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PvE versus PvP gear for raids..Follow

#27 Feb 01 2008 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
You have to remember, Mulgrin, that SoW and Shadow Priest mana regen isn't something you can depend on. Ever. If it's there, it's a bonus. If it isn't there, you'd better have the gear to keep yourself up without these bonuses. We don't have a Retardin in our raidgroup, since we have more use for Prot and Holy Paladins. We have two Shadowpriests, but I am not stuffing them in the Hunter groups if we have a Healer/Caster group in need of mana regen.

Thus, you'd be quite worse off in pure PvP gear than anyone else in the raid. Of course, if you are sitting on a Shadowpriest, a Retardin and so on... Well, then you can put on that lovely S2/S3 gear of yours. But until then, stay in PvE gear, if you are PvEing. Of course, with all the prementioned qualifications as to Upgrades.

That is correct.
Though we never put hunters together with Shadow priests. Depending on the fight our shadow priest(s) are grouped with either healers or mages&locks.

On the other hand you don't need a retadin for keeping of SoW. That can be done by any pally as long as the fight is not extremely melee unfriendly and one pally has a little time to spare now and then.

In my current raid group we always have a pally putting a SoW on anything which lives for more than 20 seconds. It is always a holy pally and it never seems to be a problem for him to do so.
I can easily manage my mana pool without SoW by chain-potting and with thrill of the hunt which really rocks with ~40% crit rate. But having a SoW on the boss allows for a more selective use of my pot cooldown. When things become rough I might just use a health pot instead of a mana pot to keep my up. This is not possible when you chain-pot as most likely you'll be on CD when you'd need that health pot.
#28 Feb 01 2008 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
Aaah, of course. Survival. When I was Survival, I never ran out of mana either. TotH (and Efficiency if you have it) works wonders on a mana pool. But since you only need one Surv Hunter in a 25 man raid, there's bound to be BM Hunters around. Higher attack speed and less mana return makes even chainpotting and pure Steady/Auto rotations less than optimal for Mana.

A Rogue that's been raiding in almost every single raid I've been in since I first entered Karazhan was amazed when I specced BM. Not so much because I suddenly pushed him down to second place on SWStats/Recount, but more because he had never before seen me below 10% mana. Now, that's closer to the Norm than the exceptions. And from that, I draw the conclusion that PvP gear is going to gimp your DPS in any fight past Gruul. Well, unless you balance it with enough PvE gear of course.

As for SoW and Holy/Prot paladins:

If your Holy Paladins have the time to stay in melee range and refresh JoW on bosses, you either have too many healers in the raid, or you are overgeared for the encounter. Paladins don't have a single instant heal, or HoT in their repertoire. This would make any Paladin that is running in and out of melee inefficient at best. If you have a Retardin it's a wholly different matter of course.

Protection Paladins? Well, unless they are tanking, they are useless. They don't even have the DPS of a Prot Warrior, since most of their damage is reactive damage. And if they are tanking, they can't be judging SoW on the target since they are trying to keep their threat up, not give Mana to the raid.

So basically, a Holydin keeping up SoW will be inefficient for the raid itself, and situational even then. (Try that on Prince, and see how long your raid stays up. Then tally up all the other bosses past Prince where a healer meleeing the boss would be a retarded idea.) A Prot Paladin keeping up SoW would either be a bad tank, or a waste of a DPS slot.

Ah well. Different guilds do things differently, but if any of my Holydins had the time to keep up SoW on bosses... Well, I'd replace him with a DPS class instead, or have him specc Retardin. No use for a healer that isn't healing.
#29 Feb 01 2008 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Aaah, of course. Survival. When I was Survival, I never ran out of mana either. TotH (and Efficiency if you have it) works wonders on a mana pool. But since you only need one Surv Hunter in a 25 man raid, there's bound to be BM Hunters around. Higher attack speed and less mana return makes even chainpotting and pure Steady/Auto rotations less than optimal for Mana.

Yeah, SV is really mana efficient. BM on the other hand uses a little less mana and a BM is more likely to be put with a shadow priest because he actually buffs a caster group a little (thus is not a total waste in such a group).

NorthAI the Hand wrote:
As for SoW and Holy/Prot paladins:

If your Holy Paladins have the time to stay in melee range and refresh JoW on bosses, you either have too many healers in the raid, or you are overgeared for the encounter.

Not exactly. It takes about 20% of the time of a healing pally to keep up SoW which is perfectly doable in most fights and helps with the mana of quite a lot people. Very worth the investment.
We are usually not running with too many healers ~7-8 depending on the encounter perhaps even 9.

We do not have a retadin. And we only have one holy paladin who respecs to prot for certain encounters (mainly for hyjal trash).

NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Try that on Prince, and see how long your raid stays up.

We actually do that on Prince fight, although we outgear that fight be quite a bug margin.
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Then tally up all the other bosses past Prince where a healer meleeing the boss would be a retarded idea.

I think there you got me wrong. The idea is not to keep a pally meleeing the boss. He basically just puts SoW on the mob and refreshes it every 10 seconds or so. The remaining time he of course heals.

Perhaps I did not make this clear enough. That pally uses ~20% of his time keeping SoW up, and heals for the remaining 80% of the time (or even more, I don't know how much time it takes him for keeping SoW up).

And to get that impression a bit more straight.
I experienced this tactic in my new raid group on the last three raids I did with them. One healing pally kept SoW up on every melee friendly boss.
Just to give you an idea, we yesterday cleared the first six bosses in black temple and I used 7 super mana pots in total (but of course also mageblood elixir, mana oils, ...) without ever running oom (and I had no shadow priest in my group). The raidgroup has the first 4 bosses on farm, the other two bosses (bloodboil and reliquary of souls) where killed the first time a week or two ago and where quite new for most of us.

edit: Those quotes where really messed up.

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 1:53pm by Mulgrin

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 1:53pm by Mulgrin
#30 Feb 01 2008 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Mulgrin wrote:
Ok, I have looked at your WWS report.
I have looked at the Gruul kill. There Io is a little below the other hunters, but not by much. Overall he did 573dps which is a joke for that fight. The reason why Io is the lowest on damage is at least two fold (and both reasons do not include his PvP gear).

1) His 'shot rotation' is total crap. He does not use steady shot. He only uses arcane and multi shot sometimes, aimed shot (why?) and serpent sting. Thus no matter what gear he has, he will be beaten by anyone with at least good blue items.
You're absolutely correct there. I have no idea how he got the idea that Aimed was a rotation shot. The 4 hunters were rotating our MD to the off-tank (the MT was a Feral and needed no aggro assistance) and I could see him using Aimed for that purpose, but no other. And we had a discussion in our Hunter channel immediately after a wipe when I posted that I didn't have Serpents on my hot bars and that I'd keep up Scorpid while the rest used Serpents, after we had a close fight and the Hunter class lead was calling for all the Hunter to pile on whatever DOTs we could right at the end. Io was incredulous, and when I explained that it wasn't worth my GCD he almost became belligerent. He's like that...

Mulgrin wrote:
2) He was dead for some time in that fight (present 86% of the fight while the other hunters had 100%).
That was another point I made to one of the other Hunters on that raid that I am close with. Io had only increased STA as an advantage over the other Hunters. And he died on both attempts. Dying is not a true indicator of skill, it happens for many reasons and not all of them mean you suck, especially in a raid where there are players assigned the chore of keeping people alive and very much so in Gruul's where other players can essentially assassinate you with Shatter. But it does show that he gimped his DPS for a survivability advantage and still was not able to capitalize on that advantage.

Mulgrin wrote:
What I conclude from that parse is that Io is not a very good hunter. It does in no way show that he does low damage because of his PvP gear.
It's not a completely fair comparison, I'll agree. There's little way to get a completely fair comparison between two Hunters. But it's my estimation that even adjusting his shot rotation to match any of the other Hunters in that raid, and living, he would have been last amongst the Hunters.
#31 Feb 01 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
I think my point was being totally missed here.

I think that if you had a Hunter in full S3's in whatever RAID you wanted, it wouldn't be enough of an impact to hurt your ability to down a boss. If a large number your hunters were thus equipped, yeah, you might see something.

In truth, most hunters will likely end up with a hybrid of gear prior to WothLK release. Arena gear is popular because some good pieces are easy to get and would be a help from anyone coming from greens or blues.

I just object to folks saying "You have PvP gear on you. You can't be in our RAID." It smacks of elitist stupidity. The reverse "PvP gear is the bestest in the game." is just as stupid.

I'm totally with those that say go for the best gear you can get for the slot in the time you have to get it. I think any group needs to be built reasonably just like any gear build- reasonably.

For me, PvP gear will be an improvement across the board. Very little of my current PvE gear is worth much, the pants and maybe the cloak. Everything else is just holding me over until I get something else which much may wait until WothLK comes out.

I only object to the idea that you must be in all PvE gear to RAID and all PvP gear to Arena or BG. That's just silly to me. Purple is good stuff and better than about anything in blue no matter where it comes from.

Until there's a total DPS over time, plus a suvivability matrix put out, I guess it will all be guess work.
#32 Feb 06 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
I just wanted to point out, that you did just compair s3 gear to kara gear, that is just upsetting. what guild wouldnt take a full s3 geared person to kill opera LOL you gotta be kidding me? that is NOT the way to compair this. You need to keep them on scale... t4 = s1, t5 = s2, t6 = s3 etc. If you want to compair that do it right...

Also I think the biggest point, at least with my guild is I wont take someone full s3 to my guild because mainly, it shows they are more interested in pvp, or even if they now want to do pve instead, they are going to a guild thats in hyjal and BT instead of starting from the bottom and moving up, they want a free ticket to the end game just beacuse they can spend hours and hours in arenas. Also, dps, the time you can last in fights, plus what you know about pve and strats and the ability to understand exactly what needs to happen, isnt learned from pvp, and def not from the gear. I wish pvp was the old way, make ppl work for the num1 gear. I mean my hunter right now is my pvper, almost full greens but a few peices of s3 gear, its funny to see him but its so easy to get pvp gear now... Full greens but 3 or so peices of s3...
#33 Feb 06 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
you did just compair s3 gear to kara gear? t4 = s1, t5 = s2, t6 = s3 etc. If you want to compair that do it right

I'm going to "compair" what you said, to what everyone else said: If the gear is an upgrade, it doesn't matter, and S3 gear is going to be an upgrade to Kara gear. If you think about it, for the person that doesn't have very much time to dedicate to WoW, and has maybe only PuGged Kara, S2 and even S3 gear seems out of reach, and so will T5 and T6 gear, so maybe doing a BG every once in a while for S1 is obtainable for them, and is going to be an upgrade to their quest greens, and same if they PuG Kara, it will be an upgrade for PvP to their old honor rewards.

my hunter right now is my pvper, almost full greens but a few peices of s3 gear, its funny to see him but its so easy to get pvp gear now... Full greens but 3 or so peices of s3...

I before e, except after c, and would you mind linking your arm? I feel that I have to see your ratings for this, and your team composition (and their gear).
#34 Feb 07 2008 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
I compare gear not by scale like s1=t4 or s3=t6..but how easy is to get something...And i found more easy to get 1750 arena points than to clear blact temple every week..
#35 Feb 07 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
Yuppley wrote:

I before e, except after c, and would you mind linking your arm? I feel that I have to see your ratings for this, and your team composition (and their gear).

Thanks for the help on my english, tho even a miss type in this world seems to be a cheap shot. Either way, my gear is not from arenas... none of it, I'm still working at that with my brother (a druid) and we are at about 1550 rating and havnt moved from there for weeks always ending with about 4 - 5 wins rest of 10 games = losses. My gear is 2 pvp rings right now and about half way to the trinket. Only has about 7k hp with the rest of his gear, too easy for any class right now to take down, the wins are mainly anything with a healer that I can sting and walk away from.

From the first half of your post yes, it is very easy to replace gear with pvp items, just as I said if your s3 its over powered for kara, but in no way for bt or hyjal. So if they are huge into pvp, and full s3 weapons everything full pvp s3 and later decide to go pve, Start small and work your way up. Its simple, start with a (at most) guild whos just walking into ssc and tk, and start replacing that gear that was ment for short battles of arenas (and where if you get out of combat you can eat/drink) to battles that last 8- even some 15 minutes that you must stay alive and able for.

An example is, my mage (main) is 30% crit, 1300 arcane damage, nearly full t6 gear(everything from ssc and tk) max hit etc, and an easy 12k mana, If I walk into an arena I'm fine as long as no one gets on me I can tear that place apart. which we found out by taking me to some 5s, we got to 1800 easy, but couldn't get further with me having no pvp gear in there, way too easy to drop a no resil no hp mage. But load him up with pvp gear, I'm set for arenas and could last those flash nukes. I think it works both ways here ppl, pve gear does not = pvp and the same the other way around... it might be easy to get most pvp gear, but don't think its a substitue for pveing. (tho I gotta say a lot of the t6 weapons blow the pvp ones out of the water, like the bow off ilidan)

I'm up to 4cents now...
#36 Feb 07 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
First you said:
I mean my hunter right now is my pvper, almost full greens but a few peices of s3 gear, its funny to see him but its so easy to get pvp gear now... Full greens but 3 or so peices of s3...

Then you said:
Either way, my gear is not from arenas... none of it

For the rest of your post, all that I was saying is that if you have T6 and are facing teams in S1, your going to destroy them, even if it wasn't specifically designed for raiding, and same with S3 in Kara and T4 content.

If Blizzard took off all of the AP and Ag off of the arena gear, and replaced it with Stam and Res, it wouldn't work, you wouldn't be wearing it for Kara or Arena, even if it was meant for Arena. If someone uses it for raiding or PvE, as long as it is an upgrade, it is good for them.

People might be able to clear T4 content in S3, because it is an upgrade to anything that they would get, but your not earning progression, and you will have to get T5 or you will be out of mana and chain-chugging pots for the entire fight in later content.

You have to realize that Blizzard balances these things fine, if you guys are going to complain that it is easier to get an equivalent to T6 by getting your arena points, it is just an "equivalent". You also have your badge rewards, etc. that are "equivalent" to T5 content. The raiders that were through T5 content when ZA was released were angry about the same thing, they felt as though people coming from Kara could just walk in and take their "equivalent" gear, but that wasn't the case, and they wanted it to be harder.

It was balanced fine, and it only gets tough once you get to the bird boss, but even the cat after him is easy. These guilds that have cleared BT can't just come in and say that these Kara guilds are getting free epics? Right? This is the same thing as you guys saying that S3 is overpowered in T4 content, except this is PvE vs PvE gear.

Everyone is saying that an upgrade is an upgrade, and you're going to loose out on your DPS once you enter a raid that is "equivalent" to whatever arena gear you are wearing. If you say that you can raid in arena gear, then by all means do it, we have already told you what the gear is missing, or what is going to be missing.
#37 Feb 07 2008 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
LOL you do know that arenas is diff from battle grounds right? he has NO gear from arena points, but 2 or 3 peice sfrom HONOR POINTS, bgs? yeah gg
#38 Feb 08 2008 at 1:27 AM Rating: Good
rahhtwo wrote:
An example is, my mage (main) is 30% crit, 1300 arcane damage, nearly full t6 gear(everything from ssc and tk) max hit etc, and an easy 12k mana

Umm, a few things.
You know that SSC and TK drop T5 gear and T6 gear is from BT and MH? It surprises me that you got your "nearly full t6 gear" and still talk about having everything from SSC and TK.
I smell a troll, please do link the armory of your main char.
Another thing strikes me as odd (apart from that I destroy everything up to a 1800 rating with pve gear).
You do raid T6 content with an arcane spec after the last patch? Somehow, since the last patch we don't have a single mage speccing arcane anymore (fire spec with icy veins seems to be the most liked spec atm).
#39 Feb 08 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
LOL you do know that arenas is diff from battle grounds right? he has NO gear from arena points, but 2 or 3 peice sfrom HONOR POINTS, bgs? yeah gg

LOL you said S3, which comes from ARENA POINTS, right? yeah gg
#40 Feb 09 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
Lol, again miss type i ment t5, not 6, why would i say "nearly full t6 gear (everyone from ssc and tk) if i ment t6? think...
#41 Feb 09 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
Yuppley wrote:

LOL you said S3, which comes from ARENA POINTS, right? yeah gg

Everything vindicators is s3, rings belt bracers boots chest legs helm hands etc, and vindicators comes from both honor point vender (inside ogri for the horde and inside sw for the alliance) and the arena points vender...
#42 Feb 09 2008 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Vindicator's is wrist, waist, feet, neck, and finger, and by S3, I'm pretty sure that most people would assume that you were talking about the Vengeful Gladiator's Set, which cover head, chest, hands, and legs, and only come from arena points.

Edited, Feb 9th 2008 3:36pm by Yuppley
#43 Feb 09 2008 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
season 3 is everything released at season 3, which would be all of that gear. Why would you only limit season 3 to 5 items and weapons? when in fact theres an item for nearly every single slot.
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