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Your approach to the Arena!Follow

#1 Jan 18 2008 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
....and I thought I was as addicted as you could get to a game! I played my first 2v2 last night, and OMG.......someone call me a shrink, cause I got it! :) Of course I got wasted 4 out of 5 times. Considering I went in with all epic BG gear, "that I busted my @$$ for by the way", I was like a fish outta water. Is Arean gear that much better? Well call me an Arena Noob, no one was more suprised than me to see someone of my own faction charging at me with RAGE in his eyes.......and here I thought I was frightened of Gnomes. Im just glad Taurens can't be Rogues!....lolol.

So here comes the Noob questions:

Are there potions for the Arena, and if so, where?(Do bg potions work)?

It seems like one of the Locks strongest attribute is the Soulstone. Why did they take that ability away?

I'll be running with either a Hunter or a Rogue(Im a demolock), do you think these are good matchups?

I know there are alot of variables, but whats your basic approach since you never know what your gonna be up against?

One last thing. During our second game against a BE Hunter and A Tauren Druid. We decided to focus on the druid first. I sent my Big Ugly after the hunter, and we pounded the druid. At one point we had him down to about 20%, then BOOM, he's completely healed, and was still carrying a full load of mana. This happened several time, same result, until we were turned into pin cushions by the Hunter. At the end stats, I noticed I had done 39k+ damage, and my partner didnt even look he was so flustered (hes the best Rogue player I know), this druid did 49k healing.........does this sound right to you. Should'nt 2 lvl 70's in Epic BG gear, be able to take out a lvl70 druid,whos not even hitting back, no matter his gear. You'd think it'd take a noticable amount of mana to replace 80% of his health.

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 11:57pm by Hips
#2 Jan 19 2008 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
Potions cant be used in arena matches.

Soulstone cant be used because you cant use any skill/spell/ability that has 15min+ cooldown.

For the rest of your questions I'd suggest
I haven't played for 2 months now and don't wanna give faulty informations tbh =).
#3 Jan 19 2008 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
Look for a pillar. Run around it and taa daaa!!! you are a better arena-player...
and you might want to consider a SL/SL specc
#4 Jan 19 2008 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
454 posts
And you might want to consider not running with a rogue, but a druid. Not that it's a bad combo at all - actually it's a good combo, but druid + lock is simply just that much better.
#5 Jan 20 2008 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
Were you doing anything to interrupt the druid's cast sequence? Knowing when to switch curses is important as a pvp lock *shrugs*. Also, you should duel with and against your partner, so that you'll know when he's interrupting and you can dps, and vice versa. As an affliction lock, it's fairly easy to kill a BM hunter in 20-30 seconds - which a good stunlock rogue can pull off. From what it sounds like, the druid was a straight healer (or close to it), and although it's generally a good rule to take out healers before the rest - if you can disable said healer while you kill the dps - the healer has nothing left to heal :S.

#6 Jan 20 2008 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
lock + druid, lock + Rogue, lock + mage, lock + paladin

the first two are the more common combinations. you do also find lock+Spriest, but though it should work on paper, imo it doesn't work very well and can be easily countered by most other combinations. the latter two are also very good combinations, but they require a different tactic and approach to what you'd usually expect and are generally considered a harder combination to play, but one of equal value to any other good combination.

there arn't potions...BUT there is food and water that you can buy with honor from your knights halls (or horde equivilant)

longest abilities are 15min cd's and anything beyond that are taken away due to being 'OP' (recklessness, retaliation, battle res, self res, soulstone, lay on hands etc... all to OP for arena).

hunter 'could' be viable... but having two classes heavily reliant on their pet is never a good idea, plus their ability to CC isn't that amazing. they're known for kiting. lock/rogue though is a good combination and worth learning. main things though are knowing when to use abilities like blind/deathcoil etc.. (the tide turners) also you're fairly reliant on getting a sap off at the start. if you can't manage that then you're at a big disadvantage from the outset.

druids are known for that. 'tis called swiftmend and it's a 15second cd. 90% of the time. you're better off going for the dps and keeping the healer CC'd. then at the oportune moment, counterspell them /blind / deathcoil /vanish cheapshot etc.. to allow for the finishing blow on the dps. also while pounding on the dps, do it hard. force the healer to use more mana so that you can then drain the rest of it away in a flash, leaving them vunrable.

no is the anser to '2 lvl.70's in epic bg gear etc...'. firstly because the BG gear isn't that amazing (it's S1 at best) and two, healers in pvp gear are nigh impossible to nuke down. i've seen and encounted pallies/druids/priest/shammies who all could sustain themselves against a barrage of dps from 2-4 sources for well over a minute. they have more issues keeping someone else alive while that person is being CC'd than taking care of themselves.

pst. i know it's not pvp, but in raids i've seen druids who's rejuv's tick for 1-1.2k on me. lifeblooms that tick for 200-300 on the TICKS, and then exploding for over 2k non-crit with the end part etc... healing isn't the issue and nor is the mana efficiency.
#7 Jan 24 2008 at 5:49 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
Jenovaomega wrote:
lock + druid, lock + Rogue, lock + mage, lock + paladin

druids are known for that. 'tis called swiftmend and it's a 15second cd. 90% of the time.

pst. i know it's not pvp, but in raids i've seen druids who's rejuv's tick for 1-1.2k on me. lifeblooms that tick for 200-300 on the TICKS, and then exploding for over 2k non-crit with the end part etc... healing isn't the issue and nor is the mana efficiency.

Well I have a resto druid level 70 too with >300 resilience and have not met the lock that can easily outdps my healing. Just way too many options. Like Jenova said swiftmend is godlike, even if I am on the run (and I spent most of my arena running), I can always squeeze out an instant rejuv HoT and then have 12 secons to find an opening in Cc to cast instant swiftmend (healing for the full HoT amount of a rejuv),

I will always find time to cast a lifebloom, my PVP ones still ticking for close to 200 on the ticks and btween 1300-1800 on the final bloom. Casting three lifeblooms on the run and refreshing on each 7 secs to keep three stacks and you got 600 health ticking every sec. Rejuv ticks every 3 secs for around 800-900. A remove curse can be done on the run (getting rid of curse of agony or any other curse). Remove poison to get rid of hunter viper stings. And all that with instants on the run.

Casted all HoTs and taking the full load from a hunter and pet? quick switch to bear and even resto druids will have around 13-14k armor, severely mitigating physical damage while the HoTs keep on ticking, throw in a frenzied regeneration in while in bear (a full rage bar worth 2.5k in healing, though you will likely switch back out before that much rage will be built) to help the health ticking back.

Oh and of course then there is: the "you think you got me, but you got to start over" combo of nature swiftness (next cast becomes instant) with healing touch (the highest nuking heal of a druid) for non crit heals between 4.5k-5k, critting for 7-8k heals sometimes. That one is a must to interrupt but with most resto druids having that combo on macro.....good luck....

Then factor in the resilience, not only reducing crit chance and crit damage, but also reducing damage over time and you may understand that burning resto druids down will take a lot of burst damage and time. (sure my druid has gone down against two mages on occasion).

Oh and before I forget, even with being two enemies bursting, the druid is likely to get a cyclone off (or root and hide behind pillar) now and then and get enough breathing room to heal some more......

Not that resto druids are overpowered, they just have incredible survival tools (their damage potential however is close to zero).
#8 Jan 24 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
lock + druid, lock + Rogue, lock + mage, lock + paladin

QFT. I played with a priest all last season, we weren't very geared, but we finished 10 points off rival together...

Honestly we're pretty good PVPers. I had mostly PVE gear with 150 resil at the time, he had +1200, 7000hp and 40 resil.

Skill > Gear. We destroyed plenty of mirror setups and even superior setups (lock/druid) who far outgeared us just by playing better. My favorite thing in the game was killing full S2 geared locks with spellblade while I was wearing spellstrike plus my POS exalted HH blade. It was hilarious watching my priest LOS the crap out of enemy priests and beat them in the mana burning war.

Sadly he quit the game, and I server transfered =(

OP, how do you have all the "battleground gear", which is like 200k worth of honor points, without knowing basic stuff like "druids can heal?".

Anyway, yes druids can heal, and they can do it well. I hope by "your big ugly" you meant felhunter not voidwalker ;)

Rogue/warlock can play really well, I'd actually like to try this setup. Against druids, your rogue should be stuck on the druid like glue. Noobie technique thats quite effective is shiv crippling poison immediately after every single shapeshift, and watch his debuffs. If the druid dispells poison from caster, stun him or reshiv immediately. Every single shapeshift, stick on him like glue. In the meantime, you fear the hunter while draining the druids mana. Felhunter can dispell traps/sheeps off you or your rogue.

More advanced rogue technique requires a macro and an off hand in the bag. Basically wound poison on main hand, crippling poison on your normal off hand. A second off hand in the bag has wound poison on it, and you shiv wound poison whenever possible, trying to keep 5 stacks on the druid. More importantly though is shivving with crippling through every shift, and everytime it gets dispelled. Try to 5pt kidney shot whenever it's up.

Rogues got nerfed on AR/prep, but I'd still go full combat maces on my rogue. I play mage/rogue on my mage, and duel dps is quite fun.

Now more then ever, skill > gear. Every noob with time to spare will be running around in full vindicators/S1 gear with a handful of S2/S3 pieces. Learn the game, play better then them, you'll be able to beat them. If me and my priest geared up earlier, we'd be guaranteed gladiator's right now, considering we were so damn close to duelist with terrible PVP gear. Especially the priest, it was truely ugly.

Edited, Jan 24th 2008 9:52am by mikelolol
#9 Jan 24 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
used to run with a holy pally...broke 1600 rating, but he switched to ret so we're not a good combo anymore. That bubble is nice when two rogues are beating on you. I don't really do arena anymore. Mostly just BGs with my warlock and PVE with my shammy.

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