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Death Knight = Uber-Retribution PaladinFollow

#1 Dec 28 2007 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
Once Wrath of the Lich King is released, every retribution paladin will be hurriedly leveling to 80 and unlocking a Death Knight. Why? Because that is exactly the kind of playstyle they envisioned when they specced Ret; an offensive, plate wearing, spell casting, damage dealer.

Blizzard should simply replace or get rid of the Retribution tree altogether because it is going to be made obsolete by the introduction of the Death Knight.

Agree or Disagree? Why or why not?

#2 Dec 28 2007 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I disagree for two reasons.

1. This is the dumbest post I have read in a long time on this or any other board.

2. Blizzard has stated (unless they changed it since I last heard) that you only need a level 55 character to unlock a Death Knight.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Mmm... one post. I doubt it.
#3 Dec 28 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,309 posts
I can agree that lots of ret pallies will be unlocking death knight, so will all the druids, and locks, and mages, and just about everyone else in this whole damn game. I can say with about 99% confidence that the death knight population after WotLK will massively surpass the combined total of BE Pallies and Draenei shamans after TBC came out.

I'll personally be unlocking it myself, mainly because when I played FFXI my main was a Dark Knight (I do miss it from time to time) and I was annoyed that WoW didn't have one, the BE pallies at least have a wicked reason for wielding their powers, that made me feel marginally better. Besides, WoW was the only medieval-esque MMO I know without some pseudo evil heavilly armed and armored warrior. I mean, they gave Priest a shadow spec, seems like they should have done that for pallie also.
#4 Dec 28 2007 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
281 posts
I'll personally be unlocking it myself, mainly because when I played FFXI my main was a Dark Knight (I do miss it from time to time)

I'm sure you've seen the word Miss a lot Smiley: laugh.

There is no doubt that everyone and their mom will be unlocking a death knight. But. sadly, it will die down in about 3 months.
#5 Dec 28 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
1,309 posts
UnkemptSuperman, Immortal Lion wrote:
I'll personally be unlocking it myself, mainly because when I played FFXI my main was a Dark Knight (I do miss it from time to time)

I'm sure you've seen the word Miss a lot.

There is no doubt that everyone and their mom will be unlocking a death knight. But. sadly, it will die down in about 3 months.

Yeah yeah... bite me. XD

But hey, accuracy isn't that big of an issue in WoW at least and I will personally be sticking with Death Knight as long as the class is appealing, I am sure it will be. After playing Paladin for so long I really only feel comfortable playing as the hybrid classes, I been leveling a tauren shaman recently and I have to say, I am loving Enhancement spec, Windfury is orgasmic and when I get dual wield in a few levels I imagine it will be more so.
#6 Dec 28 2007 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
I'm currently planning on rerolling myself
#7 Dec 28 2007 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
246 posts
I just don't get why I see people posting stuff about Death Knight on the paladin boards, like its a paladin only thing. At least it wasn't another post about zomg ret dmg pew pew.
#8 Dec 28 2007 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
ZOMG ret dmg pew pew!
#9 Dec 28 2007 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I think, now I may be going out on a limb, but I think Death Knight = Death Knight.
#10 Dec 28 2007 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
CapJack of the Seven Seas wrote:
I think, now I may be going out on a limb, but I think Death Knight = Death Knight.

You of all people should know that thinking is neither required, requested, nor respected on the Pally forums here.
#11 Dec 30 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
1. This is the dumbest post I have read in a long time on this or any other board.

That's equally dumb. It's a perfectly valid point he's making. What if Blizzard announced that the Demon Hunter would be a stealth-focussed lightly armoured DPS'er with the ability to dual-wield, designed to hunt casters? Rogues would chuck a fit the size of Everest.

2. Blizzard has stated (unless they changed it since I last heard) that you only need a level 55 character to unlock a Death Knight.

And that's just irrelevant.

Anyway. I think, in theory, the Death Knight is very similar to a Retribution paladin, and a lot of people to whom the retadin appealed will make the change to DK. But frankly, those people equate to all the bad retadins. The good retadins know that their class isn't expected to be a badass plate-clad DPS'er, but a hybrid support class that can do a bunch of things. Namely heal. In 5-mans, having a second guy who can heal in a pinch is valuable. Death Knights won't be able to do that.

It's not going to "replace" retadins. It may draw some players from paladins to Death Knights, but DK's are supposed to do that, they're basically fallen paladins. Frankly, I agree with Jack. All judgment on the Death Knight should be withheld until the Death Knight is actually available to be judged.
#12 Dec 30 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
OK lets define what a ret paladin is. A plate-wearing, dpser with the ability to use heal spells. Now I know lots of ret try to go "I'm ret I don't heal" but those are the people that don't know how to play their class. Heck I'm holy and I've tanked things before, its part of the class. Anyway, with that definition now you look at DK. DPS/Tank presumably wearing plate casting offensive spells and lacking the ability to heal itself or others. That's a far cry from the definition of paladin. Heck paladin's offensive spells are a joke. I don't think DK is the ultimate ret, I think DK is what the ret players who are terrible and refuse to heal (who probably should have been a warrior anyway) get to play a class more like they imagine in their head. Don't worry, you might change classes but you won't change the skill of the player. They'll suck at DK too.
#13 Dec 30 2007 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
Reasons why this was a dumb post:

Once Wrath of the Lich King is released, every retribution paladin will be hurriedly leveling to 80 and unlocking a Death Knight.

Every Retribution Paladin? Every single one is dissatisfied with their current class and talent setup that they are just looking for something similar yet different enough? I doubt that. Also, you only single out Retribution paladins, I think there will be lots of different class and talent combos that will be hurriedly trying to get a DK.

Why? Because that is exactly the kind of playstyle they envisioned when they specced Ret; an offensive, plate wearing, spell casting, damage dealer.

Again, every Ret wants to be an offensive, plate wearing, spell casting, damage dealer. Again, as has been pointed out, only most of the stubborn "I don't heal" Paladins would fit in this mindset. These are horrible paladins who probably should have rerolled a Warrior a long time ago, but may find their home in the DK. I don't see this as being an issue so much as an inevitability. And honestly, it'll be weeding out those unfit retadins that give them a bad name. Getting rid of those may remove some of the stigma that Ret paladins shouldn't even be invited into 5-mans.


Blizzard should simply replace or get rid of the Retribution tree altogether because it is going to be made obsolete by the introduction of the Death Knight.

Agree or Disagree? Why or why not?

The solution to your problem is not to further diversify or make Ret more versatile for the player. Just get rid of the tree because "no one" is going to use it. This is just ridiculous, may have been an exaggeration, I dunno, but it seems to serious to be an exaggeration. Ret won't be obsolete, it will be refined. It will have washed away the impurities and paladins who want to play the spec for what it is will finally get the chance to shine.

When making an argument, it's so much easier to make your case without talking in ultimates. Words like Every and Obsolete and things like that, just sound ridiculous when read and makes your post seem, as Dilbrt said, dumb.
#14 Dec 30 2007 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
All of you are forgetting one very important thing: level 80. In addition to changes to current existing skills, there will be ten more talent points to spend on brand new talents once WotLK hits. WotLK Retribution might very well be an entirely different beast than TBC Retribution.
#15 Dec 30 2007 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
That is true, TBC Ret was very different from pre-TBC. CS alone made a pretty big difference.
#16 Dec 30 2007 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
If they do what they did when BC comes out, it's highly likely all classes will see a sizable talent revision. This bodes very well for Ret, which is in need of such a thing, and considering that Blizzard will have to differentiate between DK's and retadins, it's likely that WotLK will be very good for Retribution, as opposed to being its demise. If anything, it will force a shift in how people think about retadins by, as Jack said, weeding out the newbie ones.

#17 Dec 31 2007 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
gaudion wrote:

2. Blizzard has stated (unless they changed it since I last heard) that you only need a level 55 character to unlock a Death Knight.

Is this true? I thought you need a level 80 to unlock it, yet the Death Knight you create at that point will be level 50+ to start instead of level 1. Might be I read that wrong...

I hope you are right though because we can see what DK's are like a bit sooner then. For the game I hope you are wrong, because with level 80 required they will pour in slower in numbers instead of the "quick everybody! let's all roll a leetz DK on day one of the WotLK!" scene.
#18 Dec 31 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
What I find stupid about the OP is that he is comparing a single talent tree to an entire class. Do you know what talent trees the DK will have and will they ALL be similar to the retri tree? There will be so many variations of the DK as there are other classes you have no idea how similar it will be to a retadin.
#19 Dec 31 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
Probably a spell casting damage dealing tree, a melee damage dealing tree and a tanking tree.
#20 Dec 31 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
The question does not necessarily represent my view on the Retribution tree or the Death Knight. I have no insight into how the Death Knight will turn out, so this is obviously speculation. It's a reductio ad absurdum argument, I assume a claim and let you reduce it (if you can) to absurdity. Something I know many of you are eager to do, judging from the "you've only got 1 post noob!" response. The fact that this was my first post on the Allakhazam boards is irrelevant to the argument.

I am surprised and glad to see some of you defending the retribution tree, as my honest opinion of it is that it could be made into a viable tree, like the Shadow tree for Priests.

Perhaps the style of the Death Knight will be closer to that of the Shockadin, since they try to make the most of their offensive spell damage. Regardless, would it be fair to say that both in lore and in play style the Death Knight is more like the Paladin than any other class? Retribution tree aside, is it possible that many Paladins had something like the Death Knight in mind when they started playing their class?

Furthermore, does the idea of a playable Death Knight bother anyone? I understand that the Death Knight is a part of Warcraft lore specifically in relation to WotLK, but why a Death Knight as the new player hero class? As has been stated by others on these forums, everyone and their second cousin will likely be playing one, because who the heck wouldn't want to play a character called "Death Knight". They might as well call the new hero class a Pwnduintheass Monk or a Griefer Guru or C*huck N*orris, ect.

Edited, Dec 31st 2007 12:08pm by OleTorMagna

Edited, Dec 31st 2007 12:10pm by OleTorMagna

Edited, Dec 31st 2007 12:10pm by OleTorMagna

Edited, Dec 31st 2007 12:12pm by OleTorMagna

Edited, Dec 31st 2007 12:23pm by OleTorMagna
#21 Dec 31 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
Well this post is a lot better than the first one. People with first posts usually are asking questions that have already been asked, or are making arguments that have already been argued. Or wild claims. Your post fell in that third category and that's the we responded.

I gave up trying to cling on to some semblence of lore in the game and just go with the flow. The Draenei even being around is weird enough, let alone millions of them on the servers. Death Knights should not be able to rebel against the Lich King, it would take an incredible will that not even Mograine posesses, and I doubt that 12 yr-old down the street possesses that will.

And in terms of which class the DK is most like, it's only associated with Paladins because they wear plate and traditionally most of them are fallen Paladins. If they had the same abilities and had more closer ties with Shamans lore-wise and wore mail then they would be more associated with Shamans.

The fact is, they are just different. The way they are being presented associates them with being closer to Paladins, but their ability set and their playstyle will and should be much different.
#22 Dec 31 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, I really didn't understand putting the Death Knight in as a playable character at all. They are by definition evil. I mean by a lore stand point, the only group I could see being sympathetic to them are the forsaken. And even they would be uneasy around one. Maybe it's me, but this all gives me the same unease as when Star Wars Galaxies let everyone become Jedi.

This seemed like a good enough place to put my first post as well!
#23 Dec 31 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Well from what I've read lore-wise, it seems that the forsaken will have come up with a way to break the psychic hold that the lich-king has on the DKs while letting them retain the abilities.

Kinda like you are evil, then the spell is broken and you can fight for good.... kinda like the green ranger. OH yeah... I went there.
#24 Dec 31 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Shoot, if they gave me a flute/sword I would re-roll a DK in a heart beat!

. . . re-reading this looks very bad out of Power Ranger context :(
#25 Dec 31 2007 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
It's just gonna be a ShadowKnight/Dark Knight from any other game... Blizzard just perfects what other's have done, doesn't do too many "new" things.

Dark Knight entails LifeDrains, DoTs (presumably with an obnoxious side effect such as a Blind or Snare), a crappy fear, some stat-steals (probobly str and agi), and perhaps some form of weapon imbuing/proccing.

Sounds like a cross between Warrior/Warlock moreso than anything else, just like in the other games.

Oh also Death Knight has an ability to play a song and make a giant lizard robot come out of a harbor and smash the same exact building over and over again.
#26 Dec 31 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
That last point alone would be enough for me to roll a DK and keep doing that over and over and over again.
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