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We hit the wallFollow

#1 Jan 07 2008 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Vashj / Kael.

Oh we downed Vashj. But each and every time we go back there we have to hold at least 5-6 peoples hands like they have never done the fight before or they die. If after 6+ downs, over 2 months, you haven't learned the fight you fail. It is almost as if phase 2 hits and you ask them, hold down elementals, throw dps on passing striders, pass cores and they fall apart. Really its 3 things, situational awareness and a little skill, its not uber hard. Yet they can't seem to pick it up no matter how many times they do it or have it explained to them.

So now we make our way to Kael. With the nerfs and a plethora of absolutely amazing information resources on Kael we are at a distinct advantage over a lot of the people who had to attempt him. He is a technical fight though, 6 mini bosses, 5 phases, legendary weapon pick ups, positioning, and about 20 things to remember at one time or another. He is the biggest hurdle in most 25 mans progression until well into t6.

Those same 5-6 people who fall apart everytime we hit phase 2 on vashj are the most sure Kael will be easy. /shakes head. Have they watched the video, have they read the strats, nope. Hey if they can do Vashj they can get Kael, right. I am too polite to tell them that they can only down vashj because a better player is pretty playing their classes for them and telling them everything they need to do over vent.

The guild I apped to in Nov and got accepted too but ended up declining because my leaving would have set raid progression in my current guild back a month is now on Illidan and here I am not even assured of downing Vashj every week with Kaelthas probably never going to happen. Worse while I am consistently in the top 3 healers and I am the only Holy Pally that uses HL on the tanks I get ******* at. We were doing Alar and failing (which is more embarrassing than words can describe) and the tank ran los on the pillar and despite me trying to get him in sight and telling him on vent to move LOS, I still got blamed when he died.


Guess I am going to have to re-app and hopefully they take me after my previous bowing out.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Jan 07 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
There's a reason why not every person in the game is in BT/Hyjal, and its not because people don't have the free time. Blizzard held your hand through the previous raid instances, taking out the gear checks of the atonements (and nerfing the heroics as well), changing difficult mechanics and making them basic idiot tests (solarian), and then there's Kael. My previous guild spent several MONTHS on him, but got out first kill a couple of weeks before his first nerf. If you think that was hard now, you should have seen it where Phase one was 20 minutes by itself. Are you the class officer for these people? If so, straight up tell them that if they don't start getting with it and doing research, then you're going to find a replacement. If you're not, then tell the officers that's how you feel. If they choose not to care, then yes, I would defiantly app at another guild.

When I joined Obsidium I went from a guild that had just killed a couple bosses in BT and a couple of bosses in Hyjal, to a guild that had Illidan on farm. You better believe I spent several days watching a minimum of two videos per boss fight, as well as reading multiple strategy write-ups on each one. They still explained the fight to me, but I wasn't going to be the one caught with my pants down.

If you honestly expect to clear all the raids in warcraft (not just BT/Hyjal, but the upcoming Sunwell as well), then you have to put forth the effort. You need to farm the gold, watch the movies, study the strats, get the consumables... You have to be prepared. This isn't some crappy "oh lets spend 1 hour a week farming arena points." This is the real warcraft.
#3 Jan 08 2008 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I am not hardcore but I seldom make the same mistake twice and I always show up prepared. At this stage of the game if you can't do that you fail.

Solarian at his current nerf is easier than VR. The biggest headache is the spark explosion and even then you turn purple start shooting sparks out of your *** and have EIGHT seconds to run. Eight seconds is a veritable lifetime to move. Yet everytime we go back to him the same people keep messing up to it and wiping 2-3 others.

It is to the point on Alar phase 2 where if you don't call fire patches to the people standing in it they will die rather than move. If you eat more than 1 tick of fire patch before you start moving on that fight you fail. AOE discs on the floor like that have been around since before non heroic 5 mans.

People die on phase of Vashj cause they go balls to the walls dps when they don't need to. They also don't know how to spread out so only one person eats the spark. We ask them to back off dps and their solution is to wand. I have seen at least 4 guys who have to be told what to do every night despite doing vashj for at least 3 hours a week every week since Early Nov.

To the guild leaders credit they took the Christmas break off and invited a lot of new talent that shows a lot of great potential. They have also put a simple message out there "If we have to hold your hand and constantly play your character for you, you will not be part of BT/Hyjal". They have even pulled aside some guys in vent and had chats with them. reiterated that consumables, DBM, homework etc are mandatory, 100% of the time and no excuses will be accepted anymore, people will be switched out if they underperform or have to be told the basics.

I am not an elistist but I expect to see people pull their weight. The Alliance guilds on my server who have made it to t6 are pretty strict. You show up without consumables, you show up not knowing a fight or at least not having researched it, you die on idiot stuff like lurkers spit and you don't raid. There is that leeway for honest mistakes but if you can only survive 7 out of ten times during simple stuff you become useless at a certain point.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 Jan 08 2008 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
To the guild leaders credit they took the Christmas break off and invited a lot of new talent that shows a lot of great potential. They have also put a simple message out there "If we have to hold your hand and constantly play your character for you, you will not be part of BT/Hyjal". They have even pulled aside some guys in vent and had chats with them. reiterated that consumables, DBM, homework etc are mandatory, 100% of the time and no excuses will be accepted anymore, people will be switched out if they underperform or have to be told the basics.

Hope your guild leaders follow through with what they seem to be trying for there.
#5 Jan 08 2008 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Like I have said we have a lot of players who are underperforming.

You try to take them aside and talk to them and all you hear is excuses. "Oh if only I got such and such piece of gear, of if only I had a enh shammy in the group, oh I dont have the money for raid mats" etc. A non stop barrage of excuses. Excuses don't down Kael.

It has come to the point where the leadership is taking people aside and simply stating. "You know what is expected of you, we have offered advice, at this point we can say with 100% certainty that you need to pick your game up, if you don't you will no longer have a raid slot".

The most notable example is a Shadowpriest we have in guild. He was ranking 15/16 in dps in t5/t4 pve gear. We asked him to pick it up and heard nothing but excuses, he even had excuses for his excuses. Finally we had our main SP sit down and talk to him about spell rotations, DOT uptime etc and told him that if he didn't follow the game plan laid out to him that he would no longer be raiding. Finally out of options the SP did what he was told. He went from rank 16 to rank 5 on the dps charts over night. Same gear, same spec, much better dps.

Basically it is boiling guys down to the guys who are always looking to excel who read up, and take every opportunity they can to up there game and then the ones that only have excuses and think they know enough.

Obviously I am on a rant about it though.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Jan 08 2008 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
i'm in the same position as you.
my guild is casual by nature but everyone seems to want to raid.
i joined the guild long, long ago, and made friends there, (friends that turned into Real Life friends.)
Eventually i moved in ranks and the GM had to retire and handed me the position.
(i still to this day dont know why i accepted it)
my point is, now i feel stuck, and were stuck on Gruul / Mag and it sucks.

were technically a "casual" guild, but myself and a handful of others are not (i'm not hardcore either, just more then casual)

all i want to do is raid now that i have a 70 Tank, 70 Shaman and now working on a pally (that i'm loving)

My situation is similar to yours because it seems its the same bunch of people holding us back, unprepared, and just "not getting it".

We have a priest that we suggested getting the mats together for the whitemend set and she complained about gather the primals needed... then complained about the Xmutes needed...we ******* her out hardcore.
people like that irritate me to the 10th level, i have no patience for it.

so, currently I'm leveling a pally, with hopes of being a full time raid healer and i'm looking into applying and or Xfering my shaman to either a raid guild or a new server.
it sucks, i dont want to abandon them but i needs to be happy and i'm tired of "trying"
#7 Jan 08 2008 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Basically it is boiling guys down to the guys who are always looking to excel who read up, and take every opportunity they can to up there game and then the ones that only have excuses and think they know enough.

Yeah. Unfortunately this occurs in a lot of places. Not just WoW and not even just videogames. There are people who are willing to be mediocre or even just plain bad at what they're doing(I can't understand this mentality).

I personally believe that it's up to guild leadership to deal with it. But I also know as a former leader of a raid guild that doing so is tough. There are the folks who won't listen, the folks that get belligerent and /gquit, the folks who cry(yes, I've had it happen), and even folks who try to start rumors about you* for daring to question their playstyle(because it's their 15 bucks, don'tcha know?)

But your leadership seems to be making progress. Here's hoping for your sake that they manage to make it work. Either that or your app gets accepted if they don't.

*Current rumor being spread is that our guild disbanded because I was stealing from the guild bank. Smiley: rolleyes
#8 Jan 08 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
"oh I dont have the money for raid mats"

Anyone who tries using that excuse on a raid gets a very simple response in my guild.

If you're that poor, we won't make it worse by giving you repair bills tonight. Congratulations, you get to go spend our raid time farming cash.

Oh and Bodhi, beware the prot pallies... ;)
#9 Jan 08 2008 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
Glad to see your guild is stepping up bod. Hope things work out for ya.
#10 Jan 08 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
Look for subs? If they complain throw the same excuses they gave back at them? It seems your guild's class leaders aren't doing their jobs. Not knowing about your server's PvE situation, I still feel confident in saying that you can probably find replacements for those people. Hell, the very threat of losing your raid spot should make those slackers shake in their boots.
#11 Jan 11 2008 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Much less hateful this week.

42 lvl 70's on at 6pm so everyone was fiending for a spot. They went over certain thing in vent and let people know the deal. They also covered the fact that if people are only making half the raids or if they are consistently having a hard time learning a fight or dying on ******** that they will be recruiting to fill those peoples slots.

We will have two full raid nights on Kael this week. People have been told to go research the fight, if it becomes clear they haven't they get to sit out and we rotate other people in who have done the research.

Hopefully this sticks and we go back to being a progression guild.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Jan 11 2008 at 4:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Hopefully this sticks and we go back to being a progression guild.

Indeed. Should be fine though. So long as they stick to their guns and there's no loot drama over some paladin accidentally ninja looting things. Smiley: sly
#13 Jan 11 2008 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I should have sold that boe recipe to pay for my whores.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 Jan 11 2008 at 4:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
I should have sold that boe recipe to pay for my whores.

You getting the high class ones that charge too much for Dailies to cut it? Or are there just that many of them?
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