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What macros do you use?Follow

#1 Jan 17 2008 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'm not looking for the macros themselves (as I can eventually figure out how to write them) I'm just wondering what macros do you use in general? I'm PLing a druid right now, and I find a macro to use ravage when stealthed or shred when unstealthed to be of good use (don't have pounce atm). What other macros would you suggest?
#2 Jan 17 2008 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
1,180 posts
My macros are mainly space saving or for healing.

So I have a macro that will shadowmeld if I'm in caster form or prowl if I'm in cat form (nelf of course). Similarly I have a fairie fire macro that casts FF in caster form or FFF in cat or bear.

A MotW macro that casts it on my target or myself if I have no target and casts GotW if I hold down a modifier key.

Healing wise I've got several set up to cast the spell of my choice on my mouseover target, target or self.

I don't really use macros for feral forms, but I've heard you can make a lacerate macro to work on mouseover to make multi-mob tanking easier (but I guess you won't need that for a little while).
#3 Jan 17 2008 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
256 posts
I use one to go prowl if not in combat, pounce if prowled and maim if in combat and not prowled. Similar i have prowl if not in combat, ravage if prowled and shred if in combat and not prowled. I have the same fearie fire thing no matter what form. Then i have a travelform or aquatic form macro depending on swimming or not. I have a macro for using a healthpot and health stone and then returning to cat or bear (one macro for each scenario)
#4 Jan 17 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Most of the macros I prefer to use are space-saver, with the exception of a shot-rotation macro on my hunter. That being said, I may tailor one of those prowl macros to my use, but I'll work on that when I get pounce. Thanks for those who've commented so far, and please feel free to add more if you come across this.
#5 Jan 17 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
I don't use any other than coordinates. I find my key bindings and Healbot work fine.
#6 Jan 17 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
teacake wrote:
I don't use any other than coordinates. I find my key bindings and Healbot work fine.

(pssst...cake...sorry if I misunderstand your response to indicate that you're confusing macros and addons, but coordinates and healbot are "addons" -- third-party software that you drop in your "interface" directory to extend or modify the default WoW user interface and experience. "Macros" are different...they're little (up to 255 chars) snippets of code that semi-automate certain actions or sequences of actions. They are mostly commonly used so that a single button/keybinding does different things depending on your form or situation. Type /macro in game and you'll get the interface for it, and check out RPZips Macro Guide for an introduction and more information.)
#7 Jan 17 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I use a macro for the following:

Ravage/Shred (stealth/nostealth)
Prowl/Shadowmeld (stance:3/nostance)
Dash/Demoralizing Roar (stance:3/1)
Cower/Growl (stance:1/3)
Faerie Fire/Faerie Fire (Feral) (nostance/stance:1/3)
Mangle (Bear)/Maul (basically just a castsequence which casts Maul if Mangle isn't ready)

Think that about covers it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 Jan 17 2008 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
JeeBar wrote:
teacake wrote:
I don't use any other than coordinates. I find my key bindings and Healbot work fine.

(pssst...cake...sorry if I misunderstand your response to indicate that you're confusing macros and addons, but coordinates and healbot are "addons" -- third-party software that you drop in your "interface" directory to extend or modify the default WoW user interface and experience. "Macros" are different...they're little (up to 255 chars) snippets of code that semi-automate certain actions or sequences of actions. They are mostly commonly used so that a single button/keybinding does different things depending on your form or situation. Type /macro in game and you'll get the interface for it, and check out RPZips Macro Guide for an introduction and more information.)

Ya, I know what macros are. I use a macro for coodinates, not an add-on (I really don't need all that fancy mappy stuff). My response was simply indicating that I don't use any other macros besides that one, because between my key bindings and the one add-on I have (Healbot), I find I get everything done just fine, and don't need them. Sorry if this was somehow confusing.
#9 Jan 17 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
DKDruid wrote:
I use one to go prowl if not in combat, pounce if prowled and maim if in combat and not prowled. Similar i have prowl if not in combat, ravage if prowled and shred if in combat and not prowled. I have the same fearie fire thing no matter what form. Then i have a travelform or aquatic form macro depending on swimming or not. I have a macro for using a healthpot and health stone and then returning to cat or bear (one macro for each scenario)

This is pretty close to my library of macros.

I used to have lots of simple macros for the things we couldn't do in forms...casting spells, using items, mounting up, etc...but thanks to 2.3 and the more recent undoc'd change enabling item use they are obsolete.

The only macros I have that aren't mentioned elsewhere in the thread are InstaRage(TM) and InstaEnergy(TM). Thanks to the instashifting enabled by 2.3 I now have macros that shift me out of and immediately back into cat or bear forms so I get the 10 rage or 40 energy of Furor at just the mana cost of the shift.
#10 Jan 17 2008 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
teacake wrote:
Ya, I know what macros are. I use a macro for coodinates, not an add-on (I really don't need all that fancy mappy stuff). My response was simply indicating that I don't use any other macros besides that one, because between my key bindings and the one add-on I have (Healbot), I find I get everything done just fine, and don't need them. Sorry if this was somehow confusing.
No worries, I kinda figured you knew what was up, but have never heard of doing coordinates with a macro. So now can you please 'splain what THAT'S all about? I'm always up for killing an unnecessary addon when I can. : )
#11 Jan 17 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
JeeBar wrote:
have never heard of doing coordinates with a macro. So now can you please 'splain what THAT'S all about?

/script px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("[%s]%i,%i",GetZoneText(),px*100,py*100))

Displays your coordinates in your chat window. Very basic, and with one glitch: you have to bring up your big map and close it out again when you enter a new zone, or it'll just display (0,0).
#12 Jan 17 2008 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
For shifting back into a form I just double-click the form thingy.
#13 Jan 17 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
teacake wrote:
JeeBar wrote:
have never heard of doing coordinates with a macro. So now can you please 'splain what THAT'S all about?

/script px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("[%s]%i,%i",GetZoneText(),px*100,py*100))

Displays your coordinates in your chat window. Very basic, and with one glitch: you have to bring up your big map and close it out again when you enter a new zone, or it'll just display (0,0).

Is that how you fix that? I've noticed sometimes it will do that to me, and I've never figured out what exactly was fixing it when it got fixed. Half the time, I'll just log out and log back in and it works fine then. Granted, I don't use it that often, so I haven't had to do that many times.

Thanks for letting me know about that!
#14 Jan 18 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
I use the following :-

A key that cowers in cat & taunts in bear
A key that I press once for cat and a second time for prowl (bound to mouse wheel up)
A key that I press once for bear and a second time for enrage (bound to mouse wheel down)
Pounce if stealthed, otherwise mangle
Ravage if stealthed, otherwise shred
FF feral if in cat or bear, ff regular if in caster
A travel macro - bird if flyable, seal if swimming, travel form if in combat otherwise mount up

I need to get of my lazy butt and make macros for health pot & healthstone usage while tanking now that it is possible.

Also a macro that switches to caster then back to bear or cat for PvP as an instant movement debuff remover.
#15 Jan 18 2008 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
817 posts

RareBeast wrote:
I need to get of my lazy butt and make macros for health pot & healthstone usage while tanking now that it is possible.

Not that they're hard, but as a fellow lazy butt I'll save yours the effort. : )

/use Super Healing Potion
/use Charged Crystal Focus
/use Master Healthstone
/cast [nostance] Dire Bear Form

RareBeast wrote:
Also a macro that switches to caster then back to bear or cat for PvP as an instant movement debuff remover.

/cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:3] Prowl

Since I'm lazy too would you mind sharing the Pounce/Mangle and Ravage/Shred macros? I've got variations of those but like that better and don't wanna deal with it. : )
#16 Jan 18 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, I knew how to do it, it is just a matter of stopping BG's & instances long enough to type /macro and type them in, and set up keybindings or finding room on my toolbars. :)

Thanks though, now I can just cut & paste instead of typing it in :)

I'll cut & paste mine in here when I get home and can log in. I'm at work at the moment (where I do way too much forum reading and way to little work - it's nice being the boss).

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 11:27pm by RareBeast
#17 Jan 18 2008 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
RareBeast wrote:
I'll cut & paste mine in here when I get home and can log in.

No worries, did 'em myself. Thanks, though. Lil embarrassed posting such simple macros in light of Teacake's C++ effort above, but wth maybe they'll help somebody more macrodisadvantaged than even myself. : )

Anyway, pretty sure your's will look a lot like these.

Prowl / Pounce / Mangle
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] Prowl; [stance:3,nocombat] Pounce; [stance:3,combat] Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)

Prowl / Ravage / Shred
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] Prowl; [stance:3,nocombat] Ravage; [stance:3,combat] Shred

#18 Jan 21 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Double Post.

For Original post, look down. :D

Edited, Jan 21st 2008 12:46pm by Mizzoulover
#19 Jan 21 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
JeeBar wrote:

Prowl / Pounce / Mangle
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] Prowl; [stance:3,nocombat] Pounce; [stance:3,combat] Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)

Prowl / Ravage / Shred
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] Prowl; [stance:3,nocombat] Ravage; [stance:3,combat] Shred


Well, for starters "Mangle (Cat) (Rank 3)" can be simplified (for space) to Mangle (Cat)() which will use the highest rank of Mangle you have.

Next, for Ravage and Pounce, can't you just change [stance:3,nocombat] to [stance:3,stealth]? I'm somewhat sure you will get error messages with the above ones if you you use it when your not in combat or stealthed.

Last, couldn't #show and #showtooltip be simplified by using the "?" icon and then just using #showtooltip ("?" allows the macro to change dynamically)?
#20 Jan 21 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Mizzoulover wrote:
"Mangle (Cat) (Rank 3)" can be simplified (for space) to Mangle (Cat)() which will use the highest rank of Mangle you have.
Yeah, I know. I'm just so far under the character cap I wasn't worried about it. With the double-parenthetical spells I tend to shift-click the spell in the abilities panel and leave 'em. I guess I'll have to edit that one character of my macro when WotLK comes out. : )

Mizzoulover wrote:
Next, for Ravage and Pounce, can't you just change [stance:3,nocombat] to [stance:3,stealth]? I'm somewhat sure you will get error messages with the above ones if you you use it when your not in combat or stealthed.
Yes, I could should and will (change it to that), but no, I don't (get an error message).

Mizzoulover wrote:
Last, couldn't #show and #showtooltip be simplified by using the "?" icon and then just using #showtooltip ("?" allows the macro to change dynamically)?
Maybe, dunno. I use the ? icon on all my macros, but thought you had to have #show to make that work. Haven't run into character count issues so I haven't focused on tightening things up to that degree. I'll try it out, thanks.

Several hours later, as if anybody cares...
Killed the unnecessary #show, made other recommended changes to clean things up, added ability to shift and Mangle/Shred instead of Prowling with a shift modifier, for when I want to run right into combat.

/cast [nostealth,nocombat,nomodifier] Prowl; [nostealth,nocombat,modifier:shift] Mangle (Cat)(); [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth,combat] Mangle (Cat)()

Edited, Jan 21st 2008 11:46pm by JeeBar

Edited, Jan 22nd 2008 12:22am by JeeBar
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