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level 65 huntard Follow

#27 Jan 18 2008 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
shadowwofnight wrote:
You should always watch your pet so it doesn't run off. You should also think of getting a stronger pet if you are using one that you had since level 19 just so you will do more damage. make sure you have your talents made very well so you do more damage. check the talents tab on the right bar of this site and look at builds. keep you pets skills up (greater stam and things like that)

Ummm no if you leveled a cat from 19 it will be the same if you get a level 69 cat. A cat is a cat bear a bear etc... The ravenger is just a little better in the dsp department. With gore it's the same as claw but with a 50% chance to do double damage. What ever pet you have will be the same. Except for the family traits, prowl for cat, gore boar ravengers, screech bats birds and so on. best place to find pet info is So in ending don't worry about getting a new pet 19=69 at same loyalty level
#28 Jan 18 2008 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
good estimated number if you guess that FI will be up and active for 85%-92% of a raid boss fight. 92%

I'd love to get more input on this. I think that could be a bit high, but my hunter has never seen Kara or Gruul, so I would not know for sure.

It's not really that high if you think about it(which is where I pulled these numbers from when I guessed at the percentages). The only thing I am really unsure about is the pets crit chance. I would like to say it scales with the Hunter's or it may even carry over from the hunters. I really am not sure. But my crit is at 24.xx%. Just to be fair, lets say it carries over to 20% crit for my pet.

Crit doesn't scale with pets. AP, armour and stam does. I'd check my pet more closely, but I'm not at home atm. It's safe to assume they get a 5% base crit as everyone else does. That along with the crit from their base agi, and (if you've specced it) 10% from talents. This should land you inbetween 15-20% crit, lets say 18%.

Base attack speed is 2.0, 1.54 with Cobra reflexes. GCD is 1.5 sec. Now, lets say that the first hit your pets gets off is a crit. This procs FI and Frenzy (making attack speed 1.28). So, your pet has 8 seconds to swing away with Claw/Gore and normal melee to try and get a crit and keep Frenzy up. You get 6 normal hits off in this time, and 5 Claw/Gore. That's 11 hits, and with a crit rate of 18, it's likely that 2 of those are a crit. FI lasts 2 seconds longer, and since it's possible to keep Frenzy up all the time, I'd say it's possible to keep FI up all the time.

shadowwofnight wrote:
You should also think of getting a stronger pet if you are using one that you had since level 19 just so you will do more damage. make sure you have your talents made very well so you do more damage. check the talents tab on the right bar of this site and look at builds. keep you pets skills up (greater stam and things like that)

Had some random mage trying to tell me the opposite in the guild chat the other day. He was a so-called pre-TBC hardcore raider. You're both wrong. The only thing that scales your pets damage is your gear (AP to a great extent, agi to a lesser), your talents, the pets spec, the pets family and any buffs you might have on it.

This being said; a cat that you tamed at level [insert number here] and leveled up to 70 will do the same damage as one you tame at level 70. No more, and no less. Period.

Since I predict the ravager remark will cause a "WOOTS TEH BEST PET" discussion, I have the following to say:

There are only best pets. One pet that you think is bad will be the best for someone else in the world (of warcraft). This goes both ways. The best leveling pet for me is Owl, since it lets me clear out camps of 5-6 mobs without loosing aggro to my Mend Pet. The best end-game DPS pet for me is Ravager, since Gore is marginally better than Claw.

What's YOUR best pets?
#29 Jan 18 2008 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
One more Gyff needs to consider, is that Trueshot will never scale. It adds a tiny bit of AP (Yes, past first half of Karazhan, it's a tiny increase), to the physical dps of the group. Ferocious Inspiration scales. 3% more damage. That means that if the mage (because FI works for absolutely all damage) gets his new shiney staff/dagger and that oh-so-powerful enchant on it, that buff is going to scale with it. His damage will increase before the buff, making those 3% a much higher number than before. This goes for every single DPS class in the game.

Scaling like this is enormously important when it comes to group/raid buffs. If it didn't the buffs would mean less and less, until they become insignificant. At Gruul? TSA means bupkiss. Void Reaver? Any MM Hunter in there had better just be there to fill a spot otherwise taken by a BM Hunter.

Think of it like Kings. It just gets that much more powerful, the more powerful the recipients of the buff is.

As to how often FI is up, I don't have any numbers to toss ya. I don't really pay that much attention to my buff window, but I have yet to glance at it without FI being there 95% of the time in combat. Once you've trained Cobra Reflexes, Frenzy, Claw/Gore, GftT and so on, you will have a pet that will be attacking so often it's not even remotely funny. The damage of his crit doesn't matter, as long as he crits. The amount of attacks per minute alone tells you that as long as the pet is on the boss, it takes alot of bad luck for FI to be up less than 80% of the time.

Especially since a Crit also proccs Frenzy. Frenzy = More attacks = More Crits = More Frenzy and FI.
#30 Jan 18 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, Ok lol. I added the edit for BM as DPS also.

Call me crazy, but the chance on hit will never be as good as constant. I know there were plenty of times I did not have FI up when solo'ing as BM on trash mobs... much less Gruul and other Skull leveled bosses (which I imagine the Crit % would be lower than trash solo'ing mobs). I was BM Hunter for over 1/2 a year, and honestly loved it, but for BGs I went with MM spec (and now love that spec).

Again, that's what's great about playing a game... anyone can do what they want. Not like you're going to get booted either which way. Both ways you're contributing to the overall DPS of the group, helping them kill down, whatever it is, faster. Also, Trueshot can't stack, so worst case you get moved into a group without a MM hunter and use it there. It'll still end up helping someone out... even if it's the tanks (which will help them grab aggro better).

To me it's like saying 'Roll this dice for 10 seconds. If it lands on 1,2,or 3 you get to roll again for another 10 seconds'. Yes, most the time in that 10 seconds you'll roll those numbers... sometimes you won't.

I would love to see some same set up parties, one with MM Hunter and one with BM Hunter. Just the overall numbers. It'll never happen, but would be nice

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 9:32am by GYFFORD
#31 Jan 18 2008 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
Not like you're going to get booted either which way.

Unless your the second SV hunter.

Such a cheapshot, but I had to take it.
#32 Jan 18 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
Ok stupid question but if you been reading my posts maybe not. How do I get arena points. I want theses [Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Spaulders] what do I have to do?
#33 Jan 18 2008 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
toddtari wrote:
Ok stupid question but if you been reading my posts maybe not. How do I get arena points. I want theses [Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Spaulders] what do I have to do?

Stupid question? No.

Irrelevent to this thread? Yes

Wrong Forum? Yes

But it's friday so I'll help ya out.

How do you get arena points? Join an arena team. Play 10 games a week.
#34 Jan 19 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Default
This is not the wrong forum. I posted it here to get the hunters perspective. Why would I care how a warrior competes in the arena? I still need to know what the best way to compete in the arena is for a hunter. I want some awesome shoulders. Yes I know I am vain but that is all I have ever wanted since the first day I have been playing WOW
#35 Jan 19 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Try the arena for yourself, you have to play to suit your own playing style, and as far as I can see, Synn didn't mention anything about how to play warriors in arena. You also asked how to get arena points, which has nothing to do with hunters, and therefore you shouldn't have posted this in the hunter forum, see what I'm getting at?
#36 Jan 19 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
dont you need a (high) personal rating for the shoulders?
#37 Jan 19 2008 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
2000 personal rating and 1500 points.
#38 Jan 19 2008 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
Call me crazy, but the chance on hit will never be as good as constant. I know there were plenty of times I did not have FI up when solo'ing as BM on trash mobs... much less Gruul and other Skull leveled bosses (which I imagine the Crit % would be lower than trash solo'ing mobs).

Maybe this will help. You used the car salesman analogy, so I'll run with that.

Let's say you've got two salesmen. One on straight salary, and one on commission. The salary man represents the TSA Hunter, and the commissioned salesman represents the FI Hunter.

At some arbitrary point in their careers they are making the identical amount of money. Let's say that is 100k per year.

And then it's review time. The salaried salesman is offered a raise of 10k, and the commissioned salesman is offered a raise of 10%, which is 10k. All fair, right?

But then next year comes around, and the same review and offer is made. The salaried salesman is offered 10k, bringing him to 120k per year. The commissioned salesman is offered 10%. He was at 110k, and 10% of that is 11k, bringing him to 121k. Wait, now it's not fair any longer.

Next year, same thing: Salaried salesman is now at 130k, while the commissioned salesman is at 133.1k

Year 4: 140k vs 146.41
Year 5: 150k vs 161.05

In 5 years time, the commissioned salesman's pay has scaled 11.05 thousand dollars higher than the salaried salesman's pay.

This is how TSA and FI work also. At some arbitrary point they are about equal. But as gear is improved and DPS climbs, the static TSA buff just can't keep up with the percentage increase of the FI buff.

And while the straight salary salesman enjoys his pay in nice convenient regular allotments, while the commissioned salesman may have some lean months (times when FI was not up) and some banner months, the commissioned salesman still makes more money at the end of the year.

Edited, Jan 20th 2008 1:17am by Kompera
#39 Jan 20 2008 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
DING 70 !!!! Got my flying mount and have started dalies. Thanks for the help
#40 Jan 20 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Now get your lazy bottom into the sticky if you aim to start raiding ;)
#41 Jan 20 2008 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
I understand the words that are coming out of your mouth. Thanks. If anyone can help me in game get started on dalies and raids I am on Medivah and my name is PMEL.
#42 Jan 20 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Why ingame? Get yourself enough honor points for S1, finish off your quests in SMV and NS, then just do the quest chains that get you to neutral with Netherwing, Ogri'la, and Skyguard.
#43 Mar 17 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ok with everyone’s help and a lot of work I am not an lvl 70 huntard thank God. I got my epic flyer last night and was invited into an all lvl 70 raiding guild because of my great performance in Kara. If you look at my Armory page I am decked out in epics (Not all epics and not the best hunter epics but working on it). I have learned a lot trying to become a better hunter. I can hit 800 dps regularly now (I know I still have a long ways to go). Thanks everyone for the help and if you see me doing something stupid on Medivh let me know. I definitely will be asking questions to any hunter I see that dose a better job then me. It makes me sick that most of the time people blame hunters for everything. If the Tank can not Tank it is the hunters fault for pulling to much DPS, when you know damn well if the tank was any good there would be no way a hunter could pull agro off them. Anyways if you are not a hunter and you are reading this PLEASE give hunters another chance.
#44 Mar 17 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
Ok with everyone’s help and a lot of work I am not an lvl 70 huntard thank God. I got my epic flyer last night and was invited into an all lvl 70 raiding guild because of my great performance in Kara. If you look at my Armory page I am decked out in epics (Not all epics and not the best hunter epics but working on it). I have learned a lot trying to become a better hunter. I can hit 800 dps regularly now (I know I still have a long ways to go). Thanks everyone for the help and if you see me doing something stupid on Medivh let me know. I definitely will be asking questions to any hunter I see that dose a better job then me. It makes me sick that most of the time people blame hunters for everything. If the Tank can not Tank it is the hunters fault for pulling to much DPS, when you know damn well if the tank was any good there would be no way a hunter could pull agro off them. Anyways if you are not a hunter and you are reading this PLEASE give hunters another chance.
#45 Mar 17 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
lets have a round of applaus for those who helped a noob huntard become a normal huntard (joking big guy, congratz)

actually, very good discussion which I missed reading since I made a hunter only a few weeks ago. Good read.
#46 Mar 17 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
toddtari wrote:
If the Tank can not Tank it is the hunters fault for pulling to much DPS, when you know damn well if the tank was any good there would be no way a hunter could pull agro off them.

Epics from kara do not a non-huntard make, it is almost always your fault if you pull agro off the tank. Even if the tank is less than stellar you adjust your dps acordingly or just leave group and find one that matches your leetness.

And btw it is easy to pull agro off the best of tanks.
#47 Mar 17 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
True but i've been blamed for "pulling hate" off the tank when i used distraction shot to take hate off the mage because he pulled hate off the tank...

There is just a point when blaming the hunter gets out of hand, Like blaming a priest for a wipe because he wasnt healing, when the group didn't come to his aid and died first.

Edited, Mar 17th 2008 8:19pm by Silksia
#48 Mar 17 2008 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
We have discussed many times that one of your regular damage shots will generate more threat than a distracting shot.
#49 Mar 17 2008 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
The shot i used wasnt the point of the matter now lets get back on topic.
#50 Mar 17 2008 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
toddtari wrote:
Ok with everyone’s help and a lot of work I am not an lvl 70 huntard thank God. I got my epic flyer last night and was invited into an all lvl 70 raiding guild because of my great performance in Kara. If you look at my Armory page I am decked out in epics (Not all epics and not the best hunter epics but working on it).

Congratulations! Now for the future, work on your Hit Rating. And on properly augmenting and gemming your gear. You can do both at once if you use +Hit gems. Just remember that the socket bonus is very rarely worthwhile. You proabably want to use +16 AP and +8 Hit Rating gems, and only mix in the two Blue (or Green and/or Purple) gems necessary to activate the Relentless Earthstorm Diamond Meta you'll be buying.
#51 Mar 18 2008 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
Yes I know I can pull agro very easy form a bad tank (and I adjust my DPS) but a good tank makes it very hard to do so. I know Kara gear dose not make a hunter but it is a start and makes the game so much more fun seeing the new continent. I know I am not the best hunter and as soon as I get more then 8g I will re-gem for more hit. (5000g ahhhhh that is a lot I Fly Fast)

“Give A Hunter A Chance By Helping A Huntard”
PMEL (Air Force Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory)
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