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Your latest warrior accomplishment threadFollow

#102 May 02 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
Korokodo wrote:
DarkKnightZero wrote:

I was doing kara (different toon) with my guild and just before getting the chess event, I told the group that I wanted to switch to my warrior to get a shot for the KD since the MT already had the sword and there weren't any other tanks in the group. You guess it: we opened the chest and voila...there's the KD.

Is the Kings Defender comparable to a Ridill?
I think its closer to a Joyeuse or even a gluttony sword

it's actually more like a hybrid of the Hauteclaire and the Macahuitl
#103 May 07 2008 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
Well - last week I had a few days off work as there were a bunch of public holidays here in South Africa.

So I spent the week grinding and managed to make 4k gold in 1 week. Also managed to get together mats for my Red Belt of Battle (The girl who was gonna make it for me went away for the weekend) and also for the Cloak of Darkness. I know the Vengeance Wrap is better but I urgently need a cloak (mine is still green) and the mats for CoD are way cheaper and easier to get on my server than the CoV. Primal air is selling for 50g a pop and I already have the leather, nethers and shadow for the Darkness cloak.

Also managed to get 48 badges in 1 week without going to a single raid. 3 heroics a day FTW.
#104 May 07 2008 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
get retro to make you the RBoB.

o.O primal air is 50g per????? wtf

gj on the badge farming!
#105 May 07 2008 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
When my warrior dinged 39 he was able to use all of the Scarlet Monestary. So instead of using my mount money for my mount at 40, I bought some mickey mouse enchants and whatnot for my gear and headed on out the SM. He was prot spec, and I love prot spec. So I cleared all of the non elites outside of the instances. Then hopped into Graveyard. Other than a couple pulls, everything went smoothly and I soloed it. One down. On to library. That one was a *****. But by using last stand 3 times and shield wall once, along with a couple fears, a lot of bandages, and some timely pots and pvp trinkets, I made it through. Finally, the big one Cath. The instance is really pretty easy until you get inside. I was surprised to solo 3 pulls, 38 and 39 elites. Sure I used an average of 2 pots a pull but I was determined to kill them all! Wiped it clean. Shield wall was off cd on Mograine fight and again I had to last stand 3 or 4 times in total. But I did it. I owned SM. Now all I need to do is get Naxx attuned and get me the Corrupted Ashbringer so I can hop in there and have them all BOW DOWN TO ME as they should. Right?
#106 May 08 2008 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
well, still on Kara... but good progress for me in a PuG group...

Tanked Prince... was fun... wiped once... but then a deck'd out lock nuked him and Prince just ran over to him...

Tanked Netherspite... finally figured out the whole ticks, dance in and out of beam thing... and it was yet, another learning experience with a lot of fun.

OT'd Nightbane... glad to finally see him downed...
i was basically in DPS gear and making sure my BS, DS, TC was up as well as sunders... and when he goes up in air, i swapped to Def to help taunt off adds...

received Boots of Elusion... already had battlescar boots... but not bad... a bit more stam...

more so than gear, the experience was a woot...
#107 May 21 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
869 posts
It took a nice chunk of cash and most of my play time since late last week has gone to farming for mats, but I'm now DW'ing Black Planar Edges (2.4.2 ftw!)

Theyre a pretty significant upgrade over my old axes (Sun-Forged Cleaver and Harvester of Souls).

Just in time for tonight's Kara raid too. Pretty excited to see how much (more) hell I can unleash with full raid buffs. I'm still behind most of the raid from a gear standpoint, but these should close that gap considerably. I'll just have to keep a governor on the WW spam and go with lesser self-buffs until I get a better idea of how much more threat I'm generating.
#108 May 21 2008 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Update: 39 warrior is now 67. New accomplishments. Prot spec still:

Soloed: The Foot of the Citadel at lv 63
Windroc Mastery, Talbuk Mastery, and Clefthoof Mastery at lv 67
Tusker at lv 67

Story time: So I'm in Nagrand at the Burning Blade Ruins minding my own business. I pull about 4 mobs and after killing them I am left with only about half health. I see an enemy Shadow Priest about to get smashed by a mob and decide to save him, killing the two mobs that were on him. We both sit down and eat and drink. I start walking away and pull a mob. Half way through killing it, you guessed it that ******* dots me up and starts killing me. I kill the mob and /sorry, /beg the guy about 5 times but he won't stop. So then I /sigh at him, now at about half health, intercept, zerker rage, bam boom he's at about 20% health, but I'm at about 10%. So what does the idiot do? Fear (zerker was up and i had switched back to defensive to mitigate) and then charges up a mind blast. I literally /lol, /dance, and then hit spell reflect as he mind blasts + shadow word deaths himself. GG priesty, gg.
#109 May 22 2008 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
I guess I have to post mine ...

1) Went from 1-375 Eng in 2 days .. got my Furious Gizmatic goggles and Epic flying machine ... now I'm waiting to see what eng goodness comes out of the expansion ... call me an optimist ;)

2) When 2.4 hit (and nethers of all shapes and sizes became tradable) ... I crafted my Wicked Edge ... got the nethers for 40g each and the vortices for 120g each ... I timed it just right, ignoring the initial flood at stupidly high prices, then watching the prices plummet as everybody tried to undercut everyone else ... I do believe I got them at their low point.

3) 2 weeks ago, over the course of that week, I got my Vengeance wrap crafted (begged, borrowed and stole 5 shadowcloth Cd's from some buddies), got my red belt crafted, did my first Mech heroic (I don't instance much) - it was the daily and I needed 4 more badges for the Vanir's off hand fist, which I got ... we steam-rollered the place, and I ended the instance on 700dps (Max BT crit was a shade under 3k, Max Victory Rush was 3.1k - go figure !!).... second to the mage who just topped 1000 dps, and over-shadowing the 'lock by around 100 dps.

That was the week I did my eng powerlevel, so I picked up 4 pieces of really top-notch gear in that one week.

AP is now at 1850
Crit is now at 31%
Hit rating is around the 150 mark

All of this with only every having done a single heroic ... 3 half kara runs (where most of my badges came from) ... and 2 full normal instance runs (Steamvault and Shadow labs iirc).

I feel quite happy with what I've been able to do given those restrictions :-D

Edited, May 22nd 2008 9:06am by robertlofthouse
#110 May 23 2008 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
842 posts
whoa. nice. you went from the outhouse to the penthouse there in no time flat!

nice story about pwning the shadow priest also P

as for myself, nothing much... except i MT'd gruul and lurker both on the same day, and we had a guild first by downing both bosses on the same day. we'd done HKM/gruul before and just lurker by himself before, but that was two months ago when we had about twenty well-geared raiders with us before we lost 5 of them to EU servers and about 10-15 to a further progressed "hardcore" guild... including a full T4/5 warrior MT and feral druid OT. since then, i had recruited about 40-50 toons as the guild's recruitment officer (have since been promoted through a class leader-level rank to a rank just under the GM) and we had geared another new raiding core through kara to get this far. now we are looking at killing off void reaver, solarian and lurker within the next week or so.

gotta love progression =)

oh yea... i topped dps fighting aran today too. as the MT in my fury gear i hit 923 dps >=)
#111 Jun 16 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
Last night in Un'goro (level 53 at the time). I was wandering around the silthid nest looking for the hatchery, when out of nowhere two horde rogues level 50 and 53 jumped me. Somehow they failed to stun lock me (which really surprised me). Intimidating shout, the 53 took off like a lemming, while the 50 quivered in front of me. I rampaged, and burned down the 50 just as the 53 was returning. Turned around and burned down the 53.

Then I teleported to Tanaris - I figured they couldn't possibly ***** up a stun lock twice. Good thing about fighting rogues: if they goober it up, they give you lots and lots of rage to work with.

It was the best day of Nyavene's (my toon) life.
#112 Jun 17 2008 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
I made a Gnome Warrior named Football.
#113 Jun 24 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Had a spur-of-the-moment urge to clear all my Sunken Temple quests last night. With two somewhat overpowered guildees and two PUGs, my 52 2H-Slam spec warrior is the only non-squishy melee type. I switch from my levelling weapon (Bonechewer with a Crusader enchant) to my tanking set (Viking Warhammer with a Crusader enchant and Valorous Shield).

In the process of a full clear, the following drops come my way:

Crest Of Supremacy
Dire Nail of the Bear
Fist of the Damned
Smoldering Claw
Bludgeon of the Grinning Dog (off an early greed roll I would have gladly passed had I known the rest was coming)

Add to this embarrasment of riches the Chained Essence of Eranikus I got from the Temple quest and the Diamond Flask I'll get from completing the warrior quest, and this formerly trinketless warrior is now set in both slots.

I'm still not sure if it's worth it to switch to one of my newly acquired weapons (with another Crusader enchant, of course), but it's certainly a nice decision to have. Given that I always seem to be the guy who gets the loot shaft and never sees a good world drop, I guess I was due.

Edited, Jun 24th 2008 12:22pm by Panteleone
#114 Jun 24 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
96 posts
I got my prot warrior to level 64 after letting him collect a great amount of rested XP! I'm really looking forward on getting him to 70 and do plenty of BG's and arenas ^_^d
#115 Jun 26 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
869 posts
KZ last night... my 3rd time tanking and 1st as 'MT,' the guild got its 2nd full clear. Maiden's gloves came to me, and I walked away with enough badges to buy the Badge chest... ridding myself of my last vestiges of blue-ness. If I can find some reasonable tanking boots I can start focusing more on my Fury kit (which also got a lil help with Curator's ring and Shade's neck coming my way).

There were a few hiccups early on... took some messy trash pulls for me to gel with some overzealous DPS. And we wiped once (Netherspite... beam rotation gone wrong). But other than that it was a pretty clean run.
#116 Jun 29 2008 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
I managed to get my warriors Herb to 300 from 150 last night.
Also got told by an in-game friend that if I supply the primal lifes and the nether for the bracers of the green fortress, he'll supply the 6 hardened adamantite bars.
And also got an extra 1.2k rep with Keepers of time, which puts me 1.2k off revered (hello sweet tanking pants and glyph)
#117 Jun 29 2008 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
I started Bging hardcore with my 49 warrior, and they did not take a flag I was defending because I would spam Thunder Clap like a **** to interrupt and give our other guys a chance to get in the action. I was dropping hamstrings left and right and critting the heck out of my Heroic Strike. I also got some great timely heals and managed to not let anyone get away. I finally got the hang of what I am supposed to do exactly in BGs and it has helped me so much. I alos got my Defilers Plate Greaves which are rad. All in all I'm going to love PVPing at 70.
#118 Jun 30 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
Well last night I managed to get my herbalism to 330, which helped me farm the extra 13 Primal Lifes needed for Bracers of the Green Fortress.
Just need to wait for my mate to hop online now so he can craft em for me (luckily he's throwin in the 6 hardened adamantite bars).

Edited, Jun 30th 2008 11:08pm by RuinatorVek
#119 Jul 14 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Not much of an accomplishment compared to some but ...

My guild just one-shotted Opera and Curator when we'd never seen them before. (After that, we had to call it a night, damn real life commitments). So far, we've crushed through every boss but Moroes on the first try. Moroes -- well, he took two tries. We didn't quite have our strat mapped out the first time.

Got some nice Boots of Elusion and slapped a +12 stamina enchant on them just before Curator. They go nicely with my Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden from last week. T4 glove token dropped, but I passed it to our druid co-tank ... he's gotten a bit shorted in Kara so far.

To top it off, we got PEPPERED with random purple gear drops this week (hell, our one boomkin got 3 purples this one run), almost *all* of which got picked up by someone worthy. :-)

Suffice it to say, I'm pretty happy right now.
#120 Jul 14 2008 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
In the past few weeks, I decided to get back into progression tanking. I turned the guild I have that consists of real life friends over to one of my alts and apped to one of the top guilds on server. While my gear was definitely not up to par (as they're killing Illidan, and I was in a mixture of Kara/Badge gear), I know a lot of their raiding core and officers crew from back when I actually raided. Knowing that despite my gear level, I knew what I was doing, I was able to get my foot in the door. I've managed to gear up very rapidly in the past few weeks, got my hands on my T6 shoulders, and finally got to see something that was put on the back burner for a long time tonight...I got to see Illidan.
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