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#1 Dec 16 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
What is the point?

With changes to Ret tree and the 1/3 spell damage from healing gear I can easily stack more spell damage in my healing set than you ever could hope to dream in your spell damage set.

I can outheal a shockadin anyday of the week even if they do put together a +heal set, thanks to my spec and having gear totally devoted to healing.

Worse the usual 41/20 Holy/Prot is more viable/survivable when it comes to PvP, and more useful.

So why choose a spec that has less dps, less healing and less survivability? Really, I'd like to know.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Dec 16 2007 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
You honestly have more healing as ret than as shockadin? That means you must way out-gear him. If a shockadin goes in with a healing set, he will outheal you. The shockadin spec allows the paladin to use a SHIELD while still doing damage, thus being much more survivable than your ret spec. And while 41/20 may have more survivability, it has a lot less damage. Not to mention a shockadin can actually control when damage goes off, rather than a ret pally who relies on luck.

Honestly, if you didnt have enough posts, I'd assume you were a troll. You come in here basically saying "Ret has more healing and spell damage than holy" which is like saying holy relies more on melee stats than ret...
#3 Dec 16 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
skribs wrote:
You honestly have more healing as ret than as shockadin? That means you must way out-gear him. If a shockadin goes in with a healing set, he will outheal you. The shockadin spec allows the paladin to use a SHIELD while still doing damage, thus being much more survivable than your ret spec. And while 41/20 may have more survivability, it has a lot less damage. Not to mention a shockadin can actually control when damage goes off, rather than a ret pally who relies on luck.

Honestly, if you didnt have enough posts, I'd assume you were a troll. You come in here basically saying "Ret has more healing and spell damage than holy" which is like saying holy relies more on melee stats than ret...

i'm pretty sure that bodh is holy... and therefore out heals ret, prot or most shockadins. and his point is holy is more healy, ret is finally almost respected dps but shockadins are less dps and less +healing...
#4 Dec 16 2007 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I can pump equivalent (or greater) damage and have more spell damage than any Shockadin, as a Holy Paladin. Why? Because their is no gear to support the Shockadin build, and there is no room in a raid for one. Therefore my t5 healing gear has more spell damage than you could ever hope to accumulate using pvp epics, dungeon blues or anything else you could acquire outside of a PvE environment.

In PvP shockadin is a complete failure, they neither DPS or Heal well which makes them as useless as tits on a nun. In PvE they will always underperform a dedicated healer in group, and in terms of solo~ability a straight holy pally does just as well now thanks to the 1/3 spelldamage from +healing that was implemented a month or two ago, along with the changes in the ret tree. It isn't a viable leveling build either, at least not until 60+. Not when viewed against Ret or Prot.

Back in the day Shockadin was somewhat viable for those looking to solo and heal 5 man content with a little PvP on the side, mainly because Holy pally dps was so poor. With new changes that isn't really an issue and it leaves shockadins as a build that leaves the pally mediocre at everything, great at nothing which =fail.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#5 Dec 16 2007 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
I've never been a fan of shockadins either. I was able to fight an epicced out "shockadin" to a stand-still with my prot build using my mostly craptastic ret gear. He went Oom way too fast, and yeah his SoR and Holy Shock and all that really hurt, but playing a little defensively allowed me to heal through it and watch his mana go down trying to kill me, while simultaneously widdling down his health, which he would still heal up as well. Anyway, the 5-minute fight resolved itself when my party members finally got to where we were and we gang-raped him.

In PvP shockadin is a complete failure, they neither DPS or Heal well which makes them as useless as tits on a nun.

You always have the most unique sayings....
#6 Dec 16 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Before they would be able to go down ret tree and pick up the old Imp Sotc, but now everyone gets that so that 15% increase is gone, healadins had no spell damage anyways, so a shockadin could at least justify it by saying "I might heal less, but at least I can solo that mob in under 2 minutes!".

That is gone now though. They heal less, they don't solo any better, they have less survivability. I just keep coming back to "They don't do anything better, and they do a number of things remarkably less well, why bother?"
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Dec 16 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
why bother?

For the extra runspeed? *shrugs*
#8 Dec 16 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Cheap enchants that do the same thing and don't cost talent points.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#9 Dec 16 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Well bodh i dunno how you get that shockadins have bad dps really.. I am badly geared to say the least, having just respecced, only decent gear i've got is gladiator shoulders, but my holy shock and JoR can still do some decent damage. I'll never be able to compete perhaps with the more dedicated dps classes, but i can hold my own. While you may be right in that we can't main heal raids as well as a dedicated healer, but in a pvp situation very few people have so much hp that it would matter. i 2v2 in a situation where dps is the main priority, and once my teammates hp starts to dip one big heal is enough to bring him back to safety.
#10 Dec 16 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Feel free to link your armory and we will talk. I'd truly like to see it.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Dec 16 2007 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
well er... Like i said i have really ****** gear. Just dinged 70 few days back. But if you do wanna see it, search for Faerivath, on Thaurissan Server. I can't get onto armory at the moment, my apologies. If you want you can link mine for me so everyone can laugh at me =(.
#12 Dec 16 2007 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
I'd say don't start making claims for Shockadin arena viability unless you have a 2k+ rating, cause that's the only thing that's going to convince bodh, and rightly so. A trained monkey can win fights for a while, but it's the cream of the crop which gets into the higher brackets and Shockadins just don't have the gusto to make it there.
#13 Dec 16 2007 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Well have a look at this guy: linky. 3k crits hurt no matter who you are.
#14 Dec 16 2007 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
Not if it's healed up immediately after for a fraction of the mana that it took to cast. Plus, I don't believe in videos. Too much room for misinterpretation and propaganda.
#15 Dec 16 2007 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
You could say the same about ANY class in that case. A 5k pyroblast means nothing if it can be crit healed for a fraction of the cost and the time right? But in any pvp situation taking out the healers with big damage like that is always a plus...

Plus having a look at the armory of the dude in the vid, Henri, 1k +healing in pvp gear is good, and with enough regen that's more than enough to main heal kara.

Edited, Dec 16th 2007 9:37pm by iceravenVI
#16 Dec 16 2007 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Cheap enchants that do the same thing and don't cost talent points.


Unless they buffed the runspeed enchants, they only do 8%. But since I haven't checked, they probably did buff em. But I was mostly joking.

I say mostly joking because it's the silly kind of thing I'd do.
#17 Dec 16 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
with 300 dmg concecration per tic? no wonder, almost 4X normal conce dmg

if he was a mage in that gear i'd say he's topin teh dmg meters?

#18 Dec 16 2007 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
3k crits my HL hits for 3500 non crit. Or a FoL crit crit for 2500 hundred will do the job.

Not to mention that you are relying on crit to get the 3k, in a world of resilience gear which dramatically reduces the viability of crit. Then you pop it off and and are left twiddling your thumbs for the 10 second holy shock cool or the 8 second judgement. So you get to rely on seals/melee which is a joke any which way you cut it, worse if you are near a class that can purge, consume it. Might as well be in a pillow fight, accept you are swinging goose down and the other guy has a sack full of bricks.

A 5k pyroblast means nothing if it can be crit healed for a fraction of the cost and the time right?

See the real big difference is that a Pally can stun, thats bout it. That mage can throw out massive spike damage and can also interrupt the healers cast, sheep em and keep pressure on. 3k damage spike is nothing when you have 10K+ health and 6 second stun can be easily trinketed out of, or even just sat through since a shockadin is probably only going to be hitting 350dps while waiting on cools. The next 8+ seconds you are on cool downs I am sitting pretty, I can put out 9K+ heals in that time. I will never get that luxury from a well played mage.

To come back the video it is easy to tell even with the grainy vid that he is hitting some undergeared guys for 3k. It is also easy to see the mana bar disappear and then the reliance on 180 white damage with the 200 yellow judgement which is a joke.

I'm not even hardcore into PvP, my focus is Raid healing. However I often do arena and Bg and Ret pallies and Shockadins make me smile. I can heal through their dps without even consuming 1/4 of my mana bar, then proceed to pick them apart since they are effectively useless while OOM. Which boils back to the fact that heals are much more pivotal in a battle that 'almosts compares' to undergeared compatriots in real dps classes.

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 12:40am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#19 Dec 17 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
Cheap enchants that do the same thing and don't cost talent points.


Unless they buffed the runspeed enchants, they only do 8%. But since I haven't checked, they probably did buff em. But I was mostly joking.

I say mostly joking because it's the silly kind of thing I'd do.

i got your joke...and enchants are still 8%
#20 Dec 17 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
468 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
I can pump equivalent (or greater) damage and have more spell damage than any Shockadin, as a Holy Paladin.

I'm sorry but your dps doesn't compare to that of a shockadin...

They can easily have 1000 spell damage, and the best you can come up with is 773...c'mon give me a break. The only way for you to out dps them is by living longer with your added survivability and leet heals.

Out dps, no. Outshine, yes
#21 Dec 17 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
...I'm sorry, I must be missing something here. Holy Shock can be used to heal as well, yeah?

So...isn't every shockadin, really, be just a healadin with a bit of damage on the side? I mean, you can heal with Holy Shock. It's an instant-cast healing spell. Shouldn't the shockadin be able to heal just as much as the healadin, or am I misunderstanding the relationship between spell damage, spell crits and +healing here?

Never played a paladin to 70 before and never pvp'd hard at 70 before, so if this is a newbie thing to point out, I apologise.
#22 Dec 17 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
zepoodle wrote:
...I'm sorry, I must be missing something here. Holy Shock can be used to heal as well, yeah?

So...isn't every shockadin, really, be just a healadin with a bit of damage on the side? I mean, you can heal with Holy Shock. It's an instant-cast healing spell. Shouldn't the shockadin be able to heal just as much as the healadin, or am I misunderstanding the relationship between spell damage, spell crits and +healing here?

Never played a paladin to 70 before and never pvp'd hard at 70 before, so if this is a newbie thing to point out, I apologise.

It took me a bit but I think I understand your confusion. Healadins get holy shock as well, but it's utility as a healing spell is very limited. Sure, you can use it if you think they are going to die right then and there, but it's healing per mana is very very inefficient.
#23 Dec 17 2007 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
Overlord CapJack wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
...I'm sorry, I must be missing something here. Holy Shock can be used to heal as well, yeah?

So...isn't every shockadin, really, be just a healadin with a bit of damage on the side? I mean, you can heal with Holy Shock. It's an instant-cast healing spell. Shouldn't the shockadin be able to heal just as much as the healadin, or am I misunderstanding the relationship between spell damage, spell crits and +healing here?

Never played a paladin to 70 before and never pvp'd hard at 70 before, so if this is a newbie thing to point out, I apologise.

It took me a bit but I think I understand your confusion. Healadins get holy shock as well, but it's utility as a healing spell is very limited. Sure, you can use it if you think they are going to die right then and there, but it's healing per mana is very very inefficient.

To add to that Shockadins and Healadins are very different. Shockadins forgo most if not all of the healing talents in favor of dps oriented talents. Also, they usually have smaller mana pools and less efficient healing capabilities making them lesser healers.

#24 Dec 17 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Overlord CapJack wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
...I'm sorry, I must be missing something here. Holy Shock can be used to heal as well, yeah?

So...isn't every shockadin, really, be just a healadin with a bit of damage on the side? I mean, you can heal with Holy Shock. It's an instant-cast healing spell. Shouldn't the shockadin be able to heal just as much as the healadin, or am I misunderstanding the relationship between spell damage, spell crits and +healing here?

Never played a paladin to 70 before and never pvp'd hard at 70 before, so if this is a newbie thing to point out, I apologise.

It took me a bit but I think I understand your confusion. Healadins get holy shock as well, but it's utility as a healing spell is very limited. Sure, you can use it if you think they are going to die right then and there, but it's healing per mana is very very inefficient.

I use it while moving in some mobile fights to hit someone who is about to die but isn't important enough for me to stop to heal. And occasionally I'll use it on someone I saw a druid or priest cast a HoT on so I can make em overheal. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 9:39am by Poldaran
#25 Dec 17 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
from my experience, I tried the ret tree, all be it, I had the wrong gear, I thought well, that is cool. I tried the shockadin style, thats was fun. Between the 2 specs, I would say they are just as fun, but comes down to the gear, but as for shockadin vers a healadin, it comes down to play style, relys less on gear, and more on strategy. When I was a shockadin, I did notice the mana was gone very quickly, but, some changes to play style, make quite the difference.
#26 Dec 17 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
To add to that Shockadins and Healadins are very different. Shockadins forgo most if not all of the healing talents in favor of dps oriented talents. Also, they usually have smaller mana pools and less efficient healing capabilities making them lesser healers.

Shockadins and healadins have a lot of the exact same talents in the holy tree, it's just gear and playstyle which sets them apart.
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