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Shaman is the new WarlockFollow

#1 Jan 08 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,069 posts
Hey all,

I started out in this game about 18 months ago and rolled a warlock. Away I went leveling and I hit 60 the day before the BC xpac came out and then on to 70. I then started a few alts including a rogue, hunter, warrior, shaman, pally, and mage. Most of these alts only made it into the mid to late 20s. Once patch 2.3 hit I started leveling up my shaman enhancement.

I have to say this was so much fun to do after months of sending in pet and fear kiting. I haven't really touched my warlock since then and have just been leveling up my Shaman. It's my new main.

How many of you started with something else and then switched to shaman and never looked back?

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#2 Jan 08 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
i started with rogue before BC, went shaman and never looked back.
#3 Jan 08 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
I started out as a Rogue, but quit that after lvl 14 (boring). then i tried a mage and liked that. leveld it up to lvl 25, and the TBC came out, and i had to try a Draenei Shaman.

Now i only play on the shammy (only on lvl 51). Just respecced to resto, and i love it =).

I've never looked back
#4 Jan 08 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
My main for the past few months has been my Rogue, he is level 48 currently, and has a thirst for honor. I really wanted to make a Troll character, after abandoning my hunter for pure hatred of the class, so I made a Troll Shaman. I havent been playing much lately, but I do consider him to be the main focus of my gaming now. I love shaman, theres so much to do with the 3 diverse talent trees.
#5 Jan 08 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
An I love Shaman thread? Wouldn't know it's a fn class by reading the O-boards these days.

My main on the US servers is a shammy, and have enjoyed the PvE enhancement alot with it.. I never PvP, so.. I guess that's why I keep thinking its so fun^^ Dispite it's PvP flaws, it's been one of the funnest classes I've played next to mage.
#6 Jan 08 2008 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
427 posts
My first toon was a warrior; leveled him up to 26. I took a small hiatus from WoW...and there are all these space monkeys around! I was confused. Anyway, I decided to start a Draenei Shaman -- loved it ever since.
#7 Jan 09 2008 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,069 posts
An I love Shaman thread?

Hey, at least I put it in the shaman forum, lol.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#8 Jan 09 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
My first toon was/is a warrior that I've leveled up to 70; arms/prot specced. I got tired of tanking and a few freinds started up new characters, so I took a break from my warrior and started up my shammy. I started out elemental until the patch that allowed DW. Once that came into effect I was and still am hooked on my enhancement shammy. He's currently lvl 59, as I'm doing all the bg's to get the 30 tokens from each to get the free epic mount. The DPS and burst damage that I put out makes my arms/prot warrior look like a chump when he was lvl 59.
I've spent some time in the outlands and got some of the early quest rewards. I still have some pieces to upgrade and have been holding off on enchanting the newer items, as I know I'll be getting even better gear. Anyway, here's an armory link to my character.
#9 Jan 09 2008 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
Well I didn't start with a warlock I need an Alchemist and I didn't have a shammy and I wanted a Tauren for the herb bonus. I was just going to use him as a herb farmer and Potions maker. But I notice he kept surviving fights all my others had wiped in. It was like he just wouldn't die. I started running him through dungeons that were red and orange. He just wouldn't die. OK, Mabye that is extrem, but he died much less than any of my others and he could drag out a hopless fight till the tide turned. I love my shammy he just won't die.
#10 Jan 10 2008 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
I started a few characters, though a hunter was my first to 70. Technically my first was a warrior 3 years ago. But I didn't like the game, and didn't seriously play till last year. Then it was a NE druid, but NE's look ugly. Eventually an orc hunter became my main. But now my Shaman is essentually my main. He's the only char I do end game raids and instances with.

Not sure I planned it this way. I play all 9 classes. And at one time many of my chars were in different guilds. Just my shaman fell in with a good guild, and made a few friends. I took a 2 month break last november, but I was still on their friends list, and got invited to their new guild. I think it was just luck falling in with a decent bunch of people who like running instances and raids (and have no life as me)
#11 Jan 10 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
An I love Shaman thread? Wouldn't know it's a fn class by reading the O-boards these days.

No class would be fun if you went by that.
#12 Jan 10 2008 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
When I first played a shammy, i didn't think they were anything special, maybe because I was trying to level as elemental, then as resto(as my mate had a toon the same level), so I gave up.

Started a Draenei Shammy on Khaz so I could still talk to my old guildies after I transferred my priest off the server to my normal one, and I actually enjoyed it (as I went Enhancement this time).

And I was thinking of respeccing elemental at lvl 50 or so, but after seeing a guildie do uber dps in Heroic Bot last night, I'm gonna leave him as Enhancement.
#13 Jan 10 2008 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
And I was thinking of respeccing elemental at lvl 50 or so, but after seeing a guildie do uber dps in Heroic Bot last night, I'm gonna leave him as Enhancement.

Elemental and enhancement have the same DPS repectively but i never really thought enhancement was too much fun >.< i love elemental =D and I LOVE SHAMANS!!!!!!!!!!
#14 Jan 13 2008 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
When i first started i rolled rogue, even though a RL buddy of mine said shaman was fun and i would probally like it. i played class after class for about a year, never sticking with anything past 30. Only 2 classes i hadnt tried was shaman and priest. Tried priest and hated it. Tried shaman and hit 32 in 4 days, which is a record for me.
#15 Jan 13 2008 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Rogue is still my fav but not by far and its a hard decision. I love the pvp side of rogues. But I love the pve side of shamans by far. Elemental is so much to solo with. I have no doubt that if Bliz ever did fix our pvp, that it'd take that slot too.
#16 Jan 13 2008 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
I love my shaman, but maybe that's because he's the best geared. And that's mainly because it's not too difficult finding groups as a healer. Lots of people like our totems, so we're pretty popular. And I really felt like us shamans turned the tide in the Maiden fight in kara. Grounding totem ftw.

I'm starting to think it is my favorite class though. I like my druid, but he doesn't seem as survivable as my shaman. It's annoying having to shift out and heal. And I blow a lot of mana shifting. Seems like when **** reallly hits the fan, I just don't have enough mana to keep shifting and healing. though lately I've just been going to bear and hitting frenzied regeneration and slowly slug it out. But as a shaman when **** hits the fan, seems like I have more options than my feral druid. As for Pallies, there combat is boring compared to ours, so there's no comparison. Hunters I still like, but they just feel like a noob class to me, so I never play mine except to farm mats for my resto shaman. Rogues I still like alot, but the lack of the ability to heal means I'll always like shaman over them.
#17 Jan 16 2008 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
I have lvled a mage and a hunter to 70 as well as a lock to 67. I was bored one day and made a shammy. He is now 63 enh spec and i haven't looked back at my others since. I tried to play my lock one day but was only on him for 3 minutes before i was logging off and getting on my shammy to play.
#18 Jan 26 2008 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
I have a 55 priest and a 20 warlock but I left the server to join some old friends of mine that I found out play WoW and I've been leveling my Shaman like crazy to catch up. After less than a month I'm level 35 and I think I might make it my new main toon.
Shamans are just so much fun and get so many nifty tricks, and it's nice to have some healing power while being able to take a beating. By far my favorite class so far,and all the better because I've gotten into some pretty epic battles since the switch, and in the end, isn't that what we all want?

I just feel kinda bad leaving my SP out in the cold, especially because of all the holiday gear i have on him. Not to mention all the time and gold that's just sitting there. I wish there was some kind of WoW stock market that i could let my gold sit in while I'm away. Maybe some Bonds issued by Stormwind.
I don't feel so bad leaving the Alliance though, I love my Tauren.
#19 Jan 26 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
I like shamans so much I have 2 of them.

Got a level 70 troll shaman (resto specced) on Illidan. Did some Kara with him, went to Gruul's once or twice.

I also have a level 45ish Draenei (female of course) shaman (enhance spec) on Kael'thas where my brother-in-law plays.

Sham really is a diverse class and it's fun to play.
#20 Jan 27 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
1,094 posts
I've had WoW for about a year now. Made a Shaman, am a Shaman.
#21 Jan 28 2008 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
I've played hunter, lock and warrior to 50+. My main was a 70 rogue. I loved my rogue, it's so fun totally disabling another class while you tear them down and if you're paying attention, rogues have enough tricks to get out of almost any sticky situation.

Then I decided to roll a shaman (elemental) and now only log on my rogue to make food, unlock boxes and farm herbs and ore.

Shamans are tons of fun and very dynamic. In groups, if I'm paying attention:

-I can be top of the damage meter 95% of the time
-I can off-heal on tougher pulls and throw in emergency heals to save lives
-Drop an elemental for some aoe dps or for brief tankage/distraction
-Also, everyone loves the totems, including myself
-Free hearth every 15mins rocks for travel time

I'd say being a watchful off-healer is probably the most satisfying aspect of being an ele shaman. When someone in your group is about to go down and you switch to heals briefly to give the main healer(s) a chance to catch up, you are truly playing this class as it should be played, providing dynamic support to your party (while still blowing everyone else off the dps meter).

In most cases where we might need extra CC (/whimper) or the mobs hit very hard, I just switch to heals when needed :)

P.S. I hate shaman that don't drop totems (I'm talking about you enhancement shamans!!! jk, but it's a true stereotype, lazy sob's)
#22 Jan 28 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
An I love Shaman thread? Wouldn't know it's a fn class by reading the O-boards these days.

There are I love shaman threads? Besides this one?! Thats new to me.

Gnome Warlock
Blood Elf Priest
Troll Shaman <--- Guess who is my main

My Blood Elf Paladin is fun too. Went prot and just can't die. Last time I died I was level 34...I am 41 now.
#23 Jan 29 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
SHamans Ha they own way too much
I lvled rogue to 70 hellah yeah that was fun but im not going to lie got really boring every coulpe of lvls well afther 2months of bc i got her to 70 and she is all geared out and everthing but i saw so many gay *** looking space monkeys going around putting totems down.
I w2as like eww they look ugly and my borther has a space monkey shaman lvl 70 and i like it alot

So i decided to make a TAUREN shaman baby they own lvl 54 now only been playing him for about 2months feel like ii have no life but what can i say i love my shaman elemental spec too

Now i can say this i used to like the ally then made horde OMG!!!!! Ally=Gay
Horde+hmm pwnage
#24 Jan 29 2008 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
I made a paladin and I thought I was getting melee DPS and healing out of the deal.... Boy was I surprized when I rolled a shammy I just love this
#25 Jan 30 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
I love the idea of gaining "interest" on gold that is just sitting on a toon that you aren't using. I LMAO when I read about getting Stormwind to give out bonds or something. What a great idea.
You could alwasy pay the $25 transfer fee to get your SP switched over to your new server though.
#26 Feb 04 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
For me at least, my shaman is the only character I've been able to concentrate on for more than 3 or 4 levels at a time. Also the first char I could finally take to 70 (got my first this past Sat.!). I've got other chars ranging anywhere from 13-46, but I recently went back and got on my shammy again (was 28 at the time) and wound up playing him straight through to 70. Such loads of fun.
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