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2.3.2 Spec DiscussionFollow

#1 Dec 16 2007 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I'm personally debating between mut and shs, given that my partner is a feral druid.

Reason that there's a debate is that mut is higher burst damage, and shs has more survivability with prep.

Any thoughts?

What's everyone speccing for 2.3.2? I know Tyr will be going back to combat maces, but what are the rest of you doing, and what's your rationale for that?
#2 Dec 16 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
ShS. Much more mobility than Fleet Footed, even after the nice buff, and it comes with other fun goodies like Dirty Tricks, Elusiveness, Prep and Premed.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#3 Dec 16 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Well I do have elusiveness in my current build; check my armory.

I'm wondering though which build would go better with my druid's playstyle, and I'm leaning more towards shs now because he's got incredibly high burst damage, but only shifts to caster to heal me if I'm lower than 10%.
#4 Dec 16 2007 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
A Shadowstepped, DD buffed 5 point Eviscerate would be some pretty ridiculous burst damage. Anyone low enough to get the Dirty Deeds bonus would almost certainly die if it crit.
#5 Dec 16 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Once I get my rogue up thinking of going ShS for big hemo/rupture openers.
#6 Dec 16 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
i live with 1v1 in mind.... and i like having unique counter talents, over useful to everyone


imp poisons for druids and shams, setup for rogue mirror, 1pt imp ea for warlocks and priests

i wish i could buff evis too, but the overall damage will help more then the big crits, since i need to get a target below 35% to make evis shine

figuring i might enlist a full demon warlock for my 2v2.... i honestly think that me be the biggest help in terms of a partner (felguard intercept, the extra dps, just overall higher dps then sl/sl... while having soul link for some survivability, just seems more my style then my current frost mage, or the more suggested healer or sl/sl lock)

Edited, Dec 16th 2007 7:06pm by mongoosexcore
#7 Dec 16 2007 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
It's looking like ShS may be the way I go. More survivability will be nice.

Edit: actually, nevermind. Just played a game as mut. Roflstomped the other team.

Edited, Dec 16th 2007 4:04pm by Theophany
#8 Dec 16 2007 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Why you'd want to go mutilate is a bit beyond me to be honest.

Combat was better in 2.2... nothing really happened to change that, the 15% speed increase won't solve your kitting problem.

I'm actually going to give ShS a try, but I don't expect it to work out.
#9 Dec 16 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
I wan't to see videos of:

in action.

Gladiator title, good rankings, subtlety all the way.
#10 Dec 16 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
Well i'm probably going w/ tyr on this one i've always liked rogue/tanking w/ cmbt maces. The only reason I switched was because of ar/prep and hemo finally being decent enough to use. Now that I see both are rollin out...forget about it!

edit: before any1 starts freakin out i call it rogue tank cause it always reminds me of a fury warrior seeing a mace rogue ;P
#11 Dec 16 2007 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Personally, even if you dont give a !@#$ about my opinion, 2v2 with a feral druid is horrible at least for me. But for my two cents, feral druids have very high survivability and you need to try to match that.
#12 Dec 16 2007 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Mutilate for sure. ShS pwns yes, but if you're not paired with a healer who can easily survive on their own, muti is better. ShS requires you to go off and dance around the map tricking your opponents, which doesn't leave a lot of space for a feral druid to follow the enemy around and try to get some mangles in. Also, mutilate is much better burst damage then ShS- After the initial damage boost, it is very lacking in damage overall. Missing prep might be sad, but still I would personally choose mutilate.
#13 Dec 17 2007 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
given that your druid doesnt seem to heal till youre dangerously low, id say sub would be the better idea. cheat death alone might save you any number of battles.
#14 Dec 17 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Default
I'm thinking of going back to muti myself for PvP. It was always just fluid for me. When you play with a build for 15 levels, then PvP/raid w/ it for 3 months, you usually find a niche. Muti was my niche.
#15 Dec 17 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
I'm still muti and keep telling myself I'm going to switch to ShS but can't find the will to do it. I dislike muti for BG but like it in Arena.
#16 Dec 17 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
ThomasMagnum wrote:
I'm still muti and keep telling myself I'm going to switch to ShS but can't find the will to do it. I dislike muti for BG but like it in Arena.

If you are doing arena w/ that spec, you need some help bro.
#17 Dec 17 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
out of those choices id go ShS too.

Poor mutilate....

Peronally, im gonna go with my old combat build.
#18 Dec 17 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
459 posts
ShS here. I cant believe its, its..... viable! (not best, but not worst either)
#19 Dec 17 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Cheat Death is very useful if you can kite properly, which makes ShS that much more useful. The Muti vs. ShS isn't about the 41 pointers for me, its more about Quick Recovery + Fleet Footed + Deadened Nerves vs. Sinister Calling + Dirty Deeds + Cheat Death, the only clear advantage that Muti may have over ShS are the Poison talents which can mess up a Healer's rhythm, but on the flipside you have Preparation with ShS.
#20 Dec 17 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, here's a more in depth answer.

Blizzard did succeed in making us use the 41 points talents. I really don't see people going hybrid anymore. As such, it comes down to which of the build you want to take - Assassination, Combat or Subtlety.

Assassination (a.k.a. Mutilate):

There's only 2 viable variant on this one, and it depends on if you go with Combat or Subtlety.

It's my firm belief that Mut/Com is simply a better build. More dps, longer gouge and Imp Sprint makes it the way to go. While Mut/Sub isn't total crap, it's definitly the weaker of the two.

Mutilate is not a bad build. It was still somewhat viable even during the HARP phase. However, it's my opinion that it is much weaker then Combat Mace. I was Mutilate for the entirity of S1 and I remember being litterally in shock at how much more powerful I felt when I switched to Combat. The only thing that has changed for Mutilate since then is a 7% speed increase, which I don't believe will make up for it's shortcoming.

The positional requirement and Resilience scores being what they are make Mutilate fall short. Simply put, for all the requirement the ability requires, it should be more powerful then it currently is. Mutilate's rogue burst damage and imp KS would really help in a 5v5 4dps team, but this set up is now too easily countered by a Discipline Priest.

Another rather big drawback of going Mutilate - you have to buy good daggers. If you end up not liking it, switching spec is going to be fairly horrible.

And if that wasn't enough, this spec is heavily affected by the 'ranged bug'.

A big no no overall.

Combat (a.k.a Combat Mace :P):

We all know this one really well by now. Combat has proven it is better then Mutilate has far as I'm concerned. The only question is if it's better then Shadowstep. I got to say that I'm pretty confident Combat will edge out and we'll all be back to Surprise Attack sooner then later.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know the strenght and weakness of this one. Other specs then mace are somewhat viable (Sword especially), but Maces are simply better for pvp.

Subtlety (a.k.a. Shadowstep, a.k.a. lolstep):

It's funny to think shadowstep might end being viable after being a joke ability for so long.

Speccing Shadowstep is stepping into the shadows of uncertaincy (+1 pun) - we don't really know if it's going to be good or not. It looks good on paper, but the change to it hardly seem like they're big enough to make it compete with Combat. Still, I, like many others, will give it a try.

The main concern is damage. Shadowstep should make us much harder to kite... but what's the point if we can't finish off a target when we're on them? A good exemple is on druids... they're hard enough to kill even with double AR and Blade Flurry, how the hell are we supposed to do it as shadowstep (which has no AR)?

The other concern is the lost of Weapon Spec - No mace stun. Ugh. This is going to suck.

There's still a lot of possible variant on this one, due to it being so new, we haven't locked down what works and what is stupid :P.

Combat Shadowstep is the one I'm the most interested in. With imp sprint, prep and shadowstep, kiting isn't going to be a problem, and thanks to dual wield spec and precision, you should still be able to keep your overall dps pretty solid (In fact, with imp s&d/Deadlyness/Sinister Calling/Hemo/Serrated Blade/Precision/DW spec - your white damage will be the highest it can be).

Assassination Shadowstep is also somewhat interesting. You get better crits (nice syngery with Sinister Calling), your Hemo crits will be fairly massive and you get very good energy/combo management... and you get to use the poison talents to a degree, which is something I miss from Mutilate (Getting 5 stack of wound up is sooo much easier with imp poison!). That being said, I think your overall dps of this spec is lower then Combat Shadowstep (math genius care to find out?) and you do lose Imp Sprint, which might be a big deal (depending on how good shadowstep is at countering kiters).

Hybrid Shadowstep is the other variant that I believe could work. You get to keep imp sprint, but you lose S&D and DW Spec - which will be a pretty big hit to your white damage. You do get the excellent reckleness and 5% more crit, which might balance things out.

I don't think Dagger Shadowstep will work at all, so I'm not including it here. All the problem of mutilate applies to Backstab (position, resilience, range bug, stuck with daggers) and on top of that, since you'll need imp BS, you pretty much have to go 19/0/41+1 which limits your options.

"Hey, why did you take X talent over Y!?"

You're more then welcome to critic my builds, this is after all, a talent discussion :P.

This is merely the way I would make the following builds, fillers talents will of course change between players according to preferences.

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 5:25pm by Tyrandor
#21 Dec 17 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
The main concern is damage. Shadowstep should make us much harder to kite... but what's the point if we can't finish off a target when we're on them? A good exemple is on druids... they're hard enough to kill even with double AR and Blade Flurry, how the hell are we supposed to do it as shadowstep (which has no AR)?

The other concern is the lost of Weapon Spec - No mace stun. Ugh. This is going to suck.

Thats my beef with it. ShS is one hell of a lot better than it used to be. a TON better. But i just cant part with mace spec and AR+BF.
#22 Dec 17 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
So you'd take Imp over Vile in ShS Tyr?

I'm thinking that if I go ShS I may end up switching my Wound to offhand for applications, since I'll be hemoing a lot to keep up crip.

Losing crip on shivs might not be ideal, but I'll be sure to keep wound up that way.
#23 Dec 17 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I haven't played with poison talents in months, but last I heard, Vile Poison didn't work against Abolish Poison, making it totally useless (unless you really value the +10% damage on wound poison procs).

Shiving up wound poison works in 5v5 if you're on a 4dps comp, but it's a poor use of your energy in 2s and 3s and more traditional 5s... so I'd still want faster application over harder dispel (which ultimatley end up doing the same thing anyway - poison are harder to get rid of).

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 6:47pm by Tyrandor
#24 Dec 19 2007 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Hemo Daggers with 2/2 Blade Twisting
#25 Dec 19 2007 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
I haven't played with poison talents in months, but last I heard, Vile Poison didn't work against Abolish Poison, making it totally useless (unless you really value the +10% damage on wound poison procs).

Shiving up wound poison works in 5v5 if you're on a 4dps comp, but it's a poor use of your energy in 2s and 3s and more traditional 5s... so I'd still want faster application over harder dispel (which ultimatley end up doing the same thing anyway - poison are harder to get rid of).

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 6:47pm by Tyrandor

Could of sword somewhat objected to this. Maybe it was a different thread, not sure.

But does Abolish Poison ignore Rogue's dispel resistance on the poison? I know I heard close to when I stopped playing was, the way it worked against Rogue poisons (might be all stacked poisons) was the first 'tick' on Abolish was involved in the dispel mechanic so it was possible for the dispel to be resisted. But all ticks after the first do not check. It is just the first initial poison dispel.

I don't think I saw a blue, maybe it was speculation, maybe it was going to be looked into but I seem to recall it like that.

Was this ever fixed, was it not like that, and also, is it still like that?
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


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#26 Dec 19 2007 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Pennuial wrote:
Hemo Daggers with 2/2 Blade Twisting

First, lol Hemo daggers you are better off with Mace/Sword/Fist in almost all opinion's.

But also some advice and also opinion.

Going basically a AR/Prep (if you are going to Hemo, there is honestly no reason to short change your point investment potential here so close to Prep) getting deeper in combat with your points remaining can be tedious. I see your reason for Blade Twisting. Fast hits, a lot of swings a lot of procs, but when you get to AR and have the few remaining points you want to somehow work in Nerves of Steel. At least over Blade Twisting. Also sometimes if you have those 1-3 points that just hover taking Blade Twisting over the help/utility in middle/upper Sub is somewhat shortchanging. I personally would much more utilize 2 points spent in mid Sub than what you would gain from Blade Twisting.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


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