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Going RestorationFollow

#27 Jan 31 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
569 posts
and my favorite resto spec:
lol if you have a good set of elemental gear, you can still pull of being a damage dealer in a Heroic, i have out dps many ppl in heroics as resto and it is just too funny ^^

Heh, that's what I healed as towards the end of my raiding, when it was clear our wipes were being caused by factors other than weak healing. I loved tossing lightning bolts here and there, but I never considered it a particularly serious healing spec (:
#28 Jan 31 2008 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
I should have gotten golden spellthread. Now going to farm the mats for it. And only need like 2/3 of shat halls to get revered. I'm just on a quest to break 1600. I really want to do it. I definatly don't want to gimp anymore mp5 though. So I'll replace the +15 int lower city inscription on my helmet with +35 healing with thrallmar. And put golden in place of silver spellthread on pants.

I eventually will respec as well for elemental damage reduction, but my spec now is fine. I find I do use healing way frequently in Kara. As most of my healing is on main or off tank. And not too much aoe in there. I have rank 2 healing wave on my bar now, been experimenting with that to keep healing way up, but seems like more trouble than it's worth. But I'll keep working on that. and eventually I'll do another respec.
#29 Jan 31 2008 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
427 posts
thrashering wrote:

I have rank 2 healing wave on my bar now, been experimenting with that to keep healing way up

Use Rank 1 HW, it's less mana (still a negligable amount, and once you get the Totem of the Maelstrom from SSC, you can do it outside the FSR), and I believe it's shorter than Rank 2 -- although they may be the same. Either way, there's no benefit to using Rank 2 as opposed to Rank 1 for Ancestral Fortitude procs/HW stacks.
#30 Jan 31 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
The "Cookie Cutter build early on is of course the 0/5/56 build.

But as you get further into the raiding scene and outside of the 5man instances and the 10man raids you will find 8/0/53 infinitely more useful.

In fights such as Vashj, and Hydross (Two small examples) you take so much splash nature damage that it adds up extremely fast. Not to mention on Vashj you HAVE to interrupt her casts, and earthshock is one of the best interrupts in the game.

So my simple explination for choosing one of the other.

0/5/56 for 5-10man Raids.

Then switch to 8/0/53 once you hit The Eye/SSC and above.

One you are doing only 25 man raids I highly suggest you go 8/0/53 (Different spec actually)

Once you hit 25 man raids you shouldn't ever be casting Healing Wave. Shamans are not main tank healers, although we can of course.

Chain heal is what you will be casting, and only casting really save for the few lesser healing Waves that can save lives. As long as you never MT heal, this build does wonders.

Edited, Jan 31st 2008 11:32pm by Tobiasmm
#31 Jan 31 2008 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
Tobiasmm wrote:
earthshock is one of the best interrupts in the game.

Wait, what?
#32REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2008 at 12:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) mana efficiency is helped by healing way
#33REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2008 at 12:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) agreed it's mediocre it only has a 2 second silence which means you have another 4 seconds to cast whatever it was that needed casting and DON't YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING IT'S 5 SECONDS TALENTED, as those would be the worst 5 talent points ever spent
#34 Feb 01 2008 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
21 posts
In the PvP sense earthshock is bad. The Mana amount, Global Cooldown, even the damage is Mediocre at best. But lets look at it from the PvE point of view.

Level 1 Earthshock costs next to no mana for the exact same effects of it's highest rank. So you still get the interrupt.

Instant cast makes it very good and reliable for interrupting spells.

6 second (Or 5) second cooldown makes it the most spamable interrupt in the game.

Now think about certain bosses in PvE content. Shade of Aran, and Vashj to name a couple. Both HAVE to have their spells interrupted (Well Shade is iffy, but news teams getting into Kara usually will interrupt the spells).

So combine that with an Elemental Shaman, or Enhancement and you have a lot of quick, mana efficient interrupts that can last the 10 minute or longer fights of 25man raids.

Make sense to ya now?

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 3:30am by Tobiasmm
#35 Feb 01 2008 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
21 posts
Crap........ Double post, massive apologies.

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 3:30am by Tobiasmm
#36 Feb 01 2008 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Tobiasmm wrote:
Make sense to ya now?

Why yes, it does. If you meant it in a PVE setting.
#37 Feb 01 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
427 posts
Tobiasmm wrote:
The "Cookie Cutter build early on is of course the 0/5/56 build.

But as you get further into the raiding scene and outside of the 5man instances and the 10man raids you will find 8/0/53 infinitely more useful.

In fights such as Vashj, and Hydross (Two small examples) you take so much splash nature damage that it adds up extremely fast. Not to mention on Vashj you HAVE to interrupt her casts, and earthshock is one of the best interrupts in the game.

So my simple explination for choosing one of the other.

0/5/56 for 5-10man Raids.

Then switch to 8/0/53 once you hit The Eye/SSC and above.

One you are doing only 25 man raids I highly suggest you go 8/0/53 (Different spec actually)

Once you hit 25 man raids you shouldn't ever be casting Healing Wave. Shamans are not main tank healers, although we can of course.

Chain heal is what you will be casting, and only casting really save for the few lesser healing Waves that can save lives. As long as you never MT heal, this build does wonders.

Edited, Jan 31st 2008 11:32pm by Tobiasmm

I like you; rate up!

Tobiasmm wrote:
In the PvP sense earthshock is bad. The Mana amount, Global Cooldown, even the damage is Mediocre at best. But lets look at it from the PvE point of view.

Level 1 Earthshock costs next to no mana for the exact same effects of it's highest rank. So you still get the interrupt.

Instant cast makes it very good and reliable for interrupting spells.

6 second (Or 5) second cooldown makes it the most spamable interrupt in the game.

Now think about certain bosses in PvE content. Shade of Aran, and Vashj to name a couple. Both HAVE to have their spells interrupted (Well Shade is iffy, but news teams getting into Kara usually will interrupt the spells).

So combine that with an Elemental Shaman, or Enhancement and you have a lot of quick, mana efficient interrupts that can last the 10 minute or longer fights of 25man raids.

Make sense to ya now?

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 3:30am by Tobiasmm

OK, here's where I have to disagree with you. In Arena, if I didn't have an Earth Shock Rank 1 Focus macro, our ratings would be lower than they are now! I'm not that great at PvP, but I sure as hell know that interrupting that @#%@#%ing druid's Cyclone has saved my, or my warrior's, *** quite a few times!

I love Earth Shock; it's got the shortest silence and the shortest CD of any interrupt. Of course, I really do think it should have a slightly longer silence effect (3 seconds, maybe?) -- then it would be "poifect".

EvilShenanigans wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
Draeneipally wrote:

last night i healed heroic BOT using mainly lesser healing wave because i never went OOM during a fight.

I didn't say I went OOM during fights. I said I would like to see our spells become a little more mana-efficient.

mana efficiency is helped by healing way

shammies are best left as the MT healer, as well as the raid damaging attack spam healers when there is massive AoE but WE ARE NOT GOOD SPOT HEALERS, a perfect example of this is illidan :D if you see a video of this fight you'll notice the chain heals flying every which way during the shadowbolts

chain heal is a massively efficient heal and it is controlled by a much better secondary and tertiary heal targeting system than it used to be. this is evident in lower end fights as well such as illhoof where everyone is being dmg'd during the skellies of nightbane and if your raid is able to stand sorta linked during aran and for healing the people on kill duty of the sparks on curator. I have yet to heal ZA or even think about healing SSC/TK ( I only worry about blowing sh*t up there). but shammies are really good healers all in all and we bring awesome group buffs as well compared to other healing classes.

You, sir, are inexperienced and foolish. Chain Heal is pretty much the only heal you ever use in a 25 man raid; think about all the damage to the melee, or when anyone is grouped up (think trash fights, and many boss fights). Hell, the melee and the tanks will always be together, and they'll always take some small AoE -- read Lewt Reaver, where you just stand under him spamming Chain Heal -- so why use any other heal? It's less efficient and it doesnt' get the whole effect of our +healing.

What you're suggesting is akin to telling a resto druid that he should only use Healing Touch, and never use any HoTs -- because, well, that HT heals for more, right!? >.<

Paladins = MT Healers
Druids = well, a lot of things, but they only do it through HoTs
Priests = great all around healers with useful buffs
Shamans = raid healers, and certainly not the supreme MT healer

Shamans can be a MT healer if really needed (like in a 5 man), but that is not our bread and butter, so to speak.

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 9:02am by GWynand
#38 Feb 01 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Double Post, my apologies.

Edited, Feb 1st 2008 9:01am by GWynand
#39 Feb 05 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I have been leveling resto and hit 70 the other day. In general I main heal OK so I want to keep doing resto while doing PvE in respect to instances and heroics while gearing and keying up for Kara. Anyways, I read a lot here about 8/0/53, 0/5/56 and 0/0/61 builds. I'll go to 8/0/53 when the time is right. However, I don't see too much about a 0/12/49 build. Would this be a useful build:

I like the idea of giving extra buffs to party members. What are peoples opinions on the 0/12/49 build? Thanks
#40 Feb 05 2008 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
Personally i say leave the wind/earth totem buffs to the enhancement shaman. I wouldn't recommend that build.
#41 Feb 06 2008 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
236 posts
GWynand wrote:
thrashering wrote:

I have rank 2 healing wave on my bar now, been experimenting with that to keep healing way up

Use Rank 1 HW, it's less mana (still a negligable amount, and once you get the Totem of the Maelstrom from SSC, you can do it outside the FSR), and I believe it's shorter than Rank 2 -- although they may be the same. Either way, there's no benefit to using Rank 2 as opposed to Rank 1 for Ancestral Fortitude procs/HW stacks.
FWIW, talented rank 1 is faster (1s) than the GCD (1.5s), so you use the same amount of time wating to cast the next spell. The cost difference is minor and the HpM is higher on rank 2 due to both cast time and level based coefficient scaling. If the tank isn't taking any damage (i.e. stacking HW or trolling for a crit->AF before the pull) then rank 1 is absolutely better, but if you are trying to keep a HW stack up while the tank is full (but still getting hit), I'd say rank 2 is (very slightly) better. Not that the extra 200 hp is likely to matter.
#42 Feb 06 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
569 posts
0/12/49 would be solid for Heroics/5-mans/10-mans. Reminds me of my ZG/AQ20/MC raiding build actually (:

Once you have 49 points in Resto, putting more points into it isn't netting you that much of a benefit. Cheaper Totems and Imp Reincarnation are just utility, and Nature's Guardian rarely pays out its benefit unless your group is doing very poorly.

Whereas Imp GOA/SOE will help a little every single pull.

Really the only thing you miss out on is maxing Focused Mind, and mobs don't interrupt you very often in PVE so even that isn't a huge lack.

The one caveat is WF still ends up being better for the tank most of the time (unless mitigation is a larger problem than threat generation for a given pull), which was always an inefficiency I was sad about pre-BC; but hey, at least druid tanks are better and more common nowadays and with them you can max the efficiency of the two imp totems.

Overall it's a good build imo.
#43 Feb 09 2008 at 10:17 PM Rating: Good
Downed prince in kara.

Chain heal FTW -
#44 Feb 10 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
Draeneipally wrote:
Downed prince in kara.

Chain heal FTW -

How is healing working for you with only the Blizz default unit frames? I think I would go insane trying to heal without knowing the absolute value of people's health and how much they were down.
#45 Feb 11 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Khalane wrote:
Draeneipally wrote:
Downed prince in kara.

Chain heal FTW -

How is healing working for you with only the Blizz default unit frames? I think I would go insane trying to heal without knowing the absolute value of people's health and how much they were down.

What do you use?
#46 Feb 11 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
It's not that hard, just keep those bars up. Link what you use?
#47 Feb 11 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
I use Pitbull in 5-mans with the health bar set to show the health deficit. For raids, I just started using Grid, again, set to show the health deficit. Takes a lot of configuration but I think I will come to like it more and more as I learn how to set up the options the way I want. Both fade the unit frames if the target is out of range.

I just really like being able to show the health deficit, ie -2.5k or what have you, makes it easy to know at a glance what rank spell to use. That's the theory anyways. Still pretty new to the whole healing scene haha
#48 Feb 11 2008 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
well i do have healbot
#49 Feb 16 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
what UI do you use? and would you link a pic? I'm really looking for a spiffy, clean looking ui that i can customise and maybe even put skins on.
#50 Feb 16 2008 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
569 posts
Use Grid.
#51 Feb 19 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
I got grid but it isnt really a UI, just a little tool on your screen.
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