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Who says warriors can't DPS?Follow

#27 Dec 17 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
@HitashLevat -- why did you feel the need to start such an argument, much less keep it going? So what if you get the Battle Shout buff instead of the Commanding Shout buff?

The only one being really any good for me is the one that gives a health buff.

In theory I should never be hit anyway.

You're going to have to understand that when a warrior uses Battle Shout, be it in a PVE or PVP setting, it will probably help him and other people more than it will help you. Deal with it and quit complaining please. And by removing the buff from yourself you are showing how much of an a$$ you are. Even if it doesn't benefit you, it doesn't hurt you so what other reason do you have to remove it besides to be an a$$.
#28 Dec 17 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
To be quite honest, you really stressed those BG's that I quoted you on moron. I think I know what I quoted (mainly cuz i have to read it to highlight it).

I do read, but apparently you skip the parts where I wrote something along the lines of asking the warrior to change it when you getting him to change it in the BG's. Why are you stressing over such a simple buff? Oh, and Hunters do to MELEE!!!! =) Raptor Strike FTL!! Oh wait, ur not survival, flame me some more little kid as I have done you but am willing to admit! I do have a life, but I hate whiney @ss hunters, they just don't stop, nor can they play the game, thats why blizzard has to buff them so much.

EDIT: Are you seroiusly crying over random buffs that people give you when they pass you by? And you say I need to grow up? What a chode...

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 11:00pm by PigeonMan
#29 Dec 18 2007 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
DPS warrior with good gear can be a great addition to any heroic party - especially when palla or druid tanks, but not only.
The problem is that he must be good - must know his class well and have a good tank in group.

What can you give to heroic party:
- great DPS
- possibility to OT (with good healer OT>CC)
- possibility to emergency tank (when tank/ CCer dies)
- Demo shout - AP debuff
- TC (carefull here :P) - best debuff ever
- PH - AoE slow - helps to get situation under controll
- Hamstring - very effective snare - with PH and Intercept allows to kite stunnable mobs especially with Arena set bonus and Imp Intercept.
- Disarm - another very powerfull debuff
- Comanding Shout - best HP buff
- Battle Shout - usable if heavy melee grp or if 2 warriors in party - AP buff
- Sunder armor - if non warrior tank (i admit I rarly use it :P) - great melee DPS boost
- Sweeping Strikes - usable for non elites or in AoE runs - makes warrior powerfull AoE for small mob groups especially with 2 H and WW ^^
- Intercept - ability to stun/stop mob - priceless if used well
- Intervene - see above
- Taunt - and healer saved
- Shield wall - for a few seconds you can tank anything
- Reclessness - do you need to finish that boss fast? - here you are..
- Shield bash/pummel/spell reflect - something for casting mobs as well
- Inti shout - AoE fear on long cd - saved my life not once
- Plate mail - hey the mob hit me and I am still alive ^^^
- BF - 4 % to melee damage
- imp hamstring - (rarly talented) another possible stun
- Fear imunity - DPS warrior is pretty much fear imune

In heroics I usually run in PvP gear for more stamina nad for Intercept set bonus. I am far from being slam/white/slam MS/white.... warrior there.
Mobility and fast reaction with good use of all above skills can make a DPS warrior a great addition to any party.

As an anegdote I can tell that I have run ST with 5 warrior group (levels 55 - 60 pre TBC). We made half instance for some warrior quest. It was great fun. we took shifts at tanking and were just tearing the instance apart with hudge DPS burst ability. But it was fun mainly to see 5 warriors with great skill using all their abilities to max to survive in such situation. Intercept/concusion blow stuns, hamstrings, PH and all other abilities used by pro warriors - I will remember it for long time. It was so much fun - and we do play for fun don't we...
#30 Dec 18 2007 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
HitashLevit wrote:
Warriors. A shout that lasts maybe 5 minutes? The only one being really any good for me is the one that gives a health buff. No CC abilities other than hamstring which can be taken care of by Mages or a Hunter's wingclip or a shamans earth bind totem.

In general if you don't know the Warrior's ability the chances of getting asked to DPS for a group is lower than having a DPS class called to do it.

You mean kinda like you don't seem to have any clue about warrior abilities? The shouts last for 2 minutes, and they can also benefit other classes. Say you have a warrior tank, then a warrior and a rogue for your other DPS. The tank just got a threat boost, and 2/3 DPS got a large damage boost from BS. You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake, and just because the buff doesn't benefit YOU, doesn't mean that it's useless. A mage would have to either be specced frost or arcane to slow, or waste cast time on less powerful spells if they were specced fire to effectively snare like a hamstring. If a hunter is running in to wing clip, they need to be shot anyhow.

DPS warriors can effectively OT by throwing on a shield with a good healer in place of CC, and with a competant tank there honestly shouldn't be a massive need for CC anyways. 3 CCs is overkill. The only time I put CC in a pull tends to be when there's a mob that can fear/charm/silence that I want locked down, or there are more than 4 mobs to be tanked, so that I can ensure Thunderclap hits everything I should be tanking. Guess what a fury warrior can do in many cases to make sure those spells I mentioned don't get cast, though? Pummel.

Given the option between a DPS warrior or a DPS class with CC, both at the same skill level, it REALLY doesn't matter. A sh*tty player with CC is still going to mess up his CC, and it won't make a difference. Which do I want to deal with, some ****** hunter or mage grabbing agro on a target from CC and having to chase it down, or a ****** DPS warrior at least staying right by my side where I can wipe his *** for him? I'm going to take the warrior. He'll at least also offer me the tertiary benefit of a battle shout, which will help my threat gen, as stated before.

You look stupid, because all you've really argued and proven here is that a DPS warrior in a group does not benefit YOU. To be honest, as a DPS class, none of us give a damn what your opinion is on group composition. As tanks, we're aware of what classes we want or need in a group. Once you get your warrior to a level of content where coordination is important, and group composition can make or break a run, maybe your opinion will hold more weight. Until then, you're telling the people that decide whether YOU'RE important to our group what WE should want in it and clearly you've been told that your opinion from our view is wrong, almost unanimously.

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 7:11am by FletusSanguine
#31 Dec 18 2007 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
ermm Krisss, way to get back on-topic, /highfive

i ran Hmech and Hub with my OT spec (8/41/12) and actually topped dps in both, despite some not very melee-friendly fights in Hmech and not speccing impale. yes, the other dps (mage/rogue in Hmech, same rogue and a hunter in Hub) were geared similarly to me, and in the hunter's case he outgeared me and was BM spec (which i believe to be the hunter dps spec du jour from what i read on the hunter forums). we're not talking about 3-4% outdpsing the nearest dps...... in the Hub run, the rogue reset his dps meter halfway into the instance, as i had been outdpsing him badly before that, so he switched weapons, reapplied different poisons, etc. From halfway through Hub to downing The Black Stalker, he put out 450k damage, and i put out 650k, easily doing 33% more damage than he did. he couldn't for the life of him figure out how and why i was outdpsing him by so much, but later on i realized that SS+WW and then SS+cleave is totally ftw, and that's where the extra damage comes from. the warrior tank was also loving my 5/5 imp battleshout, as he had a buttload more damage added to his attacks.
#32 Dec 18 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Default
3,909 posts
Who says warriors can't DPS?

Who, indeed?

I've never heard anyone say that, ever, and if they did I'd hit them with something equally as obtuse as their head.
#33 Dec 18 2007 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
I'd hit them with something equally as obtuse as their head.

I lol'd at that :P Hilarious. Anyone who says warriors can't dps has never been in anything further than Kara. Even in the lower level dungeons (Ramps and SP for example) my (62, almost 63) warrior manages to put out very good damage and I can easily out dps a dps class if they are being handled by incompetents.

That being said. I was tanking H. Mana Tombs on my druid last night and I easily had double the damage of the 42/16/3 "dps" warrior in the group. Warriors are one of the harder classes to manage to get decent dps as you cant just spam 1 button (fireball, SB) or a 2 shot rotation (Steady Shot, Auto-shot).

Don't get me wrong, I love my lock and he does awesome dps but just sitting there spamming SBs and refreshing a couple of DoTs is no were near as complicated as warrior dps.

Disclaimer: I am in no way dissing any other class just pointing out that warriors can dps but need a brain to do so
#34 Dec 18 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
FletusSanguine wrote:

You mean kinda like you don't seem to have any clue about warrior abilities? The shouts last for 2 minutes, and they can also benefit other classes. Say you have a warrior tank, then a warrior and a rogue for your other DPS. The tank just got a threat boost, and 2/3 DPS got a large damage boost from BS. You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake, and just because the buff doesn't benefit YOU, doesn't mean that it's useless. A mage would have to either be specced frost or arcane to slow, or waste cast time on less powerful spells if they were specced fire to effectively snare like a hamstring. If a hunter is running in to wing clip, they need to be shot anyhow.

DPS warriors can effectively OT by throwing on a shield with a good healer in place of CC, and with a competant tank there honestly shouldn't be a massive need for CC anyways. 3 CCs is overkill. The only time I put CC in a pull tends to be when there's a mob that can fear/charm/silence that I want locked down, or there are more than 4 mobs to be tanked, so that I can ensure Thunderclap hits everything I should be tanking. Guess what a fury warrior can do in many cases to make sure those spells I mentioned don't get cast, though? Pummel.

Given the option between a DPS warrior or a DPS class with CC, both at the same skill level, it REALLY doesn't matter. A sh*tty player with CC is still going to mess up his CC, and it won't make a difference. Which do I want to deal with, some ****** hunter or mage grabbing agro on a target from CC and having to chase it down, or a ****** DPS warrior at least staying right by my side where I can wipe his *** for him? I'm going to take the warrior. He'll at least also offer me the tertiary benefit of a battle shout, which will help my threat gen, as stated before.

You look stupid, because all you've really argued and proven here is that a DPS warrior in a group does not benefit YOU. To be honest, as a DPS class, none of us give a damn what your opinion is on group composition. As tanks, we're aware of what classes we want or need in a group. Once you get your warrior to a level of content where coordination is important, and group composition can make or break a run, maybe your opinion will hold more weight. Until then, you're telling the people that decide whether YOU'RE important to our group what WE should want in it and clearly you've been told that your opinion from our view is wrong, almost unanimously.

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 7:11am by FletusSanguine

Actually I proved that they don't benifit the groups I run with. Sorry but when we have 1 melee class in a group. DPS may help. but ultimately has always got my groups killed.

Maybe he:

A.) Didn't have the right gear on.

B.) Didn't have a clue?

who knows all I know if I've ran a couple of groups where a DPS warrior was with us and all he did was cause problems. I am still willing to work with them. However I want to do some outdoor PvE to prove they are not completely incompatent.

Also If you don't know how to use wing clip as a Hunter you should be shot anyway. It isn't a run in kind of thing. It's a "Damn my trap broke early and CD is not up, Conc shot kite, when Conc shot wears off wing clip it and keep kiting until the party has gotten the mob off you or your trap CD is up and you put it back on ice.

No I don't try to even claim I know everything about the Warrior class. Pummel is a good move. Problem is having the correct person to play.

And yes if I had a good warrior I would take them over sh*tty dps class. Basically it comes down to the player not the class.

Reason I said Maybe 5 minutes is due to the fact that I am not sure about how long the talents to extend the shout lasts. I was giving a rough guess about how long it will be with talents.

I guess it's all really personal opinion.

When I have a druid tank like I have been recently I don't NEED a warrior to DPS.

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 6:56am by HitashLevat
#35 Dec 18 2007 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
fromanthebarbarian wrote:
ermm Krisss, way to get back on-topic, /highfive

i ran Hmech and Hub with my OT spec (8/41/12) and actually topped dps in both, despite some not very melee-friendly fights in Hmech and not speccing impale. yes, the other dps (mage/rogue in Hmech, same rogue and a hunter in Hub) were geared similarly to me, and in the hunter's case he outgeared me and was BM spec (which i believe to be the hunter dps spec du jour from what i read on the hunter forums). we're not talking about 3-4% outdpsing the nearest dps...... in the Hub run, the rogue reset his dps meter halfway into the instance, as i had been outdpsing him badly before that, so he switched weapons, reapplied different poisons, etc. From halfway through Hub to downing The Black Stalker, he put out 450k damage, and i put out 650k, easily doing 33% more damage than he did. he couldn't for the life of him figure out how and why i was outdpsing him by so much, but later on i realized that SS+WW and then SS+cleave is totally ftw, and that's where the extra damage comes from. the warrior tank was also loving my 5/5 imp battleshout, as he had a buttload more damage added to his attacks.

Something that can be the reason for this.

A.) The hunter was busy CCing.

B.) The DPS meter didn't account for pets. (have a hunters DPS meter pop up when it counts for pets and a class that doesn't have pets pop theirs I bet you they are probably different.)

C.) Maybe he was a tard.

Don't know about the rogue though.
#36 Dec 18 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
42/16/3 "dps" warrior

That spec is definitely not a dps spec for PVE, unless you get imp slam and some others. Maybe thats a 2h fury spec and he didn't know how to play that thats why you made that guy look like he was crap.

Fury warriors aren't the only warriors that can pummel. Once you get to a raiding guild, you'll learn that in order to do 2h dps you'll definitely need the gear and more importantly the weapon.

To HitashLevat, again, I'm glad you're pretty savvy with the Hunter, but you need to learn more about the warrior before you start talking out of your ***. It sounds to me that you're just totally against warriors because they either own you in dmg in instances or they own your face in PvP. I'm not really sure, but sooner or later you will understand the raid utility of a dps warrior when specced properly.

EDIT: WWS never lies! Oh, I do set the dmg meter paramaters to account for pets..but again, a huntard with a pet can ruin the group more often than a dps warrior. :) I still own in dmg anyway..come to Thaurissan and run heroics with me...

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 3:04pm by PigeonMan
#37 Dec 18 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
277 posts
Also If you don't know how to use wing clip as a Hunter you should be shot anyway. It isn't a run in kind of thing. It's a "Damn my trap broke early and CD is not up, Conc shot kite, when Conc shot wears off wing clip it and keep kiting until the party has gotten the mob off you or your trap CD is up and you put it back on ice.

I don't have a high level hunter so I'm really not trying to bust your chops here. Maybe I'm missing something...but why wouldn't you FD instead of running around using Conc shot/Wing-clip in the hopes that someone gets the mob off of you or your trap CD ends?
#38 Dec 18 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
Umm...because its his job to control that mob, so if his cc breaks and he FD's is GG group. So by kiting it, he's still doing his job until he can lay a trap again.
#39 Dec 18 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
PigeonMan wrote:
Umm...because its his job to control that mob, so if his cc breaks and he FD's is GG group. So by kiting it, he's still doing his job until he can lay a trap again.

Thank you.

got your blue back! XD

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 7:23am by HitashLevat
#40 Dec 18 2007 at 7:27 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
PigeonMan wrote:

EDIT: WWS never lies! Oh, I do set the dmg meter paramaters to account for pets..but again, a huntard with a pet can ruin the group more often than a dps warrior. :) I still own in dmg anyway..come to Thaurissan and run heroics with me...

Oh I may do that. But we will have to wait until the New expansion. I really don't feel like starting from scratch. I have a slight Altism. already got 18 toons I have to worry about. =D

Very true very true. I am not trying to take credit away from you, it's just that some people are not aware of how much DPS is being added by a pet from a BM lol.

*edited due to deleting a bit to much. fixed the bracket so it shows the quote properly.*

Edited, Dec 18th 2007 7:30am by HitashLevat
#41 Dec 18 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
lol If you came to thaurrisan you would hate it. Horde outnumber alliance 4:1. And since you're alliance, we def. can't run heroics together =(

I don't care about being blue, people who rate down probably got offended by something I said. No worries though.

As for WWS, most hunters in my guild do amazing dps. For those who don't know what WWS it's Wow Web Stats and its a more accurate DMG meter. It show's you how many times you did an attack, your crit % for that attack, and your miss % for it as well. It also has a combat log and can see who wasn't attacking a certain target when they should have been. It's used more commonly amongst guilds running higher end content. We still use it for kara just for giggles.
#42 Dec 18 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Yeah, the hunter FDing would cause the mob to run right to where it was NOT supposed to be...straight into the healer's loving arms. This would make the hunter, who is doing his job properly, into a hunTARD. That's why they clip/conc the mob in between traps. It's one of the signs of a good hunter, even if it costs them personal DPS.
#43 Dec 18 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
And yes I am not going to claim to be the most Warrior savvy person out there. I do like the class though and have had fun playing one. I really don't have anything against them at all well except that bandages never heal enough =S.

My friend may end up DPSing for our guild when we start Kara. (if he ever gets his lazy *** to 70 lol)

I go based off what I have seen (personally) or what I have done.

#44 Dec 18 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
PigeonMan wrote:
lol If you came to thaurrisan you would hate it. Horde outnumber alliance 4:1. And since you're alliance, we def. can't run heroics together =(

I don't care about being blue, people who rate down probably got offended by something I said. No worries though.

As for WWS, most hunters in my guild do amazing dps. For those who don't know what WWS it's Wow Web Stats and its a more accurate DMG meter. It show's you how many times you did an attack, your crit % for that attack, and your miss % for it as well. It also has a combat log and can see who wasn't attacking a certain target when they should have been. It's used more commonly amongst guilds running higher end content. We still use it for kara just for giggles.

Hense why I said I would have to wait until the expansion and I will make a Death Knight there (once I unlock it)

And thats good to know. I probably will redownload all my mods before we hit Kara.

*Edit* Can't believe I typed Mobs instead of Mods.

Edited, Dec 21st 2007 8:02am by HitashLevat
#45 Dec 18 2007 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
Something that can be the reason for this.

A.) The hunter was busy CCing.

B.) The DPS meter didn't account for pets. (have a hunters DPS meter pop up when it counts for pets and a class that doesn't have pets pop theirs I bet you they are probably different.)

C.) Maybe he was a tard.

Don't know about the rogue though.

i spoke to the warrior tank again and turns out i fscked up. but anyway:

a) the warrior tank was throwing out so much threat with tclap and spam tab/cleave that we didn't need cc. in Hub.

b) i got the right damage number from the tank, and with the pet the hunter stood at 600k. he was also ooming after every pull to keep up.

c) /shrug full epics, most of them pvp, maybe from grinding AV for weeks, who knows, but everyone in this group (tank/healer/dps) seemed to know what they were doing well enough to not be considered a tard.
#46 Dec 18 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
fromanthebarbarian wrote:

c) /shrug full epics, most of them pvp, maybe from grinding AV for weeks, who knows, but everyone in this group (tank/healer/dps) seemed to know what they were doing well enough to not be considered a tard.

This is why he was going OOM. The Hunter PVP gear sucks for PvE. Hardly any intellect so it's really easy to go OOM.

An All PvE blue'd hunter is going to hit more shots than an all Purple PvP geared hunter. [unfortunately =(]
#47 Dec 18 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
277 posts
Umm...because its his job to control that mob, so if his cc breaks and he FD's is GG group. So by kiting it, he's still doing his job until he can lay a trap again.

Ahhh...what was I thinking. I'm lucky I posed my comment as a question instead of a statement. Saved myself from looking like a total moron. My hunter experience is limited to 5-man pre-BC groups where if I FD the mob usually runs back to the tank. Thanks for the insight all.
#48 Dec 19 2007 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
842 posts
back to the point of battleshout being useless for hunters... it's definitely not useless for the pets, just thought i'd point out that obvious little tidbit to everyone.
#49 Dec 19 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
1,256 posts
fromanthebarbarian wrote:
back to the point of battleshout being useless for hunters... it's definitely not useless for the pets, just thought i'd point out that obvious little tidbit to everyone.

I think we have already moved on lol. But true battle shout helps the pet a bit. But when they get 3 shot in either location I'd personally rather get commanding shout. Besides. I use a wind serpent now so I don't have to send it into harms way. (Boss AoE for example) I also respeced MM so I could do this without gimping me.

And I figure. 1 Lightning breath every couple of seconds vs 1ightning breath and 1 bite before it gets AoEd down by physical damage. I'll keep it out of range and keep ordering it to use Lightning breath.


Back to the original topic. I ran SM cath last night with what I would have to say the best PuG I have ever had. They listened to the instructions, followed the markings, and the best part of all this was we 4 manned it. I was tanking, with a Mage, lock and shaman. The lock was my level, the mage was 37 and the shaman was 36. We still destroyed that whole place before repops even came through. A nice change if I say so myself.

And the funniest part of the whole thing? I was top on the damage chart through most of the entire instance. First time I had spammed sunder in a long time. =D
#50 Dec 19 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
I have arms warrior and it has always been at least 2nd in dam meters in instances & I don't even have full DPS build. Only some roques have done more. Warriors can do the same damage as every1 else if geared & specced right.
#51 Dec 19 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
354 posts
Nearly all online games has discussions such as these. My class is better @ so and so. I am a 66 fury/arms warrior DW. I love it. Actually, love PvE - questing, etc. Granted, 99% of the time, when I do an instance, I am the tank. Shield and one-hander ready. I will say this. When, on occation, I get to DPS - I rank fairly high on the charts - sometimes even in the, dare I say, no. one spot. Now, let me say, other classes can out DPS warriors - but just b/c of that fact, I think it is a disservice to say categorically, that warriors can't dps. Does that mean an athlete that comes in second shouldn't be an athelete?

There are some good points ppl. have made in reference to having a DPS warrior as an possible OT in case the MT goes down. But, that wasn't the subject of this thread. It was about warriors' ability to dole out the damage. I think they can and I think further credit should be given to a class that can tank and DPS.

But, what do I know - most here will say not much. Each to his own. I'm fortunate in the fact I love DW for questing and love to tank too.

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