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level 65 huntard Follow

#1 Jan 11 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I am a self admitted level 65 huntard a NOOB. I have read everything I can about how to be a better player and have gotten a lot better at doing quest that require soloing. When it comes to instances I fall short. I have tried and failed to complete as many instances as I can with no luck. I know not to pull to many people, lay traps to help the healer, don’t step on those eggs and bring a pet (a ghost kitty I have had since level 19). I just think I have better luck being by my self and I don’t want to miss a big part of the WOW experience like instances. My question is what I can do to become the ultimate instance ****. My armory page is Thank you for your advice ahead of time.
#2 Jan 11 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Can you help us out with what type of problems you are having (e.g., trapped mobs getting woke up, getting agro from the tank, attacking the wrong mobs, etc.)? Once we know the problems you are having, we can make some suggestions.
#3 Jan 11 2008 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Once invited:
-Have your armor repaired
-Have food for you and your pet.
-Have arrows (enough to last a full instance)
-Offer to FP over to the summoning stone
-Always accept suggestions... if it's a good one, use it, if not just discard it. No need to start up a huge hissy fit because of one 'know-it-all lv70 on a different server' guy.
-Just be polite.... we're Hunters, not actually the rarest of classes and can be easily replaced (easier than a tank/healer) I mean.
-Try not to be flagged (if on a PvE server), nothing ticks me off more than waiting on someone who 'keeps getting ganked lololololllol', wasting time.
-Don't mess with flagged toons, again... time waster (unless the party all wants to, it can be fun).

-Keep a eye out for your pet at ALL times.
-Keep him on passive and manually send him in per fight.
-Keep Growl off, unless told otherwise.
-Your pet is not the healers problem, you can heal him (mend pet), you can also call your pet out of AoE range if needed.
-A party member will always rate healing over your pet.

-Plant your Freeze trap as soon as possible (that will give your CD on Freeze a chance to expire for a quick retrap should it be resisted).
-Try to set the trap out of the way from AoE (if needed... Example: Tank's Thunder Clap for multi-aggro), so I set mine behind and off to the side of everyone.
-Shoot the 'trap marked mob' with a IC shot (Arc shot is the best), while the mob is walking your way you should already have switch to the 'skull/DPS target', sent pet in for little dps, and started your shot rotation... all before the mob gets frozen with Freeze trap #1.
-Don't DoT your trap marked mob.

Shot rotation:
-See one of the 10000 shot rotation posts XD
-Freign when you get too much aggro (before you make the mob run at you), having tanks/melee chasing the mob all over the place tends to tick them off. Freign Death will clear most of the threat you recieved, as long as it's not resisted... keep a eye out for that.
-Misdirect onto the tank on boss fights.
-If the mob runs at low health, feel free to shot a concus shot. Links in instances = teh sux.
-Multi-Shot is not a great thing. It'll un-CC mobs, it'll draw hate off a mob with only 1 or 2 Thunder Claps, on bosses it's ok, and when Misdirect pulling for a tank (multi-mobs)... On BGs Multi-shot is awesome... other places it's just ok, nothing a Steady shot or Arc shot can't substitute.

If you want to be a hardcore raider.. might want to go MM or SV. MM (*edit*OR recently found BM could be a bit higher, I myself like MM, to each their own lol) for the DPS (trueshot aura for the party dps), SV for the trapping (longer traps, less resists). I personally love MM, I was BM for a year, changed to start running BGs and wished I had changed sooner.

Backup tank?:
Use distracting shot off any mob that goes for your clothies. If that don't pull aggro, use freeze trap, Scatter shot, turn your pets growl back on and pray... anything to get that mob off your caster. Remember Mail armor > Cloth armor.... plus we got AotM and FD if needed.

As mentioned... what part of instances do you need help with? With practice it's much easier... did you shoot up to Outlands, not running any instances with him along the way? Not saying that's horrible... but you won't really be familiar with your party roll if you did.

Final word of advice for now.
Just because we can use almost everything (except for Plate), DON'T NEED ON EVERYTHING. Concentrait on +hit, +crit, +agi. everything else is prolly made for another class that needs it more than you. "but it's epixxxxxx!!", Epic gear that belongs to us will come, don't give other people a reason to call you a Huntard for wearing all strength gear and such.

Edited, Jan 11th 2008 5:18pm by GYFFORD

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 9:22am by GYFFORD
#4 Jan 11 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback and advice from people you're instancing with, especially other hunters. Yeah, you might get some "l2p, noob" crap, but you'll also learn a lot. Also helps to be in a fairly casual guild, with people that a) know how to play well and b) don't get all huffy when people make mistakes.

Also, don't be too hard on yourself. Give yourself time to learn. Instances are a LOT different than playing in the world, especially for hunters, imho.
#5 Jan 11 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
Gyfford is totally right. Take what he said and run with it.

I have a question for you though... what, if any addons are you using? What do you have your settings set to? Can you see target of target? Do you have your cooldown timers on? Do you have a Quartz or something like it? Bartender? All of these and more are VERY useful to have and I dont want to go back to shot timeing, or trapping, or whatever without them.

Also, as was posted by KansasKyle, what problems are you having? We can much aid you far better with examples.


*edit* Engrish is kicking my *** today.

Edited, Jan 11th 2008 5:00pm by rinkkel
#6 Jan 11 2008 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
You guys (Girls) are great. I do not use any add-ons but coordinate. I ask questions all the time but I think my guild is getting tired of it. I really don’t know the problem I think it is just overall. What gets me the most is that I finally find the time to do an instance and usually some one backs out then another person gets mad so where stuck with 2 or 3 less people making any mistake I make very visible. Then everyone left gets very mad at me.
#7 Jan 11 2008 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Addons you absolutely NEED:
Zhuntermod (mainly for autoshot timer, but it also shows what you disspelled with arcane shot and reports who you misdirected to in /p, /raid, /y or pretty much any channel you want)
Fubar/titanbar (shows how much arrows, bagslots you have, geardmg, pcperformance and more)
Omen threatmeter, shows how much threat you have on a target and gives a warning when you pass a certain % of the tank/your pet's threat.
Invaluable in both solo and group play.

And ofcourse Auctioneer and Atlas/atlasloot, because an extra tool to help making money and checking out gear and maps in instances is never bad ;P

the top 3 make your life easier and enhance your performance in group and solo play.
And i wouldnt want to live without any of them =P

edit: the only other addons i use are Bartender 3 for a better looking and more practical UI and CTRaidAssist and Deadlybossmods for raiding.

Edited, Jan 12th 2008 2:44am by Aethien
#8 Jan 14 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
Thank you everyone for the postings I have read it about 10 times and still get stuff out of it. My next question is I am a BM HUNTER, yes I think I can now call my self this after hitting 68 this weekend and doing Blood something (sorry still bad with names it’s the one where you get in the ring with a series of elites). I have my BM specked way to high its something like 58/2/1 I would like to retrain to 41/20/0 will it cost me again to retrain for this?
#9 Jan 14 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
277 posts
and doing Blood something (sorry still bad with names it’s the one where you get in the ring with a series of elites).

Ring of Blood

I would like to retrain to 41/20/0 will it cost me again to retrain for this? will have to pay depending on how many times you have already respecced.

1st time = 1 gold
2nd time = 5 gold
3rd time = 10 gold
4th time = 15 gold
5th time = 20 gold
hope you see the pattern by now :-)
#10 Jan 14 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
Thanks Paladense this helps but it dose not answer my question fully. If I had already purchased Aspect of the Cheetah at lvl 20, will I have to repurchase Aspect of the Cheetah again or since I purchased it before, after I retrain is it free?

#11 Jan 14 2008 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
When you retrain, it only takes away your talents, not your skills that you buy, so AotC will not be taken away.
#12 Jan 14 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
If the skill is predicated on a purchased talent then it does go away and you have to repurchase it, at least I have every time I've respecc'd.... it's expensive!
#13 Jan 14 2008 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
He said AotC, which does not come from any talents; BW, TBW, Aimed, Scatter, TSA, Silencing, Counterattack, and WS are the only ones that you buy and have taken away when you respec.
#14 Jan 14 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
*Reads Gyfford's post*

*Reads lots of good info*

*reads "If you want to be a hardcore raider.. might want to go MM or SV. MM for the DPS..."*

Wait, wha?

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 9:59pm by Ieatrocks
#15 Jan 14 2008 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Ieatrocks wrote:
*Reads Gyfford's post*

*Reads lots of good info*

*reads "If you want to be a hardcore raider.. might want to go MM or SV. MM for the DPS..."*

Wait, wha?
Smiley: laugh Guess he didn't get the memo.

Stack AP. read the faq and threads here.

Just fyi, Strength is a completely useless stat for you. The items you have with strength also have agility and int/sta, and most of the gear show's you know what stats to get so they're ok, but you will be able to find much much better stuff. Never itemize for strength. Getting some cheap enchants also will often help. Gyff made some good points, so read that and ask any specific questions you have, as we'll be able to give you more pointed advice then.
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#16 Jan 17 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
well i am still very much a beginner at high level instances but am slowly learning from reading the forum threads , with that and practice you will become far better , but do not worry about being uber special just do the best you can ..

as long as you group with roughly the same people each time you will start to learn what is needed in instances to protect those you are with , healers are always my priority and most probably the others will also still be learning their roles

i have seen different classes all in epic gear and yet still are useless which to me is so weird , the role of hunter is also not fully understood by other classes unless they have alts that are hunters , i know this as a warrior friend i have now has rolled a hunter and he has been learning a lot from it and from me showing him what i have learned

best advice i can give is if you find/know a great hunter chat with him , see how he does things , then fit the things into your play-style , that is what i try to do
#17 Jan 17 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
The problem with knowing a higher level hunter then me is difficult. The guild I am in is made up of all new players and I am the highest :). I love my guild it is made up of all current or former military personal. I as a single player have had great success. When it was time to purchase my mounts (40 and 60) I had the gold needed and then some, when I DING 70 (68 ½ now) I have the money to get my flying mount (I can not wait). I have always had the highest gear and the best weapons. The problem I have now is the game mechanics change when you hit 70 and I have no one to ask on how to proceed so I do not make the same mistakes everyone else dose. My one goal form the first day going to Darnassus seeing the big flaming shoulders on a mean looking guy was to get them, that is all I want. I need to hit 70 and find a group that can help me archive my goals and to teach me the ways of the level 70.
#18 Jan 17 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
Ieatrocks wrote:
*Reads Gyfford's post*

*Reads lots of good info*

*reads "If you want to be a hardcore raider.. might want to go MM or SV. MM for the DPS..."*

Wait, wha?

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 9:59pm by Ieatrocks

You left out the closing part of that...
MM for the DPS (trueshot aura for the party dps), SV for the trapping (longer traps, less resists).

I mean I'm correct in thinking that Trueshot helps the over all DPS for everyone, more than Beastial Wrath/Beast within helps DPS yes? I'm sure in Gruul's since it's such a loooong fight maybe you'll get two Wraths on him, but I'd still perfer giving the full DPS party the bonus attack.

Not to mention in BGs for some reason I'm doing much better. Seems like it's more powerful (to me at least).

I'd be happy to read where I'm mistaken, I always am willing to learn about any class... not to mention I've took long breaks from my Hunter (leveling Warrior, now my Druid), so my info. could be a tad outdated lol.

To me Beast Mastery has always been about the soloing. Yes, with wrath and the added pet attack I'm sure the DPS is up there. The way I look at it is: Would I prefer my pet (and me every 3 mins) to have higher attack, or would I prefer to give a bit of a bonus attack to epic'd out Rogues/Warriors/melee dps'ers. IMO it's pretty even.

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 10:20am by GYFFORD
#19 Jan 17 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
I mean I'm correct in thinking that Trueshot helps the over all DPS for everyone, more than Beastial Wrath/Beast within helps DPS yes? I'm sure in Gruul's since it's such a loooong fight maybe you'll get two Wraths on him, but I'd still perfer giving the full DPS party the bonus attack.

You are not correct, but not entirely wrong. Trueshot helps all Physical DPS. BW/BW(lol) does only help the hunters DPS. You forgot about 1 key talent that BM gets. Ferocious Inspiration. That increases damage for all DPS, both physical and magical. So in the end FI > TSA.
#20 Jan 17 2008 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
SynnTastic wrote:
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
I mean I'm correct in thinking that Trueshot helps the over all DPS for everyone, more than Beastial Wrath/Beast within helps DPS yes? I'm sure in Gruul's since it's such a loooong fight maybe you'll get two Wraths on him, but I'd still perfer giving the full DPS party the bonus attack.

You are not correct, but not entirely wrong. Trueshot helps all Physical DPS. BW/BW(lol) does only help the hunters DPS. You forgot about 1 key talent that BM gets. Ferocious Inspiration. That increases damage for all DPS, both physical and magical. So in the end FI > TSA.

See, that's the part I'm not real good at. Determining between the constant +atk of Trueshot, Vs a not constant (based on pet crit) of FI...then it only last 10 seconds
FI description wrote:
When your pet scores a critical hit, all party members have all damage increased by 1% for 10 seconds.

1% not constant DPS (for all members in your group), or a steady (in the melee group) extra +atk bonus?

Again, I'm sure neither are wrong... I just can't crunch the numbers on a variable such as pet crit. Both my boar and cat pet crit a good amount (a bit higher % back when BM), but enough to catch up to constant dps +atk?
#21 Jan 17 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
Again, I'm sure neither are wrong... I just can't crunch the numbers on a variable such as pet crit. Both my boar and cat pet crit a good amount (a bit higher % back when BM), but enough to catch up to constant dps +atk?

With 20% Crit(yes for the hunter), which procs Frenzy and Kill Comand, you could get a good estimated number if you guess that FI will be up and active for 85%-92% of a raid boss fight. 92% would be closer to reality, where as it drops to 85% if you have to pull your pet out for extended periods of time.

Another thing to consider, which I could be wrong on, since I don't remember grouping with 2 MM hunters. I don't believe TSA stacks. If it works like other(read: paladin)Auras then you can only have 1 type of the same aura, so 2 MM hunters you would only get the effect of 1 TSA. Where FI does stack.
#22 Jan 17 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
good estimated number if you guess that FI will be up and active for 85%-92% of a raid boss fight. 92%

I'd love to get more input on this. I think that could be a bit high, but my hunter has never seen Kara or Gruul, so I would not know for sure.

I guess I'm just old fashioned. I like the steady over the not sure. I could have been a car salesman making $5000.00 pay checks every two weeks, but instead I settle for waaaaay less per week with my office job, but it's a constant paycheck, unlike car sales where you can go weeks/months without selling a car.

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 11:58am by GYFFORD
#23 Jan 17 2008 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
GYFFORD, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
good estimated number if you guess that FI will be up and active for 85%-92% of a raid boss fight. 92%

I'd love to get more input on this. I think that could be a bit high, but my hunter has never seen Kara or Gruul, so I would not know for sure.

It's not really that high if you think about it(which is where I pulled these numbers from when I guessed at the percentages). The only thing I am really unsure about is the pets crit chance. I would like to say it scales with the Hunter's or it may even carry over from the hunters. I really am not sure. But my crit is at 24.xx%. Just to be fair, lets say it carries over to 20% crit for my pet.

My pet's attack speed is I belive is the low to mid 1.XX seconds), but let's put it at 2 seconds. Now, the buff lasts 10 seconds, that's 5 hits in that time, which 1/5 is 20% so on paper it's gauranteed the pet will crit and renew FI before it even runs out. Of course playing is not the same as paper, and you can go without a crit for a few seconds or more.

But just taking the attack speed and the 20% crit chance you can see that 85-92% is actually a pretty reasonable number.
#24 Jan 17 2008 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Yes hit 69 tonight thanks for the help
#25REDACTED, Posted: Jan 17 2008 at 6:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You should always watch your pet so it doesn't run off. You should also think of getting a stronger pet if you are using one that you had since level 19 just so you will do more damage. make sure you have your talents made very well so you do more damage. check the talents tab on the right bar of this site and look at builds. keep you pets skills up (greater stam and things like that)
#26 Jan 18 2008 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
A pet I got at level 19 and then leveled it up to 69 doses not do the same amount of damage as a pet you just pick up at level 69? Could you elaborate.
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