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Beating a warlock?Follow

#1 Jan 08 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
What classes give warlocks the most problems to beat? From my understanding BM Hunters have given Locks the most trouble but I am not to sure so I seek wisdom from the wise sages of these boards. and thanks in advance
#2 Jan 08 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Rogues, warriors and hunters all to varying degrees, and it depends on alot of things like specs, gear etc..

At low levels of HP/resilience, hunters are tough, but at a certain gear level a lock can just drain tank through damage with ease, even through BW, intimidation etc..

Good rogues will usually put up a solid fight, and they can flat out embarass a lock when they get the jump from stealth, but on the other hand if a lock pulls them from stealth its possible for a rogue to get destroyed.

A warrior will almost always put up a solid fight, but generally 1v1 the lock will always come out on top assuming decent resilience and gear on both.

So I'd say rogues have the highest potential to actually kill us 1v1 consistently, especially if they get the jump with cooldowns. It also depends on rogue's spec, but unless you as a lock have 12k hp, SL/SL, 400 resilience and 1000+ spell damage with DK, the rogue will almost always win when they get the jump with cooldowns (which they always should).

At high gear levels, warlocks are an incredible 1v1 class. Arguably the flat out best in the game, and easier to play then a rogue who also has that capability. But imo rogues take more skill to play incredibly well 1v1 consistently, an average rogue will lose to alot of classes where a warlock will still win. So for average/good players warlocks are the best 1v1 class in the game, for incredibly skilled players rogues might slightly take that title from warlocks.

Edited, Jan 8th 2008 2:13pm by mikelolol
#3 Jan 08 2008 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
I'd say Rogues, Warriors, Hunters and Druids in cat form. I generally go by this warlock rule. If you can fear them you can F**k them.

For Rogues the only chance I have to beat them is Seduce. people say use Felhunter. I usually find myself with a Succubus. If a rogue's around I find my mouse is right over the seduce button. I seduce gain ground hit them repeat maybe fear em right after hiting them.

Warriors same thing as rogues.

Druids unlike others arern't affected by seduce so deathcoil and keeping them feared works well.

Hunters. CoW the pet, fear the pet if I have the chance then go within melee range of the hunter and attack them. You can seduce the hunter while the pet is running around. That also works nicely
#4 Jan 08 2008 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
Melee range of a hunter? So you can get wing cliped, ice traped, snake traped bla bla bla? Also if your main focus is the pet while the hunter is "running around" that might not be the best way to go about. Remember if the hunter dies, so does his pet.
#5 Jan 09 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Melee range of a hunter? So you can get wing cliped, ice traped, snake traped bla bla bla?

Do you have any idea how much more damage a hunter does from range then he does from melee?
#6 Jan 09 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
I think a better idea would be to los the hunter not leroy at him.
#7 Jan 09 2008 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
In my limited experience, Locks get exponentially (sp) harder to kill with gear. A lock with the same gear level as me is not a huge problem. Give him a few pieces of good pvp gear and he just got almost unkillable by me.

I am BM so my options again locks are a little limited, I have BW and intimidate. Yes, fear imunity is nice but a lock can still drain tank me, and their pet can still mess up my steady shots (if i am doing them). The other annoying thing about aff locks is even if I kill them, I almost always fall down a few seconds later.

Of course, if I catch them not paying attention and I can get a good aimed/arcane/multi/auto/steady combo off things are much easier. Duh. any class ambushing another has the advantage.

The point of my post is that, to me, locks are a very powerful PvP class, they have awesome instant cast damage with aff. They can heal while hurting me, they have annoying fears. A good geared, well played lock should be able to kill any other equal class.

#8 Jan 09 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
to kill hunters effectively you can always just go to their "dead zone". whenever i play my hunter that the worst part
#9 Jan 09 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
There really is no more "dead zone"
#10 Jan 09 2008 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
Rogues, and other locks! If the rogue gets a jump on me, he can hurt me pretty bad, really quick. If I see him first the odds are in my favor. Im 10 for 10 against locks, but I died also. The winner is the guy who dies first, cause he gets to watch to other fella love that!
#11 Jan 09 2008 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
For well-geared warlocks (i.e. 450+ resil), as sl/sl the hardest classes to beat are rogues, BM hunters, resto druids, and warriors.

Rogues - it's all about who gets the jump. If they are a good rogue, this is nearly impossible, which is why they are so hard to beat. If you can break them before they CS you, CoEx IMMEDIATELY! this is a 100% kiting battle. Don't trinket ks, it's not worth it. The best thing to do is (if possible) wait for them to blow sprint, then after it's over, trinket crip and put CoEx on them. If they are on you with crip on yourself, switch to CoW. Some of this does depend on his spec.

BM hunters - stay in melee range AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Just because he has melee abilities doesn't mean you should avoid them. If you see him lay a trap down, go ahead and try to run around it, but don't do that if it'll get you further from the hunter. He doesn't have any magic buffs, so if he uses frost trap just dispel yourself from it. Save your trinket for wingclip. The trick is to CoW+SL the pet, SL+corr+CoW or CoEx the hunter, then just follow him around and melee him (some damage is better than no damage, right?). If all of your instants are on and you just need to follow the hunter, use all your instants on the pet. If it lasts long enough, you might be able to kill the pet. Do NOT fear with BW up. It might be a good idea to fear them right off the bat to get them to blow BW. After it's over, if you're alive you win.

Resto druid - drain drain drain drain drain!!!! It is 100% about keeping the druid dry. Keep your dots up, drain life when possible, fear while in caster form, drain as much as possible, try to fake him out when he's in bear (i.e. cast fear then stop to get him to feral charge). Save trinket for a 6 second cyclone. The reason they are so hard is because a stack of lifebloom can heal through every dot we have, even with 1400+ damage. And it is sooooo easy to keep a 3s of lifebloom up even with spamming drain mana.

Warriors - ah, the bane of my existence. Good warlock with great gear vs. Good wariror vs. great gear... gg warlock! It is nearly impossible to kill a good warrior even with pre-sacced vw, vw out, and then another sac + vw with FD. You just can't do it. The warrior can be immune to all fears 99% of the time (minus death coil), has MS up so you don't get alot from DC/SL/DL, and you can't drain tank anymore because of pummel. You can't kite because of spamstring, you can't trinket + kite because of intercept, your only hope is that you can deathcoil+fear, he does whatever and intercepts, trinket + run like hell. Even then, a smart warrior will be waiting for the trinket + CoEx and be spamming hamstring after an intercept, even after it's been applied. So, you're pretty much screwed. Have fun!
#12 Jan 09 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
I love the warrior post.
#13 Jan 09 2008 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
In my limited experience, Locks get exponentially (sp) harder to kill with gear. A lock with the same gear level as me is not a huge problem. Give him a few pieces of good pvp gear and he just got almost unkillable by me.

So true. Hunters used to roll me when I was a fresh 70, but now SL/SL with 11.5k health, 370 resilience I can't remember the last time I lost to a hunter.
#14 Jan 09 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts

Warriors - ah, the bane of my existence. Good warlock with great gear vs. Good wariror vs. great gear... gg warlock! It is nearly impossible to kill a good warrior even with pre-sacced vw, vw out, and then another sac + vw with FD. You just can't do it. The warrior can be immune to all fears 99% of the time (minus death coil), has MS up so you don't get alot from DC/SL/DL, and you can't drain tank anymore because of pummel. You can't kite because of spamstring, you can't trinket + kite because of intercept, your only hope is that you can deathcoil+fear, he does whatever and intercepts, trinket + run like hell. Even then, a smart warrior will be waiting for the trinket + CoEx and be spamming hamstring after an intercept, even after it's been applied. So, you're pretty much screwed. Have fun!

You can still drain tank through MS+pummel, but it helps alot to get the jump from 35 yards with CoEx and drop some of his health with corruption and siphon life for a bit. Don't turn to cast an immolate, you'll eat an intercept/hamstring.

Re: pummel, locks shadow school for 4 seconds, 10 second cooldown. Just pop a searing pain or 2 and get back to draining and keep that cycle up. Its still a hard fight, so the more health you can take off them from 25+ yards, the better.
#15 Jan 09 2008 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
You can still drain tank through MS+pummel, but it helps alot to get the jump from 35 yards with CoEx and drop some of his health with corruption and siphon life for a bit. Don't turn to cast an immolate, you'll eat an intercept/hamstring.

Re: pummel, locks shadow school for 4 seconds, 10 second cooldown. Just pop a searing pain or 2 and get back to draining and keep that cycle up. Its still a hard fight, so the more health you can take off them from 25+ yards, the better.

While this seems like a great theory, I've practiced it hundreds of times - it just simply doesn't work. 400ish normal DL, 200ish with MS, it just isn't enough to keep yourself up. If you're spamming CoEx from out of range, and the warrior is spamming charge from out of range, they will both go off at the same time due to lag. I have NEVER gotten a CoEx off before the warrior gets a charge off, and yes it's not because of incompetency. Keeping 35+ yards while kiting can't work because you will get out of range eventually, and while you're waiting to get back in range to re-apply a dot, even if you are still running the warrior will be able to intercept. If you don't wait to re-apply, the warrior will charge you. Either way, the warrior gets you. With maxed resilience, the warrior will crit me for 1.5k+, and he crits fairly often. A sl/sl warlock's main ability is to survive - unfortunately, this doesn't apply to warriors. The dots feed him rage, therefore he can spam almost everything he wants, which allows him to get alot of damage off in a short amount of time. In my experience, the best way to fight a warrior is close range but not melee range - using a theory like the hunter's deadzone, you stay within minimum range of intercept but out of range of melee attacks, which comes out to be 6-9ish yards (I don't know the exact minimum range of intercept, but just smaller than that). The way to do this is to stay close, strafe around him, keep CoEx up, and use any instant attacks you have. Hopefully you can kite him long enough to get enough dot damage off that you can kill him before he kills you. This is one of those fights where you have to play the hunter, letting him stay within melee range is deadly.
#16 Jan 09 2008 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
With maxed resilience, the warrior will crit me for 1.5k+, and he crits fairly often. A sl/sl warlock's main ability is to survive - unfortunately, this doesn't apply to warriors.

I currently have around 200ish resilience and i'm UA. I rarely have a warrior crit me for 1.5k (although it does happen), this may be because i havent fought one in full S3 but i find it highly unlikely i'll be critted for that amount with max resilience and soul link.

I'm not sure about the rest of your theory but i mainly dot up, amp CoEx, and get as much distance as possible, using my trinket after fear (Edit for clarification, my fear/deathcoil/iHoT) when hamstringed to get out of intercept distance. i wouldnt even attempt to toe the line between his melee and intercept distance. If i'm out of cooldowns then draintank is really the only other option, and can still be affective if hes already dotted up.

Final thought. I treat netherweave nets like the ability came from the warlock trainer, i'd hate to live without it. Tailoring FTW.

Oh, and try to break your text into smaller sections. makes it easier to read and avoids the inevitable 'walltextcrits' comments.

Edited, Jan 10th 2008 12:28am by seedofagony
#17 Jan 10 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
In response to Tehpwnner. This is my stategy.

And i never said the main focus was the pet but some people tend to ignore them completly which I believe to be a bad idea cause there comparable to a Dot..that you can fear(provided there's no beast within going on).

And yes melee range even if they clip, trap, bla bla bla better then having them at range.

Any PvP'ing lock should know this.

And i said seduce the hunter while the PET is running around not the hunter running around.

P.S. this isn't an attack on you just fyi. Just defending my tactics.
#18 Jan 10 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Default
Read it and got hunter and pet switched around(whats that called). And a sl on the pet should be the only thing you really want to do because chances are if the hunter is good he will just pop mend pet. But if you can down the hunter within the first or second seduce that doesn't sound like a bad idea. My problem is with the hunter with 15 hp and right when they see you they make the kitty go red.
#19 Jan 10 2008 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
I currently have around 200ish resilience and i'm UA. I rarely have a warrior crit me for 1.5k (although it does happen), this may be because i havent fought one in full S3 but i find it highly unlikely i'll be critted for that amount with max resilience and soul link.

EVERYTHING changes with high end pvp. Crits hit harder (even with resil), damage is increased, battles last longer, etc. Most likely you haven't fought a 2k+ arena rating warrior yet. They hit like a truck. The problem with the good warrios is they know what they're doing. They know how to save cooldowns and make you use yours. They know to kill your pet above all when you are sl/sl. The reason they can hit 1.5k+ is because they know to kill my pet. Getting a few dots off is the least priority of a warrior, killing the pet is first.

I could just cc the warrior, sure, but he becomes immune to rage and the only thing I can do to get him off my pet is to death coil. Now, I haven't tried the triple vw yet with maxed resil, I was still using the estimation from 350ish resil, but I imagine it would be able the same result.

And yes, I would LOVE to have netherweave nets. Unfortunately, I'm not a tailor.
#20 Jan 10 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
The reason why I didn't mention SL is cause I'm destro. So CoW is the best I got. Probably should have mentioned that. seeing as most of you are most likely Aff or demon.
#21 Jan 16 2008 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmm... destro is by far the weakest spec to play solo. Unfortunately, that's just how it is. You have barely any instant casts, you must constantly stand still to do any dps, you have no survivability other than shadowfury+fear, and destro just isn't a good spec to be unless you are in 5v5 arenas and have competent players. Your biggest bet is to hope for the 4k+ crits and hope you can kill them in time. The problem with this is the classes which are the hardest to beat can keep you from casting shadowbolts for a VERY long time.

Rogues can run around you and kick every 10 seconds, and with high attack speed the 70% chance to resist pushback turns out to be very little. Warriors have pummel, intercept stun, charge stun, and can run around you. Hunters have arcane shot, intimidation, and can feign death. They have their ranged attacks and their pet to cause spell pushback. Resto pvp specced druids have feral charge, and if they are tauren they can warstomp. Not to mention they can outrange you easily with travel form.

Those four classes are difficult for warlocks no matter what spec we are, assuming both players are geared and skilled. Honestly, as destro spec you are gimping yourself in 1v1.
#22 Jan 17 2008 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
I heard the dead zone was now, well, dead. No more dead zone. Isn't that true these days?

#23 Jan 17 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
992 posts
I heard the dead zone was now, well, dead. No more dead zone. Isn't that true these days?

It's pseudo-true. They can now fire on anything not in melee range, so if you stick in melee range they hurt a lot less.
#24 Jan 18 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
In response to Miscelaneous

Instant casts as destro= Conflagate, shadowburn, deathcoil, i have improved corruption.
Survivability=deathcoil, shadowfury, fear, seduction, daze form talents
and why would you be casting shadowbolt if your getting hit? There's a reason for searing pain with an adding 10%crit. the only time your casting SB or incinerate is from backlash proc or if your have distance, charm, fear etc..
And I hate to say it but watch a drakedog video and hopefully you'll have a new look on destro like i did.
#25 Jan 18 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
992 posts
DanteAkeldama wrote:
daze form talents

Sorry, I lost the will to live and read your post at about that point. Please, kill me.

DanteAkeldama wrote:
and why would you be casting shadowbolt if your getting hit? There's a reason for searing pain with an adding 10%crit. the only time your casting SB or incinerate is from backlash proc or if your have distance, charm, fear etc..,

Actually, that was a lie. If you're cheap and didn't take the +crit to Searing Pain talent, your Shadow Bolts will be doing more DPS and DPM if you can get them off. If you did take the crit, if you have a chance to cast an uninterrupted Shadow Bolt it'll still be close in damage per cast time overall: say, 1.5 seconds for 735 (on average) Damage (SP) or 3 seconds for 1.6K damage (SB)?

Also, there are quite a lot of situations in which you have room to cast. In a Battleground, in 5v5, even in 3v3/2v2 against a sucky enemy team, whenever you Death Coil you can generally get off a Shadow Bolt, when you Shadowfury and get lucky, when Backlash procs... indeed, most of the times you can get a Searing Pain off fully you could probably get a Shadow Bolt off instead.

This from an Affliction Warlock, who until recently lacked Bane, and prefers Shadow Bolts to Searing Pains in almost every situation. I fail to see how an extra 5% damage on Searing Pain for 3 points (1.66% each) outweighs +16% for 5 points (3% a point)
#26 Jan 20 2008 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
Okay, I'm tired of people saying BM hunters are hard, because they aren't.

Here are three things you can do to beat a BM hunter - and make them look like a huntard, ESPECIALLY if they know what you've been doing, but still can't beat it.

1) CoW the pet right off the bat, and add a siph life.
2) Nets ftw.
3) Popped VW bubble for the snake-trap or BM.
The rest comes down to being smart about your fears.

I'd give BM Hunters an 8/10 for difficulty - it only requires technical skills and practice.

As for rogues - a lot of it IS about the initial drop, although if you can weather the initial stunlock phase (with vw bubble) and subsequent CoS - there isn't any reason you should lose. From a stunlock - immediately pop the bubble, wait wait wait, trinket +iHoT. iDoT and CoE - this will most likely get the rogue to pop CoS. Run, jump and net him. As soon as the net catches, start casting fear. The rogues' CoS should end right before he reaches you. Once fear hits, run, CoE and iDoT again - the rogue will pop a trink to stay in melee range of you. D/C and follow up with another long-cast fear. Cast your long-cast dots, and then drain-tank your way through to an easy finish. A few things that also help include perception (ha, tired of people saying this is worthless), and knowing when to toss out corr when the rogue tries to vanish. Also d/c if he tries to sprint up to you.

I'd give a CoS stunlock rogue an 8/10 for difficulty - plussing your hp, resilience, and technical skills required.

So really, the ONLY thing that has ever given me any sort of trouble is a well-played warrior. Really the only way to continually beat a well-played warrior is to stay in the sweet spot (too far for melee, and too close for intercept); CoE is your friend <3. This is much harder because the area of movement is much smaller, and you have to pay a great amount of attention to where the warrior is going. Even an idiot warrior will try to move away from you to put you back in intercept range - so you have to mirror their moves almost immediately. Always look at their stances, and time your instant fears - you won't have time for anything other than iDoTs (kiting required).

I'd give a well-played arms/fury warrior a 9/10 for difficulty.

I have only met two players as of yet who can beat me two consecutive times, but I'm hoping to find more in the arena ^^

Anyone who says warlocks in pvp are easy to play, also complain about how hard hunters, rogues, and warriors are to beat. Locks take skill if you want to win.

Edited, Jan 21st 2008 1:51am by OveliaLethon
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