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Going RestorationFollow

#1 Jan 25 2008 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
I respecced resto for my guilds kara run tonight. I have to say resto is extremely fun. I ruined a warlock in a duel outsaide kara. unfortunately my gear isnt very good but belt of gale force dropped... when we got to curator he bugged out so we gave up. Q_Q.

here are some screens.

i would like a review of my resto build and would love some tips on where to get better resto gear. thanks a bunchies shammy pals.

edit : my gear is now in full force and ready to main-heal kara/ZA.

Edited, Feb 5th 2008 7:24pm by Draeneipally
#2 Jan 25 2008 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I'm not quite up to the level of healing that you are doing, but from what I read, most resto builds are 0/5/56. But if that build works for you then keep it. As far as gear goes, I think Kara is a really good place to farm gear. If you are planning to stick with resto, consider replacing your gems (at least on the gear you will keep for awhile.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#3 Jan 25 2008 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
I can't check your armory from work, but I can tell you that my resto sham is 0/5/56 and to this day I wonder why I wasted the 5 points in Ancestral knowledge.

Assume you have a base mana pool of 10,000 mana.

5 points in Ancestral Knowledge will increase your mana poll by 500, which is barely enough to cast a healing wave or chain heal.

You would probably be better off going 0/0/61 and getting EVERYTHING in the resto tree as it will help you out more if you ever decide to PVP as resto.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Edit: Resto shaman, and shaman in general, really need a mana regen talent. Although tbh putting it in the resto tree would make the 2nd most solid talent tree (behind druid's feral) even more OP.

Edited, Jan 25th 2008 9:54am by Bigdaddyjug
#4 Jan 25 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
You would probably be better off going 0/0/61 and getting EVERYTHING in the resto tree as it will help you out more if you ever decide to PVP as resto.

QFT. This is what I did.

Edit: Resto shaman, and shaman in general, really need a mana regen talent. Although tbh putting it in the resto tree would make the 2nd most solid talent tree (behind druid's feral) even more OP.

Actually, with my natural MP/5 from my crap gear and and Water Shield, I regen 130 MP/5. Mana Spring, if I don't need Healing Stream, bumps me up to 180 MP/5. With Blessing of Wisdom, 230 MP/5. I can't say I've really ever had any problems at all lasting through a fight.
#5 Jan 25 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
I am going to add my .02 and agree with the other posters that the 5% mana boost is not worth much at all. Spend your 5 talent points elsewere.
#6 Jan 25 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Is it an overall agreeance that 0/0/61 is better than 0/5/56?

Im currently using the 0/5/56 and I dont have problems with my mana pool, at least I dont think that I do. Should I consider re-speccing to 0/0/61?

#7 Jan 25 2008 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
lauisifer wrote:
Is it an overall agreeance that 0/0/61 is better than 0/5/56?

Im currently using the 0/5/56 and I dont have problems with my mana pool, at least I dont think that I do. Should I consider re-speccing to 0/0/61?

It's not that you'll have problems with your mana pool if you're 0/5/56... it's simply a matter of investments vs. reward.

If you have 10,000 mana, Ancestral Knowledge gives you an extra 500 mana. That's not a lot of extra mileage in the healing game. There is also a lot of valuable material in the Resto tree, so much so that even giving up those five points is tough. If you go the full 61 in Restoration, you'll have a build that can PvE and PvP without missing anything in either scenario.
#8 Jan 25 2008 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
I never had a real problem in keeping my mana up when healing either, and that was before the new water shield.

I just noticed that every other healer gets a nice spirit or crit based mana regen talent and shamans don't.

Never really considered water shield to be our version of that.
#9 Jan 25 2008 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I never had a real problem in keeping my mana up when healing either, and that was before the new water shield.

I just noticed that every other healer gets a nice spirit or crit based mana regen talent and shamans don't.

Never really considered water shield to be our version of that.

It is though. With Water Shield as it is now, we're easily capable of healing as long as Priests. Paladins will still outlast us, but that's more a matter of them having the most efficient heals in the game, not because of MP regen. Not sure about Druids, I've not actually healed with one beyond the 50's.

Point is, if we were given any additional mana regen... I daresay we might never run out of mana. I'd like to see our spells become a little more cost efficient (Earth Shield, Lesser Healing Wave).
#10 Jan 26 2008 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent

last night i healed heroic BOT using mainly lesser healing wave because i never went OOM during a fight.
#11 Jan 26 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Draeneipally wrote:

last night i healed heroic BOT using mainly lesser healing wave because i never went OOM during a fight.

I didn't say I went OOM during fights. I said I would like to see our spells become a little more mana-efficient.
#12 Jan 26 2008 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
I have seen 0/7/54

The two points are in gaurdian totems. Don't know how good it is though.
#13 Jan 26 2008 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
You will rarely use the 2 totems buffed by guardian totems at end game.

The amount of damage reduced by Stoneskin just doesn't add up to enough with only 1 or maybe 2 people taking damage in a raid. And stoneclaw isn't going to last that much longer to make a different anyway.

The biggest benefit to 0/0/61 is that you get at least a little bit of EVERY talent the resto tree has to offer. On top of that, it's a better spec for arena where you really won't notice an extra 400-500 mana.

If I ever do play my shaman again as resto I will probably spring for the respec from 0/5/56 to 0/0/61 just because those 5 points in enhance are truly useless.
#14 Jan 26 2008 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent

You will rarely use the 2 totems buffed by guardian totems at end game.

that 2 sec reduction on grounding totem will save your life in pvp.
#15 Jan 26 2008 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Many Shaman's go 0/5/56, but after the patch where we got free respec's I redid it. I went 0/0/61 and I like it alot more. The 5% more mana isnt a huge advantage over other talents. Think about it, at 10k mana its 500 more mana. Intellect will come with gear and besides, MP5 is more important.
#16 Jan 27 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
stUUf wrote:
I have seen 0/7/54

The two points are in gaurdian totems. Don't know how good it is though.

The 5 points in mana are there solely to get the 2 seconds off grounding totem for pvp, where it is a life saver. If you're not interested in pvp, there is really no need for the 5 points in mana
#17 Jan 27 2008 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
I think the best resto builds would have to be
this is a good pve and pvp spec, cause you get just about everything in the resto tree which makes you not die easy and heal really good.
this is a great pve spec, works in pvp too, but its considered one of the best pve specs, why you may ask, it has less in resto, well it has elemental warding to negate much of the caster aoe dmg you will encounter in pve, less time and mana you need to spend healing yourself means more you can spend on the tank.
I would say this one works better the more gear you have since you lose some of the mana reduction from dropping totems.

and my favorite resto spec:
lol if you have a good set of elemental gear, you can still pull of being a damage dealer in a Heroic, i have out dps many ppl in heroics as resto and it is just too funny ^^
#18 Jan 29 2008 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
hmm, I may consider respeccing all in resto then. I have alot of mana problems. I think alot comes from overhealing. But the tank takes so much damge on Nightbane, it's risky to not always have a full heal going. I'm no 2 healer btw. Our priest is at about 1700 healing.

I finally got BM drop healing trinket. 70 healing. But I have to drop the 10 mp5 trinket. Is this worth it?

And I know my pants and feet are still crap. I'm trying to save up enough badges. My mana pool sucks so bad right now. I hate it. I'd kill for 10k mana. But it's not like I can get a heroic SP group going for the boots there. Not too many takers.

here's my armory.

q though. If I did put those 5 points in resto, where would they go? more efficient totems? That seems less worthwhile than 5% more mana.

anyways we couldn't get nightbane. We had him at 2% but I was out of mana. The priest was out of mana too I believe (the pally is always out of mana for some reason, and he never brings enough pots). We did ***** up (a hunter misdirect) and lose 2 dps though, and that would have turned the tide. But I still think I screwed up and didn't time my mana tide totem and mana pots correctly. It was our first day trying him. I think we'll get him next week. but I just wanted to illustrate some of my mana problems. It's a tough fight because sometimes the tank takes alot of damage real fast. and I like to always have a max rank healing wave going. I try to cancel it, but sometimes I let it go through just to keep the tank toppped off. Even though it's overhealing. I feel its important to keep the tank topped off in case we get feared and he takes 3 big hits (which has happened)

Edited, Jan 29th 2008 12:50am by thrashering
#19 Jan 30 2008 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
ended up getting pants in chest event, and bought the boots with badges.

Basically went up 200 healing in one day. But lost 19 mp5. I'm t 119 base mp5 (no water shield), will be at 124 when I get vitality put on my boots. At one time I was at 143 base. My healing is 1498, but I have some crappy blue gems in my boots and legs right now. There just isn't a 9 heal/2 mp5 gem available in AH right now. I'm still waiting on the silver spellthread, though I should just go golden.

I gained like 1300 mana or so, but seems like over the course of a 10 minute fight, I'd gain 2200 mana with my old gear. But i'd think the +healing would be more beneficial. I hope I don't have worse mana problems. As the + healing is essentually wasted in fights like Nightbane and Prince when we are doing so much overhealing trying to prevent the tank from dying. We did get Nightbane today btw. Took a few tries. For some reason Prince is giving us trouble. The priest keeps dying for some reason. though we got him the last 2 weeks.

I kept my old boots (though I already sold my legs). And I still have my 10mp5 trinket. My boots actually gave me more stamina. Now I'm back under 7k health which sucks. It's so hard to keep room in bank and inv for old gear though.

My question is basically is there fights where it would be beneficial to lose +healing, but gain mp5?

Edited, Jan 30th 2008 3:19am by thrashering
#20 Jan 30 2008 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Seriously, doesn't anyone read EJ? Go 8/0/53, it is by far the best raiding Restoration spec you could possibly have.

Just use my build; except, the 3 points that I put in Totemic Focus are pretty optional. If you have serious mana regen problems, ok, go for it; otherwise, just put those in Focused Mind or Healing Grace if you PuG heroics often.

For PvP...use 0/7/54, going for the shorter CD on Grounding Totem.
#21 Jan 30 2008 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
according to my guild and parties "you're great"... so I'm looking for a bright end-game withn resto.

also does healing way effect lesser healing wave?

Edited, Jan 30th 2008 9:59am by Draeneipally
#22 Jan 30 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
It gains a benefit from it but it doesn't apply the buff, no.
#23 Jan 30 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Gaudion wrote:
It gains a benefit from it but it doesn't apply the buff, no.

Exactly. Neither does Chain Heal; so if all you do, literally, ALL YOU DO, is raid heal in 25 mans, it's a useless talent. Same with Imp Healing Wave, but that's much more debatable.

I still do heroics, and sometimes I'm put on the tank for Ancestral Fortitude, or other various would probably only work if your shaman never left a raid instance. For instance, if you he wasn't your farming toon.
#24 Jan 30 2008 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
Ok Since this topic is on resto shamans already, doesn't make sense to make another thread.

Just respecced resto for Gruul's yesterday, I must say... it has been sometime since I have been a healer. Mixed a a few pieces of dps gear with my heal set & got 1200+ heals and dumped 61 points into resto.

I must say it felt really nostalgic to be healing again. Perhaps I have a good guild, raid healing didn't feel as stressful compared to back when I was healing heroics to get gear.

Now I have a doubt about the talent Focused mind. Sure a pvp talent, but since Gruul also have an aoe silence ability, I wonder if the talent did work during the fight?
I didn't really notice if there was a difference during the raid, was too busy staring at health bars.
#25 Jan 31 2008 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
but it doesn't apply the buff, no.

I was never saying that it could apply the buff, i use rank one healing wave to apply the buff to the tank before the battle or as he is pulling a group/boss etc.

I was told that healing way does not increase lesser healing wave and that it does.
#26 Jan 31 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Draeneipally wrote:
but it doesn't apply the buff, no.

I was never saying that it could apply the buff, i use rank one healing wave to apply the buff to the tank before the battle or as he is pulling a group/boss etc.

I was told that healing way does not increase lesser healing wave and that it does.

Oh, I see; no, it only increases healing done by Healing Wave. This is only really useful when one of 3 things are going on:

A) you're in a 5 man, the only healer, and you're spamming HW on the tank
B) For some odd reason there is no AoE damage whatsoever in this pull -- only God knows why, as almost all trash in 25 mans have some sort of AoE, and at least the melee get hit
C) Your paladins suck as MT healers and you need to help them

HW is great in 5 mans, but not so much in 25 mans; basically I spam Chain Heal the entire time, and drop totems when the need arises.
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