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how do i heal better?Follow

#1 Jan 23 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
im a lvl 68 ret pally about to switch spec to holy and does anyone have any tips in healing?

Edited, Jan 23rd 2008 2:17pm by poladorasdeathcry

Edited, Jan 23rd 2008 2:39pm by poladorasdeathcry

Edited, Jan 23rd 2008 2:40pm by poladorasdeathcry
#2 Jan 23 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
best recomendation i could give you to help you heal well would be to read dilberts Sticky for holy paladins.... It got stickied for a reason....
#3 Jan 23 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
how do you heal good... do they not teach english in school anymore?
#4 Jan 23 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
how do you heal good... do they not teach english in school anymore?

Haha, I was gonna say something... decided he probably either isn't a native english speaker or is young. I'm hoping he isn't an American over the age of 10.... For someone from a non-english speaking country he did well enough to get his meaning accross.
#5 Jan 23 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
lol i meant to say "How do i heal good?" but nvm
#6 Jan 23 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
i have noticed that this was a waste of a form....
#7 Jan 23 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
3,909 posts
"How do I heal better."

You heal better by identifying the resident experts and obeying their every word and whim so long as it doesn't impact on the virginity status of your precious orifices.

Or, you go read the FAQ.
#8 Jan 23 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
meh that works
#9 Jan 23 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
I'll bite...

1) Work on your gear. The important stats are +heal, +mp5, +spell crit, and +int. Refer to sticky for gear suggestions.

2) Pick a good spec. Do not dump all points into holy and call it a day. Refer to sticky for builds.

3) Practice. Do not ding 70, respec, and try to heal slabs. Try out a few of the lower instances first, like Ramps, Mana Tombs, Slave Pens, etc.

4) Work on your operational skills. Don't be a clicker, your reflexes will not be fast enough to deal with rough situations.

5) Practice some more.
#10 Jan 23 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
How do I heal good sounds country.

How do I hail gud. Kinda like 'Imma go light me a far'
#11 Jan 23 2008 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
I will add to what has been said.

There are some macros that exist to make your life much easier. Here are three simple ones.

/cast [target=mouseover,exists][] Flash of Light
/cast [target=mouseover,exists][] Holy Light
/cast [target=mouseover,exists][] Cleanse

These three macros allow you to target whoever your mouse is over(in the party frame or the actual player) and cast the designated spell without changing your main target. So instead of clicking on party members to target them, you can hover your mouse over their portraits in the party frame, making it easier to heal different members quickly and without having to worry about failing to click the correct party member(those gnomes are so hard to click on, especially when mobs are on top of them).

More complicated macros can be used to add even more functionality, but you'll have to go do your own research.

edit: P.S. Are there some specific aspects of healing you need help with? We could give you better advice if you could point to some specific problems you've been having.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2008 4:15pm by BlackoutCC
#12 Jan 23 2008 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
do wish to heal better in raids? 5 man instances?

Do you wish to know HOW to be a better player for healing, how to tweek your toon for healing, or tweek your UI for healing?

to tweek yourself, you need to be more aware of what sort of special moves monsters/bosses have. This will help you "predict" incomming damage to tank or tank and other melee. This will help you be a PROACTIVE healer, rather than a REACTIVE healer.

if you know that the tank is about to take a 5k crushing hit, start the heal so it lands almost immediately after the hit. rather than waiting on the hit then start to heal it. This may lead to "overhealing" in some ui mod statics, but who cares. Stat junkies don't make the best players.

toon tweeking is spoken about in the sticky.

ui mods, lots of them, I personaly prefer a good mouseover macro and well placed hotkeys, with my hands well conditioned to the keypressing combos.

if you've played other games, and your hands are conditioned to specific key combos, try to "arrange" your ui/key mapping to accomodate your "preprogrammed" hands.

i guess a good example might be, your use to selecting a weapon with F1, then reloading it with "r"

well, in wow, f1 selects yourself as target, you could map a hotkey position (with a heal spell in it) to the "r" key.

these are some basic ideas
#13 Jan 23 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,599 posts
I tend to normally use the party/raid frame to select who I'm healing - so I don't have to go hunting for that gnome :)

Is there ever a benefit to clicking the actual toon?

The only problem I see is that I tend to miss part of the fight because I'm just watching the health bars. Makes it a pain when people move out of range. I should probably adjust my playing style... :)
#14 Jan 23 2008 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Healing gets better when you get keyed and geared for Kara because then you'll usually get assigned to heal only one target as a paladin, MT or OT.

I found that when I was healing multiple targets at the second boss of Slave Pens(damn those AoE frostbolts) I could hardly keep it up with FoL, so i needed to burn all of my mana using DI mixed with Holy Light.

Edit- Bolded is edited.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2008 5:59pm by Killerheals
#15 Jan 23 2008 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
YJMark wrote:
I tend to normally use the party/raid frame to select who I'm healing - so I don't have to go hunting for that gnome :)

Is there ever a benefit to clicking the actual toon?

Nope, there no difference between clicking on a party/raid member or clicking the portrait in the party/raid frame. But the mouseover saves you from having to click at all.

Moreover, if that gnome surrounded by ogres is not in your party you can still use a macro to target him.

/cast [help][target=mouseover,help][target=targettarget,help][target=player] Flash of Light

This targets a friendly player under your pointer or if that target is unfriendly, it heals the target's target and if there is no target, it heals yourself. Live, brave little gnome, live!
#16 Jan 24 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Step 1) Click your group's tank (he's the big one with all the shiny armor, shield and sword).

Step 2) Locate Flash of Light in your spellbook

Step 3) Click repeatedly.
#17 Jan 24 2008 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,599 posts
Live, brave little gnome, live!

ha ha ha. That's awesome.

#18 Jan 24 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
I use the function keys to pick my healing targets. The only time that's a problem is if I haven't pressed the function lock key before we get started, or if someone switches positions in the group midway through. If that happens, I get confused!

To the OP, to reiterate what others have said, practice, practice practice. My first few Outlands instance runs were disastrous because
a) I was not properly geared, and
b) I was not well-practiced
Both of these were the result of not running that many Azeroth instances as a main healer. Even in Outlands, my first few experiences were almost enough to get me to switch to protection, they went that poorly (some of it -- OK, a lot of it -- was my fault, but some of it wasn't). I've been running a lot of instances lately, so that I am much better in terms of skill, and the gear tends to take care of itself over time and with some planning.
#19 Jan 24 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
In some of the later dungeons I've noticed that after getting Healbot healing beens alot easier for me. Its an addon that makes a table of everyone in your raid/party and you can assign mouse clicks to use different healing spells and dispells. It definately saved me time from clicking on players and then hiting the spell.
#20 Jan 25 2008 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
I tried Healbot, and I hated it, personally.

I know how much my heals will do, so I found the feature where it shows predicted healing to be very annoying and confusing. Maybe that can be disabled, dunno.

I prefer Grid in raids, which has a similar layout, and just using my anally configured unit frame mod for everything else.

Burn some key bindings into muscle memory, and you'll be good to go no matter what, imho.
#21 Jan 27 2008 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Healbot for the win.

Left Click = FoL
Shift Left Click = Holy Light
CTRL Left Click = BoP
ALT Left Click = Divine Shield
Right Click = Cleanse
Shift Right Click = Mana Trinket 1
CTRL Right Click = Mana Trinket 2
ALT Right Click = Divine Illumination
Middle Click = Lay on Hands

Readout of other incoming heals if healer is using healbot.
Shaded Fill of approximate heal that your heal or others will give to HP readout.
Fully scalable, customizable, and has "smart buffs"
Warning colors of debuffs you can get rid of.

Holy Hope for the win.
No more blessings on cast bars.
No more seals or judgment on cast bars.

PallyPower for the win.
No more checking their buff icons to see if it's time to recast.
#22 Jan 31 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
212 posts
I would have to agree, Healbot is awesome. Saves a lot of time selecting AND hitting a button to heal.

In terms of gameplay, what was said above is correct, be PRO-active. Another useful tip especially when going into a tough pull is to keep Light's Grace active. In a typical boss fight, I would start with a downranked HL to trigger Light's Grace and switch back to FoL, using the downranked HK to retrigger as necessary. The 0.5 secs it saves on your HL cast can be the difference between life and death. Also, always keep your tank topped up with FoL, throw in a HL as neccessary to bring him back to full health and continue with the FoL.

Get yourself a threat meter and something that tells you who has aggro (healbot does this), this will give you a little warning on who is going to take damage next.

If the **** hits the fan, always keep tank up as a priority. Next is the biggest dps or anyone who can effectively cc. Sorry to say but melee dps are generally low on my list of priorities at that point.

happy healing
#23 Feb 11 2008 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Experience, Experience, Experience.

But having Healbot works as well. Good healers heal... Great healers stun targets on their way to a ranged... for the tank to pick up... and still heal.

Point being the BEST healers can heal and know whats going on.

Knowing damage "peaks" in an encounter, knowing when to start a heal, knowing who ELSE is healing who. (I cannot tell you how often this is a problem in some guilds)

Keep an eye on mana... you're a healer, but if you know what you're doing you know that you shouldn't ALWAYS be casting heal. DO NOT restrict yourself to plate... I prefer Shammy healing gear. Do NOT rely on crit. Don't stress on losing a person in a raid or 5-man... people die. Your job is to prevent a wipe. Keep an eye on "overheals". Get a meter that measures healing (they measure damage... but that it NOT your concern) and keep an eye on your "overheal" if your overhealing your NOT PAYING ATTENTION. I've healed 40%+ on Kara runs... and I am by no means an "expert". Overheal indicates how "responsible" you are with Mana and attentive you are to the instance.
Finally be prepared... carry mana potions. Don't forget about Divine Intervention. Make an effort to get your hands on "time saving" gems or trinkets that reduce casting time.

All about lasting, because the longer you stay alive the more oppurtunity for your tank to pull them off you. As a side note, positioning is important, on average try to stand between tank and ranged...

Keep concentration on at ALL times. Almost everyone will benefit, casters can use it (reduced silence time) and when things get tuff, you will be glad you had it on. Illhoof is a GREAT example of keeping Concentration on when another aura may seem "better"... Fire Aura being the assumed "better".

As for your grammar... well I don't care... I'm not some kind of grammar fascist... so enjoy healing! and above all, GL and HF.
#24 Feb 11 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
Just a couple of other points that I think should be tossed out.

1) Consumables are your friend - Elixir of Healing Power, Elixir of Draenic Wisdom, Golden Fishsticks, and all the appropriate health and mana pots. Healthstone if a warlock is in the group. It's far easier to pot yourself and heal others than to take the time to toss a heal on yourself.

2) Know when to take a potion. You'll learn the fights as you go - in long fights where you know you will run out of mana, take your first mana pot as soon as your mana bar drops low enough that none of the pot will be wasted. Take more every time it cools down. Alos remember that mana pots and health pots share a cooldown - if you're going to have to take mana pots, avoid using the health pot. (healthstone, various healing crystals or trinkets, even bandages are sometimes better substitutes.)

3) Illumination and Divine Illumination - yes, they have cooldowns, but the cooldowns are far shorter than the trash between bosses, and in many cases shorter than the boss fights themselves. Use them. Often. And again. Many healing trinkets also have extra +healing on use. Use them.

4) Don't forget Lay on Hands - Very nice for late in the fight, when all the priests and druids have run out of mana and you're just getting ready to take your next mana pot - free heal for the main tank to full health, then pot and keep going. Again, you may be able to use this two or (with Improved Lay on Hands) three times in a major raid, and at least once in an instance.

5) Don't forget your bubble. Bosses that polymorph everybody, things that do massive instance damage at a known time, even suddenly picking up lots of aggro, this will shed it very quickly leaving you free to focus on healing. Plus, you usually have time once you're free to dispel the effect off of one or two other people.

6) Cleanse - You can mitigate far more damage than you can heal in many cases just by cleansing off debuffs - polymorphs, fears, poisons and many effects that either cause squishies to die fast or cause the tank to run around helpless while the boss beats on the rest of the party can be stripped almost as quickly as they're laid on.

7) Know when to wait. Especially in large raids, there are a lot of situations where everyone in the group tries to heal anybody taking damage, and you end up with lots of overhealing and everybody running out of mana. If two of you are assigned to the same target, you can take turns healing - after 5 seconds of not healing, your mana starts regenning with spirit again. Be ready to jump in if the damage starts overtaking the other healer.

Lol - okay, a few more than a couple. Enjoy!
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