check that Kara readiness thread for an idea of Heroic readiness. Those with more experience than I have say that some heroics are harder than early Kara stuff.

Your guess of 26-30% crit and 1500-2000 AP in cat form is weak sauce for heroics. For perspective, I don't have any heroic upgrades yet and am sitting at 33.5% crit and 2650 AP. You better at least get to 31 and 2200 or so. Tanking is even more gear dependent. In bear form before some recent upgrades I had 12k health and 20.5k armor...I tanked Heroic SV (my first heroic) as a last resort because they couldn't find anybody else...we couldn't get past one boss until our lock switched to his epic'd out prot warrior and I switched to DPS. Maybe I suck and they were just being nice, but the group was insistent that I was playing well but undergeared.

Brisin wrote:
3 - I often read people complaining about fresh 70 doing Heroic right away, instead to have to grind the reputation for it. But, for some instances, I don't see so much of a problem.
With all due respect: "save it." You're not close enough to this content to say you don't see what the problem is. And "heroic" does not equate to "X levels harder than base level of instance" such that Heroic Ramps is 10 levels easier than Heroic Mech. They're all tuned to be difficult for 70's and all require very good gear and technique.

Brisin wrote:
For example, Ramparts that you mention. I'm pretty sure that when I'm level 70 I can solo, if not it all, almost everything on it.
Uuuhhhh, no.
#7 Jan 30 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
To understand the scale of heroics: You haven't fought them yet, but imagine a level 70 instance like Black Morass, Steam Vaults, etc. These are about as hard for a fresh 70 as Scholomance or Stratholme were in the old days (if you played then). Mobs hit hard, meaning healers run out of mana more easily, meaning dps needs to kill things quickly. On top of that there's mechanics, good communication, focused fire and the like. Alltogether a 70 instance can be quite challenging.

Now double it. I'm not kidding. Trash in a heroic is BRUTAL, hitting hard. If you lose control they will easily 2-3-shot a well-geared clothie, and that's not slow hits. A full party of new 70s trying a heroic is about comparable to you walking into the Steam Vaults right now. It is not to be treated lightly. That's the main complaint I have about fresh 70s doing heroics, all too often I see them walking in expecting an easy time of it, and being stupid as a result. You can do it with good people, but you can't be casual about it at that gear level.

Minimum gearing? It really depends. A good tank can make up for a poorer healer, and vice-versa. With a good healer behind me, I have seen the two of us carry three sub-par dps through heroics, as long as they can hit the right target (though that pisses me off, see previous paragraph). Keep an eye out for good gear, a list like at can be invaluable for this (some unassuming quests have rewards that last a very long time). The best way to find out if you're ready is to try it. When you get to 70, grab some friends (you don't want to subject strangers to this), head for a heroic, and see just how outclassed you are.

As to the mechanics of a heroic? Same mobs, but harder. They're all 70+ elites, but tougher than that number would normally imply. Bosses in the 70 instances don't get beefed up too much, though some (like Murmur) have extra mechanics in fighting them. Bosses in sub-70 instances are brought up to that level, and some overshoot the mark (heroic Ramparts for example, will have a whole lot of firey death, and the Demon isn't fun with a lot of melee).
#8 Jan 30 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Jeebar wrote:

Your guess of 26-30% crit and 1500-2000 AP in cat form is weak sauce for heroics

Yeah, after I writed it down I realized that this was way too low, since I'm 66 and almost with that numbers. But I decided to leave it be, since whatever number I put there would be a guess anyway.

Jeebar wrote:

With all due respect: "save it." You're not close enough to this content to say you don't see what the problem is. And "heroic" does not equate to "X levels harder than base level of instance" such that Heroic Ramps is 10 levels easier than Heroic Mech. They're all tuned to be difficult for 70's and all require very good gear and technique

No problem, it was more of a guess than anything again. You got to be wrong before be right, right?
Maybe I wrote in a way that sounded bad, but wasn't really my intention. But thanks for the input, nevertheless. It's important stuff to know.

JeeBar wrote:

Brisin wrote:
For example, Ramparts that you mention. I'm pretty sure that when I'm level 70 I can solo, if not it all, almost everything on it.
Uuuhhhh, no.

I meant the normal one, not the Heroic, of course. At least, I have heard some people claming that and I thought I could do it too, since I'm not a bad player for my class (I think that I'm actually quite good, but that's another point). Of course they could be lying, thus my assumption would be total failure, but I just based my claim on what I heard and read before.

selebrin wrote:

To understand the scale of heroics: You haven't fought them yet, but imagine a level 70 instance like Black Morass, Steam Vaults, etc. These are about as hard for a fresh 70 as Scholomance or Stratholme were in the old days (if you played then).

I didn't played before BC was released, but I did played those instances before venturing at BC, just to tale a look at them. The PUG I went with had lots and lots of trouble. If I'm not mistaken, we didn't finished it, so I can quite understand this. Not entirely, but quite.

selebrin wrote:

Minimum gearing? It really depends. A good tank can make up for a poorer healer, and vice-versa. With a good healer behind me, I have seen the two of us carry three sub-par dps through heroics, as long as they can hit the right target (though that pisses me off, see previous paragraph). Keep an eye out for good gear, a list like at can be invaluable for this (some unassuming quests have rewards that last a very long time)

I use emmeral list a lot. I even made a search and posted a list of "equip-to-have-before-next-expansion", since I don't think I will have time to raid before the expack comes, due to personal commitments. This is the link to my list:;mid=1201529069245959549;num=0;page=1

selebrin wrote:
The best way to find out if you're ready is to try it. When you get to 70, grab some friends (you don't want to subject strangers to this), head for a heroic, and see just how outclassed you are.

Will try to do that, but I don't think they will want to or even if it would be compared to a "real" situation. 90% of my guild is sitting on t5, but maybe this will show how low I would be. Gotta learn somewhere, somehow.

selebrin wrote:

As to the mechanics of a heroic? Same mobs, but harder. They're all 70+ elites, but tougher than that number would normally imply. Bosses in the 70 instances don't get beefed up too much, though some (like Murmur) have extra mechanics in fighting them. Bosses in sub-70 instances are brought up to that level, and some overshoot the mark (heroic Ramparts for example, will have a whole lot of firey death, and the Demon isn't fun with a lot of melee).

Thanks for this input.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the responses. Was more-or-less what I thought, but a litle harder, heh. I thought that, for example, the defense needed to be crit immune would be lower, since the mobs aren't 73 like raid bosses, but from what you say, the defense needed is quite the same.
Guess this is the "you had to be there" kind of thing. Well, I will soon and I will post my thoughts then.

Rate up for everyone who posted here. I asked and you answered in a right manner. Thanks a lot.

Edited, Jan 30th 2008 5:00pm by Brisin
#9 Jan 30 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Brisin wrote:
Jeebar wrote:
With all due respect: "save it." You're not close enough to this content to say you don't see what the problem is. And "heroic" does not equate to "X levels harder than base level of instance" such that Heroic Ramps is 10 levels easier than Heroic Mech. They're all tuned to be difficult for 70's and all require very good gear and technique
No problem, it was more of a guess than anything again. Maybe I wrote in a way that sounded bad, but wasn't really my intention.

For the record my "save it" response was written in a way that sounded bad, too, but the point really was "wait until you get there before you say that, you'll be surprised" not "shut yer piehole noob." : )

Brisin wrote:
JeeBar wrote:
Brisin wrote:
For example, Ramparts that you mention. I'm pretty sure that when I'm level 70 I can solo, if not it all, almost everything on it.
Uuuhhhh, no.

I meant the normal one, not the Heroic, of course. At least, I have heard some people claming that and I thought I could do it too, since I'm not a bad player for my class (I think that I'm actually quite good, but that's another point). Of course they could be lying, thus my assumption would be total failure, but I just based my claim on what I heard and read before.

They are not necessarily lying, but it's not as simple as you made it sound, that was what my point was supposed to be. I've seen posts about well-geared level 70 druids stealthing the instance and soloing the bosses, and just found videos of a moderately well-geared druid soloing parts of it, and a hunter too. My guess is that it's really hard and these players are badass. I'm sure some of our uberdrood posters here have done it, or could if they wanted to.

Edited, Jan 30th 2008 1:11pm by JeeBar
#10 Jan 30 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
As others have said heroics are absolutely brutal and the difficulty is on a scale that you have never encountered before. Even the heroics instances themselves can vary greatly from one another. Heroic instances require everyone to be on the top of their game and have the appropriate gear and knowledge of their class to succeed.

If you plan on tanking, which as a feral druid you likely will, plan on having about 22k armor, 13k health, 27% dodge, and be crit immune. Some instances may require more than this, others may require less, but I think this is a good ballpark estimate of where you should be to tank most heroics.

If you plan on dpsing, I would shoot for at least 2.5k attack power and 30% crit. Hit rating doesn't need to be maxed but you should have some +hit. Proper dps is just as important in heroics as healers and tanks. Some bosses simply cannot be done if you are a low on dps (the second boss in Botanica comes to mind.)

If you think you're ready for heroics the best thing you can do is go out and try one. This is the best way to check and see if your gear and tanking skills are up to the new content you are facing. In my guild we send any prospective tanks to try tanking the Ravengaurds in Heroic Sethekk Halls. The combined dps of those two mobs can easily reach over 1000 and I've seen it reach as high as 1800. I figure that if you can tank those mobs you are ready for most anything heroics will throw at you... at least your gear is anyways.
#11 Jan 30 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
To the mention that you need badge/heroic gear to hit Kara-ready stats, there's plenty of other stuff out there to get to and well beyond the usual starter stats.

With quest rewards, rep rewards, non-heroic drops, and crafted/bought BoE's I have 25,300 armor, 13,300 health, and 27.7% dodge.

This is counting in blue quality gems in all sockets and enchants and patches on every slot (though not the epic leg patch.) I've tanked one heroic so far, and it was fairly easy, but the entire group was of the same mindset I was... no heroics until we had pretty much zero upgrades to get outside of them.

If you're in to PvP, some of the PvP gear is amazing for tanking in the heroic/kara range as well. The S3 chestpiece kills the Clefthoof chest in every way, and S2 shoulders are a good choice for that slot. Vindicators bracers and belt are slightly lower armor than the quest standards (Manimal's Cinch and Umberhowl's Collar) but offer a bit more in threat generation, health, and avoidance.

These PvP options take some time (especially the ones requiring arena points) but if you're not working on a resto arena set, the feral pieces are a great "something extra" for the little effort of having fun playing 10 games a week with guild mates. Even a terrible rated 2v2 or 3v3 team gets you a nice epic in about 2 months.
#12 Jan 30 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
I have soloed all of ramparts except the last boss. It is not particularly difficult for a well equipped bear. Most of the trash pulls are doable but I did stealth past many as there is just no point.

I have seen vids of the last boss being done and read the strat for doing it, but I died twice and decided it just wasn't worth the repair bills.

If you got large prismatics from DE'ing the loot instead of small prismatics, i'd probably solo it more often as the gold reward would be much better.

I still maintain that tanking heroics is much harder than tanking Karazhan. In Karazhan, most of the pulls are under control and you just stand there building up as much threat as possible. In Heroics, you have to run around picking up loose mobs, tank multilple mobs, save the healer, watch for runners etc.etc.

To gear yourself for Heroics use this guide on Emmerald's forums for gearing for Karazhan tanking. It gives you several suitable options for each slot which you can use to prepare for heroics which you can use to prepare for Kara :)

#13 Jan 30 2008 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
RareBeast wrote:
I have soloed all of ramparts except the last boss. It is not particularly difficult for a well equipped bear. Most of the trash pulls are doable but I did stealth past many as there is just no point. I have seen vids of the last boss being done and read the strat for doing it, but I died twice and decided it just wasn't worth the repair bills.

Yeah, no surprise were one of the uberdroods I figured had or could run it. : )

Can you please define "well equipped" in this context? I ask because I tried to help two level 61 hunter guildies (healer and other dps bailed while I was en route) run regular Ramps recently. While the three of us (five with pets!) made it through a couple groups of trash pretty well using some creativity (one early wipe as we learned that 61 elites break level 61 traps pretty easily) it was hard enough that we bailed thinking we'd never make it through. If one of them had been a half-decent healer I think it would have been doable (maybe even pretty easy, I think) -- but solo'ing it would be a whole 'nother ballgame. Hence my "" response to OP's suggestion that he could probably solo it as a fresh 70.

My gear is Kara-entry-level and based on that experience I know I'm not even close to being able to solo it, but I'm curious as to how uber you have to be to do so.

And gratz, by the way.
#14 Jan 30 2008 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
JeeBar wrote:
Can you please define "well equipped" in this context?

The full Feralheart set, of course. Smiley: lol
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Jan 30 2008 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Yeah, I got a kick out of his allakhazam profile which has him decked out in Feralheart...I figured he manually set it up with that and Armory was down so I couldn't see his REAL gear. Pretty funny that it's what he's actually wearing...totally reminds me of some kid that wears something goofy for the annual class picture to drive teachers and his parents crazy. I assume in his case it's PvP opponents trying to peep his gear that are the frustrated parties.

#16 Jan 30 2008 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
172 posts
Hi, I have started running heroics on my druid in the last couple of weeks.
I have also started offtanking in Kara. I believe the stats needed are approximately the same. I have 25k armor, 15k health and 30%dodge (maybe more dodge).

In my kitty gear I have 3k AP and 40% crit (nerf imo).

As others have noted heroics are very difficult. If you imagine you are level 61 and running ramp, now imagine that the guys are pounding on you twice as hard and cc's are breaking more frequently or there are less of them. That is a heroic.

One thing I didnt see mentioned above regarding stats is tanking and AP. Generally you can be in greens and blues and get the stats I've listed above - however you would be sacrificing a tonne of AP. As DPS needs to be high in heroics the dps'ers will generally be well geared hence create a lot of threat.

If your AP is too low in bear they will strip agro way too easily (despite how brilliant of a tank you may be). I know because this initially happened to me before I managed to get the Earthwarden and some PvP gear to tank with.
#17 Jan 30 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Minxete wrote:
Hi, I have started running heroics on my druid in the last couple of weeks.
I have also started offtanking in Kara. I believe the stats needed are approximately the same. I have 25k armor, 15k health and 30%dodge (maybe more dodge).

In my kitty gear I have 3k AP and 40% crit (nerf imo).

Man, those are sick cat numbers for a just-starting-heroic just-starting-Kara druid, and top-shelf bear numbers. I assume you've gotten few if any upgrades from those two avenues since you said you've just started on both...what's your secret?
#18 Jan 30 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
my personal rule for heroics is that they USED to be a revered requirement. so in other words, blizzard kinda thought that maybe you should run the other instances enough so youve got about revered, thus picking up the items necessary to survive in a heroic.

now, depending on item drops you may be heroic ready by honored or even friendly, especially if you substitute some high quality crafted stuff (heavy clefthoof for tanking, primal mooncloth for healing etc.). but even then heroics will throw you a few curveballs. for instance, capacitus in mech is WAY more fun (and potentially challenging for the unlearned) on heroic than he is on normal. i also learned that, on my warrior, i cant tank capacitus "traditionally" unless im prot specced. if im arms then the only way i can hold aggro is by slam spam in defensive stance. thankfully he doesnt hit so hard that my healers cant keep up with the damage, but it was a surprise trying to tank him the usual way at first.
#19 Jan 30 2008 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
JeeBar wrote:
Minxete wrote:
Hi, I have started running heroics on my druid in the last couple of weeks.
I have also started offtanking in Kara. I believe the stats needed are approximately the same. I have 25k armor, 15k health and 30%dodge (maybe more dodge).

In my kitty gear I have 3k AP and 40% crit (nerf imo).

Man, those are sick cat numbers for a just-starting-heroic just-starting-Kara druid, and top-shelf bear numbers. I assume you've gotten few if any upgrades from those two avenues since you said you've just started on both...what's your secret?

I've been 70 for about a week or so on my Druid, and he has 15.4K HP, 25K armor, 28% dodge, and I could lose gear and I would still be uncrittable. If my idol procs and I use my badge of tenacity with some buffs, I've shot over 45% dodge.

My secret? Deep pockets. I have one piece of Kara gear, the blue "friendly" tanking ring. I have one piece of heroic badge gear, the 20 badge idol of terror. The rest is crafted / pvp / instance drops / AH / rep rewards. Badge of Tenacity, Boots of Natural Grace, Darkmoon Card: Vengeance, Vindicator's Dragonhide Belt, and so on.
#20 Jan 30 2008 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Yeah in my last Kara run got some really nice kitty drops, which made about 3% crit difference and about 200AP diff.

As other poster said, I worked hard on the vindicator's set and gladiator maul to get my kitty and tank gear up. Also got two pieces of glad armor (head and shoulders) for tanking.

Bought Badge of Tenacity for 1000g (as per other post deep pockets) and managed to get Darkmoon madness for around 300g.

I made sure I did rep grinds on going to level 70 so could get the glyphs and shoulder enchants straight away. Add ontop of that the leg enchants.

Edit: Oh yeah. Also bought Natural Grace recipe and got a guildy to make Shadowprowlers for me.

Edited, Jan 31st 2008 3:50pm by Minxete
#21 Jan 31 2008 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
Heh. Yeah, my Feralheart is my town outfit I have set up in Outfitter :) I get lots of comments from people while waiting for BG's to pop :)

The thing with bear gear is that it really doesn't get that much better. My kitty gear is sooo much better now than I went into Karazhan, but my tank gear is a little better. You might gain a few thousand health and a few thousand armor. The only thing that starts to change is dodge chance goes up.

I'd say that when I did, I would have had maybe 30% dodge 14-15k health & 26k armor. Perhaps I stealthed passed more groups than I remember. It was several months ago and only took an hour or so. Considering I average about 30-40 hrs a week I am surprised I remember it at all :)

Another good challenge is UD Strat. I fell at the last hurdle and couldn't quite beat the Baron :( If you are an enchanter like me, this is fantastic as the Large Brilliant Shards still seem to sell well and are way overpriced.

Must be all those bored people putting fiery enchants on their [wowitem=3335]Farmer's Broom[/wowitem]

#22 Feb 02 2008 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
I just want to start off by saying Reg Ramps is definitely solo-able, my good buddy Dinner has done it a few times, though he is a decently geared and well played druid.

I really wanted to reply to re-itterate what everyone is saying. Heroics are no laughing matter...I can't give examples from a druid's viewpoint, but as a holy pally I can say that heroic ramps alone gave me a big slap in the face about how much I underestimated it. I healed a group in ramps with 940 +healing and it was the most intense healing i've ever done bar none. Kara is way less stressful since you go in with healers and back up healers and a tank and most likely a back up tank. Don't get me wrong, there are some bosses in Kara that are no laughing matter, but I think heroics are where people really get to shine and show the realm how well they know how to play their toons...
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