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Hunter Kara experienceFollow

#1 Jan 12 2008 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
I am pretty happy that I was FINALLY able to run Kara after trying to get geared up for about a month...I'd never ran it before, so it was a great experience...I love raiding!

I think the guild was unsure about me gear wise, but even with my mediocre gear, I was still #2 on the DPS meter for the night. We actually had 3 hunters on the raid, so there was a lot of DPS, and i was basically thinking the other two hunters would blow me away in terms of DPS since their gear was far superior...but I was able to keep up.

We were able to kill everything up to Prince, by that time a few unlucky infernal drops and a few wipes pretty much had everyone call it a night. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to roll on Legacy
but that's ok, another hunter bid a whole bunch of raid points to get it.

I did manage to win a roll for Drape of the Dark Reavers which is a nice upgrade for me. I also accumulated enough badges to craft myself a pair of Surestrike Goggles v2.0 which is also a great upgrade to my helm. I guess if you can impress your guild with DPS in less than stellar gear, and walk away at the end of the night with 2 epics, my first Kara was a success. I'm looking forward to my next run in there!

Edited, Jan 12th 2008 6:41am by Taurrus
#2 Jan 12 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
grats :) I'm still waiting for my Legacy to drop, and either WolfSlayer or Sunfury. My Kara group did a full run tonight (with exception of the trash beast bosses). I'm so stoked! My guild has been running Kara for several months now, and the group that I'm in, which has run together 3 times now took down Netherspite for the first time :D

The best thing about Kara is that even if you don't get any epics, you still get 20+ badges from a full clear.
#3 Jan 12 2008 at 3:36 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
Grats on your first (of many) runs. Don't fret too much about the drops. They tend to come in waves from my experience.

I got Legacy last week. This week, we get the Oz event for the 3rd week in a row, and Legacy dropped again! We just so happened to have a fresh, just got ready for kara hunter on that run, and it was his first boss kill. What luck for him, eh?

Last night on Prince kill #4, I got my Sunfury. I'm a happy panda. Good luck to everyone else in getting their drops. Keep shooting, they'll come.
#4 Jan 12 2008 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
Two Legacy drops? Gawd damn, I was exalt months before I gave up on Legacy. Eventually settled with Spiteblade and Emerald Ripper with duel 20agi enchants.
#5 Jan 12 2008 at 7:28 AM Rating: Default
Being a month old in my new guild, i get invited for a Gruul run. He hits the dirt, and TWO Hunter/Lock/Mage t4 pants drops. I got one, and it was fecking great.
#6 Jan 12 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
DalaranCaine wrote:
Two Legacy drops? Gawd damn, I was exalt months before I gave up on Legacy. Eventually settled with Spiteblade and Emerald Ripper with duel 20agi enchants.

I said as much to our other hunter. I told him it's hard enough seeing Oz for some people, then to have it drop on top of that? I told him he should go play the lottery. :D

Then again, I was 400 points shy of exalted (with only 2 Durnholde runs, everything else BM) before I got the Hourglass. WoW's funny that way.
#7 Jan 12 2008 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Nubkek wrote:
Being a month old in my new guild, i get invited for a Gruul run. He hits the dirt, and TWO Hunter/Lock/Mage t4 pants drops. I got one, and it was fecking great.

I've done Gruuls 4 times now, and the hunter/mage/warlock tokens drop EVERY time. High King has dropped the shoulders all 4 times, and twice he dropped two of them. We've downed Gruul 3 times now, and he's dropped the pants all 3 times, and once he dropped 2. Of course our ranged DPS is THRILLED, but our tanks, healers and melee DPS hate us.
#8 Jan 14 2008 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
Prince "Safe Spot". We tried this last week and killed him for our first time with this method. There might still be a slim chance of getting bad luck with the Infernals but they didn't get in our way.

Edited, Jan 30th 2008 8:50am by Scolariman
#9 Jan 14 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Scolariman wrote:
New Prince "Safe Spot". We tried this last week and killed him for our first time with this method. There might still be a slim chance of getting bad luck with the Infernals but they didn't get in our way.
Ye Olde. And it doesn't really work, to be honest. The Infernals can still surround you, and you might just end up with one landing on your head, which will force the raid and the tank to separate. Best two spots are either the middle of the wall left of the door, or a bit further into the room from where your markings show. The raid should start almost in the middle of the room, and from there you should move according to the infernals.

Locking yourself to such a spot like that isn't good for the raid at all. Freedom of movement is the key for the Prince fight.
#10 Jan 14 2008 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
Locking yourself to such a spot like that isn't good for the raid at all. Freedom of movement is the key for the Prince fight.

I would think that having to move more often would delay killing the boss. The ranged/caster/healers all standing in one spot where they never have to move seems to be a better way of killing him. Maybe we just got lucky by having no Infernals get in our way....
#11 Jan 14 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
My group gets over to the side of the "room" where he pats. There is a little nook where the casters can stand and never get hit by an infernal (just be careful of LoS). From there, there is a place where the tank can stand, and very rarely get hit by an infernal. Just hug the walls. The only flaw with that technique is that an infernal may spawn between the tank and healers, so the melee will have to run the other way.
#12 Jan 14 2008 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
I would think that having to move more often would delay killing the boss. The ranged/caster/healers all standing in one spot where they never have to move seems to be a better way of killing him. Maybe we just got lucky by having no Infernals get in our way....
Bolded the relevant sentence. What happens if you do get blocked in and have to move? I can assure you, the doorway is not a safe spot. I did Prince on my Druid today, and we started with the doorway for the raid. Two things happened: First the tank/melee got an infernal too close, and had to move. Thus, the raid had to move. Fortunately, the rest of the infernals popped in the back of the room. The infernal that dropped afterwards, dropped just where the raid had previously been standing.

It's not safe, and it could box you in. We were lucky that the tank had to force a raidmove, because if not we just might have had a separated tank/melee - Healers/ranged DPS problem. Thus, positioning the raid in a way that allows you to move freely no matter where the infernals drop, is vital.
#13 Jan 14 2008 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
There is a spot near the opposite corner from the door where you can tank him and have the ranged/healers stand next to the wall. If done positioned properly nobody will ever get hit with an infernal. The raid I'm in has used this spot for months and has never once had an infernal force anybody to move. Have the tank park him with the tank's back to the wall. An infernal can, and does, occasionally drop in between the two groups, but won't hit either.


A google image search actually got a picture of the spot I'm describing.

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 10:48pm by Ieatrocks
#14 Jan 15 2008 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

Gratz on the cloak! You are not likely to get a better one for a long time. Good luck getting the Sunfury Bow ... it was the last piece I got from kara that I wanted (except Wolfslayer Rifle)... Never saw Big Bad Wolf event after like 15-20 runs through... wierd.

#15 Jan 15 2008 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
Ieatrocks wrote:
There is a spot near the opposite corner from the door where you can tank him and have the ranged/healers stand next to the wall. If done positioned properly nobody will ever get hit with an infernal. The raid I'm in has used this spot for months and has never once had an infernal force anybody to move. Have the tank park him with the tank's back to the wall. An infernal can, and does, occasionally drop in between the two groups, but won't hit either.


A google image search actually got a picture of the spot I'm describing.

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 10:48pm by Ieatrocks

This is the spot we use too. It works pretty reliably. And IF, in the rare occurance, an infernal should drop too close for comfort, you do have room to slide forward or backward along that wall.

The only downside is for our melee DPS. Those poor guys always seem to have an infernal drop somewhere in the middle that makes it hard for them to run back and forth. Otherwise, it works great.
#16 Jan 16 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
I just started running it, too. Twice through so far. The first time up to downing Curator and I got my Steelhawk Crossbow (Attumen). The second time up to completing the opera event and I got the Stalker War Bands (Attumen) and Beastmaw Pauldrons (Crone). Not too shabby.

Both opera events were the Wizard of Oz.
#17 Jan 21 2008 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
I havent had a lot of chances at kara yet, I usually get on after the guild has already started (damn eastern time zoners!), and have only myself made it up to curater so far.

I think I read somewhere of one hunter tactic for curator, was to keep pet attacking curator all the time (our current raid strategy is to have main tank on curator, currently a druid, as well as one other melee dps, another druid as well), while the rest of us down sparks as fast as possible until he goes all blue.

I was keeping my pet with me and helping dps the sparks, but the pet usually ended up dying due to the chain affect, and couldnt keep up the required heals on it.

So I was thinking I just leave pet on curator, not too much to worry about for pet heals then, and just dps sparks and curator as req'd...make sense?
#18 Jan 22 2008 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Xizervexius wrote:
So I was thinking I just leave pet on curator, not too much to worry about for pet heals then, and just dps sparks and curator as req'd...make sense?

Makes perfect sense. About my third Curator fight I could see very clearly from the WWS logs that trying to send Pet at sparks was not doing much good. They just die to fast for it to get there and contribute much. Just let it chew on the Curator, it doesn't even need AR, and you burn down sparks as they appear and get some shots on the Curator in between spawns.
#19 Jan 22 2008 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I did that on my first curator fight out of pure lazyness....
And with those sparks dying in a few seconds your pet can hardly reach it.
#20 Jan 22 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
I got a noob question here. When you guys talk about DPS in a Raid Setting, is this strictly Hunter Ranged DPS? Or does it include the Pet? I assuming its just the Hunter's Ranged DPS only.
#21 Jan 22 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
First of all, grats to your first kara run. Took me 5 weeks to even get a single drop as a mage (never saw the nathrezim mind blade in months, then staff of infinite mysteries drop, nathrezim the following week and finally wub's cursed hex blade right after that); first run on my hunter I get he necklace from Attumen and the wolfslayer sniper rifle. You just have to run it several times if you really wish to have everything. We have a guildy who's been trying to get his legacy for a while (25 kara runs, about 15+ Oz, no legacy) and a friend of mine got it on his 4th. Be patient and you'll get your legacy eventually.

Second point I'd like to add (anyone feel free to reply to this): your guild FAILS HORRIBLY. Who the hell uses raid points (DKP/SK/whatever) in a 10 man? Are you so plagued with loot whores that you really need to have a loot system counting raid attendance, performance and such?

ThekkKheelan, hunter DPS should generally count the pet DMG (where would BM hunters be on the dmg charts if the pets werent included?). I've only seen 1 hunter out DPS me on boss fights, and thats because he was counting his Pet (very good hunter too though, best I've seen so far).
#22 Jan 22 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
Hunters should, I think anyways, always include their pet in the DPS contest. When I have my meter up and everyones boasting about their DPS after a run/raid/whatever, I'm usually somewhere in the top 1,2, or 3 on my meter (with pet data merged into mine), and of course everyone in the group who is using a meter has me lower on the totem pole because their data does not include my pet.

Kara wise, only a few runs for myself and nothing so far. I'm having slightly better luck with heroics.
#23 Jan 22 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Steelray wrote:
Ieatrocks wrote:
There is a spot near the opposite corner from the door where you can tank him and have the ranged/healers stand next to the wall. If done positioned properly nobody will ever get hit with an infernal. The raid I'm in has used this spot for months and has never once had an infernal force anybody to move. Have the tank park him with the tank's back to the wall. An infernal can, and does, occasionally drop in between the two groups, but won't hit either.


A google image search actually got a picture of the spot I'm describing.

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 10:48pm by Ieatrocks

This is the spot we use too. It works pretty reliably. And IF, in the rare occurance, an infernal should drop too close for comfort, you do have room to slide forward or backward along that wall.

The only downside is for our melee DPS. Those poor guys always seem to have an infernal drop somewhere in the middle that makes it hard for them to run back and forth. Otherwise, it works great.

statistically that is one of the safer spots on the map, but no more then any other edge spot. I've gotten infernals there, that hit the supposed safe spot, both where the tank is supposed to stand as well as the ranged dps.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2008 3:03pm by Xsarus
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#24 Jan 22 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Turbomart wrote:
Second point I'd like to add (anyone feel free to reply to this): your guild FAILS HORRIBLY. Who the hell uses raid points (DKP/SK/whatever) in a 10 man? Are you so plagued with loot whores that you really need to have a loot system counting raid attendance, performance and such?

Ahh, the internet. Where opinions are free, even if they suck. If DKP works for them, why does that make you chafe? How is a system that they find suitable so offensive to you that it requires an all caps FAILS HORRIBLY? You know absolutely zero about this Guild other than what the OP posted, and s/he expressed zero discontent with his/her Guilds loot system. So what's it to you? You fail horribly.
#25 Jan 23 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
ThekkKheelan wrote:
I got a noob question here. When you guys talk about DPS in a Raid Setting, is this strictly Hunter Ranged DPS? Or does it include the Pet? I assuming its just the Hunter's Ranged DPS only.

Does your pet cause damage? Would the raid have that damage if you didn't deploy said pet?

Yes, pet damage counts. As it should.
#26 Jan 23 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
I am coming back to this Character after about 2 years. If you remember back before BC came out, Hunters were told to put there pets away during Raids. So I am basing me question upon that. Sorry for the confusion.
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