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Arena: All about The Druid. Follow

#1 Dec 19 2007 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
So me and my Priest buddy seems stuck in the 1700s for the time being.

It's frustraring that roughly 1 out of 4 team we fight has Gladiator Title and/or access to S3 weapons (either gotten thru pre-hot fix cheese or from teams in other brackets).

But what's even more frustrating is the endless number of Druid team. 11 games today (6-5, bleh), and out of those 11 we faced 7 druid teams - of which we lost all but 5 games. Our 2 victories were due to the druid @#%^ing up in both case, rather then us outplaying them. Yeah, it's a small sample size, but I've got a feeling it's the same story for pretty much everybody - it's raining druids out there. It sure doesn't feel like they're one of the less played class.

Druid sucks in 5v5... so they're actually more likely to get buffed because of that rather then get nerfed due to thier dominance in 2v2 (and I predict, in 3v3 as well). So while I could write pages after pages about the kind of balance change I'd like to see them go through, the truth is they're more then likely here to stay.

In other words, a good arena spec is a spec that counter druids. Doesn't matter what class you are, it's all about countering the druid now. It's all about the metagame.

For rogues, the problems with druids are 3 folds:

1 - They pretty much neutralise our poison. This prevent us from snaring properly and gets rid of our anti-healing debuff.

2 - They're extremely mobile. Which compounded with the first issue means it's damn near impossible for us to try and kill them first. This also make it quite easy for them to get out of combat and drink (removing drinking from Arena would hurt druid more then any other class in the game).

3 - They're a powerful support class. Possibly the most mana efficient healer in the game (which compounds problem 2), backed up with Cyclone/roots which allow them to shut down a rogue's ability to pursue a target (compounds problem 1).

So how do you remedy that? It's easy to go into a 'woe be me!' mode and cry about how the top class in (small) Arena is apparently designed to counter us, until you realise that the druid's high mobility, quick cast and ability to shapeshift into mana-less form to avoid drainage pretty much make him the bane of everybody.

But the other classes can do their own brainstorming. :P

Bursting down the druid's partner is rarely a viable option. They usually team with rogues (too slippery), warrior (plate) or Warlock (soul link). Having only Blind as a real CC, the Druid's teamate will usually survive the onslaught and get healed and then the Cyclone/Root dance begins. On the rare occassion where I've manage to land a Blind - keep on the partner for 6 second - Vanish - Sap Druid they've usually managed to pull throught anyway. Extremely frustrating, since it's a rather hard thing to pull off (At my skill level anyway) consistently and it's sad not to see it pay off.

I suppose this might work differently for double dps team, but as a rogue/priest combo, bursting down the druid's partner doesn't work often enough for it to be a viable strategy. I don't see mage/rogue having an easier time (since druid can't be poly'd), but Warlock/Rogue with spammable fear might actually have a chance at controlling the druid.

It would seems what is needed is to kill the Druid, since his ability to heal himself goes down somewhat when he's being focused. We have a had a high success rate on a few occassion where I found the druid while he was in stealth, starting a stunlock with him in Catform is the optimal way to start a fight... but it's also pretty unlikely.

While HARP gave us somewhat of a counter, that was mostly due to the double Sprint and Double Vanish, giving us more of a chance to stop the Druid then ever before. Using AR against a druid is tricky, since they can usually outlive it in Bear form (why such a mobile and powerful healer is so damn tough is beyond me) with Frenzied Regeneration and if their ally has any brain at all, he will be using whatever CC ability he has to get you off him (especially with
warlock/druid - you aren't catchin a druid when you're getting fear spammed).

What's going to hurt HARP against druid isn't so much the lost of 1 more AR (Since you rarely got the full use of it anyway), but the Hemo nerf.

Shockingly enough, I think 20/0/41 might be the way to go. Taking 5/5 in poison talents (at the cost of 1 point in lethality). Shadowstep should allow us to stay on the Druid somewhat, or at very least re-establish contact with his partner after Cyclone (and fear) spam... and the poison talents, might actually help fight the druid's damn near constant dispel via Abolish Poison.

Even if shadowstep ends up not working, I think I'll be going 20/41/0... The poison talents I think, are simply to big to skip in the current arena setting.

TLDR Version:
The worth of a 2v2 team is directly related to their ability to handle Druids. HARP, Mutilate and even Combat fail in that regard. Shadowstep has on paper, what it takes to counter druids. Even if it doesn't, revisiting the poison talents as a combat rogue might be a necessity.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 5:32pm by Tyrandor
#2 Dec 19 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
I never had a problem as deep combat in 2s.

Just sit on them with Shiv. Don't spam a damn thing other than a Shiv every single shapeshift you see.

And lose the Priest!

Rogue/Priest is sub par nowadays in my mind.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#3 Dec 19 2007 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I don't know, my brother (feral druid) and I rarely have problems with druids, mainly because we can burst through their partner while they're sapped/cycloned.

It works low, but we'll have to see what happens up higher.

Easier solution sometimes is if we catch a druid in caster just burst him down, me providing stunlock and EA for my brother, who's literally crit people for 40-50% of their life.
#4 Dec 19 2007 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Oh and Tyr, what were the makeups?

There are a few solid tricks and CC chains to rape Druids (especially sub1900).

Most anyway involve beating on his partner and your Priest needs to go Dispel berserk on the guy. Lock the Druid in a PS. Once everything or majority is dispel'd throw mana burns to pressure the feared Druid.

If he doesn't have trinket up, it will actually be game by then. Work the partner, then go Blind. Wait a bit, work his partner then go Vanish sap.

Go back to the partner who should be closer to dead. Priest is going to want to Mana burn to all hell should the Druid come out of sap and PS is maybe 10-5 seconds from being usable again.

Takes practice and I guess some luck to get the CC down, but if you find a Druid without his trinket in that CC, they are *******
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#5 Dec 19 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
MCing and LoSing the druid actually works really well too, in addition to what teddy said. Manburns and fears on top of blinds are gonna be what wins the day, gets their partner down, and makes the druid leave the arena.
#6 Dec 19 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
lol... MC off bridge in BEM is ******* most ***** move ever.

But do it anyway because it works. Smiley: thumbsup
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#7 Dec 19 2007 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
im surprised they're such a problem with their HoTs being dispellable, right?

edit: and damn its frustrating being a druid/rogue duo and not kicking serious ***. :-\. **** you 2v2 queues wrecking our ****.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 2:51pm by KTurner
#8 Dec 19 2007 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
KTurner wrote:
im surprised they're such a problem with their HoTs being dispellable, right?

Well, mana efficiency, and also, if you are dispeling, you aren't healing, and you aren't mana burning.

So you got to pick and choose when it is optimal.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#9 Dec 19 2007 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Maybe my priest need to dispel more, I was under the impression he did. Although mind you, lifebloom is essentially designed to be dispelled...

Double dps does seems to be the way to go at that. I'm loath to drop my priest partner because we've been together for a long time... but I guess it might come down to that.

The comp were mostly Warlock/Druid (4 of them, went 1-3) and Warrior/Druid (3, went 1-2).


Just sit on them with Shiv. Don't spam a damn thing other than a Shiv every single shapeshift you see.

You're not going to kill anything that way, unless you got someone else dealing damage for you. So back to square 1.

I also play with a good latency, so I've been getting a lot 'out of range' bug when trying to shiv a target that's running away. This is what is making me thing Shadowstep might solve some of my issue.

Most anyway involve beating on his partner and your Priest needs to go Dispel berserk on the guy. Lock the Druid in a PS. Once everything or majority is dispel'd throw mana burns to pressure the feared Druid.

If he doesn't have trinket up, it will actually be game by then. Work the partner, then go Blind. Wait a bit, work his partner then go Vanish sap.

Go back to the partner who should be closer to dead. Priest is going to want to Mana burn to all hell should the Druid come out of sap and PS is maybe 10-5 seconds from being usable again.

PS? Only thing I can think that means is pain suppression, so I really don't get what you're trying to say. Smiley: confused

The main problem is that it's an all or nothing deal. We have to chain CC perfectly, and if somehow they survive, then we're pretty much getting owned by fear and cyclone as they slowly rip our hp and mana away.

A lot of what you're saying are also things my priest should be doing... since I'm not my priest, I don't know what is take would be on it. I know that between the Druid's easy ability to get out of combat and drink and the Warlock's mana draining/life tap, we usually lose the mana burning race.

I usually have to be on the Warlock in order to stop the mana draining... but then I get a double cyclone followed by a Fear.

I guess there's not much else to do but to try and try again... but you guys are suggesting a priest/rogue out CC a druid/warlock. Smiley: dubious
#10 Dec 19 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
PS. Psychic Scream.

And also, why I asked what makeups you were fighting. TBH, Rogue/Priest is going to be countered by Druid/X. Just a better healer in that matchup.

As for the Shiv thing, not sure what to say. How I always played it. If you throw up SnD it actually will turn out to be a decent amount of damage after 2-5 shapeshifts, and by then you can wait to 5pt KS them in caster. They aren't going to try and get away forever if you can prove they aren't going anywhere. They have to heal, and you staying locked on them has worked for me exceptionally.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#11 Dec 19 2007 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
You've never had their buddy just toss a fear or intercept you?

Even if my priest does an early dispel, losing 1 yard on a running druid usually means he gets away... so I got to blow sprint... and the cooldown race starts.

Gues I'll have to talk to my priest about being extremely aggressive on dispel... I need to work on Blind - Vanish - Sap, and then he need to run in with a Fear and chastise at the end for good measure.

Piece of cake. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:01pm by Tyrandor
#12 Dec 19 2007 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
You've never had their buddy just toss a fear or intercept you?

Even if my priest does an early dispel, losing 1 yard on a running druid usually means he gets away... so I got to blow sprint... and the cooldown race starts.

Gues I'll have to talk to my priest about being extremely aggressive on dispel... I need to work on Blind - Vanish - Sap, and then he need to run in with a Fear and chastise at the end for good measure.

Piece of cake. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:01pm by Tyrandor

Do you know how to Vanish>Immune stuff? Smiley: wink

It helps in this case. In the same token, your Priest isn't just going to be standing there. Psychic Scream the partner, MC, kite, etc.

But to answer your question, I was just really good and getting away from people if they were on me. Learned how to Vanish immune things helps a ton.

And Druid/War was popular right as I was doing my Rogue/Druid matrix, and we typically had that matchup at a 70%+ win rate.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#13 Dec 19 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm assuming you mean vanish midcast so that the spell essentially miss but still trigger their GCD?

It helps in this case. In the same token, your Priest isn't just going to be standing there. Psychic Scream the partner, MC, kite, etc.

But to answer your question, I was just really good and getting away from people if they were on me. Learned how to Vanish immune things helps a ton.

And Druid/War was popular right as I was doing my Rogue/Druid matrix, and we typically had that matchup at a 70%+ win rate.

The thing I can't fathom is that once you run out cooldown, I'd assume you'd be SoL. I just don't kill stuff fast enough it appears.

Psychic Scream is nice, but is also on a long cooldown - the Warlock wins the CC battle with ease here.

MC might be what we're missing... I barely remember my priest ever using it.

#14 Dec 19 2007 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
I'm assuming you mean vanish midcast so that the spell essentially miss but still trigger their GCD?

It helps in this case. In the same token, your Priest isn't just going to be standing there. Psychic Scream the partner, MC, kite, etc.

But to answer your question, I was just really good and getting away from people if they were on me. Learned how to Vanish immune things helps a ton.

And Druid/War was popular right as I was doing my Rogue/Druid matrix, and we typically had that matchup at a 70%+ win rate.

The thing I can't fathom is that once you run out cooldown, I'd assume you'd be SoL. I just don't kill stuff fast enough it appears.

Psychic Scream is nice, but is also on a long cooldown - the Warlock wins the CC battle with ease here.

MC might be what we're missing... I barely remember my priest ever using it.

Not saying you have options. Druid/Lock VS Rogue/Priest is an uphill battle in my eyes.

And yea, vanishing as a spell hits etc. This tactic also works on Interecept. No stuns yay.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#15 Dec 19 2007 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good

And yea, vanishing as a spell hits etc. This tactic also works on Interecept. No stuns yay.

The Intercept stun is applied as soon as you hit the button, not when you reach your target, so this would be a nice trick.

I know I've Intercepted Rogues as they stealthed/vanished before and it puts me right next to them as they're stunned and stealthed.
#16 Dec 19 2007 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
Do you know how to Vanish>Immune stuff?

Can you clarify that? I don't know what you mean by Vanish>Immune stuff.

EDIT: Never mind. =P

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:23pm by DarkcydeIntensity
#17 Dec 19 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
RPZip wrote:

And yea, vanishing as a spell hits etc. This tactic also works on Interecept. No stuns yay.

The Intercept stun is applied as soon as you hit the button, not when you reach your target, so this would be a nice trick.

I know I've Intercepted Rogues as they stealthed/vanished before and it puts me right next to them as they're stunned and stealthed.

There's a slight delay, in that when you are fighting a Warrior if you can guess close to when he will Intercept, then watch his char, the second his character movement starts to do the dash-like effect if you can hit Vanish, he will go to where you were/are and you will Immune the Intercept.

You even get a sexy message saying, Immune!

This also works on magic spells... and Vanish immuning rogue's Cheap Shots.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#18 Dec 19 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
It doesn't always work tho, latency being what it is.

One of my pet peeve recently: Kicking a Fear/Poly, only to see it go off as the Caster get the Silence effect of my imp kick.

If my kick landed, it means it landed before the cast, hence the spell shouldn't have been cast. I'd much rather be Feared/Poly'd WITHOUT using my kick cooldown then get feared/poly'd, lose my cooldown and have a silenced caster for all of 2 second while I'm running around uselessly.

Thank you GCD changes! Smiley: frown

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:46pm by Tyrandor
#19 Dec 19 2007 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
It doesn't always work tho, latency being what it is.

One of my pet peeve recently: Kicking a Fear/Poly, only to see it go off as the Caster get the Silence effect of my imp kick.

If my kick landed, it means it landed before the cast, hence the spell shouldn't have been cast. I'd much rather be Feared/Poly'd WITHOUT using my kick cooldown then get feared/poly'd, lose my cooldown and have a silenced caster for all of 2 second while I'm running around uselessly.

Thank you GCD changes! Smiley: frown

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 7:46pm by Tyrandor

That's not a GCD change. It's always been like that.

The combat log will even _tell_ you that you interrupted the spell. It's just lying. Warcraft's combat system has absolutely godawful checks for race conditions.
#20 Dec 19 2007 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
My team is stuck in the same area. From consistently 1900+ last season to stuck in low 1700s, because of druids. Druid/Warrior specifically.

Against druid/warlocks, I usually just kill the felhunter while my priest tries to fear/MC and keep the druid from healing the pet while keeping himself alive.

This was much easier as AR, but still works. As I kill the felhunter, I hit mind numbing on the lock and then stun him or kick his summon after he hits fel domination so my priest can dispel it, and he has no more pet for the rest of the fight.

After that, my priest just runs away and drinks while I whittle away at the warlock, then he manaburns the druid more.

It takes a while.
#21 Dec 19 2007 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
I enjoy the fact my Druid is at 42 and soon to cackle maniacally at all you.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#22 Dec 19 2007 at 4:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Sure felt like it's happening more now then it used too Zip.

Yeah, killing the pet has worked for us, I guess we just need to make sure the Druid is controlled while we do so.
#23 Dec 19 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
The one thing I hated about Holy Priest and Spriest when I tried out those combinations was where your problem lies.

Mixing the two classes leaves you with a gaping hole in CC utility. Both are limited CC's on very long timers, and that has trouble working in Arena.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#24 Dec 19 2007 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
It's weird thought, Rogue/Priest used to be a top comp (and it probably still is, it just so happen to get abused by the fotm comp) and hell, they are still top team withs this comp.

I'm a bit at a lost as to where to go, because as general rule, we usually destroy other Rogue comp :P. It's kinda hard to be excited about mage/rogue or warlock/rogue when you know your current comp humble them.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 8:04pm by Tyrandor
#25 Dec 19 2007 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Ever since the patch I really think SLSL/HARP is the team to be.

I was planning that, and then having a Druid on the team, which makes a very good 3s, and a very good option for 2s.

Druids man... Druids.

Or Warlock until HARP is nerf'd.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#26 Dec 19 2007 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Neilyo's priest is disc.

Rogue/Priest is on top because shields/renew/POM > HoTs alone imo.

From what I've seen you save your cooldowns for druid pursuit, if you're maces with AR/Prep I've watched several vids of rogues popping CoS and Sprintx2 so that the drood can't get them off of them no matter how hard they try.
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