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Talents to AvoidFollow

#1 Jan 01 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
saw this on other class forums, I would be interested to know which pally talents are not even worth looking at. Please tell us your thoughts
#2 Jan 01 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
the ret tree
#3 Jan 01 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 Jan 01 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
Please tell us your thoughts.

Seems like a television interview. Most of the ones you don't want to grab are pretty obvious once you start looking and trying to make builds. A couple talent traps though are Imp. Devo Aura, and Imp BoM. Those seem good on paper, but actually doing the math on it the bonus is negligible or not worth it.

Also, don't grab Imp. Ret Aura if you are going to grab Sanc Aura. That's just a waste of points.
#5 Jan 01 2008 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
What about for healadins? Those two will buff your buffs, and I dont see a healadin needing benediction or (in most cases) redoubt.
#6 Jan 01 2008 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
A healadin in a raid doesn't even need to touch the Ret tree unless they are intent on giving a little more AP to the raid. IMO it's a waste of 5 talents. If you couldn't do the boss before Imp. BoM, you aren't going to be able to do it after.

As for Imp. Devo for a healadin... maybe. Redoubt is nice if you ever want to PvP though, and those blocks may save your life, whereas the extra armor from Imp. Devo Aura isn't saving anybody.
#7 Jan 01 2008 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Well, it's sort of the difference between the raid buff heal spec and the heal-tank heal spec. Personal preference and based on needs.
#8 Jan 01 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Healadin has no need for Imp Devo in a raid. You will never be in a tanks group, so it is completely wasted. In PvP you will have Conc aura up or you fail completely and might as well quit the game.

Not that it is huge but Redoubt will always be a better choice. At least for PvP. But really out of the two choices of getting further down the prot tree it is the lesser of the two in terms of suck.

Imp BoM is fugly, and I personally would not cherish being asked to spec 5 points into it just for raid buffage. Even the guilds ret pally wouldnt want to.

I will go on the record and state the Pure or Heart and Purifying power are useless. Divine Str, Imp Devo, are kind of yucky no matter what spec you go too. Other than that most talents will have some use depending on you spec and what you plan on doing either Ret/Prot/Holy PvE or PvP.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#9 Jan 01 2008 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Imp. BoM and Imp. Dev aura are the kind of talents new players put points into because they look better than Benediction and Redoubt. A person just introduced to the game isn't going to understand the value of mana reduction, or an increased block value. When I started I had no idea how Redoubt worked and went for Dev. aura because it was simpler.

Once you progress along and figure out the game you usually respec once or twice and drop the talents you don't need.

Some others...I gathered that Imp. LoH is fairly wasteful, as well as Aura Mastery. Stoicism and those other "add 5% chance of resisting X" are rarely recommended, they seem to be more of a personal choice thing.

What's easier is identifying the essential talents you need, then taking them and the prerequisites for them. Any points are left over you can spend on whatever, because they're practically auxiliary. A prot paladin doesn't differ hugely between putting two points in Stoicism or Spell Warding, so long as he has Imp. Holy Shield and Reckoning.
#10 Jan 01 2008 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wrote:
Healadin has no need for Imp Devo in a raid. You will never be in a tanks group, so it is completely wasted.

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm FREQUENTLY in the tank's group. Actually I haven't been in a raid since I made my paladin that we didn't have a paladin in the tank group. No Imp Devo doesn't add as much (especially after they changed Tier 4) but it does add a good amount to damage reduction for the tank, and its more useful than any other aura for him.

zepoodle wrote:
Some others...I gathered that Imp. LoH is fairly wasteful, as well as Aura Mastery.

Well you gathered wrong. Imp LoH may not be useful in very many fights, but it is a raid saver when you're fighting Gruul. It also is EXTREMELY useful when the fight gets down to 10% health and you want to take precautions against spike damage. My guild uses it every time we do Black Temple.

As far as Aura Mastery, there are many many many fights where you want to be at max range (take prince for instance). Your heals are 40 yards. Your cleanse is now 40 yards. You want to have your auras 40 yards as well.

Fine. FINE! You want a REAL list of stuff to stay away from? I'll make you your dang list.

Holy Tree:
Divine Strength (unless you're ret)
Improved Seal of Righteousness (the only ones who use SoR are holy, and shouldn't be dpsing anyway)
Unyielding Faith (unless you're a heavy pvper)
Pure of Heart
Purifying Power (unless you need something to waste points in to get to the next level)
Blessed Life

Protection Tree:
Stoicism (unless you're a heavy pvper)
Improved Hammer of Justice (unless you're a heavy pvper)
Reckoning (Research shows, unless you're grinding, this is worthless)

Ret Tree:
Pursuit of Justice (unless you're leveling)
Eye for an Eye
Improved Ret Aura
Divine Purpose (unless you're a heavy pvper)
#11 Jan 01 2008 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Now, I thought blessed life was good in PvP...
#12 Jan 01 2008 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
No its pretty much terrible in any situation.
#13 Jan 02 2008 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Pursuit of Justice (unless you're leveling)

Actually, unless the spell doesn't work as advertised on mobs, it seems that would both a fair bit of mitigation when mobs cast spells and a way to make up for one of the inherent weaknesses associated with tankadins(lack of Intercept/Feral Charge). And if you're going deep enough as a tank to get Imp Retribution Aura, then I can really see no reason not to get it.

Mind you, it's not perfect, but it seems to be a reasonable talent choice.
#14 Jan 02 2008 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Ret Tree:
Pursuit of Justice (unless you're leveling)

Would have to disagree here, now that it also provides some defense against spells. Plus you can put a better enchant than Boar's Speed on boots if you have this talent (+12 Stam, Vitality). The old PoJ wasn't worth a damn, this one, although not everyone's preference, actually has some value.
#15 Jan 02 2008 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
But its not reduced damage, its reduced hit. I'm experienced enough with a cast to know that this only saves you a tiny amount of damage. Hit damage adds up over the long-run (as in 10 minutes of constant, non-stop damage) but chances are if you're prot you won't be taking THAT much damage from pure magic, at least that will be affected by this talent. Flipping it around, from the caster stand-point, even with 0 spell hit, your spells land much more often than they miss, that's just a game mechanic. 3% less hit is absolutely nothing. Chances are if you come across another player they will have EASILY over the 3% hit this puts them against. On top of that, correct me if I'm wrong, but they have really strengthened the protection tree itself to where you will get more benefit by sinking more points in the protection tree rather than wasting a ton of useless points in the ret tree just to get a tiny amount extra damage from your ret aura. That aura starts off with such a low base damage, even added percentage damage to it adds very little. I, for one, couldn't warrant sinking that many points in a crappy talent tree for such a little gain.
#16 Jan 02 2008 at 1:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
But its not reduced damage, its reduced hit.

It's basically a magic based "Dodge". No, it's not much, but when coupled with the other aspect, it's a reasonable talent(even if you haven't gone deep enough for ret aura, I know any serious prot paladin has probably gone and picked up the 5 points in Deflection, which means it's only 3 points to get Pursuit of Justice. Which again, helps make up for issues associated with not having an Intercept like ability. Not completely, but a little.
#17 Jan 02 2008 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
It's also not a simple matter of whether a talent is any good, but whether it's better than your other options. After taking everything I need as a tank, there's still some points I can choose to put in a number of things, but I have to think what will give most benefit/suck the least. Precision, Guardian's Favor, Imp SotC, 3 points of reckoning, 3 points of DI, Vindication, PoJ: the one I feel gives the best/most constant benefit is PoJ.
#18 Jan 02 2008 at 3:16 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Reckoning (Research shows, unless you're grinding, this is worthless)

You should probably rephrase that to "useful up until your defense becomes so high you hardly ever get hit anyway". Reckoning is an absolute godsend when leveling from 35-50ish; it basically doubles your melee DPS, which means the fight is over much faster. It's like Redoubt's smaller, meaner brother.

If Imp. Ret Aura was lower in the tree (the bottom, in fact, right about where Imp. Dev Aura is) more people would take it.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2008 6:20am by zepoodle
#19 Jan 02 2008 at 3:53 AM Rating: Excellent
91 posts
>>I dont see a healadin needing benediction or (in most cases) redoubt.

I put five points in benediction, 15 points in protection (including redoubt) because I figured I wasn't going to be running around solely healing groups. Solo grinding = spamming judgements (for me, anyway); redoubt = survivability.

I agree with zepoodle, by the way. When I first started getting talent points, they started going into Divine Strength, Improved Blessing of Might, because they sure seemed like they would be good!

By the way, when I first got Holy Shock, I was initially disappointed, and thought 'I was so excited to get that?' Now that I've had some time to use it more in offensive and defensive situations, I'm glad I picked it up.
#20 Jan 02 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
PoJ is almost godly as a Ret in pvp. its part of what makes kiting a non issue.
#21 Jan 02 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default
124 posts
Dilbrt wrote:

Protection Tree:
Reckoning (Research shows, unless you're grinding, this is worthless)

Dilbrt, I know you think that pallys are nothing but healbots, but even then you should know that reckoning is one of the MUST HAVE talents for prot pallys until, as mentioned before, your defense is so high you're rarely hit).

But then, I guess pointing out such a glaring error makes me one of those Prot pally "trolls", right?

Edited, Jan 2nd 2008 10:36am by hcddog
#22 Jan 02 2008 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
I love have everyone is picking apart dilbrt, even though he clearly said "unless grinding".... Lol.

I'm Prot, so I'll just show you my build:


Redoubt over Imp. Devotion Aura:
- Really and truly I don't even want Redoubt (I hardly get hit, so it pretty much never procs), but I have to spec for it to get what I DO want (read: Shield Spec). If you are already uncrushable (102.4% avoidance) then this talent is useless so long as you can keep Holy Shield up. If you;re not already uncrushable then you had better get so ASAP.
- Imp. Devotion Aura is nice for times when I'm off-tanking but like I said, I need Redoubt for what I really want and don't have the talent points to spend.

Toughness over Guardian's Favor and Precision:
- 10% increase in armor from equipment with Toughness is nothing to sneeze at.
- Guardian's Favor is nice in certain situations (Moroes' Garrote, Divine Shield is on cooldown and I want to jump from a cliff...) but those situations are few and far between for me.
- Precision is also a very nice talent (since if your melee strike doesn't hit neither does your Seal, meaning less threat), but I used my points elsewhere.

Blessing of Kings, Imp. Righteous Fury, Shield Spec, Anticipation:
- Anticipation is a whopping 20 defense skill, which frees up some of my gear for more Stamina or Dodge/Parry/Whatever-the-occasion-calls-for. A must have.
- Shield Spec is also a must have, since it makes my shield absorb 30% more damage. Most of the hits I take are blocked, which makes this talent *SHINE*.
- Imp. Righteous Fury is an easy choice. 6% damage reduction AND more threat? Hell yes.
- I chose Blessing of Kings because: 1.) I can keep aggro in boss fights like nobody's business (so Salvation is not needed, though I do use it for trash mobs). On boss fights the added Stamina and other stats for my raid party are INVALUABLE, since they are BOUND to get hit by a broken sheep/shackle/sap or AoE damage. 2.) I had one talent point floating around that I HAD to spend somewhere, and it fit PERFECTLY here.

NO POINTS IN Stoicism, Improved Hammer of Justice, or Improved Concentration Aura:
- I like Stoicism, I really do. However, most of the Fears I take are in Heroics and not in raids, and in those cases I have Fear Ward on me (making this talent mostly useless). The 30% resist chance against dispel *seems* nice, but... Meh. My talents are better used elsewhere. My spells don't get dispelled often at all.
- Imp. Hammer of Justice is one talent that I REALLY do want, I just don;t have to points to spend on it. I've often found myself in the scenario in a Heroic where HoJ had 10-15 seconds left on cooldown where I would *really* like to use it, but can't... Oh well. You can't get EVERYTHING you want.
- I never use Concentration Aura... Never. I could delve deeper, but this post is getting long.

Spell Warding and Blessing of Sanctuary over Reckoning:
- The 4% reduction in spell damage taken from Spell Warding may not seem like much (and in fact it isn't), but paladins are SEVERELY lacking in defense against spells, and this talent helps.
- Blessing of Sanctuary is a MUST HAVE as a tank. Your threat comes from Holy damage, and this Blessing causes Holy damage when you block (which is VERY often).
- Reckoning is a talent that makes me cry. If it were in the Ret tree, I would giggle with glee. I might even respec to actually farm (I currently don't). But it is in the same boat as Redoubt. You don't get "hit" often enough for it to proc, making it a waste of points. Also, if Reckoning procs on a Boss and it parries you a couple times (which is very likely), the spike damage is going to kill you and your party (debatable I guess, but it's my opinion). And relying on Reckoning for the threat that it can add is a *horrible* idea since it is unreliable... Very unreliable. (This is coming from the view of a level 70 who is uncrushable. While leveling up I DID take this talent, and I LOVED it. I advise EVERY aspiring Tankadin to get this talent while leveling. The problem is that once you are uncrushable it just doesn't proc enough to be worth any points)

Sacred Duty and One-Handed Weapon Specialization:
- 6% more Stamina with Sacred Duty? Hell yes. Paladins lack health compared to Warriors and Druid, and every bit helps. For me the Divine Shield aspect is just an added "perk".
- ALL damage is increased with One-Handed Weapon Spec, meaning Holy damage as well. Holy damage = threat. Threat = good.

Holy Shield, Improved Holy Shield, and Argent Defender:
- Holy Shield is a *MUST HAVE* for a tank. Enough said.
- Ditto for Improved Holy Shield. The more charges Holy Shield has and the more damage it does, the better.
- Some people like to debate Argent Defender, and they may if they wish. I find it EXTREMELY useful for when spike damage has left me with a big 'ol bruise and my healer needs that extra half second to get a heal off. I'd rather he have that extra split second rather than having me die and wipe the raid.

Combat Expertise:
- 10% more Stamina is awesome, and so is the added expertise (since if I don't hit the mob, I don't gain any addition threat).

Avenger's Shield:
- I love it, some don't. Pulling with it can be a pain since if it bounces and hits a sapped target it can lead to a wipe (I've practiced so much that it doesn't happen). If I open with Avenger's Shield, you're not going to pull the mob off me. I don't care what you do or say, it's been tried.


Benediction over Improved Blessing of Might:
- As a tank I use Seals and Judgements, a lot. And I don't have a lot of mana since I'm stacking up Stamina and armor to catch up to my Warrior brethren. The reduction from Benediction may not seem like a lot at first glance, but during a 8 - 10 minute fight it REALLY adds up.
- I don't use Blessing of Might since I have Blessing of Kings (which I only use on boss fights). If there is another Paladin in the raid, he is most likely our Ret Pally who has this talent.

Improved Judgement and Deflection over Improved Seal of the Crusader:
- Improved Judgement means more Judgements of Righteousness, which makes this Tankadin a happy boy. Especially when I'm offtanking a boss and fighting as hard as possible to be second on the threat list.
- The 5% Parry from Deflection is nice since it allows me to get other stats (Stamina to be precise) over Parry Rating. More Stamina is always a plus!
- Improved Seal of the Crusader just isn't worth the points for a Tankadin in my opinion. It is a very nice talent, and if I had the points this is another one that I would *love* to pick up, but I'd rather use my last three points for...

Pursuit of Justice:
- Paladins, as I have said before, are severely lacking in spell damage mitigation/avoidance in comparison to Warriors. The 3% avoidance from this talent may not seem like much, but it adds up. It is true that mitigation would be much better (read: reliable) than avoidance, but we have to take what we are given. It may be "unreliable" (In that case, so are Dodge/Parry and Miss), but it will occasionally save your ***. The extra run speed is also a perk, and one that I enjoy quite a lot.
#23 Jan 02 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Ardent defender...not argent defender...

Other than that that's probably the best formatted and most informative post regarding your personal preference of specific talents that I've ever seen.
#24 Jan 02 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Rate up Deevious, you actually know what you're talking about, more so than a lot of the retarded trolls in this post.

If we had infinite points reckoning would be a wonderful talent. And yes it would actually make more sense in the ret tree, but then again lots of things would make more sense in other trees. (imp might in holy for buffing, imp conc in holy, imp ret in protection, reckoning in ret, divine strength in ret, etc.) As it is, reckoning only procs once in a million years and is not worth sinking 5 points into. Just check out the Oboards, they have discussed this to death. I could care less whether you believe me or not, go ahead and waste the points. I'm just telling you what people have spent hours theory crafting and testing and debating. I'm saving you lots of time by telling you that the research has proven its worthless.
#25 Jan 02 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
124 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Rate up Deevious, you actually know what you're talking about, more so than a lot of the retarded trolls in this post.

If we had infinite points reckoning would be a wonderful talent... As it is, reckoning only procs once in a million years and is not worth sinking 5 points into.

Shows how little you know, Dilbrt, despite your claim to be an uber-elitest who knows all there is, while the rest of us a bunch of "trolls", a term you like throw about (despite the fact you can't see past your "pallys can only heal!" glasses) Let me guess, you think the only good talents worth speccing are in the holy tree, right?

Reckoning rarely procs? Are you !@#$ kidding me? The OP did not ask what talents are good only in 25 man raids, no, he said in general. From levels 35-70, when you ARE getting hit a lot, reckoning procs all the damn time, especially when you have 4-6 mobs beating on you at once, which is where a prot pally shines. In fact, I would say you are a complete fool to have a non-raiding prot build and not have reckoning maxed out. Now like was covered several times before (which dilbrt conveniently ignores), once you are Kara-geared lvl 70 and raiding, as well as being rarely hit, then reckoning loses it's luster. Fortunately, Blizzard built this neat feature into the game called "respeccing" that you can then re-arrange your talent points if you like. From 35-70, reckoning is a godsend, and will be up pretty much all the time, period.

Now, if you want to cite all this "research" how reckoning is crap from 35-70, despite every prot pally guide in the world wide web I've found that says the opposite, then by all means provide a link, and I'll gladly eat my words.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2008 4:07pm by hcddog
#26 Jan 02 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
Hi I'm hcddog and completely ignored the fact that dilbrt included a line "unless you're grinding" (which is the definition of leveling). Please continue on and ignore my posts.
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