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K, time for a rant post.Follow

#52 Jan 22 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I sincerely hope you are being sarcastic, Soljourner.
#53 Jan 22 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
what did he say
I can't see the last page due to the filters on my computer
#54 Jan 22 2008 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Gaudion wrote:
I sincerely hope you are being sarcastic, Soljourner.

Why would he be sarcastic? We are a support class, that's pretty much how we were designed!
#55 Jan 22 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Totems, group buffs and the ability to quickly turn from dealing damage to healing teammates to providing utility means our class was meant for groups. With such great group abilities, we lack in crowd control, escape methods and defensive tactics.

... Because that view represents an ideology, not reality. Our buffs and ability to off-heal while DPS'ing are simply not enough to warrant our inclusion in enough end-game content. Nice as they are, none of our totems are "must-haves", and excepting Totem of Wrath, all of them can be provided by a Resto Shaman anyways, as can Heroism.

CC > buffs, CC/silence/interrupt > DPS, CC/anti-CC > armor. We can't control space, we can't heal under fire, we're too easy to shut down, we can't shut anyone else down, we can't kite, we can't stop anyone from kiting us, we can't CC in PvE. Why bring a DPS Shaman at all to any content other than a 25-man or 5v5 arena?

I don't need to see an eloquent paragraph that tries to justify our current shortcoming by painting a flowery picture. I need to see real, practical, in-game effectiveness, and right now I don't see it.
#56 Jan 22 2008 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Not a problem. You want proof of what a shaman can do? Watch this vid. Its long, the musics great.;7993240;/fileinfo.html

Thats proof that skill beats all.

Also notice that hes wearing pre bc gear as well fighting up to 3 others at the same time.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2008 6:29pm by Soljourner
#57 Jan 22 2008 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
Soljourner wrote:
As the person who started this rant, I can tell you this. I do not lack the skills of pvp. I'm not the best, but I'm definately good at it. I've done hundreds of 1v1 battles. Against locks I can destroy Aff or Dest with eshock and grounding totem. No questions. But, and theres always a but, if they drop that felhunter out, I lose everytime. I can't scratch a decently geared demon lock. Cannot. I've tried every possible elemental build in the game. To the point where i've spent over 500 gold respec'ng. And you know what? Its the same damn thing against every other class there is. The only class we can kite is an enhancement shaman. Thats it. We cannot compare to any other class in the game....

...Simple fact is, we can sit here and go around the table with a "well, if this happens, you do this" Fact is, most fights are over within seconds. Fact is, in pvp, shamans are gimped. Severely. Its not even fun playing them in pvp cause i see whats going to happen. Golden rule to understand as a shaman is simple. In pvp we are god, until we get noticed.

I think I'll start out by saying that your entire post is one of the best that I have read for a while on the Shaman boards. I just thought I would throw in my 2c regarding the class. The Shaman was the first class I took to 60, I've been playing this class since on or about patch 1.8, and I did massive amounts of PvP both before patch 1.10 and after. Pretty much Patch 1.10 was the death of the shaman in PvP.

Prior to 1.10, there was the well known "Windfury bug" macro that exploited WF procs for an extra swing. Other classes in PvP, most especially cloth complained that we were so OP because we could do about 5K + damage in less than 5 seconds with a WF proc, stormstrike and an earthshock crit. (Back then even the best warrior toons only had around 10K hit points, most cloth had around 6 tops). Okay, so we could spec for a suicide build that would enable us to completely demolish 1 cloth class 1 time, then we would be virtually OOM and on cooldown for Stormstrike. Soo like Blizzard typically does, they nerfed us because too many allies complained about the OP shaman. The WF bug exploit was fixed. You could no longer proc a WF off of another WF, the AP of WF and stormstrke were nerfed as well. Essentially the enhancement build was dead because our burst damage was cut. Blizz even nerfed the lower rank WF on the offhander for fear, omg, we would just be so OP in PvP, please...

I did try Elemental builds in PvP after 1.10 and TBC, but again, after your initial CL crit, you were done. Any player could close on you, and your DPS was not sufficient to put down melee classes before they got to you, and caster classes could pump out more damage faster than you while you're on cooldown.

BC comes out and Blizz decides that Allies get Shaman, fine, they decide rookie allies would need to level their shaman so they would make us more sustainable for PvE. Fine, but STILL no CC abilities as was highly anticipated for TBC. Every single other class has some means of immobilizing, stunning, or neutralizing a mob or other player so that they can either attack it, or get away. It really is quite ridiculous that shamans have NO way to effectively CC an add, or stun to run away or close distance.

We have 4 stupid ways to slow a mob or remove a cc, and all of them are ineffective at best. Earthbind totem sucks hard in PvP, most players will destroy it asap. Frostshock is lame, it should slow an opponent by far more than what it does. Stoneclaw is ridiculous, it buys you about a 2 second head start before it is destoyed and the mobs are after you again. Tremor totem is ridiculously buggy, there is no reason it should "pulse" rather than being a constant aura.

Warriors, shouts, hamstring, charge to close distance
Rogues, Sap, vanish
Priest, Psychic scream, shackle
Lock, fear, seduce
Pally, HOJ
Druids, root, cyclone
Hunter, traps, wingclip, concussive shot
Mages, poly, frost, iceblock

So, every other class gets at least 1 reliable method of CC, some get multiple CC's while the Shaman just keeps getting the shaft. Totem of asswrath, Shamanistic Rage, and ***-shield are some dam ****-poor 41 point talents relative to what the other classes got...

So where are shaman now for endgame content? They are all resto specced and hoping the main holy priest/resto druid/paladin doesn't show up to raid. Essentially we're backed into a corner where only 1 spec is acceptable in order to access endgame content. Not only that, but Blizzard actually improved the resto tree at the expense of the other 2 so that essentially Shaman are left without a choice of what group role they could fill. You, go heal, and drop some totems, and otherwise just stay out of the way and let the REAL classes do their job.

Anyways, that's all I've got, I'm pissed off, and I am going to go jump on my hunter and blow away some Dranei shaman... :P

Edited, Jan 22nd 2008 8:50pm by Taurrus
#58 Jan 22 2008 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
I hate it when I have to accept the facts...

Elemental Shaman pvp strategy:
Step 1- hide
Step 2- spam lightning bolt and chain lightning
Step 3- get found
Step 4- Frost Shock
Step 5- blow elemental mastery and Natures swift
Step 6- chain lightning
Step 7- Run
Step 8- pray
Step 9- die
Step 10- rez, rinse, and repeat

Its easy/instinct, and kinda sucks but it is what we have been reduced to.
#59 Jan 22 2008 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly 100% on the head. Problem is we have no say so in the matter. And those classes listed have more than that for CC/protection. Like you say, we get pushed into resto and every forum will still tell you, we are the worst healers in the game. We aren't bad at it, just that the others are better. So where does that leave us?
#60 Jan 22 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Default
Soljourner wrote:
Exactly 100% on the head. Problem is we have no say so in the matter. And those classes listed have more than that for CC/protection. Like you say, we get pushed into resto and every forum will still tell you, we are the worst healers in the game. We aren't bad at it, just that the others are better. So where does that leave us?

Pretty much up ***** creek without a paddle. As long as people are playing the shaman, blizz doesn't care. Since we are the lowest population class in the game, the proportion of shamans who complain when we receive a nerf is way lower than other classes like rogue or warrior.

Also, as many have pointed out, we're not essential for endgame content. How many times have you seen a raid be canceled because no tanks showed up? Or no priests. Ok, lets cancel the raid because we don't have a shaman? Not bloody likely...Sure we have some nifty utility buffs, but overall you can definately get by without us. Try getting by without DPS, a main tank or a healer, not going to happen.

Basically some argue we're a utility class, a support class, QQ and get over it! Ok, well if we're destined to be utility/support fine, at least make us have something unique that makes us near essential or at least desired to have in groups other than second rate healer. Every other class with healing abilities has OPTIONS OTHER THAN HEALING FOR ENDGAME CONTENT! Druids can spec feral and tank, Priests can spec shadow and be a mana battery/dpser. Paladins can also spec Prot and tank. We have 1 dam viable spec, and given the choice between us and any other healing class we come in dead last.

In regards to CC, it would NOT be that hard at all to fix. many classes have talents that buff an ability to grant CC. So why not have a talent that buffs frostshock (2-3 points) to immobilize a target for the duration of the spell instead of just slowing it? Or you could add a stun effect to earthshock through talents. Very simple fixes if Blizz just used their freaking head for 2 seconds and gave shaman a little consideration.

Or fix the freaking totems. Make earthbind actually BIND so it immoblizes a target. you could throw an earthbind totem on a target as a debuff and immobilize them that way. So freaking simple really, forget all these complicated revamps of the class. Just a simple CC could revolutionize the class and make us useful again.
#61 Jan 22 2008 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
And whats funny is on the Wow main forums, they ask what would they like to see fixed or suggestions. Its 80 pages of the same requests over and over. yeah, other than bloodlust, it would be nice to see shamans being needed for once.
#62 Jan 23 2008 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
992 posts
Frostshock is lame, it should slow an opponent by far more than what it does.

I'd just like to tell you that you're very, very wrong on at least this point.

1. It's one of only a few Snares not subject to diminishing returns.
2. It's the only ranged instant snare (to my knowledge) with a cooldown shorter than the duration. Not even Hunters, who are supposed to be the best kiters in the game, have this.
3. It's one of the only snares that also deals a hefty chunk of damage.
#63 Jan 23 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Default
ecirphsoj wrote:
Frostshock is lame, it should slow an opponent by far more than what it does.

I'd just like to tell you that you're very, very wrong on at least this point.

1. It's one of only a few Snares not subject to diminishing returns.
2. It's the only ranged instant snare (to my knowledge) with a cooldown shorter than the duration. Not even Hunters, who are supposed to be the best kiters in the game, have this.
3. It's one of the only snares that also deals a hefty chunk of damage.

When it is the only snare your class has for PvP, in combination with a craptacular totem, it is pretty lame. Frostshock is hardly as great as you make it out to be:

1. IDC if its not subject to diminishing returns, it's not a true snare as it is not a truly immoblizing CC like the other classes have. Theirs is on diminishing returns because it is an actual CC.

2. Please, don't even compare a shamans kiting to a hunter, it is just not possible. Have you ever actually tried to kite something with a shaman? Good luck with that. On paper it would seem to be feasable, in practice it just doesn't work. Hunters have multiple slowing methods even if their trap is on cooldown. Intimidation (if BM), Scattershot (if MM), wingclip, concussive shot...

3. Dealing damage is all well and good, but I would rather have frostshock do no damage and be a reliable form of CC that immobilizes.
#64 Jan 23 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Sorry, Taurrus, I know you already fielded this one, but...

ecirphsoj wrote:
1. It's one of only a few Snares not subject to diminishing returns.

Ok. So? You tell me exactly what that accomplishes.

2. It's the only ranged instant snare (to my knowledge) with a cooldown shorter than the duration. Not even Hunters, who are supposed to be the best kiters in the game, have this.

It also only has a 20 yard range without the arena gloves. Rogues can Sprint to you through it easily, Warriors can Intercept, Paladins can Cleanse or BoF it off, Druids can shift out of it and/or Feral Charge you. The only person you can actually use Frost Shock to kite is an Enhancement Shaman. And Enhancement Shaman can't even catch an Elemental or Resto Shaman with it. It's that bad.

Concussive Shot is one of the earliest skills Hunters learn. L2P a Huntard?

3. It's one of the only snares that also deals a hefty chunk of damage.

It deals moderate damage and is extremely mana-inefficient.
#65 Jan 23 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
well vs mobs you can kite indefinetly but vs people that's a whole other story, and a lame one at that, and since being able to kite people is much more important yeah.... **** I hate when I kill my own argument in one sentence.

and yeah I've been having the fun that is known as super rape burst triple healer team :D balance druid elemental shammy and ret pally (you'd be surprised at how fast **** drops when a pally has a WF totem)

we have trouble with any of the well played teams and are sitting under and just above 1800 rating and we are waiting till we get an 1850 rating and are just gonna sit there so we can get our s3 weapons :D since all of us have the points banked
#66 Jan 23 2008 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, we seem to be wanted in arenas though. Surpisingly I've been having a good day in 2v2. Straight wins and no losses. But then, I have a great lock player too. 5v5, shamans are always wanted for that team buff they can do. But that doesn't excuse our lack of pvp survivability and end game raids.
#67 Jan 24 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
992 posts
1. It's one of only a few Snares not subject to diminishing returns.

Ok. So? You tell me exactly what that accomplishes.

You can kite a player for longer than 20 seconds. If a Rogue has already blown Sprint, he has no way of attacking you except throwing weapons if you cast a Frost Shock every 8 seconds. Point conceded, though, it's not all that important.

2. It's the only ranged instant snare (to my knowledge) with a cooldown shorter than the duration. Not even Hunters, who are supposed to be the best kiters in the game, have this.

It also only has a 20 yard range without the arena gloves. Rogues can Sprint to you through it easily, Warriors can Intercept, Paladins can Cleanse or BoF it off, Druids can shift out of it and/or Feral Charge you. The only person you can actually use Frost Shock to kite is an Enhancement Shaman. And Enhancement Shaman can't even catch an Elemental or Resto Shaman with it. It's that bad.

Concussive Shot is one of the earliest skills Hunters learn. L2P a Huntard?

3 seconds is not longer than 10 seconds, 20 seconds or whatever the cooldown on Concussive Shot is. I've not been on my 49 Hunter for a while.

Also, you can kite a Rogue who's already blown Sprint, or a non-Feral Druid who's OOM (it could happen, in theory xD). Anyway, every other snare that I know of (excepting Hamstring and maybe Concussive Shot) can be sprinted through/shifted out of/Feral Charged/Intercepted through.

3. It's one of the only snares that also deals a hefty chunk of damage.

It deals moderate damage and is extremely mana-inefficient.

The fact remains that is deals damage. I'd gladly give up mana to have my Curse of Exhaustion do damage xD

Edited, Jan 24th 2008 10:44am by ecirphsoj
#68 Jan 24 2008 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
Let me just say, If you want CC/Stuns/Defense REROLL!

Your playing the wrong game if you want the whole pie, go get another game where you can level every single skill if you want it.

I love the fact that I dont have cc/stuns, makes the game a little more challenging, if you have ever played a character for example a hunter, and you basically have everything. Stuns(concussion shot)/CC(frost trap)/Defense(Pets and I find Feign Death basically as a defense tactic). You will see how boring the game gets quickly. You basically only die when your cool down for FD is up.

Totems are OP when they are up, If you dont use them or if they get killed, then tough, drop them again. You will find the game is much easier if you use every skill available to you, dont dwell on your weaknesses, embrace what makes your class superior in one shape or form.
#69 Jan 24 2008 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
We aren't asking for the whole pie. We are simply asking for our fair share. We dont need a CC on par with the other classes, we need at least something thats a definate stop. Otherwise, like they said above, we get pushed into one tree and arent really needed in raids. Balance is all i'm asking for.
#70 Jan 24 2008 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
every warrior i know fears an elemental shammy more than any kind of warlock.

no healer is harder to kill for a warrior than a geared resto shammy, simply because nature's guardian will out-heal or equal non-crit white attacks from even top-geared warriors. add earth shield into the mix and its, at best, a stalemate.

shaman are pretty damn good in pvp. they require support to be their most effective, but when supported, are beastly in every sense of the word. even enhancement does better than most other "off-spec" pvp specs, assuming the shaman has an idea of how to spec, play, and gear it of course.
#71 Jan 24 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, and to repeat from before, We are gods, until we get noticed. Doing AV at this moment actually. Still loving it. But its arena that we start having problems.
#72 Jan 25 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
and warriors are completely useless unless they have dedicated support.

your point? a single mage can completely shut a warrior down unless said warrior is supported. theres nothing the warrior can do. no escape mechanisms, nothing. just like if a war gets on a lock, that war is going to stay there no matter what the lock does, even with death coil.

its a team game. purge the crap out of that mage for me and keep him from polying us with ES and grounding and ill kill him so quick youll hardly have time to worry about the rogue on you.
#73 Jan 25 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
ecirphsoj wrote:
1. It's one of only a few Snares not subject to diminishing returns.

Ok. So? You tell me exactly what that accomplishes.

You can kite a player for longer than 20 seconds. If a Rogue has already blown Sprint, he has no way of attacking you except throwing weapons if you cast a Frost Shock every 8 seconds. Point conceded, though, it's not all that important.

You haven't played a Shaman and you haven't been listening. Literally the only class a Shaman is capable of kiting while making full use of both Earthbind Totem and Frost Shock is an Enhancement Shaman.

Try actually playing a Shaman in PvP before you talk about things you don't know.

2. It's the only ranged instant snare (to my knowledge) with a cooldown shorter than the duration. Not even Hunters, who are supposed to be the best kiters in the game, have this.

It also only has a 20 yard range without the arena gloves. Rogues can Sprint to you through it easily, Warriors can Intercept, Paladins can Cleanse or BoF it off, Druids can shift out of it and/or Feral Charge you. The only person you can actually use Frost Shock to kite is an Enhancement Shaman. And Enhancement Shaman can't even catch an Elemental or Resto Shaman with it. It's that bad.

Concussive Shot is one of the earliest skills Hunters learn. L2P a Huntard?

3 seconds is not longer than 10 seconds, 20 seconds or whatever the cooldown on Concussive Shot is. I've not been on my 49 Hunter for a while.

You should get on it again.

Between Frost Trap, Freezing Trap, Concussive Shot, and the tools available to all three specs (Intimidate + TBW, Scatter Shot + Silencing Shot, and Imp. Traps + usually Scatter Shot respectively), a Shaman can not make it to a Hunter. That completely neuters Enhancment, and as for Elemental... They have to stop and stand still to cast, and have no way to nullify the pet so their cast time gets jacked all to hell. And yes, before anyone goes off on that tangent, yes, I do have the four-piece set bonus from the arena gear.

Try actually playing a Shaman in PvP before you talk about things you don't know.

Also, you can kite a Rogue who's already blown Sprint...

One Sprint is all it takes. Once Crippling Poison is on us we're not getting away from that Rogue until the fight is over, one way or another.

Try actually playing a Shaman in PvP before you talk about things you don't know.

... or a non-Feral Druid who's OOM (it could happen, in theory xD).

It doesn't happen in reality, and that's what I'm talking about. Reality, not theory.

Try actually playing a Shaman in PvP before you talk about things you don't know.

Anyway, every other snare that I know of (excepting Hamstring and maybe Concussive Shot) can be sprinted through/shifted out of/Feral Charged/Intercepted through.

Yes, but other classes also have other tools to work with. Like Sprint, Intercept, shifting, and various forms of CC across the board. Shaman have literally zero tools beyond their snares, and they are just as reliant on spacing as any Rogue, Warrior, Warlock, or Mage.

Try actually playing a Shaman in PvP before you talk about things you don't know.

Quor wrote:
every warrior i know fears an elemental shammy more than any kind of warlock.

You know some pretty bad Warriors then. No Arms Warrior should lose one-on-one to any breed of Shaman.

no healer is harder to kill for a warrior than a geared resto shammy, simply because nature's guardian will out-heal or equal non-crit white attacks from even top-geared warriors. add earth shield into the mix and its, at best, a stalemate.

As you said, "At best, a stalemate."

Mortal Strike completely neuters every form of Resto Shaman counter-measure because all they have is healing. Earth Shield, Nature's Guardian, Lesser Healing Wave, Nature's Swiftness + Healing Wave... all the Shaman can do is sit there and heal himself between interruptions and hits from the Warrior. The Shaman still isn't winning, he's just... not dying, at least until he runs out of mana. What's the Warrior dying from? Flame Shocks and Searing Totems over a half-an-hour period?

By the way, Enhancement and Elemental Shaman don't have Nature's Guardian or Earth Shield. You should see how quickly they go down to an MS Warrior...

Quor wrote:
your point? a single mage can completely shut a warrior down unless said warrior is supported. theres nothing the warrior can do. no escape mechanisms, nothing. just like if a war gets on a lock, that war is going to stay there no matter what the lock does, even with death coil.

The point is that in the rock/paper/scissors match-ups of PvP, Shaman are mushrooms. Warriors and other classes have the tools they need to be at an advantage against certain opponents; they have weaknesses that put them at a disadvantage against others, which is why class matrixes spring up and are so important in 2v2 and 3v3 arena matches.

1v1, DPS Shaman don't stack up well against anyone. Even with support, they lack the certain degree of self-sufficiency and utility (because they have none beyond straight healing or DPS, which is about the least important thing in small-scale PvP) that makes it worthwhile to build them into and 2v2 or a 3v3. It's not until 5v5's and large skirmishes in BG's that Elemental and Enhancement Shaman have any chance to actually make a worthwhile contribution.

And all three specs of Shaman are so easy to shut down and die so fast to focused fire that it's not even funny. One silence/interrupt/whatever shuts down both our primary DPS and primary healing school simultaneously, because they're one and the same. We're got all our eggs in one basket, and you know what your stock broker always told you about that...
#74 Jan 26 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
One Sprint is all it takes. Once Crippling Poison is on us we're not getting away from that Rogue until the fight is over, one way or another.

rogues positively HATE poison cleansing totem. dropping that with an EB totem (or smacking the rogue with frost shock) then using cure poison on yourself (if needed) is a great way to get distance on a rogue and maybe force a deadly throw.

of course, the rogues teammate(s) might just kill the totems for him (and they should) but then again, your teammates could CC the rogue.

You know some pretty bad Warriors then. No Arms Warrior should lose one-on-one to any breed of Shaman.

i beg to differ. no resto or elemental shaman should lose to a warrior. restos wittle people down with flame shock and searing totem while keeping HP high, whereas elementals just plain nuke the crap out of people. applied to warriors, a resto heals early and heals often with downranked heals to conserve mana.

an elemental just nukes. doesnt matter if he gets interrupted, because even if the warrior chains interrupts for as long as he can the shammy will not have died before the warrior is out of options. in fact, the best way to beat elementals is not to use a 2h, but to bring out the sword and board, since it restricts them by forcing them to watch for spell reflect. using zerker stance vs an elemental shammy is a great way to help him gain some new crit records thanks to the zerker stance damage penalty.

Mortal Strike completely neuters every form of Resto Shaman counter-measure because all they have is healing. Earth Shield, Nature's Guardian, Lesser Healing Wave, Nature's Swiftness + Healing Wave... all the Shaman can do is sit there and heal himself between interruptions and hits from the Warrior. The Shaman still isn't winning, he's just... not dying, at least until he runs out of mana. What's the Warrior dying from? Flame Shocks and Searing Totems over a half-an-hour period?

ya. thats kinda what heal-specced classes do. win by attrition. been that way since....retail? ya. retail.

By the way, Enhancement and Elemental Shaman don't have Nature's Guardian or Earth Shield. You should see how quickly they go down to an MS Warrior...

again, elementals just nuke. if the warrior is 2hing it, hes in zerker stance for the pummel interrupt, meaning any and all damage done by the elemental is being increased by 10%. to have a chance at winning, the warrior has to go 1h+shield for spell reflect, because an elemental who wants to kill something quickly can do so very easily. thus the warrior cant risk the extra damage intake from zerker stance, and needs the defensive power offered by spell reflect, if only to make the shaman more cautious when casting.

in short, if an elemental shaman is losing to any kind of warrior, that shaman is either outgeared, afk or incompetent. elemental shaman are essentially nukers on par with mages in terms of burst damage, but with more armor and the ability to heal.

enhancement? theyll lose more often than not, and rightly so; theres no way in hell a melee-specced hybrid should beat one of the two pure melee classes unless the hybrid outgears the pure or the pure is afk and/or incompetent.

The point is that in the rock/paper/scissors match-ups of PvP, Shaman are mushrooms. Warriors and other classes have the tools they need to be at an advantage against certain opponents; they have weaknesses that put them at a disadvantage against others, which is why class matrixes spring up and are so important in 2v2 and 3v3 arena matches.

shaman are more like druids in the sense that the position they take in the r/p/s perspective depends on their spec. an elemental takes on the mage-like qualities with incredible nuking power while maintaining strong natural defenses (talented resistance to certain kinds of spell damage, mail+shield for physical mitigation). their sole school of magic puts them at something of a weakness against the pure casting classes (mage and lock), but the tradeoff is higher efficiency vs high armor targets (elem shaman are premier plate- and bear-killers).

an enhancement takes on the rogue or warrior-like qualities depending on weapon choice (2h or DW). one goes for more consistent, higher overall damage (DW) while the other opts for burst. even now at 70 there are times and places where a pvp geared shaman can destroy pvp geared clothies in a matter of seconds (like, <10 seconds, not 120), assuming things go their way. their ability to toss out extreme damage randomly is both a blessing and curse, as they have no control over it, but their opponents have no idea when the damage is going to come either. they gain this melee burst power at the cost of their casting and healing potential, and the sacrifice of a shield and reliance on their weapon puts them at a disadvantage when faced against pure melee (with the somewhat exception of feral druids, which is kind of a wash).

finally, a resto opts for the support and outlasting side of shaman. they have the second highest armor class of a healer (and unlike druids, they dont need to shed their armor in order to heal), and win fights one of two ways; by outlasting their opponent in personal combat, or by supporting their allies to victory. the only sure fire way to kill a resto shammy quickly is to eliminate their mana, or overwhelm them with numbers. but overwhelming pretty much anyone with numbers will bring a kill, so thats not so much an effective anti-class strat as it is an overarching tactic.

1v1, DPS Shaman don't stack up well against anyone. Even with support, they lack the certain degree of self-sufficiency and utility (because they have none beyond straight healing or DPS, which is about the least important thing in small-scale PvP) that makes it worthwhile to build them into and 2v2 or a 3v3. It's not until 5v5's and large skirmishes in BG's that Elemental and Enhancement Shaman have any chance to actually make a worthwhile contribution.

shamans have great utility, some of the best in game. totems are, as noted, extremely powerful. the fact that they can render bonuses while being out of direct LoS is a huge advantage in many situations, as clever totem placement can force a target to disengage for several seconds while seeking out and destroying the totems. i dont know how many times ive lost melee range on someone thanks to a well placed EB totem, or the amount of dps ive lost because i had to run behind a pillar to take out a tremor or grounding totem.

and for the record, ive seen dps-focused 3's teams with elemental shaman in them that get pretty high (1900+) as well as resto shaman in 2's breaking the 1900 barrier.

And all three specs of Shaman are so easy to shut down and die so fast to focused fire that it's not even funny. One silence/interrupt/whatever shuts down both our primary DPS and primary healing school simultaneously, because they're one and the same. We're got all our eggs in one basket, and you know what your stock broker always told you about that...

pretty much any class suffers from that under focus fire. with the exception of mages (ice block) and paladins (bubble) any class thats under heavy fire goes down fast, and no class has the kind of controlled burst damage an elem shammy has (making them key tools in any burst-down situation).

as far as lockdown goes, youre in the same boat as paladins are, altho shaman can at least use frost shock to snare should the need present itself.

now that ive said all that, i feel the need to tell everyone that i dont think shaman are perfect. shaman and paladins could use a few tweaks to address their issues, specifically involving lockdowns and how they can really cripple each class. but the rest of the complaints mentioned by many shaman are, in my opinion, mostly bull. shaman happens to be a class that relies on group support in order to realize their full potential, and given that this is a game whos pvp is ostensibly balanced around group engagements, i dont see a problem with that. in fact, id wager that making more classes like that would be a good thing for pvp. whether or not that will happen i cant say.

essentially, shaman dont have it that bad. there are problems, but every class has problems. its not the "doom and gloom" type of thing many people seem to think it is.
#75 Jan 26 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Quor wrote:
... a bunch of stuff.

I started to reply to your post, but I just stopped halfway through when I realized it was really just a novel of theorycraft. It's ridiculous, and I don't feel like wasting my time arguing my actual experience as a DPS Shaman to someone who doesn't even play them in the post-70 game. Other people telling us how great we are hasn't made us any better over the past few months, and it's certainly not going to start now.
#76 Jan 26 2008 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Gaudion wrote:
Quor wrote:
... a bunch of stuff.

I started to reply to your post, but I just stopped halfway through when I realized it was really just a novel of theorycraft. It's ridiculous, and I don't feel like wasting my time arguing my actual experience as a DPS Shaman to someone who doesn't even play them in the post-70 game. Other people telling us how great we are hasn't made us any better over the past few months, and it's certainly not going to start now.

I loled. It is true. In theory, if so and so class does ______, we can drop _____ totem to counter. However, considering reaction time, and that pvp fights are generally over in less than 20 seconds, Quor needs to take that into consideration, far too many of our abilities are REACTIVE to what another class does. If Totems weren't on GCD, perhaps I would have time to drop them so they would help in PvP, but as it stands, I usually don't have time to drop any more than 1. Pretty much every other class can fare well in PvP (solo) depending on spec against some classes. Shamans can't fare well in solo PvP against any class any more...

Just an example, Quor pointed out rogues hate poison cleansing totem. Okay, in theory, this is all good, we drop the appropriate totem and all is well...hardly. What we need is some form of CC so I have a chance to get out of LOCKDOWN, STUNLOCK to even drop my totem and get a little distance to drop other defensive totems.

Shamans need a group to PvP? So, while every other class can farm PvP marks SOLO to some degree, we will have to find a group in order to be somewhat effective? That's BS, we're already losing out on the gear battle due to raid preferences favouring the other 3 healers in the game.

I can say this, after grinding on my Shaman for a while, enhance is passable now for PvE, it is possible to grind at a decent rate with water shield, while DW two fast weapons and using SR to keep your mana up. However, this is totally useless for PvP. In fact, PvP wise, I think an enhancement shaman is probably the worst spec in the game. No CC, no way to get out of stun, no way to pop a heal unmolested, not enough damage output to take out a melee mob, not enough closing/snare spells to keep a caster mob stationary enough to hit.

Edited, Jan 26th 2008 5:55pm by Taurrus
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