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Destruction is the peferred raid spec?Follow

#27 Jan 27 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
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'tis 1 boss :P, there's always 1-2 bosses where some random pet is useful. otherwise though there isn;t
#28 Jan 27 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
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In plain English meaning I do have to have pup on Jul? :p


#29 Jan 27 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
not at all. hunter, mage, priest, shammy can all make a better dispeler than us
#30 Jan 27 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
821 posts
i am so gonna prove you wrong jenova, i transefered server to a better guild and i am the worst equipped rading-lock...

i still top dmg meters as demo...screenshot coming up as soon as we are done
#31 Jan 27 2008 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Sederix, Jenova and Oaken are not arguing over demo use in PvP or even instances.
They are talking raids.

So'm I. If they were talking PVP, then I might not have as much to say on the subject, because I am on a PVE server.

Jenova, um I never said the buffs were for the group. And, I said Demonology brings survival to a group-- if I am in a group, I am therefor contributing my endurance. As I said, the longer you remain in battle, the more chances to deal damage.
However, if I wanted to get technical, I could mention that the Imp's 20% reduction of threat prevents my character from pulling aggro, which in turn, will keep the healer and myself from dying too early. Also, the felhunter's Spell Lock is very useful for removing harmful effects on -other players-, but who needs that?
How about, addressing the issues I raised. Such as, how can you be so certain and not ever have played Demonology? If you have, then that raised the question about gear and play style. All you have done is made a lot of irrational statements, but have not really supported your argument with facts.
"Demonology is inferior" is not a fact. In order for this to be true, you need to end that statement with a big fat "because".
Further, I just told you that I usually top the damage meter in groups. And, we have at least one other who has made the same claim. These are facts. Now, you must either support your position by showing that there are more Demonology warlocks who cant beat us, or explain why it is not possible for Demonology to be as successful as we are telling you that it has been.


Erm why are you wearing healing ring?

lol, that was from the Headless Horseman event. I greeded, and won out of at least 10 rolls for it.

Edited, Jan 27th 2008 2:43pm by sederix
#32 Jan 27 2008 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
Further, I just told you that I usually top the damage meter in groups.

why are you a demo lock and you don't pvp. and one more thing -- i don't take many things seriously from ppl who play on a PvE server :-/

true -- if you aren't alive you can't dps ... but if you are having a problem living and needing to spec demo to do such a thing you need to l2ply ... By upping you focusing so much on your "survivability" which shouldn't need attention, you are hindering the raid from much needed dps.

if you spec survivability ... go do some arena ;p

*edit- thought you were sethy ;p

Edited, Jan 27th 2008 3:16pm by Burnsey
#33 Jan 27 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
821 posts
i play on a pvp server, i play demo and i tell you that raid-demon out-damages destro by a good deal in pve and in pvp i think we do not have to talk about sucks pretty hard.
#34 Jan 27 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
i believe demo might be "acceptable" for dps in t5 content -- but until then affliction has way more utility/dmg output for the gear/situations. I wouldn't go destro until deep in the game. but i would say i'd go demo before i'd go desto.

But affliction is where its at when you first begin raiding.
#35 Jan 27 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
sederix wrote:

Further, I just told you that I usually top the damage meter in groups.

There we go with "I pwn damage meters" again.
You top damage meters on what exactly? Normal instances? Heroic instances? Karazhan trash? Boss with 1 mil hp like Prince?

That is as far as my experience goes and I can tell you my dps varies a lot on each one of those examples.

#36 Jan 27 2008 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
821 posts
can we all agree on that a warlock is a heavy dps class, who brings some utility to the grp?

early raiding it´s affli.
mid-end it´s demo.
late-end it´s definitly destro.
#37 Jan 27 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
edited it -- thought the username was sethy.
#38 Jan 27 2008 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
oaken, check my guild. i'm out geared by near enough everyone and yet i still top dps meters too. what to know a little secret as to why? (and it applies to you too) WE KNOW WARLOCK AND OUR CLASS IS OP FOR DPS. gear at best adds up to about 50% of your dps. the rest is down to lag (which is solved through /stopcast or the inbuilt spell queue), fps (also kinda solved with the spell queue or /stopcasting) and lastly, skill. the only way we could ever really solve this would be if we were both in the same guild as that way we'd at least know we're up against other good players. sadly you do outgear me so chances are we'll come out equal in dps.

i posted some stats earlier, i've done the theorycraft. try doing it yourself. dest beats demo everytime, heck the demo stats are all presuming your pet can stay in combat 100% of the time too, which is hardly likely
#39 Jan 27 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
821 posts
char transfer locked for 87 days =//

i´d love to play with you.

edit: the pet stay infight 95% of the time, destro leulier assumes you can spam sb the entier fight without movement, which is farther from truth than demon being able to stay on mob.

Edited, Jan 27th 2008 3:23pm by Oakenwrath
#40 Jan 27 2008 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
That is as far as my experience goes and I can tell you my dps varies a lot on each one of those examples.

I'd have to say regular instances. Was totally not ready for Heroic, the last two times I triend, and most if us were also not ready. Battlegrounds would be next highest DPS, and I should mention that I AOE a lot more there than instances, so my concentrated damage is still formidable.

Burnsey, the Arena is where I plan on going next. I did really well in the practice runs when I was 65. Just got my third Gladiator item (two for the set).
It's not that I dont do PVP, it's that I had not done it all that much until the last five levels.

Jenova, where are you facts? How do you figure minions dont last that long in boss fights? Unless you are in a group that is completely made of warlocks, then I can only assume that you are talking about your own. So, please explain to us why Demonology is "inferior" to your superman warlock, with examples and possibly some real numbers from a damage meter.
Mine can last for an entire boss fight, or die right away. If the latter happens, that is my cue to bring out a different one, which will usually last longer. Felhunter and voidwalker usually last the longest; I dont like using felguard during a boss fight unless I know the fight is going to be short.
#41 Jan 27 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
and it also presumes you're able to nuke constantly too. end result though is that dest > demo. why do you hate to believe this? you think that just 'cos dest is better you have to spec it? well i presume you know you don't have to, you enjoy demo so stick with it. personnaly if there was a single bit of good evidence that demo > dest i'd be speccing it as my 1 and only aim is maximise my damage. yet sadly I've yet to find any evidence.
what blizzard needs to do is bring the dot coefficients back to what they should be, the increased damage from demo and the heavy dot use of afliction will then become more on par to dest. which would be top then though who knows
#42 Jan 27 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
why do you hate to believe this? you think that just 'cos dest is better you have to spec it? well i presume you know you don't have to, you enjoy demo so stick with it.

Because it is not true, and you have done very little to make it true.

#43 Jan 27 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
821 posts
no it doesn´t! I just lose a portion of my dps when i am not spamming SB, opposed to destro. Time after time i post screenshots where i am top dd. i don´t think there is any better proof.
fcuked up on that one but as you can see i am around 170k above #2

the longer the fight the more demo-specc will shine, since the average dmg is so mich more higher than destro.

My DoT´s tick almost as hard as affli and my SB´s hit alot harder. Not as hard as destro, but thats what i got my felguard and DoTs for.

Edited, Jan 27th 2008 6:11pm by Oakenwrath
#44 Jan 27 2008 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
k, well here's one of one of our raids. check al'ar or solarian. I'd say look at the full raid but i was afk for alot of the trash and and i lost the roll for having to use the imp on kael for the MT so i went down on total raid dps a fair bit then. the only few people who out dps me also heavily outgear me (the lock has 4/5 T5, mage 4/5 T5 i think etc..) while like 90% of the dps below me also out gear me. is my spec the main reason i'm so high on damage? well no, it's my skill. i'm more than happy to admit that skill is a large part and all your screen shots say is that you're skilled

oh, i'm checking out the other DPSers. now with the little i know about rogues (looking at dowsha).. (quoting a very good rogue mate of mine) choosing AP gems over agi and not aiming for capping hit isn't a good idea. also he said T5 isn't as good as T4 due to the set bonuses and 'cos T4 has more hit.

overhex is an afliction lock who stays pretty close to you. sadly, he hasn't even talented properly. he has imp.CoA and no amplify curse.

kuijan though, got no idea why he's so low on damage with that gear. other than 1 reason. he's probably on CoS/CoE/CoRec duty as well as i'd say a 90% chance that he doesn't cast corruption. mix in with that poor use of time and spell rotations etc.. can all lead to a decrease in dps.

the mage nina knows nothing at all about spec choice, especially for her gear. she should be full arcane using Arcane missiles and arcane blast with that gear (presuming she has a Spriest or healing shammy in the group)

finally there's the Spriest. haven't checked the gear yet, and for 1 main reason. Spriests have massive threat issues as they have no threat dump, also they're not known for amazing dps.

I'd check the warrior and hunter... but i know nothing about them and nobody online to ask about them either sadly
#45 Jan 28 2008 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
95 posts
and why use felhound in raids

Just had to chime in here. Completely off subject. I became fond of using my Felhunter in raids when I did a short stint as DT/Ruin. I was originally a 42/1/18 affliction build, but the GM decided to put the locks on elemental duty on Vashj, so I had to respec for some burst, although I know 0/21/40 is a better overall dps build, I figured I could use DT/Ruin to get the burst and add a little personal utility. Overall I liked the build, half the fun was learning which demon with MD and/or SL would best benefit the fight, as well as the added fun of keeping your pet alive. Although I think my guildies got tired of hearing me beg for buffs on my pets.

For Vashj, Imp was nice, because of the added spell dmg, threat redux, and blood pact, but SL wasnt an option at all. Succy was great because of the +10% dmg, but again, SL wasnt an option(in fact, even with her having more life, she died faster and easier than the imp did, I assume this is because its possable to SL with a phase shifted imp, so imps only taking SL dmg, rather than SL dmg and the original AoE dmg).

So I decided to try out the good old Felhunter. Fully buffed, he gave me a rather decent amount of spell dmg, but the thing I found the most useful was the just the added survivability. I could use SL with np without my pet taking hardly any dmg because of his decent health pool, high resists, T5 2pc bonus, and catching the end of chain heals from time to time. Because I could use SL, my own personal survivability went up, and I got some extra resist, which actually did help to lower the amount of dmg I took by a good chunk.

All in all, I was very pleased with how the Felhunter worked out in that situation with that build, especially since it was in a raid envoirnment, considering its looked at as pretty much the be all end all pvp pet.

I have since respeced to 0/21/40, simply to keep up with the other warlocks in the guild(DT/Ruin was AMAZING for personal survivability with a decent dps kick to it, but it still cant compete with 0/21/40) I may go back affliction again soon, as we seem to lack one atm(were all 0/21/40 atm, and man I miss having Malediction). Although im not sure if that would make my job on Kael any harder or easier(Capernian tanking, been doing it as 0/21/40 with no FR just fine, figure survival would prolly be better with Aff, although threat may be an issue, due to the loss of 3% crit from backlash and ruin). Which again brings me to debate if I should go 42/1/18 again or 40/0/21

Btw, Kael to 35% lastnight. As of tonights attempts we will have spent 2 weeks on him. Hoping to kill him tonight and hit Hyjal :D

Anyways, back to your previous discussion of Felguards in raids, havent had the guts to show up to a raid with a Felguard so far, but you never know, one night clearing the first 5 bosses in SSC or maybe doing some world bosses I may give it a shot, im interested just to play with it in a raid hehe.

Edited, Jan 28th 2008 9:13am by Primusjuggalo
#46 Jan 28 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
gl with the attunement and 'tis nice to hear that you've found a decent way of using a usually impractical pet, though as you said it's far from a real comparison. just simply improved survivability. oh and you'll beable to tank caperian fine with afliction, as long as you're spamming SP, threat is never an issue (we have 2-3 locks tanking him, 'tis less tanking and more 'whichever lock pulls hate / doesn't get conflagorated tanks ^^ lol, oh and obviously only for the first time. 2nd time he's single tanked)

we're also in the situation of needing an afliction lock. we lost ours to a free server transfer, so now we have 3 0/21/40 locks who end up /rolling on every boss that the tank 'needs' the imp buff :(
#47 Jan 28 2008 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
95 posts
hehe woot, quick responses are nice when im bored :D

Yeah, 0/21/40 is definitely the way to go DPS wise.

For Kael, im usually the only one tanking her. Hunter MDs to me in the back of the room, ive found, if as shes running twords you, you run tword her till she stops to cast her fireball, then move back to max range, you can grab her, and never take a conflag, then we have 1-2 of our tanks(usually a prot warrior and a feral druid) hop in to range of her and take conflags.

Course in phase 3 this isnt even an issue as between the staff buff and mace buff I can tank her forever conflaged or not...go go 13.5k fully buffed hp(with sta food)

All in all seems like its actually a pretty easy fight. Doesnt seem nearly as hard as Vashj was, although Kael seems to be a bit less forgiving on small mistakes made by ppl.

Hehe, were bloated with locks. My guild(which consists of about 35 or so members) has 5 locks, any 3-5 being in the same raid each given night(we have 4 set raid days, 2 set off raid day(10 mans, Gruul, Mags, World Bosses), and one complete offday(for pvp/arena/just a break). Our GM seems to like having alot of locks around, probably because we all do a stupid high amount of dmg. When I asked him why he brought a 5th lock on rather than another mage(we have 3 atm, only had 2 at the time) he said "what can a mage give me that you locks cant anyways....long as we have 1 mage for AI and food, were good" lmao.

Edited, Jan 28th 2008 9:34am by Primusjuggalo
#48 Jan 28 2008 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Primusjuggalo wrote:

For Kael, im usually the only one tanking her. Hunter MDs to me in the back of the room, ive found, if as shes running twords you, you run tword her till she stops to cast her fireball, then move back to max range, you can grab her, and never take a conflag, then we have 1-2 of our tanks(usually a prot warrior and a feral druid) hop in to range of her and take conflags.

Kael'thas is a guy... you've never read the text on quests, have you?
#49 Jan 28 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
821 posts
i think he was referring to the enire encounter with "Kael" and "she" is Capernian, one of his advisors who is female...
#50 Jan 28 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
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#51 Jan 29 2008 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
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Raglu wrote:

Kael'thas is a guy... you've never read the text on quests, have you?

I am not a guy, stated few times and even proved with a pic, and yet Primusjuggalo refers to me as "he" almost all the time.... . so what?

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