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Eeking out a bit more.Follow

#1 Jan 18 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Hello fellow warriors.

I really just started tanking when I hit 70 about a month and a half ago. I realized that to see end game id pretty much have to go prot to see end game stuff. This forum has been a good source of information for that and i believe has indirectly made me a better tank.

So, I need some direct help. Ive done what i can with what i have and have a few upgrades incoming. I have 50 badges saved for the breastplate and am in a weekly kara group who clears to shade....we almost have him down. And still have yet to see the plate bracers drop from Attummen. They WILL be mine!! And kings defender dropped from Chess last night but the pally was first in line for it.

I almost have enough nethers to upgrade either my Lunar Crescent or the Planar Edge, which I have been using as my tanking weapon.

Im wondering if I can get any tips based on my armory profile. Here

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 1:13pm by freekyE
#2 Jan 18 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
A few things, since old Gyf has to stick his nose into everything XD

You're exaulted with Sha'tar... for the love of God get the epic shield, and drop that greenie =), your next upgrade from that will be the Nightbane shield, then Gruul's shield.

I'd suggest saving a few more badges and getting the 75 badge pants.... soooooo much stamina.

Star of Elune is your friend. You don't have to match up socket colors with socket gems. You can use blue in red, but you won't get the socket bonus (if it's a crappy bonus... take the +12 stam over the crappy bonus).

Your armory is showing you buffed with fort and food, so that 13.5k is going to be much less. Buff up your Stamina, keeping over 490 defense, then worry about dodge/parry. Don't change anything now... what's done is done, but when you get your T4 stuff in Kara, start looking at the socket bonus, and start filling up the slots with star of elune (unless it's a very very good bonus). I'm at like 14.6k unbuffed atm, and I know I need to resocket some gems :/ I never knew about any gem for any slot thing.

That's all I got looking from work.

*edit* Also, toss that gun, try for "The Boomstick" (what I'm using), or that engineering epic gun "Gyro-someting something" (it'll require a lot of adamite node hunting... that's why I don't have it yet).

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 3:48pm by GYFFORD
#3 Jan 18 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I'd replace the weapon personally. Purple is nice and everything, but 2.7 speed? WOW. Sun Eater is the obvious choice, but if you want a guaranteed acquisition that you don't have to get lucky on a drop you could use what I'm using (Grom'tor's Charge) which, wile you'd have to "downgrade" from a purple to a blue, you'd get some +defense, a ton of stamina, and most importantly a fast weapon.
#4 Jan 18 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Slow weapons are a lot of the time better now, since rage generation is normalized. Granted, it can be a BIT spikier than it would be with a faster weapon, but your devastates will hit harder. If you can manage a proper rage level with a slow weapon, it will in most cases be better for threat.
#5 Jan 18 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Ive had the crest of shatar for over a week....guesss armory hasnt updated :/

As far as the weapon, i get plenty of rage in a serious fight. But i am on the lookout for either suneater (been to mech about 7 times, no droppy) or kings defender.

I cant get gromtors charge because I did quests as a dps warrior and picked my rewards i missed out on a lot of the easy to get tanky stuff.

So, you suggest i actually regem into star of elunes? Thats gonna be expensive....uncut they go for 40g or more on my server.

As far as the ranged weapon, i have a throwing star "of the champion" right now....str sta and def.
#6 Jan 18 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
So, you suggest i actually regem into star of elunes? Thats gonna be expensive....uncut they go for 40g or more on my server
Tanking is not cheap. I spend about 100g to restock my consumables (scrolls of protect, Ironshield pots, HP pots, food, etc). I just bought 5 star of elunes last night alone (new chest and waist). 45g a pop. That's a what 3 - 4 dailies, each?... But it's worth it.

I said don't worry about resocketing your current gear... why waste the gem inside there, just giving you a suggestion on what to socket next. However when you get your T4 armor, I'd suggest more than a few SoE's.

As far as the ranged weapon, i have a throwing star "of the champion" right now....str sta and def.
And I'm just suggesting a better ranged weapon. You are looking to hit 490 defense(no less). The boomstick gives you more Stamina, and still offers Defense. 'Gyro-ballance' tanking gun offers more stamina and a gem slot.

It's all about stamina, more stam = more error margin your healers get. Our guild's main tank has over 20k buffed, same with our #2 bear tank, I'm about 18._k buffed (I think). Like I said start thinking Star of Elunes.
#7 Jan 18 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
for your tanking spec, you need only 2 points in imp demo shout to fully debuff an npcs attack power (correct me if im wrong).

Imp taunt and imp disarm aren't going to help much, many mobs and most bosses are immune to both. I'd drop 2 points in imp bloodrage (you can use it several times during a long boss fight) and 3 in imp sunder (which also reduces devestate). You also should REALLY put 3 points in focused rage, 9 rage devestates are great, shield slams for 17. It's a lot of rage saved.
#8 Jan 18 2008 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
ForeverFallout wrote:
for your tanking spec, you need only 2 points in imp demo shout to fully debuff an npcs attack power (correct me if im wrong).

Imp taunt and imp disarm aren't going to help much, many mobs and most bosses are immune to both. I'd drop 2 points in imp bloodrage (you can use it several times during a long boss fight) and 3 in imp sunder (which also reduces devestate). You also should REALLY put 3 points in focused rage, 9 rage devestates are great, shield slams for 17. It's a lot of rage saved.

I actually like Imp Taunt for the overzealous dps in heroics and trash mobs. You said:
I'd drop 2 points in imp bloodrage (you can use it several times during a long boss fight)

On boss fights do you really have that much of a rage problem tho? I know I Devastate spam, Shield Block is on CD always, revenges, T. clap always up, Demo always up, and I'm constantly at full rage. I think my gear is getting pretty good, I use my normal (un-Imp. bloodrage) for the initial shield slam for threat, then it's a constant fight to dump my rage. IMO Imp bloodrage is not needed, but each person tanks different. I can see your point about 2 bloodrages if you're off tanking it'll help (like Gruul's.. but you could stand in a 'cave in' a little bit, for rage if needed), but I'm always topped off on the rage department Smiley: smile

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 8:41pm by GYFFORD
#9 Jan 18 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
384 posts
I usually have heroic strike going constantly after 5 sunders are on the boss, drains rage pretty quickly. On morogrim, im usually tanking the adds while they are aoed down, imp blood rage is a big help then. And if i get lucky with dodges i may end up with no rage for a few seconds. If im overgeared for something and am taking almost no damage, i use bloodrage a lot.
#10 Jan 19 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
for your tanking spec, you need only 2 points in imp demo shout to fully debuff an npcs attack power (correct me if im wrong).

Imp taunt and imp disarm aren't going to help much, many mobs and most bosses are immune to both. I'd drop 2 points in imp bloodrage (you can use it several times during a long boss fight) and 3 in imp sunder (which also reduces devestate). You also should REALLY put 3 points in focused rage, 9 rage devestates are great, shield slams for 17. It's a lot of rage saved.

My spec right now feels the best its ever been. I have zero problems with rage generation in instances (and this spec is instance only).

Any and all atk power i can pull off mobs that are hitting me is good.

I use bloodrage at the beginning of fights and never need it again. I really really never run out of rage. (yes i keep all of my stuff on cooldown and gen about 600 threat per sec), so i dont really see the benefit in a little extra rage.

As it is, i can shield slam on a bloodrage, which is about the most i need out of it. (thats how i pick up sparks when im offtanking curator)

Really this thread is about gear and gems. I took a little shopping trip last night and replace several of my 2 color gems with solid stars and have my hp up to almost 12k. I just dont really see much of a way to get too much more out of the gear i have.
#11 Jan 19 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
What he's saying Freeky is that after 2/5 imp. demo, you are not reducing the enemies AP any further by having points in the ability. It has no effect on their damage after that. 5/5 is only needed when a lock has Curse of Recklessness placed on the target. Outside of that specific situation, the mob will do the same amount of damage with 3/5,4/5,and 5/5 as they would with 2/5. It's wasted points without CoR.
#12 Jan 20 2008 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
What he's saying Freeky is that after 2/5 imp. demo, you are not reducing the enemies AP any further by having points in the ability. It has no effect on their damage after that. 5/5 is only needed when a lock has Curse of Recklessness placed on the target. Outside of that specific situation, the mob will do the same amount of damage with 3/5,4/5,and 5/5 as they would with 2/5. It's wasted points without CoR.

AH! This is the kind of explanation Im looking for. I really havent been able to delve far enough into the game to understand some of the math thats happening behind the scenes. Thanks for the heads up.

On a side note, I just rolled a mage on your server today.(Ally side) Non-raid days are getting to be long. :P
#13 Jan 20 2008 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
What's his name? I'll friend list it, I'm leveling up a rogue atm, so we might get the chance to play sometime.
#14 Jan 21 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Gyfford wrote:
On boss fights do you really have that much of a rage problem tho? I know I Devastate spam, Shield Block is on CD always, revenges, T. clap always up, Demo always up, and I'm constantly at full rage.

If you're at full rage, even on a boss fight, then you're not Heroic Striking enough. With a 1.6 speed weapon (like SE or KD), you should easily be able to spend all of your rage. I'm not saying that you should spend all of your rage, as you never want to have too little rage to maintain your normal tanking rotation, but if you're finding yourself at 100 rage, then you're really gimping your TPS for no good reason.
#15 Jan 21 2008 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
If I find myself creeping up above 50% rage, I will often hit my Troll berzerk racial and spamming HS while under the speed boost quickly uses up excess rage and builds up some nice threat as well. :)

#16 Jan 21 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
It happens to me a bit too, because sometimes I don't realize just how much damage I'm really taking. I engage the mob, 2 seconds later I look at my rage bar and I have 100 rage and i'm like WTF. In order to not be full rage all the time I literally have to use Heroic Strike every single attack sometimes.
#17 Jan 21 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
The nice thing about using HS to dump rage is that it's not on the same cooldown as many of your main tanking skills so you can spam HS while still keeping up the Devastates and/or Shield Blocks as the situation demands.

My main rage problem is building threat on casters because they aren't hitting me enough to generate as much rage but I need to save extra rage for the Spell-Reflect and/or Shield Bash. I'm getting better at it though. Spell-Reflect is awesome when I can get it in in time and see the enemy's health bar take a huge dip. :)
#18 Jan 21 2008 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
CamelToad wrote:
Gyfford wrote:
On boss fights do you really have that much of a rage problem tho? I know I Devastate spam, Shield Block is on CD always, revenges, T. clap always up, Demo always up, and I'm constantly at full rage.

If you're at full rage, even on a boss fight, then you're not Heroic Striking enough. With a 1.6 speed weapon (like SE or KD), you should easily be able to spend all of your rage. I'm not saying that you should spend all of your rage, as you never want to have too little rage to maintain your normal tanking rotation, but if you're finding yourself at 100 rage, then you're really gimping your TPS for no good reason.

Meh, I never have a threat problem, I genearlly don't use Heroic strike. Mainly because it waits until your next melee swing. Maybe I'll throw that into my rotation, but right now with Devastate, Shield Slam, Shield Block and Revenges, I have absolutely no threat problems. I've gotten compliments about keeping kara mobs off mages who start off with back to back crits. Basically I just spam Devastate, throw up Block, S.Slam, revenge (nice little circle rotation, the Block causes a Revenge, S.Slam is usually up when my Revenge is off CD.

I'll have to try throwing in H. Strikes, I'm pretty sure tho for me it'll be one of those 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' deals. I will look into it tho.
#19 Jan 21 2008 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
Slow weapons are a lot of the time better now, since rage generation is normalized.

As far as the weapon, i get plenty of rage in a serious fight. But i am on the lookout for either suneater (been to mech about 7 times, no droppy) or kings defender.

EDIT: Had a brain fart(been a while and I coulda swore it was that way back in the day)...just not as noticible I guess..but you get most of ur rage from being hit.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2008 3:20am by PigeonMan
#20 Jan 21 2008 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
PigeonMan wrote:
You don't gain rage in Defensive Stance by hitting your target.

Are you kidding me? You say some stuff I agree with on these boards, some stuff I don't, but really...are you retarded? Please tell me this is an attempt at humor. Go hit a mob in defensive stance. TRY to tell me that you're imagining that rage that you're getting. TRY.
#21 Jan 22 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Gyfford wrote:
Meh, I never have a threat problem, I genearlly don't use Heroic strike. Mainly because it waits until your next melee swing. Maybe I'll throw that into my rotation, but right now with Devastate, Shield Slam, Shield Block and Revenges, I have absolutely no threat problems. I've gotten compliments about keeping kara mobs off mages who start off with back to back crits. Basically I just spam Devastate, throw up Block, S.Slam, revenge (nice little circle rotation, the Block causes a Revenge, S.Slam is usually up when my Revenge is off CD.

I'll have to try throwing in H. Strikes, I'm pretty sure tho for me it'll be one of those 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' deals. I will look into it tho.

I don't doubt that you can put out some decent threat using that rotation without HS. The point is that you could be putting out even more, without sacrificing anything. You've got all that rage, that will just be wasted, so you may as well use it. It's more threat, and more DPS, both of which are helpful to the raid.

The point is, the more threat you put out, the more your DPS can go all out. If your DPS is any good, they should never pull off of you regardless of what your TPS is. However, sometimes it's hard to tell if they're holding back to stay under your threat. I personally love to watch Omen and see my threat bar double that of the next closest person. Now you can say that the DPS sucked (which could be entirely valid), but I pride myself on the threat I can pump out.

The TPS increase from HS spamming is significant. On boss fights it can be on the order of 100TPS or more. It's definitely worth it in my opinion.
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