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Talents to AvoidFollow

#27 Jan 02 2008 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
124 posts
Whoops, I did overlook your line about it being good for grinding. Your other posts made it sound like it sucked in all situations. My mistake.

That being said, I still stand by my statement that it's impossible for you to think pallys can do stuff besides heal, while calling us that go to lengths to explain in detail how they do excel in non-healbot roles (at the same time acknowledging that pallys/druids/warriors all are better suited to different situations), a troll. So to be honest, the fact that you have an elitest snobbery about you likely caused me to automaticaly assume you were just bashing on prot pallys again without merit (which seems to be your main goal here).

So go ahead, call me a troll again. I know you want to.
#28 Jan 02 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
No no no, you've got me all wrong (all that rating down for nothing, eh?). The only spec I bash on automatically is ret. Heck I don't even spend time writing good bashes for ret, I just usually go "lawl ret" and leave it at that. If I seem elitist its not because I am, its because I have little toleration for people that speak before they know what they are talking about. I fully acknowledge the fact that paladins can tank, heck I love them in TK and Hyjal. I do think they are the third best tank, behind druid and warrior, and the situations in which they truly excel is so limited, you're much better off being a healer. Is it the paladin's fault? No, not at all, the players have nothing to do with it. I firmly believe Blizzard itself designed paladin to be the least effective out of the 3 current tanking classes, and while they've made improvements, its hard to overcome the way the class was originally designed.

All you see of me is my ranting and raving on the forums. Ask anyone that has had me come in and inspect and break down their gear. They'll tell you a different story than the elitist rage machine you make me out to be. I just grow tired of seeing 90% people post nonsense in this board without reading FAQs or doing a tiny amount of research. When I play a class, I spend a TON of time talking to people about gear, specs, mods, and general aspects of play of the character. I'm sorry that I come off abrasive, its not that I'm a bad person, I just frankly don't give a crap what other people think about me, and I make my posts accordingly.

I've had to explain myself 2 or 3 times now, and this is the last freaking time I'm doing it.
#29 Jan 02 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I thought everyone already knew that 'if you are tanking end game Reckoning = unnecessary"? /shrug guess some people didn't get the memo.

As for Pallies in tank groups, guess it varies from raid to raid but we rather have a tree druid or keep a pally in a SP group since it is soo soo nice.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2008 11:29pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#30 Jan 03 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Hi I'm hcddog and completely ignored the fact that dilbrt included a line "unless you're grinding" (which is the definition of leveling). Please continue on and ignore my posts.

****, Dilbrt. Grinding is like eighty percent of the game until you get to 70. Saying something is useless unless you're grinding is like saying air is useless unless you need to breath. I'm not saying you're wrong here, it's just that you shouldn't be surprised when people disagree with you if you state your case like that.

Tips to Deevious for the write-up. That deserves to be stickied somewhere if it isn't already.
#31 Jan 03 2008 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Yes, because grinding to 70 is all there is to the game. /quit once you've done that. But, oh,'ve got all that extra raiding, PvPing, farming, etc to do! Reckoning fits great into that farming (basically the same thing as grinding) but in PvP you should probably be either holy or ret, and for PvE end-game you will most definitely want the stats (such as dodge/parry/defense) which would make reckoning proc less, therefore be less useful.

I perfectly understood dilbrt, and while I do believe reckoning might be a tad more powerful than he makes it out to be, it's also a lot less powerful than most people think it is.

It also appears he's VERY PvE oriented, with the way he included a lot of PvP talents as "unless you PvP a lot."
#32 Jan 03 2008 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
dont forget once you hit 70 you'll be farming instances for rep and heroics for badges. both would go smoother with Reckoning. the OP is obviously not in BT or Hyjal, so for all intents and purposes he NEEDS Reckoning.

but yes, once he is part of the 0.1% of players that are pally tanks in BT he will probably spec out of Reckoning. but if he was that leet he wouldn't be posting such a question.
#33 Jan 03 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
tommyguns wrote:
dont forget once you hit 70 you'll be farming instances for rep and heroics for badges. both would go smoother with Reckoning. the OP is obviously not in BT or Hyjal, so for all intents and purposes he NEEDS Reckoning.

but yes, once he is part of the 0.1% of players that are pally tanks in BT he will probably spec out of Reckoning. but if he was that leet he wouldn't be posting such a question.

Actually, you hit a point where reckoning becomes less and less useful somewhere between uncrittable and uncrushable, I think.
#34 Jan 03 2008 at 8:38 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
tommyguns wrote:
dont forget once you hit 70 you'll be farming instances for rep and heroics for badges. both would go smoother with Reckoning. the OP is obviously not in BT or Hyjal, so for all intents and purposes he NEEDS Reckoning.

but yes, once he is part of the 0.1% of players that are pally tanks in BT he will probably spec out of Reckoning. but if he was that leet he wouldn't be posting such a question.

Actually, you hit a point where reckoning becomes less and less useful somewhere between uncrittable and uncrushable, I think.

Yeah if you're in heroics reckoning isn't really doing you much good in there. (Hopefully, or you're one of those undergeared fools that everyone hates) However, when you're not in instances and farming is when it's still handy as you'll likely not be in your tanking set and won't have the avoidance.
#35 Jan 03 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
zepoodle wrote:
sh*t, Dilbrt. Grinding is like eighty percent of the game until you get to 70. Saying something is useless unless you're grinding is like saying air is useless unless you need to breath. I'm not saying you're wrong here, it's just that you shouldn't be surprised when people disagree with you if you state your case like that.

Lets see, I spent 6 weeks grinding from 1-70 and then went raiding for 11 1/2 months. I hardly think its 80% unless you level extremely slow. Heck I felt *I* was slow to take a whole 6 weeks.

skribs wrote:
It also appears he's VERY PvE oriented, with the way he included a lot of PvP talents as "unless you PvP a lot."

Yes PvE is my main concentration, but I take it upon myself to learn and know as much about PvP as I possibly can. Actually there is a lot more theorycrafting and general forum discussions regarding PvP than PvE so its really not hard to know pretty much everything there is to know about PvP anyway. There isn't much to learn anyway, 2/3 specs are useless in PvP, and its really not hard to learn things about the only arena spec worth a damn. (Thanks Bliz)

tommyguns wrote:
dont forget once you hit 70 you'll be farming instances for rep and heroics for badges. both would go smoother with Reckoning. the OP is obviously not in BT or Hyjal, so for all intents and purposes he NEEDS Reckoning.

but yes, once he is part of the 0.1% of players that are pally tanks in BT he will probably spec out of Reckoning. but if he was that leet he wouldn't be posting such a question.

A.) I'm not a tank, I have a half decent tanking set (mix of blues and epics), but I've never been protection as a main spec on my paladin, ever. (Ret 1-58, Holy 58-70)
B.) Reckoning doesn't stop being useful when you're in BT/Hyjal, it stops being useful when you get to the point where you have the standard defense/avoidance to be uncritable/uncrushable, which hopefully you get in a matter of DAYS after hitting 70. Since it loses its usefulness less than a week after a player hits 70 (if he actually gets avoidance gear), I felt it appropriate to include it in the talents to avoid. You disagree, and that's your right, but most of the paladin community (if the Oboards are any indication) agrees that reckoning is useless, so I put it in there.
#36 Jan 03 2008 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
but most of the paladin community (if the Oboards are any indication) agrees that reckoning is useless, so I put it in there.

Out of curiousity (genuine question, not a slight), do the rest of the Oboards think that pallys are good at healing and...healing when a newbie asks what pallys are good at?
#37 Jan 03 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
Well as far as whether they think they're good at healing, I don't see a lot of people going there and asking that question, but I do see a ton of non-paladins going there and posting "nerf holy paladins" so I would imagine so. And as far as when a noob posts what a paladin is good at, its similar to here. First two responses will be people saying that they're good at healing, next couple from tanks explaining how they're superior to everyone else, followed by 1 ret posting, few more posts laughing at the ret, post or two of healers saying paladins aren't the best tanks, protection arguing back, then a slew of trolls posting complete nonsense until the post dies.
#38 Jan 03 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
I understood ret to have very important uses. Particularly...solo questing. And...okay, I change my statement. Ret has a very important use.
#39 Jan 03 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Well I did say that 1 person would post saying paladins were supposed to be a monster two-handed weapon wielding with holy sparks shooting everywhere mowing everything down in its path, didn't I? lol. (If only)
#40 Jan 03 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
You disagree, and that's your right, but most of the paladin community (if the Oboards are any indication) agrees that reckoning is useless, so I put it in there.

<3 the Oboards.

but seriously, uncrushable is only useful when you need it to be useful. reg 5mans and farmable Heroics DO NOT call for you to be uncrush/uncrit. they do call for you to be threat whores and still stay alive. when tanking i kept 3 sets always: raid set w/ max avoid, badge farmer w/ avoid+spell dmg, guildie helper w/ stam+spell dmg.

if im going for a fair amount of threat and the encounters are mundane, Reckoning is going be there. i've never had to tank past Kara or Gruuls and i probably never will. so for me Reckoning is gonna always have a few of my points.

Edit: btw, paladins are supposed to be a monster two-handed weapon wielding with holy sparks shooting everywhere mowing everything down in its path :D

Edited, Jan 3rd 2008 7:17pm by tommyguns
#41 Jan 03 2008 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'll take that without the sparks. Sounds to much like how Jeff Dunham says everyone thinks he is.
#42 Jan 03 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
tommyguns wrote:
reg 5mans and farmable Heroics DO NOT call for you to be uncrush/uncrit.

I refuse to heal a heroic for a tank that's not uncrittable. Uncrushable is much harder to attain, but Uncrittable is very easy.
#43 Jan 03 2008 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Lets see, I spent 6 weeks grinding from 1-70 and then went raiding for 11 1/2 months. I hardly think its 80% unless you level extremely slow. Heck I felt *I* was slow to take a whole 6 weeks.

Don't you think it's funny that you mocked hcddog for not reading the tag on the end of your statement that said "unless you're grinding" and you just went and ignored;

ME! wrote:
Grinding is like eighty percent of the game until you get to 70.

I'm not flaming you here or anything, I just find it ironic.
#44 Jan 03 2008 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Wow starts at lvl 70. Undisputable fact.

As for tanking for heroics, heroics vary in difficulty but you get to certain points and if you aren't geared enough certain mobs will 2 shot you. Look at the patrollers in Mech, they hit like a brick. I went in there with a 485 def prot warrior once, he got two shotted. Even with 1900 healing I couldnt keep him up through those since he just wasnt geared. Other mobs are perfectly doable with under 490. /shrug

You get past 5man/heroics which are the very tiniest part of end game and reckoning = useless for tanking.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#45 Jan 03 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
zepoodle wrote:
Dilbrt wrote:
Lets see, I spent 6 weeks grinding from 1-70 and then went raiding for 11 1/2 months. I hardly think its 80% unless you level extremely slow. Heck I felt *I* was slow to take a whole 6 weeks.

Don't you think it's funny that you mocked hcddog for not reading the tag on the end of your statement that said "unless you're grinding" and you just went and ignored;

ME! wrote:
Grinding is like eighty percent of the game until you get to 70.

I'm not flaming you here or anything, I just find it ironic.

I need to include a disclaimer:

Zaphikel reserves the right to be a hypocrite, all comments relating to this are null and void.

lol seriously though, I was thinking you meant it was 80% of the game and at 70 was the other 20%, my bad.
#46 Jan 03 2008 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
psst. i have a secret.

[s]reckoning procs when you block with a shield too. it's still considered a hit[/s]
#47 Jan 03 2008 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
They're talking about avoidance...i.e. miss/parry/dodge, not including block.
#48 Jan 04 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
You get past 5man/heroics which are the very tiniest part of end game and reckoning = useless for tanking.

tiniest yes, also the most played by far(save pvp), therefor most relevant. reckoning = must have for quick, smooth runs.

I refuse to heal a heroic for a tank that's not uncrittable. Uncrushable is much harder to attain, but Uncrittable is very easy.

u might not have a choice. i will switch my set around for specific mobs. for instance: 1st room of H Mech - 3 mob pull i will have my 300 spell set on for quick aggro and quick kill(HoJ sheds most of the dmg taken). then for the giants i'll go back to max avoidance(99% for me). also for the bomb demons before the 1st boss i'll grab my high stam/high spell set(which is not uncrit).

obviously, any tank in heroic needs to have the potential to be uncrittable and mostly uncrushable. but, its not always needed/ideal for every encounter.
#49 Jan 04 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Wow starts at lvl 70. Undisputable fact.

I beg to differ, it's a very disputable fact. In fact, I disputed it often, since I had a lot of fun leveling my first toon.

And then I hit 70.

In less than 6 hours, I realized "OMG! ALL THAT OTHER STUFF WAS JUST PRACTICE FOR THIS!"

I'm still thrilled. I've got too much to do: get Keyed, get epic flyer, grind rep, play Arena, bomb Skettis, run BGs, gear up for Kara, farm bsmith plans, take back the towers/Halaa... where do people get the idea that the game ends at 70??

I am so glad I was wrong :-)
#50 Jan 04 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Reckoning is bad for anything from heroics on for tanking. It's the same reason you only want the tank in front of a boss. When a boss parries an attack it will reset his attack timer and the tank can take two large hits closer then what would happen if the tank is the only person in front of the boss. Reckoning causes the problem also as it generates free swings which the boss can parry.

Even with Light's Grace proc a holy paladin will have a hard time keeping a tank up in this type of circumstance.

#51 Jan 04 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
cbadger wrote:
Even with Light's Grace proc a holy paladin will have a hard time keeping a tank up in this type of circumstance.

I'm nit-picking I know, and I welcome anyone to do the same on my posts (lord knows Jack does), but light's grace really isn't a proc (which is defined as a chance of occurring on X) as soon as you cast a holy light, its there. Sometimes its actually good to throw a down-ranked HL just to have the buff there in case you need it later.
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