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Why do we need Paladins?Follow

#27 Jan 17 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Celcio wrote:
What are the stats on that dunce cap, is it better than what's on the lampshade?

Use: resets peer aggro(24h cooldown)
Oh and gives 10 mp5. =)

What does the lampshade give?
#28 Jan 17 2008 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
Alright, thanks all for replying to my post.

Why is it always the brand new first post accounts who have all those friends who tell them just how bad paladins are?

Well at least ive got some information for my dear friend to read.

If you're lvl 55, then you should know that every class brings its own specific strengths to the table. Your friend's comments are based on ignorance, not on knowledge. I'm sure he feels better about his druid when he makes those comments, so maybe it is a self esteem issue he has. Who knows...

I know that every class has something special and something good it's just that saw lots of reasons why paladins are a sort of minor class amongst all the other classes to be better, and it wasnt like i was about to reroll because i still think paladins are one of the most awesome classes in World of Warcraft. I just needed take this question into the paladin community, to the experts if i may say so, and let them say what they think about it. So now that i really know what my strenghts are i can go and play on with my Paladin, which btw is still ret and i cant wait to go holy. So thanks to all who replied to my question

Thank you!


#29 Jan 17 2008 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Sorry ziggy buddy but your friend is stupid. Palis are very viable and also prefered to tank in some instances over Warriors and Druids. Also in some locations they are prefered to heal over priests, druids, shamans, yata yata yata.

Sounds like to me your friend is just mad becuase you can take the job he wants from him just by picking the right spec.

Oh and Ill take the Lampshade over that crappy Duncecap anyday.

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 9:00am by HitashLevat
#30 Jan 17 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
Lets take a look at the data:

How long has WOW been playable? ..3, 4 years? (I realy don't know the exact)

How many players have multiple classes? 90-95%?

How Paladin do you see?

Wouldn't Paladin be very rare if it was the weakest class?

Wouldn't Horde Paladin be even more rare since they are only a little over a year old?

I think seeing the amount of pally alts, mains & pally in general should speak for itself. I enjoy this class more-so than my other toons, the warrior & mage. My first toon now sits as a Lv54 Druid mule.

#31 Jan 17 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
BlackoutCC wrote:
Celcio wrote:
What are the stats on that dunce cap, is it better than what's on the lampshade?

Use: resets peer aggro(24h cooldown)
Oh and gives 10 mp5. =)

What does the lampshade give?

Equip: Increases perceived avoidance and health by 75% (this effect only applies to the wearer)
Equip: Decreases perception of all abilities by 20% (this effect only applies to everyone else, not the wearer)
Use: Sprouts beer cans on either side with little straws for your mouth. (Cooldown 5 minutes. Also has 10% chance to proc a bio break)

(Can be upgraded via rep to sprout Scotch bottles which removes the bio break proc but Increases the percieved avoidance and health by 300%, and removes the word "perception" from the second equip listed. See, we told you spirits were a useless stat.)

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 2:22pm by Celcio
#32 Jan 17 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Tanking - Paladin tanks are just as viable as any other tanks. Paladin tanks have the best multi-mob threat containment, whereas Warriors can generate the most threat and tend to have a little more health and armour. I stress "a little", as in "not enough that you should care". Besides, Warriors have no panic buttons and they can't heal themselves.

Healing - Introducing: Paladin Healing Spells! They do what other healing spells do, but for a 20th of the mana cost! Now in strawberry flavour! Take that, Priests! =P

...Okay, so Druids have the best non-GotN HoTs and Priests have the highest +heal power along with other good defensive buffs (PW:F and PW:S), and Shamans have totems that do healing for them. That doesn't mean Paladins suck at healing. Seriously, they use up the least amount of mana as healers (and as dps). Add in Blessing of Wisdom (which Holy Paladins can upgrade), Blessing of Salvation, the ability to wear plate and you've got a very, very effective healer.

DPS - You've got to understand that for the longest time, Paladins indeed sucked horribly at DPS. Thanks to 2.3 and 2.3.2, now they don't, but that negative stigma remains, especially since not every player in the game is suddenly going to try a DPS Paladin to see what it's like.

Edit: One of the best things about a Paladin's damage potential is the fact that Holy damage is unstoppable.

Paladins are a hybrid class. They can tank, heal or dps (edit: or spell-dps, via Holy Shock) with the power of Light and are easily the most mana-efficient class. And they have wicked buffs and debuffs. That's why they exist.

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 3:09pm by PsydonX

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 3:14pm by PsydonX
#33 Jan 17 2008 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Lets take a look at the data:

How long has WOW been playable? ..3, 4 years? (I realy don't know the exact)

How many players have multiple classes? 90-95%?

How Paladin do you see?

Wouldn't Paladin be very rare if it was the weakest class?

Wouldn't Horde Paladin be even more rare since they are only a little over a year old?

Since when do numbers have anything to do with strength?
Hunters are also a very common class, but i wont go play one because they are strong. I think that it has more to do with how the class appeals to people

DPS - You've got to understand that for the longest time, Paladins indeed sucked horribly at DPS. Thanks to 2.3 and 2.3.2, now they don't, but that negative stigma remains, especially since not every player in the game is suddenly going to try a DPS Paladin to see what it's like.

I am aware that Paladins suck at DPS, i mostly posted it beacause it is a VERY common argument people use againt Paladins

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 9:21pm by Zignaestos
#34 Jan 17 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
Since when do numbers have anything to do with strength?


There is strength in numbers.

I am aware that Paladins suck at DPS, i mostly posted it beacause it is a VERY common argument people use againt Paladins

Yeah... when they are trying to dps. There's 2 other roles that a Paladin can perform. No one goes up to a Holy Paladin and say "we're not going to take you cause you suck at dps". Well I guess they would if they were looking for a dps but you get my point.
#35 Jan 17 2008 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts

There is strength in numbers.

Nice one :p
#36 Jan 17 2008 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
Paladins are the most efficient one-target healers, and multi-target tanks.

But as a warlock, I prefer Druid healers. One good life bloom (not even a three-stack) is enough for 2-3 free life taps. Paladins can't heal me in advance like druids can.

So the whole thing depends on circumstances. The tank will love the paladin, while most of the DPS might be happier with a priest, and warlocks might be hoping for a druid.
#37 Jan 17 2008 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
300 posts
Yeah... when they are trying to dps. There's 2 other roles that a Paladin can perform. No one goes up to a Holy Paladin and say "we're not going to take you cause you suck at dps". Well I guess they would if they were looking for a dps but you get my point.

It's funny becuase one group wanted my shockadin (I respecced out of ret to heal, ironically) for DPS. The shaman insisted that he be the healer. I was second in DPS in that instnace, but needless to say we failed hard.

#38 Jan 21 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Just wanted to thank everyone wo replied since this thread is sort of closing down and all, think i'm going to hang out on this forum a lot more. thanks everyone!

#39 Jan 21 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
No problem. This is a great place for information if you have thick enough skin to tolerate our in-jokes, insults and asshattery.

Most are meant in good fun - unless you actually surpass our posterior haberdashery (tough to do, really) - then we mean it.
#40 Jan 21 2008 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Celcio wrote:
unless you actually surpass our posterior haberdashery

wow, i'm gonna have to look that one up when i get back to my computer.... and here i tought my vocabulary was decent ;) haha
#41 Jan 21 2008 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
A haberdasher who makes general accessories, like gloves, buttons and of course hats. Posterior should be obvious. A place where a haberdasher works is called a haberdashery.

What Celcio was trying to say is that he tries his very hardest to make this place the assiest asshattery that's ever worn an *** as a hat, and if anyone tries to upstage him, he'll damn well use mean words make them feel horrible for at least thirty minutes, forty tops.
#42 Jan 21 2008 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Besides, Warriors have no panic buttons and they can't heal themselves.

LOL, just lol. Never heard of LAST STAND and SHIELD WALL. Oh you are right, those aren't panic buttons, what am I thinking of? they are just uhm, 30 min CDs meant to be used in great need? These abilities are 1 of the very reasons why warriors are MTs, and always will be MTs. Seriously, pallas are viable (and better for some purposes, than other classes) but don't go to the deep waters without knowing what you are talking about.
#43 Jan 21 2008 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
zepoodle wrote:
A haberdasher who makes general accessories, like gloves, buttons and of course hats. Posterior should be obvious. A place where a haberdasher works is called a haberdashery.

What Celcio was trying to say is that he tries his very hardest to make this place the assiest asshattery that's ever worn an *** as a hat, and if anyone tries to upstage him, he'll damn well use mean words make them feel horrible for at least thirty minutes, forty tops.

While zepoodle is correct in his definitions, he's so wrong in his pronouns, his interpretations of intent and his advice.

As you play the class you'll decide who is more useful to you.
#44 Jan 21 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
You mean you aren't a huge jerk??? Smiley: eek

#45 Jan 21 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
CapJack of the Seven Seas wrote:
You mean you aren't a huge jerk??? Smiley: eek

Well no I'm not saying that. But comparatively....

work with me here, you over-mascarad twunt.
#46 Jan 21 2008 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Celcio wrote:
While zepoodle is correct in his definitions, he's so wrong in his pronouns, his interpretations of intent and his advice.

As you play the class you'll decide who is more useful to you.

You're a girl? o.O? But Celcio is a guy's name. That's why it ends in an O.

Well, sh*t. Can't be blamed for automatically assuming every person I see on the Internet is a guy when given no conflicting evidence. Any other attitude would be folly.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2008 1:29am by zepoodle
#47 Jan 22 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
when on the internet, all women are men, all men are men, and little girls are FBI agents . . .
#48 Jan 22 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
All I have to say is that Paladins are my favorite class. Our buffs are incredibly strong and versatile. The DPS in our raids would be so much less without Salvation, our healers would be OOM much more quickly without Wisdom, and our tanks would be much squishier without Kings.
#49 Jan 22 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
i cant tell you how many times someone has said LOL, PALLY!!!! and i said, ok lets deul. i slaughter them 9/10 times
#50 Jan 23 2008 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
jediscooter wrote:
i cant tell you how many times someone has said LOL, PALLY!!!! and i said, ok lets deul. i slaughter them 9/10 times

I've been pleasantly surprised by my paladin's 1v1 ability actually. Even as holy, it's delightful to have that rogue cheap shot you and go to town, only to lose 1/8 of your life. I can't count the times in BGs its worked best to just ignore the rogue going at you with everything he's got in order to keep your other guy who's fighting someone else healed who then can take care of the rogue afterwards than to stop and try to deal with the rogue.
#51 Jan 23 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
In a duel setting, Paladins are actually pretty strong. In world PvP, it's different. We're too slow. Easy to get away from and easy to catch up to.

In duels you don't need to worry about that :) You can watch the rogue kill himself on your deadly reactive damage combo and pop a rank 1 consecrate to break his Vanish and Blind re-stealths.
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