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Trimming the fatFollow

#1 Jan 09 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
83 posts
There is always going to be some amount of useless “stuff” in a game. This is the stuff that no one uses; the greys people vendor; the stuff no one cares about.

Resilience killed daggers. Not something new to anyone. Ambush no longer kills clothies in one shot and is absolutely useless in pvp unless you just want to embarrass someone. Ambush is useless. If you follow Nooble’s guide, there is not a single instance you’ll use ambush. You level using swords. From the point when you get it to the point you conquer [insert BT goal or 2k+ arena] you’ll use swords or maces and therefore never, ever, use Ambush.

There are still rogues who use Mutilate despite its handicaps. Target needs to be poisoned. Both hands need to crit. You need to be behind. The craziest part of this, to me, is something else- you need to use daggers. The whole point of Mut is that if a rogue gets behind you he ruins your sh*t. Not to get all rpg on you, but were I a rogue in RL I wouldn’t need to use daggers to ruin you. If I had maces or swords I could (and most likely would) still ruin every part of your day.

Part of the reason Mut is getting crapped on is because daggers are dead- high crit gets killed by resilience; no damage output because they’re small piece of metal. If you could use swords or maces to Mut I’m not saying it would suddenly bring Mut back into play- it wouldn’t- but it would at least give people a reason to try it.

Why are daggers even in the game? Do Warlocks actually use them for spell bonuses? Does any class use them for anything except for Mutilate rogues who are only Mut because it’s what they like or it’s fun or whatever? Those are fine reasons- it’s a game after all- but if an entire class of weapon in the game is essentially useless, why not just scrap it and come up with something better?

The beginning of the Assassination tree is or at least is being used for CP generation, and that only. Poisons are easy to cleanse but are extremely valuable to rogues trying to kite, reduce healing, hit harder or any of the above. So half of the Assassination tree is useful.

The Combat tree is great…or it would be if we were the only class that had it. It provides us a necessary boost in white damage, bonuses to energy regen, expertise, hit, stun resist, and a large damage bonus to the attacks frequently used. Problem is, warriors and druids have similar (or the exact same in some cases) talents or trainable abilities as we have in the Combat tree. Awesome...

HARP was great fun. You could do great damage, actually win once in awhile, and even provide the rest of your team with a benefit to your existence, limited as it was. Now you can’t do nearly as much damage, can’t attack nearly as fast, but you can still provide a benefit to your team (and now it even works!). Cool. I’d rather have a warrior or a druid.

Subtlety is a great idea for a tree. It completely embodies what a rogue is supposed to be about. The only problems are, again, the fat. Imp Ambush is trash because no one uses ambush. Hemo took a heavy nerf but still provides utility (sort of). Shadowstep is an awesome idea but a terrible 41 talent. Sinister Calling now “buffs” hemo so it can do similar (but still less) than SS.

In Summary:

Issue: Pick something. If you still want daggers to be part of the game, make them inherently ignore armor, resilience or both. If you don’t want to do that, get rid of Imp Backstab, Backstab, Ambush, Imp Ambush and Mut in its current form; get rid of daggers as a weapon class, and give us new talents instead of the useless ones.

Reason: Rogues are supposed to be smart attackers with lots of tricks. If I’m using a dagger against someone wearing full plate mail I’m not going to hit the plate and hope the dagger goes through- I’m going to hit between the plates. If I’m behind you and using a sword, there’s no reason I can’t stab you, ambush you, or tear you up with both of them.

Issue: The combat tree. There isn’t a point to making a rogue if there’s nothing special about the only tree you can (realistically) use in PVE or PVP. HARP worked because it was overpowering, but it also worked because it was a trick. It was “roguey”.

Reason is self-explanatory. Fix it by adding something special to the tree. Something no other class has. Something we can use as a trick, as a buoy to other classes in our group, as a reason to create a rogue in the first place.

Issue: Subtlety. If daggers and the talents/skills involved with them are abolished, it makes this tree open to any number of possibilities. Daggers are broken. Hemo was the solution, but now it doesn’t do enough damage anymore. Shadowstep is tremendous fun and offers great utility (sometimes) but it’s a horrible 41 talent. I have to “pay” 40 points into a tree to get something warriors can train and druids pay what…10-15 points for? Bad.

Fix: If you get rid of daggers and the backstab skills/talents, as stated this tree opens up. SStep should be trainable. The new 41 talent should either be a huge damage bonus, a huge stat bonus, or so sort of trick (like SStep is, but better).

WoW used to be Rock, Paper, Scissors. Instead of being balanced, WoW is now a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors + that imaginary thing you used to throw in in grade school that half the time trumped your friends and half the time got you punched in the face.


#2 Jan 09 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
6,318 posts
but I am guessing Smiley: deadhorse?
#3 Jan 09 2008 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
rate up even though you repeated yourself like 6 times, and its all been said before.

rate up for typing a lot.
#4 Jan 09 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Yeah um...sorry about that. I wrote this at work and got interrupted repeatedly. I'm sure I restated everything.

PsiChi is correct essentially...I'm sure it's all been said, it just pisses me off as I'm sure it does all of you.
#5 Jan 09 2008 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I rolled a rogue as my main because I have played a rogue class in just about every MMO I have ever played. Rogues are fun. In every other game I have played, you would be laughed at to no end if you were a rogue using swords. Swords have ALWAYS been gimped weapons for rogues in every other game considering rogues were built around fast attacks and heavy burst damage. With a sword you're bashing against plate, with a dagger you are (like you said) striking in between the plates. So why couldn't Blizzard actually look at the way rogues are normally built in other games and make WoW rogues actual rogues?

I actually leveled my rogue using daggers, ambush, stuns, and backstabs...and doing roguely things like sneaking around places I shouldn't be. I ding 70 and still love rogue in all its glory... but all I hear is combat swords this, combat swords that... so I decide to just go with the norm. After speccing combat swords I find myself.... spending more time on mage and warlock.

I do wish Blizzard would make rogues more roguely. But they would probably have to create an entirely new class to do it, otherwise it would make all the "leather wearing fury warrior" rogues mad. Me, personally, I would like to have a real rogue/thief/ninja class.

Ok, that's my addition to your dead horse rant. Boredom while waiting for this work day to be over is killing me.
#6 Jan 10 2008 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Decent post. There are just a couple of things I would like to take issue with.

KnifeInUrEye wrote:
Why are daggers even in the game? Do Warlocks actually use them for spell bonuses? Does any class use them for anything...

The main reason you never see Warlocks using spell daggers is because they're painfully rare. Spell damage swords are simply far more common and far easier to get ahold of, hence why you'll almost always see a Warlock wielding one if he wants a one-hander and off-hand instead of a staff.

Spriests, Elemental Shaman, and the rare Balance Druid, however, thrive on the caster daggers (or at least use them to compliment caster maces). They need them because they can't equip swords.

Those are fine reasons- it’s a game after all- but if an entire class of weapon in the game is essentially useless, why not just scrap it and come up with something better?

The problem is not the weapons. The weapons are fine. Many people (mostly people who like to be "Rogue-y") like to use the melee daggers. The problem is that they're just not effective when coupled with the skills they're meant for and then run up against the things meant to counteract them. They just come up short. Change the skills, but you can't reasonably posit the disbanding of an entire weapon class.

The Combat tree is great... Problem is, warriors and druids have similar (or the exact same in some cases) talents or trainable abilities as we have in the Combat tree. Awesome...

There's nothing wrong with that. Some people don't want to play Druids or Warriors. They want to play a Rogue. Just because something is not "unique" doesn't make it bad. Druids, Priests, Shaman, and Paladins can all heal. Of those four classes, I find doing it with anything other than a Priest to be boring as hell. Warriors, Druids, and Paladins can tank. Of those three, I vastly prefer tanking as a Paladin. Do you see what I'm getting at?

Issue: The combat tree. There isn’t a point to making a rogue if there’s nothing special about the only tree you can (realistically) use in PVE or PVP. HARP worked because it was overpowering, but it also worked because it was a trick. It was “roguey”.

HARP was not any better than Combat, and it wasn't any different for that matter. It did the exact same thing: melee your opponent down outside of stealth while keeping him stunned as long and as often as possible. You just use Hemo instead of SS and you got to AR twice. Whoopty-damn-do. Neither build is "tricky" or terribly "Rogue-y". It wasn't even a Subtlety build as so many Rogues were claiming. It's a hybrid.
#7 Jan 10 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Sorry for the delay- just started my work day. Now let's see...

The problem is not the weapons. The weapons are fine.

This is wrong. Daggers aren't usable weapons anymore. If you're looking to be "roguey" then daggers make sense as your weapon, they just don't actually work like daggers. You don't swing a dagger at someone's shield. You try to dodge or block until the right moment you can actually stab under their arm and critically wound them. That's "roguey". Trying to attack someone in plate is useless if you use a dagger like a sword.

...There's nothing wrong with that. Some people don't want to play Druids or Warriors. They want to play a Rogue...

The desire to play a rogue isn't what I'm talking about. It's that whatever draws you to being a rogue- whether it's doing damage, stealthing, being shady, whatever- there is a class that does it more effectively. Druids don't have exactly the same attacks as us, but they can also shapeshift into a tank, heal, or spell dps. Warriors have the same combat tree as us, can counter any move we make, and can change stances (not that they need to vs rogues) to become a different beast entirely.

It's not that I'm saying "don't play a rouge, we are teh sukz", I'm saying why play a class when every other class can do what we do better than we can?

...your last paragraph...

HARP was essentially combat+Hemo. I disagree about the "rogueyness" of it though. Prep is a Rogue skill. It's the "you think I'm done, you think I've wasted everything and you're still beating me? *Boom* Prep - back in the game".

It wasn't a subtlety build, it was the only build that delved into the Sub tree that people actually used and found value in in PVP. SStep is fun, but PVP you'll get your a$$ handed to you.
#8 Jan 10 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
KnifeInUrEye wrote:
The problem is not the weapons. The weapons are fine.

This is wrong. Daggers aren't usable weapons anymore. If you're looking to be "roguey" then daggers make sense as your weapon, they just don't actually work like daggers. You don't swing a dagger at someone's shield. You try to dodge or block until the right moment you can actually stab under their arm and critically wound them. That's "roguey". Trying to attack someone in plate is useless if you use a dagger like a sword.

Bringing reality reasoning into game mechanics has never been a good idea. Trust me, you don't want to start down that path. If you do, then you shouldn't be Garroting at all since Rogues don't carry any wire, you shouldn't be Ruptering with Maces, you shouldn't be able to stealth in plain sight out in the middle of an open field... just... please. Let's stick with game mechanics.

...There's nothing wrong with that. Some people don't want to play Druids or Warriors. They want to play a Rogue...

The desire to play a rogue isn't what I'm talking about. It's that whatever draws you to being a rogue- whether it's doing damage, stealthing, being shady, whatever- there is a class that does it more effectively. Druids don't have exactly the same attacks as us, but they can also shapeshift into a tank, heal, or spell dps. Warriors have the same combat tree as us, can counter any move we make, and can change stances (not that they need to vs rogues) to become a different beast entirely.

You're giving the other classes far too much credit.

Druids are still nowhere Rogues in Cat Form both in PvE and PvP. If they were, shifting from Cat to Bear and back again wouldn't be absolutely mandatory in PvP and Cats would be able to compete with Rogues for the #1 DPS slot in PvE. Furthermore, a Feral Druid trying to spell DPS would be like giving a Rogue Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath, and expecting them to pump out great DPS with it even though they're geared entirely for strength, agility, stamina, and AP. It's just not happening.

Neither of the Warrior's DPS trees are like your Combat tree. The only thing Arms has in common with you is that it's a PvP tree (if you're specced for PvP) and the only thing Fury has in common with you is that it's a dual-wielding DPS tree. The fact that they are, as a class, the most potent (some would argue only) counter to you in PvP does not make them a good component of the argument that daggers or Rogues suck.

In fact, Fury Warriors frequently use daggers as off-hands because the faster hit helps them with rage gen and all of their attacks are based off the main-hand, as yours are.

It's not that I'm saying "don't play a rouge, we are teh sukz", I'm saying why play a class when every other class can do what we do better than we can?

Because they can't. That's just a lot of Rogues QQ'ing.
#9 Jan 10 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I think fist weapons should be used for mutilate, ambush, backstab. >.>
#10 Jan 10 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
Daggers are next to useless right now, mongoose had a thread about 2 weeks back that pretty much exposed the outdated talents of each tree. Look that up if you want to know why it feels like Rogues are getting the short end of the stick.

Personally, I still think this is a lot like the Hunter QQ after BC until they figured out Auto Shot to Steady Shot rotation worked out decently.
#11 Jan 10 2008 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good

Neither of the Warrior's DPS trees are like your Combat tree. The only thing Arms has in common with you is that it's a PvP tree (if you're specced for PvP) and the only thing Fury has in common with you is that it's a dual-wielding DPS tree. The fact that they are, as a class, the most potent (some would argue only) counter to you in PvP does not make them a good component of the argument that daggers or Rogues suck.

In fact, Fury Warriors frequently use daggers as off-hands because the faster hit helps them with rage gen and all of their attacks are based off the main-hand, as yours are.

Using daggers in the offhand is an awful idea now due to the changes in Whirlwind.

Warriorman, awaaaaaaaaay!


It's not that I'm saying "don't play a rouge, we are teh sukz", I'm saying why play a class when every other class can do what we do better than we can?

Shaolinz, I think you found a new buddy.
#12 Jan 11 2008 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Ah, right, forgot that change to WW. Well, obviously that's out, but everything else I said still holds valid.

For the record, I am not arguing that the Rogue's dagger skills, the Assassination tree, or the Subtlety tree could use some buffs. Honestly, I would love to see you get them.

But to just say that daggers as a whole should go away... That's ludicrous.
#13 Jan 11 2008 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
It's not that I'm saying "don't play a rouge, we are teh sukz", I'm saying why play a class when every other class can do what we do better than we can?

Have you ever even seen a paladin?
#14 Jan 11 2008 at 3:32 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
best thing they could do to daggers would be to give them a % of resilience ignore based on the rogues AP. say, 10% of AP in resilience ignored. a 1500 AP rogue ignores 150 resilience. it would create viability for daggers and dagger-related skills, and now differentiate dagger rogues from non-dagger rogues in terms of both playstyle and build, as well as gear set. dagger rogues would probably get more benefit stacking straight AP, since all that juicy resilience ignore would get even stronger, giving that much greater a chance to hit their target super hard. other rogues would probably stack stam/ap or stam/resil or what have you.
#15 Jan 11 2008 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Blizz would have a good tim balancing that, but its a great idea.
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