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What would you do ?Follow

#1 Dec 17 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
I'm now lvl 69 Arms/Furry MS warrior. I have solo'ed most of my lvl's with no help from my guild. So now that i'm about to hit 70 now the guild wants to talk to me. Last night they tell me when I hit 70 that I will have to spec protection. If I want to run Kara with them. They have 5 prot. warriors that have tank gear. My tank stuff is not close to lvl needed to tank in Kara or even Heroics. I thinking of join an arena team and just pvp for gear once i hit 70. What do you guys think I should do?
#2 Dec 17 2007 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
171 posts
just do what you find fun..
#3 Dec 17 2007 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
What do you want to do, Raid or PvP? It's that simple. Unless you wanna do both, then you can do that too. Just take your pick. The thing about Kara is that if you tank, you get geared quick, and you might have a shot at picking up DPS gear along the way too. Just some food for thought.
#4 Dec 17 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
277 posts
I have solo'ed most of my lvl's with no help from my guild. So now that i'm about to hit 70 now the guild wants to talk to me.

It sounds like you may have some deeper issues with your guild. I think I would feel a little irritable too if I was ignored until I was near lvl 70 and THEN told to respec for the "good of the guild".
#5 Dec 17 2007 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
499 posts
It sounds like you may have some deeper issues with your guild. I think I would feel a little irritable too if I was ignored until I was near lvl 70 and THEN told to respec for the "good of the guild".

QFT. If a guild told me how to spec and play, I'd probably respond with a /gquit. If they value you and respect you as a player, they'd ask if you would like to spec that way and be comfortable with your choice. I agree with the folks above - do what you enjoy. That being said, if you go the DPS route don't expect them to take you into Kara over a DPS class that offers more versatility. So long as your goals and the guild's expectations are in line, you should feel free to spec however you like.

#6 Dec 17 2007 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
286 posts
FuriousJorge wrote:
It sounds like you may have some deeper issues with your guild. I think I would feel a little irritable too if I was ignored until I was near lvl 70 and THEN told to respec for the "good of the guild".

QFT. If a guild told me how to spec and play, I'd probably respond with a /gquit. If they value you and respect you as a player, they'd ask if you would like to spec that way and be comfortable with your choice.

They didn't tell him how to spec or play. They said if you want to raid Kara then you need to spec prot. Seems reasonable to me, it's not like there's an infinite number of spots in the raid. Every person needs to fill a specific role, and if the role that needs to be filled is the role of a prot warrior, then it would be stupid to fill it with anything but a prot warrior.
#7 Dec 17 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
I don't mind goin prot but it's just that their are 5 prot warriors active in guild. I will be #6 so that puts me pretty far down the list. The forth and fifth are in need gear badly and 2&3 are still in need of some upgrades. They are not tryin to gear up 4 & 5 so I don't think they will be gearin me anytime soon. The guy who was #6 gave up his warrior and rolled a preist. With all that being said I don't think I will respec at this time so it will be pvp for awhile. thanks for the feedback
#8 Dec 17 2007 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with Duvar. If you want to get into a guild that raids kara, and you don't spec prot (given your a new lvl 70) then your potential guild either doesnt like to progress or loves gimping raids. Warriors at low levels are more apt to become tanks due to the gear availability. Tank gear is so much better than DPS gear at early stages of 70. Plz don't respond to this saying, "well I can get my welfare epix from arena and BG's to DPS" you can't. Whats the major stat on Arena/BG gear??? Not crap for DPS, it's all about the survivablity therefore the stacking of stam! Plus Resiliance won't help you in raids, and you'll need a little bit of hit, and probably some more strength than given to you by your PvP epix. With that being said, let me reiterate that Prot will probably be the most likely way to go, unless you really don't want to see Kara and would rather be guildless or join a PvP guild.

Oh, nothing states that you can't spec prot and pick up dps gear along the way. =) One more thing...respec'ing for the "good of the guild" gets you alot farther than /gquit. what good would you be as a newbie lvl 70 'dps' warrior with blues and greens on? Umm..thats right, you wouldn't.

Don't worry, you'll find the guild that you won't want to leave and your RL will ask you to respecc to prot, and you won't think twice about it. But don't worry, he'll let you go back to DPS once you prove it to him/her.

EDIT: If you don't want to compete for gear, search for a new guild thats willing to gear you up.

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 8:09pm by PigeonMan
#9 Dec 17 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Like I said I don't mond goin prot but when I see the 4th and 5th warrior sittin on the sideline because they want to push through Kara. From what I understand is Kara is a 10 man raid but I could be wrong. I'm new to the game so that why I came for advise(only been playin for about 5 months). I do understand what some of you are sayin but I just don't see the betterment of the guild by goin prot. I have always like doin instance and would like to do raids.
#10 Dec 17 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
499 posts
They didn't tell him how to spec or play. They said if you want to raid Kara then you need to spec prot. Seems reasonable to me, it's not like there's an infinite number of spots in the raid. Every person needs to fill a specific role, and if the role that needs to be filled is the role of a prot warrior, then it would be stupid to fill it with anything but a prot warrior.

Except that he says they already have a plethora of tanks available. It certainly doesn't seem like they're hurting for tanks, so why would they tell a guy they've been ignoring (and not gearing properly through 5-mans) that it's prot or else? If the OP is great at DPS, why not take him? It's one thing to say that the guild would prefer a tank, and another to say it's tank or you don't come.

One more thing...respec'ing for the "good of the guild" gets you alot farther than /gquit. what good would you be as a newbie lvl 70 'dps' warrior with blues and greens on? Umm..thats right, you wouldn't.

Where is it going to get the OP? The guild apparently hasn't been helping to gear him up so far. "The good of the guild" only works if it also benefits the individual. Where is the guild's support to get the tank geared up in 5-mans? Why only now, at 70, do they care about his spec?

Sorry, it just seems like the OP is in a spot where he's expected to respec and gear himself up because the guild assumes that warriors can tank and do nothing else at 70.
#11 Dec 17 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
277 posts
They didn't tell him how to spec or play. They said if you want to raid Kara then you need to spec prot. Seems reasonable to me, it's not like there's an infinite number of spots in the raid. Every person needs to fill a specific role, and if the role that needs to be filled is the role of a prot warrior, then it would be stupid to fill it with anything but a prot warrior.

I don't think anyone is really arguing about whether or not a respec would better serve the guild. And I'm certainly not going to say that a guild has no right to ask him to respec to fill a needed role within a raid.

My point is that the guild virtually (no pun intended) ignored him until he hit 69. Once he started closing in on 70 he was then told to be a team player and respec so they could use him for raids. Why the hell would you want to be a team player for a guild which ignores you until you become useful?

Join another guild that needs a prot warrior and respec for them.

Where is it going to get the OP? The guild apparently hasn't been helping to gear him up so far. "The good of the guild" only works if it also benefits the individual. Where is the guild's support to get the tank geared up in 5-mans? Why only now, at 70, do they care about his spec?

Well spoken

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 4:27pm by Paladense
#12 Dec 17 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
Look, you can play the whole whoa is the OP, and that the guild is trying to use hoo. Why can't we say whoa is him, he hasn't been looking for a guild to support what he wants to do. To be quite blunt, if you're not in a guild already, you're only going to join one that wants you to tank, unless its a pvp guild or the rare guild that wants to waste time gearing up a DPS warrior.

It all depends on what you want to do. Of course the guild is going to use him for the better of the guild because quite frankly if you're not a tank, you don't really serve any good to a guild starting out in Kara. I geared myself through 5 mans and asking a guild to run you through 5 mans to get gear doesn't really show the initiative to want to tank/dps. I'm def. not saying that PUGGING is the way to go, cuz it sux, but at least you'll be ready for Kara and beyond with the amount of goof-ups you're bound to have with PUGs.

So i'm just going to take a stab at something here...most of you other posters aren't in a guild that does anything more than kara and you're fine with that. Many of you are looking for that wipeless, epic filled run. I wish there was hope for you, but believe me, tanking is the way to go starting out in Kara, and FFS gear yourself, its not that hard. It shows to a GM that you took the time to get geared.

If you want to see end game content beyond kara, you'll do what it takes to serve the guild. As I posted before, pick up the DPS gear along the way. There is no sense in hurting the raid because of lackluster DPS that could def be filled by a rogue in worse gear or another caster.
#13 Dec 18 2007 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Plz don't respond to this saying, "well I can get my welfare epix from arena and BG's to DPS" you can't. Whats the major stat on Arena/BG gear??? Not crap for DPS, it's all about the survivablity therefore the stacking of stam! Plus Resiliance won't help you in raids, and you'll need a little bit of hit, and probably some more strength than given to you by your PvP epix.

Not really.
Season 3 Arena gear is of T6 quality which means it is much much better then anything you can find in Kara or heroics. And I mean much better.
Yes it is biased a bit towards 2 H DPS but still great for any DPS warrior.
Honor set for s 3 is not that great as Arena but still very solid.

Weapons? Arena weapons are just amazing.
You really need to be in end game guild to find better weapons.

So although it is hard to accept for people who hate PvP - PvP gear is more then sufficient to use in Kara as PvE DPS gear.
I may even risk opinion that warrior with full s3, s 3 weapon(s) and full honor sets (rings,neck,boots,bracers, belt, gems) and one of the many badge/crafted cloaks (like Vengance Wrap) will be very close to top DPS if he knows what he is doing.
#14 Dec 18 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Krisss you just made me laugh...a lot. If a warrior actually waits to get S3 gears and S3 weapons before stepping into kara, he's a nubcake. Now of course you stated the blatent obvious, but the common warriors we're talking about aren't going to be decked out in s3 epix. I have yet to see anyone in full s3 yet. Now, I have t4 DPS set, and our MT has full merciless and lolherald, and I still out dps'd him. That doesn't go w/o saying that he did some damn good dmg, it was rather impressive, but it was probably the full s2 gear.

Again, like I said, the welfare epix..arena gear isn't welfare cuz you actually have to be good at pvp to get them (s3 more so than s2). lol s3 warrior in Kara...why? What would he possibly want from there? ROFL!
#15 Dec 18 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
shadedpole wrote:
What do you guys think I should do?

Well, I can tell you how things run in my guild, and then you can make your decision.

We currently have 6 warriors, and 2 feral druids. Of the warriors, 4 are spec'd prot, 2 are spec'd fury. All of them are expected to be capable tanks, and those who are dps spec'd are required to respec prot when a raid depends on it, which is a rare occurrence.

Now who gets that spot? Simple, the people who put in the time, and have the interest in it, are the ones that get to choose their spot. Currently our 2 DPS warriors are the ones that have been in the guild the longest, and both have spent a significant amount of time tanking. You put in the effort, you get the reward.

What I think you should do is simple. Tell them you will respec prot when needed for the raid, and be DPS spec when not. If they have problems with that, then you know to get out. However, I don't think it's unreasonable for them to ask you to be the proper spec to fill a certain role in a raid.
#16 Dec 19 2007 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
Krisss you just made me laugh...a lot. If a warrior actually waits to get S3 gears and S3 weapons before stepping into kara, he's a nubcake. Now of course you stated the blatent obvious, but the common warriors we're talking about aren't going to be decked out in s3 epix. I have yet to see anyone in full s3 yet. Now, I have t4 DPS set, and our MT has full merciless and lolherald, and I still out dps'd him. That doesn't go w/o saying that he did some damn good dmg, it was rather impressive, but it was probably the full s2 gear.

Again, like I said, the welfare epix..arena gear isn't welfare cuz you actually have to be good at pvp to get them (s3 more so than s2). lol s3 warrior in Kara...why? What would he possibly want from there? ROFL!

"You need to be good at PvP to have an Arena gear" is a myth to be honest.
You can easily get most of Arena gear having 5v5 team on around 1600 - 1700 rating.
Of course there are not many people dacked in s3 - I have for example just 2 pieces of s3, s2 2H sword, s2 chest/legplates/helm full honor s3 set and new PvP cloak. I dont buy more S3 arena pieces to save points for the time my slacking team earns me enough rating to buy thoose damn shoulders. Otherwise I would have been in 4 pieces already.
The same goes for about 10 - 15 people I know who gathered points in season 2 to be ready for s3.

And yes I run Kara and yes I need Kara. No not for gear. I needed badges to buy PvP cloak, now I need more for tank legs/cloak as I am rather far in quee for PvE drops being a DPS warrior with 5 tanks waiting for them before me and 3 other DPS warrs with same rights as me.
Kara is the best place to farm badges by far.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 4:12am by Krisss
#17 Dec 19 2007 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
As far as arena gear goes, for hunters (I know this is warriors but bear with me) you get about 5% more crit than you need, but about 60% of the AP/agility you should in S1 arena and S3 honor gear, and 90% the intellect. If warriors work the same (which I assume it would) then you're going to be basically DPSing in gear that's designed to survive much higher crit chances and burst damage than bosses have, and virtually do nothing else for you. Weapons are good, but usually not much else from PvP (unless you're tanking or healing - those dont lose much stats).

As to the OP's situation...there's 2 ways his guild could have handled him. The first way is to help him get gear and/or mounts (since this is his main he may need help) even if it's just a loan or a trade of run-throughs (i.e. we'll run you through ramps if you'll run us through lowb content so we can gear up our twinks). Once he hit the mid 60's they could have taken an interest in him and helped him with group quests or instances where he could get geared, while at the same time telling him "hey, pick up the tank drops because we need a tank, and we also need you to respec prot at 70 so we can take you to kara."
They could do what they did, completely ignore him until 69, and then say "respec prot or you're not coming."
In this case, I'd say "I'm not coming!" /gquit and find a guild that will respect you. I'm not saying a guild that would accept a DPS warrior, but a guild that will respectfully ask for him to switch to prot.

Now for my advice...
If you want to PvP, have fun and enjoy it. But realize you will be poorly geared for PvE, even tanking. If you want to hit end-game PvE content, I'd join a guild that will respect you, either by helping you gear up to tank (or gear up at all) or let you be a DPS warrior.
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