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... Merit to the Boar Crusade!Follow

#1 Dec 22 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
304 posts
So this week, I did two things I swore I'd never do... re-roll as a dwarf and tame a boar.

My little dwarf Hefeweizen is only 12 at the moment, and his piggy Barley is 11, but I am having SO much fun! It's amazing how much aggro charge dumps at once, and now this has got me thinking I'll dump one of my pets on my main SV hunter and go for a boar =)

I just thought I'd let you all know that when n00bs ask "wat is t3h b3st p3t?" telling them a boar really isn't a bad option ;) By the way, I miss Iponemagirl! Where'd she go?
#2 Dec 22 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
ZulFrieze wrote:
By the way, I miss Iponemagirl! Where'd she go?

I tihnk she traded in her Boar for a Voidwalker <.<
#3 Dec 22 2007 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
1,519 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
ZulFrieze wrote:
By the way, I miss Iponemagirl! Where'd she go?

I tihnk she traded in her Boar for a Voidwalker <.<

I think so, too. I saw her on the Warlock forum not too long ago
#4 Dec 27 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
2,388 posts

Oh, and Yes, that is why we started sayin Boars, because you cannot go wrong with them :)


Oh, and yeah, Porkrind is the best grinding/farming pet due to the instant 3k+ aggro dump from charge+bite. He usually dumps around 5-6k aggro within about .5 seconds, meaning i have to try really f-ing hard to pull aggro from him :)

#5 Dec 28 2007 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
979 posts
i have to agree boars rule

although when i first started i did have a boar to get the skills i never kept it long enough as i was intent on getting first the white cat then a ghost saber , but having recently rolled a new hunter i have had a boar from the start and although i am still taming all pets that i can learn new skills from and am getting them fully loyal and to my level of 33 the boar still rules with agro control and i find it just about impossible once my boar has gained the control to break it , which is not what i can say for bears cats or any birds although the birds with screech do come close

and even though other pets can do more damage , i say who cares its not getting damaged yourself that counts

and to me the biggest bonus i think is almost any mob will drop something edible to boars so you always have pet food in your bags , not like other pets where you can run out of food at times
#6 Dec 28 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
FUck the boar crusade.

There is no best pet, <insert favourite pet> is the best pet.
Says enough.
And since there really isnt a best pet (or at least not in general) something to that degree works best.

Edited, Dec 28th 2007 2:43pm by Aethien
#7 Dec 28 2007 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
304 posts
Fear leads to anger, anger to hate. Hate is the path to the dark side.

I sense in him much fear (of boars). =P

Actually, I do find that from a practicality standpoint a boar makes an excellent pet for a survival or marksman hunter as the threat-spikes can be comparatively high with that of a BM hunter... and charge really does help to generate large amounts of threat fairly quickly.

You're right, there's no 'best' pet, but there are certainly pets that are great for something... and the boar happens to be great at holding aggro when you're critting for 1400 and up repeatedly =P
#8 Dec 28 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
1,594 posts
Boars have the whole Charge -> Growl = Crazy Threat Spike thing, as well as a tie for highest total HP + Armor pet family bonus. They are the best tank pet.

They still have charge for the short immobilize, and the same abilities as a ravager, just with far lower DPS, making them moderate PvP pets.

They make up for it by being poor 5-man pets, and terrible raid pets.

They aren't "the best", but if you need something to solo take down that elite (until later outland elites), a boar is your pet. If they take too much damage, you can feel safe pulling him back, kiting the mob, healing the pig, then sending him right back at the guy without ever gaining aggro yourself.
#9 Dec 28 2007 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
304 posts
Yep, I guess I should have qualified that.

I meant that, for solo play, the boar is an excellent choice. While it is lackluster for raiding and dangerous for instances, it is a wonderful solo pet. =)

And by the way, you still rock Aethein!
#10 Dec 29 2007 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
366 posts
Heh yeah, I kinda want a boar now too, but closest one is either Agam'ar (24-25 Elite, Razorfen Kraul) * Charge 3 , or Ashmane Boar (48-49, Blasted Lands) * Charge 5, Gore 7 , and I'm lvl 39(half way to 40) And I have a ravager right now(yay for going from silvermoon to exodar at lvl 10 :D. I always get "whur did ju get thut put" questions.

Edit: oh and a slighty OT questions, how's windserpents for lvling, I know they're excellent instance and MM pets

Edited, Dec 29th 2007 11:11am by CyrexBismarck
#11 Dec 29 2007 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Note to self: If I ever create a Dwarf Hunter again (not likely), go tame an armored boar at level 29ish.

It effin' BLOWS that there aren't any cool boars above level 30. Undead piggies at level 60, but I don't want an undead piggy! Why aren't there any level 59-60 boars in Outland? Why can't we tame those demon boars? I want one soooo badly.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12 Dec 29 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Maybe because there are enough pigs in OL without you running around with one extra Mazra? :p

Boars are obviously great since every damn bot I ever saw was a hunter with a boar.
Sole reason I would never get one.

#13 Dec 29 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm using a cat right now. I can keep Misha happy with fish, which I fish. It's just that Cholesterol was so much easier to keep around, with his ability to eat anything. Not to mention Gore and Charge are excellent abilities. Still don't like how Claw overrides Growl.

They should make a script that caused your pet to hold back on Claw when the Growl cooldown was up. I think they made it for Gore, because my piggy never missed a Growl with Gore on auto-cast.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Dec 29 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
365 posts
I wish I tamed an armored boar, instead of lvling to 70 with a stupid *** bear that I didn't train in higher rank claws and bites.

#15 Dec 30 2007 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
ZulFrieze wrote:
Fear leads to anger, anger to hate. Hate is the path to the dark side.

I sense in him much fear (of boars). =P
I dont fear boars, i like em (besides the fact that there arent any above lvl 60...)
But worshipping them is way more then they deserve.
Boars are excellent solo pets but thats about it, same with ravagers wich are excellent raiding pet and that it.
Although both arent bad in pvp either ;P
#16 Dec 31 2007 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
CyrexBismarck wrote:
Edit: oh and a slighty OT questions, how's windserpents for lvling, I know they're excellent instance and MM pets
I leveled from 60 to 70 with my Wind Serpent. Even after the LB nerf I didn't see any reason to swap to a Cat or a Ravager, and I prefer the looks of the Wind Serpent over either of those Pets.
#17 Dec 31 2007 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
The moment I rolled my alt huntress I knew which pets to take, both for looks and for practical use and rarity:

- Ressan the needler (white bat, rare level 11 in Tirisfal) as my damage pet
- Rotting Aga'mar (dark armored boar, elite level 26 in RFK) as my defensive pet

Both unique looks, not many have those (being low level the only ones with these skins you can tame) and both tend to look menacing. Loved every minute so far of having them! (level 31 now)

On both I frequently get nice comments and quite honestly, I think they deserve it.

On topic: boars are awesome defensive pets for solo PVE, but everyone knows that already.
#18 Dec 31 2007 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Kompera wrote:
CyrexBismarck wrote:
Edit: oh and a slighty OT questions, how's windserpents for lvling, I know they're excellent instance and MM pets
I leveled from 60 to 70 with my Wind Serpent. Even after the LB nerf I didn't see any reason to swap to a Cat or a Ravager, and I prefer the looks of the Wind Serpent over either of those Pets.

I leveled from 40ish to 70 with wind serpent, since I got the rare white one in Feralas and she did just great too.

Actually I am more than happy with all my pets, wind serpent, cat and carrion bird. I tend to change them depending on my or my tanks mood (he claims to get the headache from screech so I dont use bird around him much) and I never noticed any of them lacking dps or aggro holding.

Well, I am not hardcore theorycrafter that wants to squeeze out that last 0.003% dps out of anything so I am not hard to please :p

#19 Dec 31 2007 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Mazra wrote:
They should make a script that caused your pet to hold back on Claw when the Growl cooldown was up. I think they made it for Gore, because my piggy never missed a Growl with Gore on auto-cast.

I believe it has something to do with the order you put them in your pet bar. My owl doesn't use Claw over Growl, and until now I thought that was merely because Growl had a lower focus cost. Since others are having issues, they remind me of when I leveled with my cat (this was ages ago though...) and I annoyed myself with Claw going off before Growl. I remember I switched places, and voilà!

In all truth though, owls are the best pets by far. Actually, any pet with Screech will do, but since Carrion Birds don't have the +DPS required (for me to think they're good), and since Bats have Screech as their ONLY focus dump, I reckon owls are superior.
Seriously, do you have any idea how nice it feels to be able to have a Mend Pet ticking on the pet when she has 3 mobs on her, and she doesn't loose aggro?

Don't get me wrong, boar-lovers, I know boars are awesome. I've leveled with them too. When you pick up a pet with AoE aggro abilities (Imo Gorillas don't really count... since you get it once every minute.) however, you understand what you're missing out on. Some would argue that it's unnecessary since FD neutralizes any aggro caused anyway. This isn't my opinion, but I suppose it gives a fair perspective.

All in all (Imo), Owls > Boars.

Happy New Year btw guys! :)
#20 Dec 31 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
304 posts
Rate up for that. I'm going to have to try switching the places of growl and claw as I'd wondered about that myself! =)
#21 Jan 01 2008 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
leveled 17-70 with a carrion bird and i'm proud of it.
I've had all but 1 skin of carrion bird (the blue 1 from deadwind pass)

Oh, and i never had the 2 headed black and green one but thats not tameable =(
#22 Jan 02 2008 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
I love my Boar, tried several times to travel with a cat but it just wasn't the same. Now that I'm 68 and 70 is around the corner I do need to get a DPS pet but its going to be hard to shelve the pig.
#23 Jan 03 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I made a dwarven hunter on a friend’s server just to mess around with. He tamed a white snow kitty as his first pet, as I’ve never had one as a pet before. But then I posted on this forum about the advantages of having a boar as a first pet for players who had no particular pet preference. That night I ended up putting the snow kitty in the stable and taming black boar. Both hunter and boar are level 21 now and I really have enjoyed his ability to charge up on mobs even when first tamed. And the ease of feeding him has been nice as well.
#24 Jan 03 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
Aethien wrote:

Oh, and i never had the 2 headed black and green one but thats not tameable =(

But his gf Trachela is tameable and I was told I was so cruel for using her to kill him. I still find it fun to help with my birdie when someone has to do that quest :)

#25 Jan 04 2008 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
Sethy wrote:

But his gf Trachela is tameable and I was told I was so cruel for using her to kill him. I still find it fun to help with my birdie when someone has to do that quest :)


Ok, everything about this is "win".
#26 Jan 05 2008 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Sethy wrote:
Aethien wrote:

Oh, and i never had the 2 headed black and green one but thats not tameable =(

But his gf Trachela is tameable and I was told I was so cruel for using her to kill him. I still find it fun to help with my birdie when someone has to do that quest :)

What pet do you think i have? ;)
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