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Arms warrior vs Feral DruidFollow

#1 Dec 27 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
Greetings druids!

I am a lvl 70 arms warrior, and have been having much difficulty facing off against feral druids (especially in bear form).

Ive got about 5 lvl 70 pvp epics on, and I am using the BS crafted Lionheart blade. MS crits = 550 dmg -_-

Ive tried even shielding up and sundering down the armor, then grabbing the two hander again, but still had almost no effect. Not to mention the heals the druids have access to. To counter the heals I would use first aid, but in the end, I am still overwhelmed by the druids seemingly endless amount of health, and impenetrable armor.

So, I come here not to QQ, but for guidance. Are there any weaknesses of your class that an arms warrior could exploit to his/her advantage? Where would the warrior have the edge on you guys? What should the warrior really be careful of against you guys? etc..

thanks in advance =)
#2 Dec 27 2007 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
349 posts
To counter the heals you should be using the MS debuff on him at all times. In fights against druids, your trinket would be your best friend. Even for us when we use our insta-HoTs, they should be already gimped by the MS debuff, so we would need to come out and heal once in a while. Most druids would at this point, change to bear form, bash (and maybe a cyclone?) and come out to heal. On your side would be to trinket and intercept. And Execute. Dead Druid. If he does a Maim, so much the better, you have Berserker Rage for that.

And besides, bear doesn't do much damage against your own armor any way. So we have to damage in cat form, in which the armor is miserable.

But as you already know, watch out. A good feral druid can kick butt.

If you are having this much trouble with a feral though, you would take forever to kill a resto one. =)
#3 Dec 27 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Bloodthunder wrote:
And besides, bear doesn't do much damage against your own armor any way.

5pt Lacerate + Mangle.

'Nuff said. I usually don't have issues with Warriors, unless they outgear me by a lot. I have the armor, the stuns and the heals to make life hell for a Warrior. However, I've also been slaughtered in record time by Warriors who were heavily geared.

Execute, how I hate thee. It always seems to crit.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#4 Dec 27 2007 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Bloodthunder wrote:
And besides, bear doesn't do much damage against your own armor any way.

5pt Lacerate + Mangle.

ok, so that's 1250 damage or so over 15 seconds. What about the other 9000 hp?
#5 Dec 27 2007 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Bloodthunder wrote:
And besides, bear doesn't do much damage against your own armor any way.

5pt Lacerate + Mangle.

ok, so that's 1250 damage or so over 15 seconds. What about the other 9000 hp?

Warriors attempting to deal damage are usually in Berserker Stance, but even if they're not Plate with a 2H has a lot less armor than Bear Form. Using a shield turns it into a pure attrition race that the Warrior has absolutely zero hope of winning because they can't regain HP.

Against a geared PvP Feral Druid you can be nearly tanked the entire way down before they'd have to do anything other than sit in Bear Form and keep Lacerate/Mangle up. It's not a good fight for the Warrior.
#6 Dec 27 2007 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
RPZip wrote:
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Bloodthunder wrote:
And besides, bear doesn't do much damage against your own armor any way.

5pt Lacerate + Mangle.

ok, so that's 1250 damage or so over 15 seconds. What about the other 9000 hp?

Warriors attempting to deal damage are usually in Berserker Stance, but even if they're not Plate with a 2H has a lot less armor than Bear Form. Using a shield turns it into a pure attrition race that the Warrior has absolutely zero hope of winning because they can't regain HP.

Against a geared PvP Feral Druid you can be nearly tanked the entire way down before they'd have to do anything other than sit in Bear Form and keep Lacerate/Mangle up. It's not a good fight for the Warrior.

Oh I fully agree. It's a very stacked deck against the warrior. I'm just saying Lacerate isn't the reason why. Spend that rage on maul and mangle.
#7 Dec 27 2007 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
heh i thought everyone knew that fur=god mode
#8 Dec 28 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
I'd say arms warrior's only shot against a bear is to out dps him/her and interrupt heals, then execute. An arms warrior is going to do far more damage to a bear than a bear will to an arms warrior. The problem is, of course, the bear can heal and stun and has far more armor and hp. Keep MS up and hope we're dumb enough to go kitty.
#9 Dec 28 2007 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
Acutally lacerate and mangles is really effective. You arn't letting lacerate expire so it's a constant DoT during the entire fight. Maul is probably the least effective attack for the rage cost and should only be used as a rage dump.

Still, unless the warrior gets really lucky on their crits/has a big gear advantage, they arn't going to win toe to toe with a feral in bear form. Why? Imp LotP. With an extended fight like that, a druid will heal a fair chunk of health just off crits which isn't effected by mortal strike. So you not trying to chew your way through 13k hp behind 20k+ armor but more like 18k health. The longer a druid can extend the fight, the more they will heal over the fight and the less chance a warrior actually has to win.

I know somewhere Quor is shaking his head. "Druids should not be able to beat the parent class at their own game!" But with the current mechanics, bear form will win 1v1 against an arms warrior and that is unlikely to change any time soon.

Of course, I prefer to be a little more feral when fighting warriors just to speed up the fight. Pounce and 5p Rip then go bear gives alot of bleed damage to finish them off quickly while they beat helplessly on my armor.

Edited, Dec 28th 2007 4:56pm by SirJac
#10 Dec 28 2007 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
the worst thing a feral druid can do vs an arms war is feral charge him.

in short, no feral druid (no druid of any spec really) should lose to an equally geared warrior. druids have every advantage over warriors, and in a 1v1 environment have no reason to lose outside of acts of god.

as for tips vs a feral druid....try to get him to feral charge you. keep sunder up, but still use your 2h, since youll win via damage. your most important things to keep on him are hamstring, mortal strike, and sunder. everything else is secondary. keep sunder at max, use hamstring to gain positioning to help make your life last longer, and keep MS on him for the inevitable heal attempt, be it thru frenzied regen or a bash + heal or something similar.
#11 Dec 30 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
For the record, my Bear crits for 1200+ with Mangle on Paladin Gladiator armor. Tested it last night. Self-buffed and attacked a Paladin camper. No, I'm not trying to show off, just showing how "lousy" our Bear damage is against plate armor.

Lacerate does excellent damage for the rage cost (once stacked) and it's a bleed effect, meaning the Warrior won't be able to bandage. It's the versatility in the attack that I like, it's not the damage. I also use a 1pt Lacerate to keep Rogues from stealthing/bandaging.

Once Lacerate has been stacked and even if you're spamming Mangle, you should have a heavy amount of rage coming in. Usually when fighting mobs, I go full rage in a matter of seconds, even with Lacerate and Mangles and the occasional Demo Roar. I'm not saying dump Maul for Lacerate, just use Lacerate as well, Selebrin.

Once Lacerate is stacked, I switch to Maul and Mangle spam with a Lacerate once in a while to keep the DoT ticking.

You're playing a Druid, dammit. Stop thinking in black and white.

Edited, Dec 30th 2007 3:43pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12REDACTED, Posted: Jan 08 2008 at 10:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hahaha......yes for an arms war....druids r very hard to beat wen ur a war but u jux gotta noe to CLIK on em wenever u see it lol.....the only way to beat one is tat druids will always go to bear form cuz they have to cuz if they go to cat they will die automatically unless hes a pro at catform lol.....ok now in bear form THEY ATTK REALLY SLOW lol....and they dont really dps on u unless they use maul or mangle u...but thats like a 60% becuz war got high amount of armor like druids (in bear form) so yea....u can beat em if u have dps or not the way u play ur war....and they always heal after there health is low they will sumtimes use there frenzied and then thats how the war will lose cuz there health is alredy low i think the only way to beat em if they will never heal and taking there health down faster than they r to u so yea.....tats the only way to beat em and always sunder them lol!!!
#13 Jan 08 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
enigmaforever wrote:
hahaha......yes for an arms war....druids r very hard to beat wen ur a war but u jux gotta noe to CLIK on em wenever u see it lol.....the only way to beat one is tat druids will always go to bear form cuz they have to cuz if they go to cat they will die automatically unless hes a pro at catform lol.....ok now in bear form THEY ATTK REALLY SLOW lol....and they dont really dps on u unless they use maul or mangle u...but thats like a 60% becuz war got high amount of armor like druids (in bear form) so yea....u can beat em if u have dps or not the way u play ur war....and they always heal after there health is low they will sumtimes use there frenzied and then thats how the war will lose cuz there health is alredy low i think the only way to beat em if they will never heal and taking there health down faster than they r to u so yea.....tats the only way to beat em and always sunder them lol!!!

Dude. Seriously. Painful.
If you're gonna necropost, at least put in a LITTLE effort.
You're on a computer, not a fkn mbl fon txt'n 2 ur frnz.

This is not about typos or grammatical errors or even the occasional "cuz" for a because...I do all three myself all the time. It's about intentionally spelling things like are and you as r and u every time. God that's annoying.

You'll tell me to bugger off or whatever you kids say to old people you think are being grumpy, but trust me writing like you do annoys 98% of the people who read it, and makes it less likely that you'll be listened to, or get help when you need it. Please just consider this friendly(ish) advice to help you not be so annoying.

- Capitalize the first words of sentences.
- Occasional line breaks are worth their weight in gold.
- r = are
- wen = when
- ur = you're
- u = you
- noe = know
- there health = their health
- An ellipsis (that's the ... thing you abuse to no end) is not punctuation necessary on every damn sentence. Try a period every once in a while.
- I'm sure you are a very funny person, but lol'ing at every other statement is just silly. At least save it for when you're trying to be funny.

EDIT: PLEASE let's not let the fact that this one grumpy old man couldn't hold back his criticism turn this thread into a big off-topic debate about whether or not "ritn lik tis" is annoying or not. For the record, I myself won't participate or respond to any messages on the matter, and I hope you won't either. Have a nice day.

And no, Dundermifflin is not a sock puppet of mine, lol. : )

Edited, Jan 8th 2008 10:53am by JeeBar

Edited, Jan 8th 2008 10:55am by JeeBar
#14 Jan 08 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
As mentioned above, that post was 100% annoying!

Back to the topic at hand and a couple of tips on defeating a Feral Druid.

1. Take full advantage of cat form as armor is low and they are vulnerable, provided of course they're foolish enough to stay in cat form.

2. Do not let him/her cyclone you to give them time to heal. Druids must leave feral form to do this so stay close and stun and/or disrupt them as much as possible.

3. And the obvious is to hold them off long enough for help to arrive (in pvp or raids)

Keric - 70 Feral Druid

Edited, Jan 8th 2008 2:05pm by Dundermifflin
#15 Jan 09 2008 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
256 posts
This is all very good advice and all, but seriously the only three ways for a fury warrior to beat a feral druid are:

- Out gearing the druid by a lot!
- If the druid is a complete noob
- If you bring a friend

Sorry but that's the way it is. When I'm pvp'in i can usually take out two warriors at the same time without even needing to heal mid fight. Same goes with warrior and rogue, except skilled rogues do complicate things a bit more.
#16 Jan 09 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
Quor, what's the problem with feral-charging an arms war?

JeeBar, no offense, but that's a pretty long OT post for someone not wanting to start an OT debate. (But yeah, I agree that stuff is extremely annoying).
#17 Jan 09 2008 at 9:44 AM Rating: Default
I hate to say this but you chance of beat feral not that great. It can be done but you have to out damage druid & save you stuns to stop him from healing and hope for the best.
#18 Jan 09 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Crappy writing is reserved for the OOT forum.

And JeeBar, I love you. Srsly.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Jan 09 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Quor, what's the problem with feral-charging an arms war?

arms warriors typically have a talent called second wind. what this talent does is, anytime the warrior is rooted or stunned, he regenerates 10% of his max health and 20 rage over 10 seconds. essentially, anytime you feral charge a warrior, you're healing that warrior for 10%. considering that feral charge is on a 15s cooldown, a druid who feral charges as often as possible is at a significant disadvantage.

Edited, Jan 9th 2008 4:17pm by Quor
#20 Jan 10 2008 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
Aha! Thanks Quor. Man, I have really got to learn more about the other classes.
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