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Macro or Rotation?Follow

#27 Jan 13 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Timorith wrote:
Laertis wrote:
... I don't see what the big deal people make out of this is. You don't need a macro, you don't need a timer...

Laertis wrote:
... I use this macro...


Edited, Jan 13th 2008 11:14am by Timorith

Ah, the partial sentence, cut & paste quote. What are you, Michael Moore? If you're going to quote a person, be sure to include their entire thought so that their meaning comes across the way it was intended to.
#28 Jan 13 2008 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Kompera wrote:
Laertis wrote:
Your goal, as far as shot rotation is concerned, is to use your special shot cooldowns as often as you can in between and while not interrupting your auto shot cadence. In fact, you WANT your shots to be on cooldown all the time. If they are, it means you're using them consistently and the more they're on cooldown, the closer you are to using them again.
If your goal is to run dry of mana as soon as possible and then switch to AotV and Auto Fire only while waiting to regen mana, then this is a decent plan. Otherwise, in order to provide your raids with a consistently high and long duration of damage output while not risking either breaking CC or pulling aggro, a more thoughtful shot rotation is advisable.

Your plan is suitable for PvP play, but won't impress many people with whom you group for PvE.

I use this thought process in raids all the time actually, though I should add that I am an alchemist, which gives me a much higher effective mana pool. You are correct that this is straining on mana. In order to pull off your highest possible dps, you're going to need to use the plan I mentioned, and pop a mana potion as soon as you use 3000 mana. This will get your potion cooldown going and should be ready to use again before you run dry. At about 33% mana I switch to Aspect of the Viper if my potions are not yet ready, and I wait that long because the aspect regenerates more mana the lower you are. Anything above that mana level, and I usually switch back to Hawk.

Here's the gem of knowledge restated for those who don't want to read my wall of text:

Use a mana potion as soon as you use 3000 mana. That way your cooldown is working and you can potion again soon.
#29 Jan 13 2008 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Honestly if you're a BM hunter, just stick with steady shot. The dpm is just so much better. If you're MM or SV, then it's worth it to throw in arcanes and multis, but it will drain your mana. Tkasomething has a few really good threads on macros and shot cycles.
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#30 Jan 14 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
Well with all this being said, what would be a nice macro for a MM/SV raiding hunter then? I have never used shot macros before but would like to try some out and see if it's a helper... Perhaps one for when there is no CC'd mobs and one when there is a CC'd mob in the area aswell... (Using Sunfury Bow atm.)

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 9:54am by dfexpc
#31 Jan 15 2008 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Laertis wrote:
Really, I don't see what the big deal people make out of this is. You don't need a macro, you don't need a timer, you just need to be observant.
no offense, but you dont know much about hunter dps.
An autoshot timer is crucial, the difference in dps between well woven steadyshots and badly woven steadyshots can get up to a difference of 120% tooltipdps vs 190% tooltipdps so a 70%(!) dps difference.
Although that is extreme, you can count on losing 10% or more dps by not using an autoshot timer.

Also, your rotation uses way to much mana and using normal mana potions is stupid because we already have the option of using fel mana pots.

Not to mention the fact that switching to AotV is something you should NEVER do in raids because 155 AP makes a big difference.
#32 Jan 15 2008 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
I used the macro last week in Kara for the first time and it was a HUGE boost in dps for me. It was better for my mana pool as well during the longer boss fights. Last WWS report put my hunter at around 800-850 DPS and after changing over to the macro I was at the top of the chart with 950-1000 DPS for most of the bosses.

Makes me feel better about helping the group seeing the higher numbers.

Edited, Jan 15th 2008 10:43am by Scolariman
#33 Jan 15 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that which Aspect you use is determined by how long you know the fight is going to be, what your party make-up is and how much downtime you'll have in the fight.

Example 1: Prince Malchezzar- about a 4-5 minute fight depending on how much DPS you have (all being pre-Kara or fully Kara geared or a mix of both) and how lucky you are with Infernal drop placement. If all goes well, you can stand in one place the whole fight and just fire away... probably the easiest boss you will ever fight for Ranged DPS players. That being said, it's a long fight, always will be so I have always gone with AotV and just popped my cooldowns in a rotation, mending pet when necessary (I'm BM build and the damn infernals tend to be bad for pets...) and just doing MD at start Aimed, Arcane, Steady/ Auto Rotation and I never run out of mana.... but in the long fight, I do sometimes come close depending on whether or not I have a Resto Shaman next to me, SPriest next to me, or both, in which case I will of course use AotH the whole fight and pop a mana pot when needed.

Example 2: Gruul- About 7-8 minutes (can't be longer or else you'll wipe because he'll be able to one shot the tank). This fight is even longer than Prince, but with his Ground Slam ability and Cave-Ins constantly, you'll be moving alot, and sometimes spend a whole 15-20 seconds not firing. In this case no matter what your party make-up is, you'll want to keep AotH up every time you're firing and switch to AotV whenever you're not, 20 seconds of AotV up means 4 ticks of the mana regen bonus along with 15 seconds of normal mana regen.

This is all coming from a BM hunter's perspective, and with the mind-set that constant DPS is better than fluctuating DPS. Because simple things like switching Aspect in fights, popping pots and having to wait for mana regen, can make your DPS drop from say 1000 DPS to 850-900DPS, whereas keeping one aspect up and never stopping can keep it up at around 950 the entire fight.

I know this tactic may not work for everyone and probably isn't the BEST, but it works extremely well for me, and on fights that I can just stand and shoot with AotV up(aka Prince) I lead the damage meters every time.
#34 Jan 15 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
155 AP is around 11 dps, which as a rough estimate is about 20-25dps overall. Nice but not that important. More important is the haste that AoTH adds. AoTV gets better the lower your mana. My recommendation is to stick with AoTH until you are at 30% mana and don't have a pot CD up. Then switch to AoTV. This will give you the maximum benefit. Katchii's point about some fights where you can't fire for a while and switching to AoTV is a really good one. Make sure it's long enough, because the switching will cost you 150 mana to switch back and forth.
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#35 Jan 15 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
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Any hunter who doesn't macro, assuming they don't have abysmal ping, is gimping their damage, plain and simple. A macro will be able to get much, much tighter rotations that any human reaction time can. It's like the difference between the old /stopcasting and the new spell queuing for dps casters - an improvement in the range of 50dps just on account that you can get the spells off .01 seconds after each other versus ~.15.

EDIT: Sometimes I try to be good at math, and sometimes I realize it's just better if I delete that part of my post.

Edited, Jan 15th 2008 11:41am by lsfreak
#36 Jan 16 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
This sortof depends a lot on how fast your bow/gun/cbow is. If you are a BM and doing a 1:1 rotation, it's pretty easy to manually time your shots and not clip anything. At this point they are just as efficient as a macro'd hunter. Certainly a macro allows you to pay more attention to other things (the sky when fighting prince comes to mind) and that's why I use it.
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#37 Jan 16 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
I'm not about to question the wisdom of my exeprienced hunter bretheren, who have taught me so much since I discovered this forum. However, I must relate my own experience on this point.

I am a 70 survival hunter. Armory link if you care:

I often run instances and recently started raiding Kara, often with other comparably-geared hunters from my guild. I know most of them use shot rotation macros, several accompanied by autoshot timers as well. I, myself, choose to run on feel alone - think of this what you will. (I play for fun, not for math or stressing over min-maxing.)

When studying the damage meters after the instance/raid, I average the same DPS as any other hunter, sometimes (rarely) even being top DPS among hunters. I know there's several reasons why this might be, but I can absolutely rule out the other hunters being incompetent. (Our guild is big on knowing how to play your class, something we judge on several instance runs during the recruitment process.)

So, again, while I'm not about to try and debate those who insist that you must use macros/timers or unacceptably suffer on DPS output - the evidence presented certainly appears sound and reasonable - my own experience tells me otherwise regarding their absolute necessity.

My 2 cents.

Edited, Jan 16th 2008 1:48pm by Panteleone
#38 Jan 16 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Panteleone wrote:
I often run instances and recently started raiding Kara, often with other comparably-geared hunters from my guild. I know most of them use shot rotation macros, several accompanied by autoshot timers as well. I, myself, choose to run on feel alone - think of this what you will. (I play for fun, not for math or stressing over min-maxing.)

When studying the damage meters after the instance/raid, I average the same DPS as any other hunter, sometimes (rarely) even being top DPS among hunters.

Damage meters are generally broken. And most players leave their combat logging range at the default, further skewing any meaningful reporting.

Use WWS, follow their instructions for setting your combat logging range, and then reply back with your comparison to the other Hunters. It'll be much more valid at that point. As it stands now, and I mean no offense by saying this, you're basically saying something like "I use a broken tool and minimal capture samples to measure my performance against the other Hunters in the raid, and I do well in comparison to them". You might look good, but it just doesn't mean much.

Edit: Added link.

Edited, Jan 16th 2008 2:33pm by Kompera
#39 Jan 16 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
No offense taken - I understand the point you're making. I'll try what you suggest.

EDIT: Now that I've visited your link, my guild uses WWS for their 25-man raid analysis. I'll see if I can get them to log this Friday night's Kara run. I'm not sure how WWS works, but I'll find out.

Edited, Jan 16th 2008 2:53pm by Panteleone
#40 Jan 16 2008 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
Recap is the mod that I'd recommend for damage tracking. It's really accurate and has lots of detail about the fights as well as the overall damage. It's also wowace.
Extending the logging range
By default, the combat log only show events happening at 40 yards around you. It is always best to extend this logging range. The maximum possible is 200 yards.

* Some addons help you extend the logging range and even start and stop the log when entering certain areas, have a look at AutoCL, clsaver or LoggerHead
* Beware that some other addons might change back the combat log range. Find them and destroy them !
* Extending the logging range is not very CPU or Network intensive, so don't hesitate

If you don't want to install an addon, you can either type this in game :

/console SET CombatLogRangeParty "200"
/console SET CombatLogRangePartyPet "200"
/console SET CombatLogRangeFriendlyPlayers "200"
/console SET CombatLogRangeFriendlyPlayersPets "200"
/console SET CombatLogRangeHostilePlayers "200"
/console SET CombatLogRangeHostilePlayersPets "200"
/console SET CombatLogRangeCreature "200"

Or edit the file <your wow install dirrectory>/WTF/, and add these lines :

SET CombatLogRangeCreature "200"
SET CombatLogRangeFriendlyPlayers "200"
SET CombatLogRangeFriendlyPlayersPets "200"
SET CombatLogRangeHostilePlayers "200"
SET CombatLogRangeHostilePlayersPets "200"
SET CombatLogRangeParty "200"
SET CombatLogRangePartyPet "200"
SET CombatDeathLogRange "200"

For a lot of interesting information about the combat log, how to extend its range and how to split it, check this thread on the Elitist Jerks forum.

Edited, Jan 16th 2008 5:00pm by Xsarus
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#41 Jan 17 2008 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
That seems to be identical to the post on WWS regarding combat logging,m range, etc.

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 4:46am by Kompera
#42 Jan 17 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
That's probably because I was quoting it. Smiley: oyvey

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 2:27pm by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#43 Jan 17 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent

Ummmmmmm, sorry, another question -_-

So what is the effect of things that have haste effects on our shot rotations? My current gear could sport the abacus, I have Imp AotH, and rapid killing for more rapid fires. Don't these abilities cause me to clip my autoshots?
#44 Jan 17 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts

So, I am still curious about a good shot macro. (MM raiding spec, Sunfury bow)

maybe one for cc present, one with out... any one?
#45 Jan 17 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Ancalimanarion wrote:

Ummmmmmm, sorry, another question -_-

So what is the effect of things that have haste effects on our shot rotations? My current gear could sport the abacus, I have Imp AotH, and rapid killing for more rapid fires. Don't these abilities cause me to clip my autoshots?

If your auto shot gets too close to 1.5 it will start being clipped. I think the ideal speed is 1.7

dfexpc, go to tkasomething and look at their shot cycle guide.

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 2:51pm by Xsarus
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#46 Jan 18 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Xsarus wrote:
That's probably because I was quoting it. Smiley: oyvey

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 2:27pm by Xsarus

Oh. You were talking about Recap, and didn't credit your quote, so it looked like you were posting Recap directions.
#47 Jan 18 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
Recount is excellent, better than Recap. It's basically WWS in-game, but with pie charts, and who doesn't love pie charts?! As a raid leader, it lets me glance at someone's performance mid-fight rather than having to wait till well after it's over.

Ideal bow speed for BM is as low as you can get it with your latency and be able to spam Steady ever GCD without clipping Auto, so just under 1.5 speed with zero latency. The 1.7 mentioned is more realistic, however, which equates to a 2.6 speed with about 61 haste or a 2.7 speed with about 117 haste, if I did it correctly. Woflslayer or Barrel-Bladed are easily the two best BM weapons so far, unfortunately, outdamaging even the ones from Archimonde and Illidan because of speed.

Full DPS for MM/Surv, with a bow speed of 2.9-ish, is
If you've got 2 points in Arcane Shot, you can apparently get a
Not having a 70 hunter, I have no idea how much of a drain all-out like that is on your mana though (whether you need dual mana oils, aotv, and fel mana pots to keep it going; I imagine it's a lot worse on MM since they won't have TotH). Also don't know how drastically it changes based on going up to a 3.1+ speed, if you're using the S1 crossbow.

Please correct me if any of this is wrong, don't play a high-level hunter yet but like to skip ElitistJerks for anything about any class :D

Edited, Jan 18th 2008 2:10pm by lsfreak
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