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heroic BFFollow

#1 Jan 22 2008 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
ok so as most of you know yesterday's daily heroic was Blood furnace, im a paladin if you want to find me im the only person in the game named "elitedawson" btw if anyone makes a toon with that name ill hunt you down and murdur you. my spec is a pve/pvp mix, ive got enough in the prot tree to get the imp devo aura and concentration aura, some extra armor, kings, imp BOP, and imp righteous fury for the extra armor in pvp, as far as my holy tree goes i dont have any resist fear or damage reducing abilities for the pvp aspect of the game, not the best spec but suits me for most things.

ive got 1700 healing more than enough mp5 and more than enough mana for any battle in a heroic, ive healed heroic BF a few times but last night gave me more trouble than anything ever. I have the libram that gives the improvments to blessing of light from kara, so i had BoL on my tank, salv on the three dps, and wisdom on myself. the fury warrior was fairly well geared, the mage and rogue not really well geared at all, i got a 2k FoL crit on the mage and gave him about 40% of his hp back, and the rogue was still using a weapon that had 62.5 dps. The warrior's gear wasnt that bad, he still had 1 green but he still had enough gear to tank the first few bosses in kara, meaning he should have been more than well enough geared for heroic BF, i did it probably 5 months ago on my warrior and i had only one epic (bracers of courage(huntsman)) and mostly blues with a green or two and didnt get hit like this guy did.

The orcs could probably 4 shot the tank. so i put up devo aura just to give him a bit more armor, the orcs would one shot the mage when he failed to pay attention which made me laugh but then i was next on their hitlist. I ended up dieing so many times, my t4 and kara gear required a total of 62 gold in repairs.

so i have two things, one to rant about one to ask.

What was i doing wrong as far as healing, ive never had this much trouble keeping a tank up, even ones with poor gear and in some of the harder heroics. did blizzard change something on me that i didnt realize like ***** warriors and/or paladins?

second which is the rant.(ill post on the blizzard forums also) i wish they would change it back to requiring reverred to be able to use your heroic keys. Because honestly people that arent reverred with various factions have not done enough instances to get the gear to do the heroics making it that much harder to find a decent group when there arent many guildies on. and if they dont want to change it back to the way it was, then they can give me enough money to count for all of the extra repair bills getting to reverred with all of the factions and enough money to pay for the repair bills from having to do heroics with poorly geared people, which is partially my mistake for not sticking it to the man and demanding that we wait a bit longer for well geared players.
#2 Jan 22 2008 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent is my wow armory btw.. took the entire time for me to type up my rant to get armory to load up.
#3 Jan 22 2008 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Well, if you've done it successfully before, then I don't see how it could have been you who was at fault for the crappy run, unless you just were really having an off night. I've never healed in a Heroic, but I've tanked my fair share and I know how unforgiving they are for the undergeared. It's not as bad when the DPS is undergeared, but if your tank/healer are undergeared, you will have a bumpy road ahead of you. Sounds to me your tank just wasn't ready.

And I agree 110% that they NEVER should have reduced the requirement for Heroic keys down to honored ... Worst idea ever. I mean, it's almost a daily occurance I see someone who is a fresh 70 "LFG Heroic Ramps" I guess cause Ramps was the first BC instance, so Heroic version must not be hard ... And all the people I've seen go to Heroics that have nothing but quest greens??? It's ridiculous. My Shaman, level 61, is already honored with Honor Hold and has his Heroic key o.O Case in point for flawed decision ...
#4 Jan 22 2008 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
lol i think i was honored with hoh by lvl 60. doesnt take much.
#5 Jan 23 2008 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
I completely agree that it was completely assanine of bliz to lower the required lvl for heroics. Much like the OP, I've busted my hump and quite a large sum of gold to getting revered with most places, still have a little left on lower city rep.

On a semi side note, a few fresh 70's in my guild thought along the same lines as many new 70's and thought that since they were freshly 70, honored with honor hold; they would run heroic ramps since it couldn't be that hard right?? Yea needless to say they wiped completely on the 2nd mob. No I didn't type that wrong, THE SECOND MOB!! The tank who thought he was all high an mighty got 2 shotted thanks to his lovely lvl 62 tanking pants. After the tank died the mobs made short work of the priest healer in t4 gear and a rogue in d3 gear and a hunter in epic pvp gladiator gear.

Had to laugh about that for about a week. Some people just won't listen. I told them countless times that heroic ramps is a good testing ground for kara readiness, but guess it takes a total of 100g for 4 of them (priest wasn't in guild) to repair to realize that I do know a little about what I'm talking about.

So anyone think that with the next big patch bliz will realize how royally they've screwed up and put the requirement back to revered?
#6 Jan 23 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Excellent
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numberonedaw wrote:
btw if anyone makes a toon with that name ill hunt you down and murdur you.

Here's the I enough of an *** to create a character with that name and level it to 10? Or am I more the kind of *** who would go on your server and report your name?

Decisions, decisions...
#7 Jan 23 2008 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
134 posts
So let me get this straight, you PUGed a heroic, and wiped. Hmmm... That's never ever happened before.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2008 5:11am by iceravenVI
#8 Jan 23 2008 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
maskofdeath wrote:
So anyone think that with the next big patch bliz will realize how royally they've screwed up and put the requirement back to revered?

As much as I would love that: no, not going to happen.
#9 Jan 23 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
No, I personally didn't join in the slaughter, it was simply some new lvl 70 guildies that thought they were just these uber players.....quite a humbling experience
#10 Jan 23 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
numberonedaw wrote:
I ended up dieing so many times, my t4 and kara gear required a total of 62 gold in repairs.

Did you have multiple sets of armor that you completely broke, or did you take a repair break mid-dungeon? Because not even full T6 armor costs that much to repair.

numberonedaw wrote:
i wish they would change it back to requiring reverred to be able to use your heroic keys.

You could have turned down the group. If I saw a rogue with a 62 DPS weapon and a mage with 5k hp, I would leave. Hell I had a higher DPS weapon than that at level 60, there's no excuse for trying heroics with that at 70.

So anyone think that with the next big patch bliz will realize how royally they've screwed up and put the requirement back to revered?

I sure hope not. I run heroics on my pally, who was wearing mostly epics before I ever hit revered with any of the dungeon reputations. (it's nice to be the alt in a BT guild) I think I've finally been able to get to Revered with them all, but I certainly met the gear requirements long before I had the rep.
#11 Jan 23 2008 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
numberonedaw wrote:
btw if anyone makes a toon with that name ill hunt you down and murdur you.

Here's the I enough of an *** to create a character with that name and level it to 10? Or am I more the kind of *** who would go on your server and report your name?

Decisions, decisions...

I think you are the kind of *** who does both....
#12 Jan 23 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Ialaman wrote:
So anyone think that with the next big patch bliz will realize how royally they've screwed up and put the requirement back to revered?

I sure hope not. I run heroics on my pally, who was wearing mostly epics before I ever hit revered with any of the dungeon reputations. (it's nice to be the alt in a BT guild) I think I've finally been able to get to Revered with them all, but I certainly met the gear requirements long before I had the rep.

Lucky you being in a very small population of the player base, having the luxury of being so well geared without rep grinding. If everyone was like that they could do away with rep requirements period, but the majority of people are not in your position. There's a large number of players that are trying to run Heroics undergeared, so even if it meant BT alts had to actually get rep (heaven forbid) it would be better overall to change the requirement back to revered.
#13 Jan 23 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
Did you have multiple sets of armor that you completely broke, or did you take a repair break mid-dungeon? Because not even full T6 armor costs that much to repair.

we uh.. had 2 repair breaks.. then the repair afterwords...

You could have turned down the group. If I saw a rogue with a 62 DPS weapon and a mage with 5k hp, I would leave. Hell I had a higher DPS weapon than that at level 60, there's no excuse for trying heroics with that at 70.

sometimes when you think you're insane and are bored because you dont have school that day and feel like you should be doing something but its a holiday so no one is home and no one is online a man might resort to other things.

I sure hope not. I run heroics on my pally, who was wearing mostly epics before I ever hit revered with any of the dungeon reputations. (it's nice to be the alt in a BT guild) I think I've finally been able to get to Revered with them all, but I certainly met the gear requirements long before I had the rep.

well arent you lucky, sorry if that sounds sarcastic but its not, i dont mind people who dont have to get reverred as long as they are well geared, im pretty sure the group if they didnt have me would have had a bit of trouble in normal shattered halls, the thing is that a lot of people, guild recruiters especially think that they dont think people should be allowed into larger guilds if they dont have their keys, i used to tell my the recruiter in my guild, their number of attunements has nothing to do with their gear or skill, you can still get good gear to gear up for kara from doing normal runs and maybe you are just a really good player, i just wish it were a bit easier to get a heroic going but now that there are so many more people its actually a bit harder to get a good heroic run.

So let me get this straight, you PUGed a heroic, and wiped. Hmmm... That's never ever happened before.

i dont mind pugging, and wiping, its just repeated wiping that gets to my head.
#15 Jan 23 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Ialaman wrote:
I sure hope not. I run heroics on my pally, who was wearing mostly epics before I ever hit revered with any of the dungeon reputations. (it's nice to be the alt in a BT guild) I think I've finally been able to get to Revered with them all, but I certainly met the gear requirements long before I had the rep.

Lucky you being in a very small population of the player base, having the luxury of being so well geared without rep grinding. If everyone was like that they could do away with rep requirements period, but the majority of people are not in your position. There's a large number of players that are trying to run Heroics undergeared, so even if it meant BT alts had to actually get rep (heaven forbid) it would be better overall to change the requirement back to revered.

Oh I know I'm in the minority. I've been pugging the heroics because I need a large number of badges still (I want the helm and legs still for a passively uncrushable gear set I'm designing, 95 badges to go still)

However, the main reason they won't switch the requirement back is because it's very very hard to say "Oh, yeah, we know you guys used to be able to go to do 'X' (in this case, heroics) but you can't anymore."

numberonedaw wrote:
Did you have multiple sets of armor that you completely broke, or did you take a repair break mid-dungeon? Because not even full T6 armor costs that much to repair.

we uh.. had 2 repair breaks.. then the repair afterwords...

Wow, that's just.... awesome. How did you manage to have so many deaths (over 20 to go through 2 full repairs) yet still finish the dungeon without mob respawn?

Just as a reference for the future, though. If you show up to a dungeon at 100% durability, and you hit 0% durability, it's probably time to leave. There are exceptions, but that's a good general rule.

numberonedaw wrote:
You could have turned down the group. If I saw a rogue with a 62 DPS weapon and a mage with 5k hp, I would leave. Hell I had a higher DPS weapon than that at level 60, there's no excuse for trying heroics with that at 70.

sometimes when you think you're insane and are bored because you dont have school that day and feel like you should be doing something but its a holiday so no one is home and no one is online a man might resort to other things.

Yeah under those conditions I would run what's known as a normal mode instance. Trying to pug a heroic with that caliber of group is really just an exercise in masochism.

numberonedaw wrote:
i dont mind pugging, and wiping, its just repeated wiping that gets to my head.

Then.... leave the group? Honestly, their gear isn't going to improve mid-run, so if they're people who obviously shouldn't be in a heroic, trying to brute force your way through isn't going to turn out very well.
#16 Jan 23 2008 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Ialaman wrote:
However, the main reason they won't switch the requirement back is because it's very very hard to say "Oh, yeah, we know you guys used to be able to go to do 'X' (in this case, heroics) but you can't anymore."

Maulgak wrote:
As much as I would love that: no, not going to happen.

You'll notice I already stated that I didn't believe they would change it back. That's not the issue I was addressing. They could say, "We regret to inform the community that due to the unanticipated number of people trying to run Heroics undergeared, we are raising the requirement back to Revered status." But, that's admitting a mistake, and not going to happen.

THe fact remains for a very large majority of the population, this was a mistake from the get go.
#17 Jan 23 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
2,018 posts
Ialaman wrote:
However, the main reason they won't switch the requirement back is because it's very very hard to say "Oh, yeah, we know you guys used to be able to go to do 'X' (in this case, heroics) but you can't anymore."

Indeed. Blizzard is very reluctant to reach into peoples' bags and take items back (in this case keys), unless they were obtained with methods outside the rules. I couldn't see Blizzard changing this.

Don't PuG heroics or armory people before you invite them.
#18 Jan 23 2008 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
However, the main reason they won't switch the requirement back is because it's very very hard to say "Oh, yeah, we know you guys used to be able to go to do 'X' (in this case, heroics) but you can't anymore."

actually, im not sposed to punch my brother in the face, hes 21 and im about twice his size, oh wait i just did... blizzard is blizzard, they bring in oh wait 15*10million dollars every month, thats a lot of damn money, they can do whatever the hell they want lol!

How did you manage to have so many deaths (over 20 to go through 2 full repairs) yet still finish the dungeon without mob respawn?

we had rogues respawn, but the normal mob groups dont respawn unless you are outside of the instance for 2 hours i think... and since we were waiting inside the entire time, well only rogues repopped once or twice, we also wiped on the 2nd boss 5 times, decided to give it one more try and raped it even though the rogue got 2 orcs in his stink on the first cage, we managed.

Yeah under those conditions I would run what's known as a normal mode instance. Trying to pug a heroic with that caliber of group is really just an exercise in masochism.

the tank was one of my guild leaders and he knew he was slightly undergeared and the dps warrior was one of my friends who farmed for me so it was somewhat of a favor to heal, we're gearing up our guild leader's warrior so that he can tank kara because our guild got blindsided by a few rebels and lost most of the well geared tanks and well most of the well geared players. the boots did drop at the end which i am very happy i stayed to help out with that.

Then.... leave the group? Honestly, their gear isn't going to improve mid-run, so if they're people who obviously shouldn't be in a heroic, trying to brute force your way through isn't going to turn out very well.

brute forcing your way through things is actually the way to go, it costs a lot of money but i was in a guild who had wipe nights, you would go into an instance and work on whatever bosses you had left until everyone was yellow, repair and move to the next instance/boss. this is how we got netherspite/nightbane/gruul/mag/voidreaver down in the time we did. the raid was in mostly blues and a few epics per person when we downed netherspite a week after we downed prince, nightbane later taht night. we downed highking after 5 attempts and gruul after another 2 hours of wiping. mag after one wipe night in which he broke from his imprisonment only one single time, we downed him the next night, and voidreaver the night after we entered TK for the first time mainly cause we kept trying and kept our spirits up and used brute force to bring them down.
#19 Jan 23 2008 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
910 posts
Speaking from a warrior's point of view, that tank was bad. I took the effort to at least get the minimum stats before heading into heroics. I didn't even think of heroics when I was an Arms warrior. I got a few pieces of gear, 490 def, 11k hp, 12k armor, 30% dodge/parry rating and respec'ed to prot before attempting my first heroics run...which was Ramps.

Blizz lowering the rep requirement is not a bad idea imho. I, for one couldn't get revered with HH no matter how hard I tried. PvP and SH are pretty sucky. I guess I'm one of those people who actually take the time to go out and grab some decent gear before attempting heroics. I applaud Blizz's decision to lower the rep because casual players like me are able to experience a little bit of the end game group content. But for those who think they can scrap by with the same gear that they tanked the lower lvl instances with, I would say that they try to do more regular instances before they even consider buying the heroic keys for the instances.

By the way, "elitedawson", it's pretty normal to see undergeared people in heroics. Try to play around it and not group with them.

"LFG for Heroic <instance>. Only elite geared people and above pst"

That's one spam I've never seen in my 2 years of WoW.
#20 Jan 23 2008 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
numberonedaw wrote:
However, the main reason they won't switch the requirement back is because it's very very hard to say "Oh, yeah, we know you guys used to be able to go to do 'X' (in this case, heroics) but you can't anymore."

actually, im not sposed to punch my brother in the face, hes 21 and im about twice his size, oh wait i just did... blizzard is blizzard, they bring in oh wait 15*10million dollars every month, thats a lot of damn money, they can do whatever the hell they want lol!

You know why Blizzard has over 10 million customers? Because they spend a lot of time thinking through the ramifications of each change before they implement them. They aren't going to "do whatever the hell they want lol!" because that will **** people off and cost customers.

numberonedaw wrote:
Yeah under those conditions I would run what's known as a normal mode instance. Trying to pug a heroic with that caliber of group is really just an exercise in masochism.

the tank was one of my guild leaders and he knew he was slightly undergeared and the dps warrior was one of my friends who farmed for me so it was somewhat of a favor to heal, we're gearing up our guild leader's warrior so that he can tank kara because our guild got blindsided by a few rebels and lost most of the well geared tanks and well most of the well geared players. the boots did drop at the end which i am very happy i stayed to help out with that.

So wait, let me get this right. You know they were undergeared, they know they were undergeared, and now you're saying it's Blizzard's fault that they even gave you the choice of being able to go in to a heroic?

numberonedaw wrote:
Then.... leave the group? Honestly, their gear isn't going to improve mid-run, so if they're people who obviously shouldn't be in a heroic, trying to brute force your way through isn't going to turn out very well.

brute forcing your way through things is actually the way to go, it costs a lot of money but i was in a guild who had wipe nights, you would go into an instance and work on whatever bosses you had left until everyone was yellow, repair and move to the next instance/boss.

Dude, please, don't try to lecture me on raiding, as there's only 4 bosses left in the entire game that I haven't killed. If you're going to seriously compare running a 5-man to 25-man raiding.... wow, I just really don't know what to say. You're not supposed to have to death-zerg your way through a 5-man instance. The tactics for each boss are fairly simple and easy to excecute.
#21 Jan 23 2008 at 10:40 PM Rating: Excellent
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chood wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
numberonedaw wrote:
btw if anyone makes a toon with that name ill hunt you down and murdur you.

Here's the I enough of an *** to create a character with that name and level it to 10? Or am I more the kind of *** who would go on your server and report your name?

Decisions, decisions...

I think you are the kind of *** who does both....

Actually, turns out I'm a different kind of *** entirely. Special arrangements have been made. Look for an update this weekend. Smiley: grin
#22 Jan 23 2008 at 11:41 PM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Backpedaling from your penchant for *** varieties?
#23 Jan 24 2008 at 12:27 AM Rating: Excellent
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Celcio wrote:
Backpedaling from your penchant for *** varieties?

Nah, I just found a better way.
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