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Your latest warrior accomplishment threadFollow

#1 Dec 26 2007 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
842 posts
why don't we have a sticky thread like this o.O

anyway, to the point...

i got iron gauntlets of the maiden off maiden in kara today. before that, i ran Hmech for the 22nd time and finally got the sun eater ^^ i slapped mongoose on it and kicked some azz.

also 25 badges short of unwavering legguards.
#2 Dec 26 2007 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
I went into the BG's as full prot and was shield slamming people for 1.3k! That was hawt! Other than that, I got the shoulders off the first boss in ZA switched to prot, and rape instances with my former enhance shaman, now turned healy. We decided to take a break from DPS to explore the other side of our class.

Grats FROMAN!!!

EDIT: I just got Red Belt of Battle!!

Edited, Dec 27th 2007 9:07pm by PigeonMan
#3 Dec 26 2007 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
My warrior at level 40 had more purples than greens.

Made a warrior alt on a new realm to play with a RL friend. Going through VC I body-pulled the whole goblin smelting room (low on arrows) and I managed to single-pull all but one of the pulls (excepting sneed and the two linked groups on the ramp).

Edited, Dec 26th 2007 10:27pm by skribs
#4 Dec 27 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
35 draenei warrior, 15 points into the Protection tree ~

I came out of Witherbark Village in Arathi, got a few pot-shots taken at me by an orc hunter. I switched to zerker stance and Intercepted him, laid on a hamstring and chased him all the way to Go'shek Farm, where he ran into a mass of Horde guards. Guess he figured on me dying..

..Shield Wall + Last Stand + Gift of the Naaru = six dead guards, one dead hunter, and me walking out rofling so hard I almost crit my pants. =p That's an honor kill I was glad to screenshot *grin*
#5 Dec 27 2007 at 1:47 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts

i was defending the mine in AB from a holy priest, frost mage, resto druid, arms warrior, and combat rogue. i wasnt solo thankfully, at least not at the start, but all i had was a feral druid and a shadow priest. two non-healing hybrids + warrior gets trumped by two healing-hybrids + three dps. or so youd think. but the thing is, im Quor, The Bringer of Blunt Trauma.

after about three minutes of combat we finally lost the mine, but we had managed to send the holy priest and resto druid back to their GY. however, they had had time to run back, and my druid and shadow priest allies had just died to the war/rogue/mage combo still at the flag. there was nothing i could do, but i was hell-bent on sending at least two of those horde back to the farm.

the rogue was lowest, so i charged him, got a nice meaty crit and was able to finish him with a quick MS. hitting bloodrage, i hamstrung (with an imp hamstring proc!) the warrior as the frost mage novaed me, but unfortunately for the frost mage, i had my trinket so i broke nova and intercepted while the warrior lay there helplessly rooted. thanks to the damage the warrior did to me as well as second wind, i was able to Q up heroic strike, landing another big crit on the mage as i intercepted, killing him before he blinked.

now, killing two low guys in quick succession really isnt all that special. the special (and funny) part of it was watching the druid load each guy up with HoT's only to watch them die before they get more than a single tick off, or watching the holy priest TRY SO HARD to cast flash heal but to no avail.

i spent the next two minutes there, hounding the druid the priest and the warrior in defensive stance while waiting for the mine flag to turn. it eventually did, and 3v1 is a lost cause anyway, but i kept the hordes two top healers and their top warrior busy trying to kill a lone defensive warrior at mine. the results of this made it all worthwhile; we capped the farm and LM, giving us a solid four cap, and making these three horde the only horde past the farm. a quick mop up crew consisting of a few friends of mine got there just as i died, killed the horde, and recapped the mine. one minute later we had the horde bottled at the den and 5-capped.

it was glorious.
#6 Dec 27 2007 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
I was at 5v5 arena.

One of the battles eded me vs ice mage. I pretty much owned him with spell reflect. Sweet feeling. Yes - he was a noob.
#7 Dec 27 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Me and my friend just 4-manned ulda with a pair of rogues, I held aggro so well his healing was pretty easy (just me, even on 7-mob pulls). In fact, after we got to the area with the dwarves and the golems, his man pool never went under 2800. I should mention he doesnt even have 3k mana.
#8 Dec 27 2007 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
I successfully dpsed Heroic Blood Furnace. Had a great time.

I also PVPed until I could get the Vindicator's Plate Belt.
#9 Dec 28 2007 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,505 posts
I specced from prot to fury for the hols since we arent raiding and went UB heroic and kicked the **** out of the damage meter.

35% Me
24% random Mage

He was fire and the closest on damage Smiley: grin

Btw, that was first time i dps'ed in a heroic, or a outland instance really :)
#10 Dec 28 2007 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
*Last night in Kara... the only boss I've yet to see was Nightbane (never had enough healers at one time for it). We did yesterday. I was scared as h3ll main tanking him.

1 shotted booyaa.

There was a time it got hectic, but we ended up winning with only a healer going down. I used all my CDs(trinkets, HP stones, HP pots, Sheild Wall, stoneshield pot).

*Also, I got to Co-Tank Bear boss in ZA. Again, 1 shotted. We wiped on a trash pull leading up to boss, but it happens. Our #1 tank in the guild got the tanking boots from him, we were all happy.

*Finally in EotS- A mage had me to 20% and just nova'd me... going for Pyro (6sec spell)... I'm dead...I'm dead... NOPE, spell reflect FTW. He crited himself for 5+K and one shotted himself Smiley: yippee

Edited, Dec 28th 2007 2:07pm by GYFFORD
#11 Dec 28 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts

*Finally in EotS- A mage had me to 20% and just nova'd me... going for Pyro (6sec spell)... I'm dead...I'm dead... NOPE, spell reflect FTW. He crited himself for 5+K and one shotted himself icon

#12 Jan 09 2008 at 1:32 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
47 warrior tanking maraudon, with a ret pally and a DW fury warrior in the group, both level 51. If that wasn't bad enough for me to try and hold aggro (DW warrior I'm assuming was using heroic strike a lot, and pally DPS is not aggro-reduction-friendly, plus they got 4 levels on me) the warrior was an ex-semi-twink who accidentally levelled, and had no idea how to follow a marking system. On a 2-mob pull, I've got the warrior on one mob and the paladin on the other, and neither of them were holding back. I managed to keep threat on both mobs through the whole fight (excepting when I was only focusing on the one everyone was SUPPOSED to focus on, after I taunted when they were both at about 70% health they stayed on me) while keeping up shield block.
#13 Jan 09 2008 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
150 posts
Hells yeah! Just respecced into arms form prot. I quit playing and my guild bumped me off our 3 kara teams as tank. we needed DPS. And i answered the call. I respecced into Arms and started to play some BG and Arenas.

And yesterday it happened! It was AV time and I was in defence at Dun Balder bridge/SP gy with 6 other guys. 2 healers, a rogue, a feral drood 2 hunters and a lock. So, when the horde came, And we're talking loads of horde, I was the only one visible or in range for many of them, so they all targeted me. I got Dots on me, pyros and so on. the healers healed me, and I thought. ok, here we go. Zerker, bloodrage, intercept, white crit, recklessness, whirlwind(needless to say, all critted), white hit. Pow, mage down. Popped Deathwish, a lock tried to fear me, immune(lol) MS, white hit, execute, lock down. Ambushed by rogue, bleeding and poisoned like hell. Stoneform, Bow! All gone. battle stance, white hit that he dodged, overpower crit = dead rogue(he was allready getting raped by our hunters) From there on and out, the horde saw the hate in my eyes and ran back to their mommies. a few wounded hordies got left behind. needless to say, we executed them!

why go attacking in AV when plenty of hordies comes running into your lap in defenece!
#14 Jan 09 2008 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
Where to begin,

I got me the tanking belt from moroes, and the Dabiri's Enigma Trinket from Netherstorm.

I ran my first Heroic last night, SP, and get the traitor's Noose and the Midnight Legguards (No rogues were in the group, so they should make some secksie raiding pants.)

And I was planning on getting a 2h Mace for PvP, but I think I'll get the 2 S1 Swords for DW instead.
#15 Jan 09 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
Last night during Hyjal I got Blood-stained Pauldrons and Choker of Serrated Blades in the same run, as well as now being attuned to Black Temple. It was an awesome night. Now to figure out how to stay away the rest of the day at work on 3hrs sleep. Oh..Archimonde is going down this week!

Edited, Jan 10th 2008 1:09pm by PigeonMan
#16 Jan 09 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
PigeonMan wrote:
Last night during Hyjal I got Blood-stained Pauldrons and Choker of Serrated Blades in the same run, as well as now being attuned to Black Temple. It was an awesome night. Now to figure out how to stay away the rest of the day at work on 3hrs sleep. Oh..Archimonde is going down this week!

Coffee my good man...Lots and lots of Coffee!
#17 Jan 09 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Default
I think I've been tainted with Insomnia...will that help too!? lol Coffee makes me ****.
#18 Jan 10 2008 at 12:33 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Wrong link there, pigeon.
#19 Jan 10 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Default
Meh it was 6AM, i was on 3hrs of sleep ='( do you forgive me skribs?
#20 Jan 10 2008 at 5:27 AM Rating: Default
Not sure if I would qualify this as an accomplishment but I had some fun at least. For the past couple of days since I reached level 70 I've been working on grinding dungeons for items to disenchant and practice enchanting. I've been working in Scarelt Monastery for two days and yesterday when I had finished the instance I saw a bunch of lowlie allys who had just finished the instance. So I decided to have some fun and attacked, killed them, remained outside the instance for when they came back. I also set up a campfire to have some fun. These guys where around lvl 38, it was really payback for when you were around that level and got ganked by high lvl allys.

Another higher lvl mage, think he was around 50 or so came out as well he started attacking me, resisted almost everything, but once I attacked him stunned him for a few, he jumped back in again. I had little rage so weren't able to wipe him out. He thought he could kill me by going back in and out but all he did was increase my rage so I could do the more damage and killed him instantly after stun. It was definatly fun, eventually I decided to let them go, got bored hehe ALMOST thought sorry for them.

But honestly we've all been there, ganked by higher players on the other side, so it's only fair that we continue to follow suit. I had fun for a while at least hehe.
#21 Jan 10 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
I did my second heroics last night (Botanica, not as hard as I thought it would be), which got me revered with Sha'tar, and I also got honored with The Violet Eye.

Although those might sound good, I didn't get a single drop!
(3/5 bosses in Bot, Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, Opera and Curator in Kara)
(also a little QQ here, I'm angry at the Kara run cause a Feral Druid had gotten 3 items before Curator and was also allowed to roll on the T4 gloves token, which was the only item that dropped that I could use >_<)
#22 Jan 10 2008 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
627 posts
Dinged 29 and Got my corpsemaker, decided to take my 1500 HP unbuffed untwinked (well, he has 50HP on Chest and 7str on bracers but thats it) into battlegrounds.

I was amazed by how many people I could steamroll without dying >.<

<3 crit streaks, 300 damage normal swing, hamstring dodged, overpower 450 damage, execute 550 damage, yes please.
#23 Jan 10 2008 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
I got my Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer this weekend. Also, between tonight and tomorrow, I plan to get my 12 badges I still need for my Gnomer Auto Blocker. (#12 epic :D)
#24 Jan 10 2008 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
I just want to say congratulations to everyone who is making progress and enjoying their warrior whether it be DPS or Tanking. I'm glad to hear all the great success and the stories of overcoming defeat (which actually makes the game more fun imo). I /patontheback you guys and keep goin!
#25 Jan 10 2008 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
PigeonMan wrote:
I just want to say congratulations to everyone who is making progress and enjoying their warrior whether it be DPS or Tanking. I'm glad to hear all the great success and the stories of overcoming defeat (which actually makes the game more fun imo). I /patontheback you guys and keep goin!

And for being such a good sport PigeonMan, I give you this Smiley: cookie
#26 Jan 10 2008 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
I know this isn't much of an accomplishment but: my account got hacked shortly after BC came out and getting my first warrior to 70. (couldn't seem to make the account stable, would change passwords to the most insane things i could think of but still would get cracked)so i got a new account and after playing many characters decided to start a warrior again.

I now have my orc warrior to 41 now and am loving DW fury even though i miss like crazy. i like playing like a combat rogue in plate even though i think once i hit 60 and get Hellreaver, i'll go back to arms.

Edited, Jan 11th 2008 12:55am by tehghostlyone
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