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So what defines a "well played ret pally"Follow

#1 Jan 05 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Greetings Pallies.

I typically play my warrior, but I have been hearing alot about retribution paladins being buffed, and actually doing decent at PvP and end game dps.
However, people will also tag that along with "if they are good", or "90% of ret pallies are noobs, the 5% are ok, 2.5% are good, 2.5% really know what they are doing, and they are the good ones that you would want dpsing" etc...

So, having played a paladin myself up to 65, between ret and holy, I am considering picking the pally again with a ret spec.

Anytime I play ret, as I instance, I know its my job to Judge light/wisdom/justice on the mobs, spot heal, OT/protect healer, buff , and then dps. I would think that stuff is the obvious though. So Im curious to ask, what is "an awesome ret paladin" that people would want in groups? What is the "key" or the cycle to dishing out hard dps?

Plz, for the people that are stuck up on the "All paladins should be holy or prot, period!" idea, plz dont even bother posting. Ive read all about the debates and see both sides. Fact is I want to TRY a ret spec, so I only want to read about RET SPEC in my thread, not how "Ret dps sucks" (<--I will judge that for myself)

Thanks in advance
#2 Jan 05 2008 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
Anytime I play ret, as I instance, I know its my job to Judge light/wisdom/justice on the mobs, spot heal, OT/protect healer, buff , and then dps. I would think that stuff is the obvious though. So Im curious to ask, what is "an awesome ret paladin" that people would want in groups? What is the "key" or the cycle to dishing out hard dps?

if you are hired to go as dps you need to dps first. learn that first. learn which spells to cycle. learn to max your threat. learn how you want to gear. after you learn to dps, then learn how to maximize your group roll. learn what blessing will benefit the most. learn how a pally can CC. learn where you can pick up the slack.

most of these lessons only come with 1st hand experience and trial n error. play with the right focus in mind and you'll succeed.

for gear, look at the S3 gear for inspiration. for pve/pvp spec, look mine up. gl and here to help.
#3 Jan 05 2008 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
"Hi I want to spend lots time frustrating myself and refuse to listen to people that want to save me aggravation." Have at it.
#4 Jan 05 2008 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Q: What defines a well-played Retribution Paladin?

A: One that has come to his senses and respecced.
#5 Jan 05 2008 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
first of all, tommyguns is right, Ret pallys are brought along as dps if they're brought along at all. A well geared Ret be minimally able to heal and if your group is in need of your healing then your group is in trouble. like tommy said, focus first of all on your dps and buffing and everything else is really secondary. I use healbot because my main is a healer and even on my Ret it helps me keep track of my groups health so I can cast the emergency heal. Only 2 people who's health I really watch is the healer and the tank. If the healers or tanks health drops dangerously low and I don't see a heal incoming on the healbot for them I'll toss them a heal. Other than that I leave the healing to the geared and specc'd healer.

secondly, Ret is very much a gear dependent spec. If you don't keep up on your gear or stack the right stats, you will have sub-par dps and rarely if ever get invited back to a group. there are 2 schools of thought about which stats to stack. One is to stack only melee stats since your auto attack, CS and SoC all scale with them and they're the vast majority of your DPS. The other is to stack a combination of strength, melee crit, and spell damage. This one works because SoC, JoC and for the moment CS (and several other situational spells) all scale with Spell damage also. Until patch 2.3.2 both of these work well. Adding spell damage may boost your healing slightly when necessary, but your heals will still be small and only worthwhile for emergencies. After 2.3.2 CS will no longer benefit from spell damage. Which one you got for depends on your preference. As tommyguns said, S3 gear is a good example of how to gear for the direction Blizzard seems to be taking Ret.

Once you're geared up properly, you want to use SoC as your main seal, and if you feel it's going to be worth it (i.e. bosses and minibosses) use JotC to boost your damage. Some reccomend using JotC all the time. The problem I see in that is that by doing so you give up an extra burst from JoC for a little extra damage from your SoC's and CS and any JoC's after that. I find that for most trash mobs JotC is not worth the mana and will not boost your damage enough to make up for the initial burst of JoC. For bosses the extra 3% crit and spell damage from JotC will add a considerable ammount to the groups DPS. Otherwise, use CS as often as you can, and I reccomend making a macro to put SoC back up after every judgement. Otherwise you risk missing an SoC proc. The macro is simple:

/cast judgement
/cast Seal of Command

don't "spam" this macro though or you'll end up losing mana because it will case SoC every time you hit it..

Probably more than you wanted to know. In the future I'll be trying to post a guide for Rets on here.

Oh and this is some of what I say in my guide. If tommyguns or any other Rets see any flaws in my advice pls let me know.
#6 Jan 05 2008 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
286 posts
toolofjesus wrote:

/cast judgement
/cast Seal of Command

/castsequence Judgement, Seal of Command

would be better. That you could spam, since it wouldn't do anything until Judgement was up, thus not constantly casting Seal of Command.
#7 Jan 05 2008 at 8:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Gaudion wrote:
Q: What defines a well-played Retribution Paladin?

A: One that has come to his senses and respecced.

I was going to say something like that, but I stopped when I read his last paragraph.
#8 Jan 05 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I've been playing more and more with a very amazingly played Ret Pally. PvP and PvE. T5 raider, represent well since switching over from being a Holy Pally. 1950 last season though he is struggling this one.

What makes him decent? Well he knows that maximizing dps is more than just "look I crit for 4k!!!". He can BoP, Cleanse, BoF, and stun within the space of the cool downs. He can react split second and drop a heal or stun a mob. No fumbling, no uncertainty, no "I forgot I could do that".

You get so many Ret-ards out there that just want to play a warrior and fail, or have a dps rotation that relies on SoComm and swings with CS. Guys with blue weapons in S1 gear and Warrior epics who have no mana pool, and who fumble for 3 seconds trying to remember how to cleanse.

What makes the difference? A good retadin is like a thousand dollar an hour *****, they are doing so many things to you at once you have not the foggiest clue what is happening till its over. A bad ret-ard is like a aging trick trying to give a rough hand job using the same played out moves for the thousandth time.

Edited, Jan 6th 2008 12:18am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#9 Jan 05 2008 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
Vaeliorin wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:

/cast judgement
/cast Seal of Command

/castsequence Judgement, Seal of Command

would be better. That you could spam, since it wouldn't do anything until Judgement was up, thus not constantly casting Seal of Command.

That would work, and I used that for a while actually. I like mine because i can use it to case SoC when it's not up and don't need to have another slot for SoC on my bar. you just need to remember that it does that and you won't waste you mana. A better way if you want a sequence like that would be

/castsequence [reset=30] Seal of Command, Judgement

that one will cast Seal of Command first and then judgement, but if you don't cast judgement in the time the seal expires, it'll reset to Seal of Command. I still like mine cause it's a one key press macro. that one you have to hit twice. Seal of Command is much more important than the Judgement, so I prefer to make sure Seal of Commnad is always up by making it quicker to get up again.

What makes him decent? Well he knows that maximizing dps is more than just "look I crit for 4k!!!". He can BoP, Cleanse, BoF, and stun within the space of the cool downs. He can react split second and drop a heal or stun a mob. No fumbling, no uncertainty, no "I forgot I could do that".

You get so many Ret-ards out there that just want to play a warrior and fail, or have a dps rotation that relies on SoComm and swings with CS. Guys with blue weapons in S1 gear and Warrior epics who have no mana pool, and who fumble for 3 seconds trying to remember how to cleanse.

I agree. There so much one could say about different situations you find yourself in that I admit I tend to be someone basic in my suggestions. I give the basic building blocks from where a Ret can start and let them determine when to use what spells and abilities to maximize their usefullness. To give a how to of every situation for ret isn't quick or easy. It's not like a lock that's just Fear DoT DoT DoT no matter the situation... I'll think about adding a few examples of when to do what... I don't like those in general though. People who read them too often just take those as the gospel truth and never play around with what really works or doesn't work.

Oh, and tell me again whats wrong with a basic dps rotation of SoC, autoattack and CS? Those are the building blocks of Ret DPS. Every other spell we use ranks behind those for possible sources of dps and should be added as needed.

So basicaly kazump, research the usefulness of the stats and spells related to being a pally and play around with what works best and when...
#10 Jan 06 2008 at 1:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I've related the story before but it needs retelling.

I was grouped with another Holy Pally for Kara. We were at identical levels in terms of gear, identical builds, the other major difference between the two of us was our race. I always outhealed him by a very substantial margin. We had a talk about it one day. I chalked it up to consumable use, proactive mana pot use etc. He argued that Holy pallies didnt need all that jive with our mana efficiency. So I took him to IF, buffed up full consumables and told him to buff and we went at it. I healed, was at 10k mana when he was at 8k. When I was at 8k he was at 3k. He had to sit down and drink and I was still going. Finally he conceded defeat.

I had to sit down and show him the effect, all the explaining the world wouldnt have got the point across to him. The same thing with Ret pallies, they will all cry "I can do it all, and do it well" but the vast majority can't and don't realize how poor they are until they see one of the mythic 5% that really really excel at the build. I have seen a legion of Kara/S1 poorly geared Warrior wannabes with 1520 ratings talking about their epic fight with the dagger rogue and survival hunter. Its not about mediocre dps and utility, its about face melting dps and cockblocking all attempts to gum up your team, that means staying toe to toe with a rogue who is trying to shake you while having a warrior on you and cleansing the trap off your partner while 10 other things are going without a half second of hesitation or dps lost. I've met only about 4-5 ret pallies in the last 6 months who can do that on my entire Battlegroup, a lot that try and fail though.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Jan 06 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
What makes the difference? A good retadin is like a thousand dollar an hour *****, they are doing so many things to you at once you have not the foggiest clue what is happening till its over. A bad ret-ard is like a aging trick trying to give a rough hand job using the same played out moves for the thousandth time.

lol. i would use this as my tag if i didn't already have one by Bodh. you supply quoting gold sometimes :D

You get so many Ret-ards out there that just want to play a warrior and fail, or have a dps rotation that relies on SoComm and swings with CS. Guys with blue weapons in S1 gear and Warrior epics who have no mana pool, and who fumble for 3 seconds trying to remember how to cleanse.

this is classic. let me supplement: as ret you need to remember that you have a slew of instant supportive abilities. so as you run toward a hunter with BoF on you, go ahead and cleanse that freeze trap off your teammate. it takes no extra time and will make a virtual hero. same thing can be applied in pve, in H Mech the physicians will sleep you or your rogue, take the half second to free your rogue instead of trying to gimp him for the top dps spot. also note that its alot easier and dps friendly for a pally to stun a spell than a mage to counterspell.

if you are using auto/SoC and spamming CS, you should have a couple seconds in each rotation to view the current status of your group and be able to predict any emergencies about to arise. i would not recommend any form of spot healing unless you know for sure things are about to go south. finish the job you were hired for before you move on to someone elses duties. you are being relied on to contain and down the mobs.

So I took him to IF, buffed up full consumables and told him to buff and we went at it.

a classic IF heal-off, love it.

#12 Jan 06 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Its not about mediocre dps and utility, its about face melting dps and cockblocking all attempts to gum up your team, that means staying toe to toe with a rogue who is trying to shake you while having a warrior on you and cleansing the trap off your partner while 10 other things are going without a half second of hesitation or dps lost. I've met only about 4-5 ret pallies in the last 6 months who can do that on my entire Battlegroup, a lot that try and fail though.

i agree. and like most other classes PVP and PVE are going to be different. i am more of a PVE'er on any toon i have. PVP isn't my strength. PVE on the other hand i am good at. I regularly am addad to friends lists and invited back on both my holy and my ret pally. in PVE on my healer, i take full responsibility for all healing and cleansing. on my ret i expext the healer to do the same unless they are unable to (my guilds other main healer is a shaman so i'll cleanse magic effects for him) i am brought to groups for my DPS and bufs, not because they want a cleanser, so i make DPS my number 1 priority. i have 2 interrupts and i'll use them when possible if needed, but many mobs are immune unfortunately.

i understood him to be asking about grouping (i.e. PVE) and thats where my answer comes from. PVP is a completely different story and yes, if thats what he's looking for your answer may be more to the point. in PVP a Ret is a support char and al the BG's i've done on camila thats how i played them. i brought healing gear and dps gear an filled the spot most needed.
#13 Jan 06 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
heh, S1 epics are sadly better than most other reasonably attainable gear though, last time i checked...
#14 Jan 06 2008 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
s1 epics are ok for entry level PvP. S2/S3 geared teams chew through them though.

Bring them to a raid past grull (aka a raid that actually matters) and they are absolutely the worst. Kara gear will always outperform in later raids. There are exceptions, but they are just that, exceptions.

Basically S1 epics are stuff you get easy mode that you do your damdnest to get out of as fast as humanly possible.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15 Jan 07 2008 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I'm curious, but where do ret pallies usually place on raid damage meters? definitely not topping mages, but maybe just below rogues? I've never ever raided with a ret pally so i'm curious to know.
#16 Jan 07 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
ive found having a swing timer mod is convenient for my Pally, so i dont judge SoCommand a splite second before an auto swing and miss out on a possible proc.

i happen to use Qaurtz, but i turn off almost everything save for CD's 30 or under, auto swing, and GCD. as i have every possible pally power hot keyed, i never look at my actual powers so i was having issues with GCDs. turned out to be rather helpful.
#17 Jan 07 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
iceravenVI wrote:
I'm curious, but where do ret pallies usually place on raid damage meters? definitely not topping mages, but maybe just below rogues? I've never ever raided with a ret pally so i'm curious to know.


Usually Retribution Paladins place last on raid damage meters among DPS classes and might even lose out to a tank. Like DPS Warriors, there is zero forgiveness on your gear; skill can not make up lost ground if you are undergeared or incorrectly geared. However, unlike Warriors, the Paladin class as a whole is just not naturally lent to DPS.

It takes an extremely good Retribution player and the correct gear and good gear to amount to anything, and even then, if your competition is equally skilled and equally or even a little less geared, most of them should still beat you.
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