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New Spells for WotLK?Follow

#1 Dec 16 2007 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
What do you think pallies should get as new spells?
I was thinking some AoE spell, kinda like the mage's Blizzard but instead golden arrows shoot out of the pally's hands at the targetted AoE area.
#2 Dec 16 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
114 posts
Golden....arrows? ^^

Hmmm, I've often wondered what a spell similar to the Mountain King's
Avatar ultimate ability would be like, you know you could have your
Pally start glowing and grow huge with increased abilities for a few seconds,
not unlike Heroism and Bloodlust etc., but rather it would be specific to
#3 Dec 16 2007 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I don't think anyone would have guessed SoV, SoB or Crusader Aura prior to beta releast of BC. Don't think we come close to guessing what WotLK will have in store for us either.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 Dec 16 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
216 posts
I was actually thinking about a new concept (ahum), something like epic spells. Let's say each class or race/class combo has a unique god or deity or whatever they 'pray' for (believe in) that would allow them a spell of epic proportions with a decent cooldown of course or perhaps needing some reagents or something. You can go really wild here, but i can see it fit in pve and pvp.

And i am talking about epic stuff, not some meteors or fires you see dropping from the sky now, but more incredible than that.

Perhaps something like the pits of hell, where the ground will open up before you enemies and swollow them whole, or in pvp it would teleport an area of people to certain (random) locations nearby.. I dont know, go wild.

I can see the paladin getting a truely holy spell, for example 'Calling the Light of Sorrow', where a large area will be affected by a great white light (blank screen) and all things in that area are brought back to there original states (as they were x seconds/minutes ago).. Like a great big 'undo'.

I know overpowered, impossible to implement, but come on, let your imagination go and lets think of concequences later on.
#5 Dec 16 2007 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
TinyTin wrote:
I was actually thinking about a new concept (ahum), something like epic spells. Let's say each class or race/class combo has a unique god or deity or whatever they 'pray' for (believe in) that would allow them a spell of epic proportions with a decent cooldown of course or perhaps needing some reagents or something. You can go really wild here, but i can see it fit in pve and pvp.

And i am talking about epic stuff, not some meteors or fires you see dropping from the sky now, but more incredible than that.

Problem being their are no gods in WoW lore. There are the Titans, there are the Naaru, there are the race that created both (or was it just the titans) there are demons and there is a general reference to a creator who is generally absent from the scene but that is barely mentioned.

This is not like EQ with Mithaniel Marr and Rallos Zek. Of course EQ2 has already stolen your idea (about a year ago) and implemented a Diety system where you can worship and earn points you can spend to get 1 time use abilities that rock hard.

Edited, Dec 16th 2007 9:11am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Dec 16 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
GothmogII wrote:

Hmmm, I've often wondered what a spell similar to the Mountain King's
Avatar ultimate ability would be like, you know you could have your
Pally start glowing and grow huge with increased abilities for a few seconds,
not unlike Heroism and Bloodlust etc., but rather it would be specific to

Yeah! then i would look like the bosses in Uldaman.

or just give us gnome paladins.
#7 Dec 16 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
Golden....arrows? ^^

Hmmm, I've often wondered what a spell similar to the Mountain King's
Avatar ultimate ability would be like, you know you could have your
Pally start glowing and grow huge with increased abilities for a few seconds,
not unlike Heroism and Bloodlust etc., but rather it would be specific to

That would be cool, but probably be more along the lines of the Warrior. I also wouldn't be too surprised if Mountain King becomes a hero class in a WotLK update with all the lore about Muradin(I don't know if that's the correct name) and the lost dwarves.
#8 Dec 16 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent

or just give us gnome paladins.

Oh god no.... I'm still disgusted by Dranei Paladins (I think I'm still spelling that wrong), a gnome paladin would make me want to start up the game again just so that I can quit again.
#9 Dec 16 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
281 posts
A healing Consecration.
#10 Dec 16 2007 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
713 posts

I like the idea of heroic moves but for blizzard to implement them, that would mean some serious increase in skill for enemy mobs which probably wont happen.

The consecrate heal sounds good though, or maybe a strong HoT with a 5/10min CD deep in the holy tree.

How about a Divine Intervention type spell that fully heals all party members but sacrifices the paladin (Martyrdom).

An AOE/Group Rez spell would be awesome. Blizzard could even keep it non battle if they wanted so it fell in line with the normal Rez. I think there was something similar to this in WC3. Or maybe I'm thinking of the DK ability that would create skeletons from corpses...
#11 Dec 16 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
281 posts
An AOE/Group Rez spell would be awesome. Blizzard could even keep it non battle if they wanted so it fell in line with the normal Rez. I think there was something similar to this in WC3. Or maybe I'm thinking of the DK ability that would create skeletons from corpses...

I wouldn't enjoy that as a 61 point talent spell in the Holy tree, we'd need something that we would use more, but as a random spell from 70-80, yeah, that could work.

Edited, Dec 16th 2007 11:09pm by UnkemptSuperman
#12 Dec 16 2007 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
An instant cast heal/HoT or a battle rez. Either would be awesome for my holy pally.
#13 Dec 16 2007 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Problem being their are no gods in WoW lore.

I believe Elune is a god, right? And there are demi-gods. Cenarius, Raviana, etc. Those are much biggest amonst the Druids and night elves than church of light, though.
#14 Dec 16 2007 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
I think the Warcraft stance on the god issue is very inconsistent and ambiguous. On the one hand, you've got these Titan creator beings that are basically a super-advanced interstellar race, and then you've got these ambiguously defined Naaru that are like trans-dimensional energy-based beings that decided, seemly arbitrarily, to be "good". And on the other hand people often refer to gods like Elune directly, with temples and priestesses. I personally always assumed Elune was just a Night Elf that was so immersed in the Well of Eternity that she became partially god-like. Cenarius, presumably, was put in place by the Titans to oversee the balance of nature and that jargon, hence "demi-god" (he's kinda dead anyway.)

I wouldn't really like the idea of more Paladin races. To be honest I still think Blood Elf Paladins were a baaaad idea. On the one hand, it was necessary because it forced a sort of balance between Shamans and Paladins to shut up all the people whinging about the opposite number being broken. On the other hand it majorly cheapened what it meant to be a Paladin, because now these magic-addicted fairies are siphoning power from an ambiguous energy source that the Alliance merely assumed was good. I mean, every Blood Elf Paladin is essentially an evil Paladin. That's like...Warlocks playing with fluffy bunnies and preaching love and joy to the multitudes. I know Blizzard likes its morality ambiguous, but we have evil Paladins. They're called Death Knights and they're about to be introduced anyway.

Anyway, back on topic: I think the divine spell idea is silly. You have to realise that anything as game-breaking as a mass teleport is going to be overused. It isn't a superawesome unique divine spell of superunique awesomeness if it's getting played fifteen times by fifteen different people every fifteen minutes with every match of Arathi Basin. It kinda loses its point - your God has picked you as its sole divine champion, along with all His other divine champions that hit level 80 and completed the ridiculously hard quest to get it.

I personally think an AOE heal (perhaps a channeled cast) would be a boon for Holy Paladins, especially in Battlegrounds and especially if it can be used with divine shield - bubble and get 10 seconds of fast healing for everyone in 30ft could quite literally shift the course of a battle without being game-breaking. Or alternately, something like the Shadow Hunter in FT, with his AOE invulnerability. Otherwise, modifying Consecration so that it heals your allies as well as/instead of damaging your enemies is a good idea. If not that, then at least a HoT or something to put some variation into healadins - at the moment I gather that it's just spamming FoL and Cleanse with the occasionally Holy Light and 3min talent thrown in.

But seriously..."Calling the Light of Sorrow?" CtLoS? How are we going to discuss powergaming that when it has such an OTT name? And golden arrows? That's ...kinda lame, no offense meant.

Something like Avatar for a tankadin is an exciting idea. For one, every paladin player secretly wants to be the Big Man of the group saving everyone's *** from oblivion by soloing the raid boss at a critical moment, and Avatar is the kind of spell that does that. Two, an armour bonus, health bonus, and spell immunity/resistance on a main tank, even for thirty seconds...that's good stuff.

Edit: edited because I use too many goddamn italics.

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 12:48am by zepoodle
#15 Dec 16 2007 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
216 posts
I really don't care what they come up with. I am pretty sure non (or just a tiny portion) of our ideas here will be implemented. However i would like to see some more out of the box thinking, that is all i was trying to point out really. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
#16 Dec 16 2007 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
It's interesting to see what everyone thinks will come and/or would like to come into play. I like the idea of a healing Consecration type spell a lot particularly. Why? It fits with the class and is different from what other classes already have.

Think about something: Druids and Priests (and to a lesser extent any class a Draenei chooses) heal with HoTs. Druids, Priests, and to a lesser extent Shaman heal with group healing abilities. Paladins and (for the most part) Shaman are direct healers. Implementing a true HoT and/or group heal spell to the Paladin class would make us truely a Priest in plate. Giving each healing class the same kinds of abilities makes the point of having multiple classes who can fill the role moot. There'd be no reason to take a Priest or Druid if a Paladin could heal with HoTs and group heals (barring Shield and Innervate which a DPS spec could still bring). Conversely there'd be no reason to bring a Holy Paladin if Druids and Priests could single target heal with the power and efficiency a Paladin can while still using their HoTs and group heals too (bar the Blessings which again a DPS or tank spec can bring).

The healing Consecration though would give the Paladin more multi-target healing power while still keeping in theme with the class, and it would be unique to the class: a multi-target heal ONLY when the targets are in the radius of the Consecrate which a Paladin could run in, drop, and move out again where something like Tranquility the caster must stay put.

On the topic of "epic" spells or anything like that, I think the only way they could implement such a thing would be by making them PvE only, only castable once per 24 hour period, or something really drastic like that. I personally don't like the idea as it would take a lot of work to balance, and we know how Blizzard is about balance. Would probably ship broken, and still be broken a year later =/

Oh, and Gnome Paladins? Bad enough BElves are allowed to perverse the Light, no need to let our own faction do it too =P
#17 Dec 17 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
468 posts
BlackoutCC wrote:
An instant cast heal/HoT or a battle rez. Either would be awesome for my holy pally.

I like this plus an immunity to silence and cyclone would be nice...
#18 Dec 17 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
I have once seen a video on where a crew of Blizzard employees fought one of the best WSG teams of the world (how do they measure this exactly? oh well). The Blizzard employees could make all kind of things happen, it went really wild, but the only thing I can truely remember is that they also had the ability to grow REALLY huge, meaning like 10+ times the size of a normal character. It was really fun to see. Whirlwinds flying everywhere, one of them summoned an (old) instance boss to fight for him... should have remembered the name or contents of the video. Want to see it again. *sob*

On the topic: always been a fan of a change of size, like the engineering Gnomish Shrink Ray or the alchemy potion eeehm The-Potion-That-Makes-You-Bigger-And-Stronger. Seeing things from another respective is cool. (though not original)
#19 Dec 17 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I only want ONE ability per spec for WotLK:

Holy: Divine Shield instantly heals all party members for 40% of Paladin's maximum health.

Retribution: A triggerable ability (like another Strike or Judge) that lays an undispellable debuff that reduces the target's Resilience by 100 and Armour by 500, stacks three times.

Protection: A Divine Shield-like ability that makes me immune to crowd control, debuffs and dots, but I still take 1% of all incoming damage for 12 secs instead of 0%. Then I can do what all Tankadins want to do; bubble in a tight spot without the boss losing aggro.


#20 Dec 17 2007 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
I'd love some kind of CC, and a Nature Resistance Aura.
#21 Dec 17 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
I only want ONE ability per spec for WotLK:

Holy: Divine Shield instantly heals all party members for 40% of Paladin's maximum health.

Retribution: A triggerable ability (like another Strike or Judge) that lays an undispellable debuff that reduces the target's Resilience by 100 and Armour by 500, stacks three times.

Protection: A Divine Shield-like ability that makes me immune to crowd control, debuffs and dots, but I still take 1% of all incoming damage for 12 secs instead of 0%. Then I can do what all Tankadins want to do; bubble in a tight spot without the boss losing aggro.


Basically you want to rig paladins to the point of uber-OP right?

Seriously, lol.

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 1:33pm by muffinyumyum
#22 Dec 17 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
YJMark wrote:
I'd love some kind of CC, and a Nature Resistance Aura.

A nature resist aura would be nice or even an arcane resist aura. More auras = more instance/raid utility and would hardly break the game.
#23 Dec 17 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
An arcane would be kinda nice, Hunters already have the nature resist aura, so to have one too would kinda take away from them.
#24 Dec 17 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
638 posts
Ooo, I like the giant avatar idea! How about an avatar that can be summoned (or that the paladin transforms into), will take all aggro while it lasts (completely wiping the aggro table of all mobs in the vicinity), take a ton of damage (or better yet be immune to damage for the 15 or so seconds that it lasts) and when it disappears, the paladin dies? A great second chance spell for big boss fights - while the avatar is taking all the damage and keeping everybody busy, the rest of the raid can heal up, do battle rezzes, and so forth and be ready to start over as soon as the avatar vanishes.
#25 Dec 17 2007 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Oh Cap - do you have a soft spot for Hunters? Don't want them to feel left out? :) just kidding. Don't Hunters also have Arcane Resistance?

There are always going to be overlaps of some skills (Priests have Shadow Res too). It would be nice to just have a full set of auras.

How about some kind of a "Pull you to me" skill. So that Hunter who is shooting at me from a distance, or that Mage that is kiting me - I can "Pull" them into melee range :)

EDIT - You are right - Hunters only have Nature Res Aura. But don't they have Resistance spells to all other magic too?

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 1:50pm by YJMark

Edited, Dec 17th 2007 1:53pm by YJMark
#26 Dec 17 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm pretty sure it's just nature that they have.

Honestly, I don't think Bliz is going to address things like Paladin mobility in the next expansion. I think they've already addressed it in their minds with PoJ. So I wouldn't be looking forward to any anti-kiting spells or abilities in the future. Besides, that's the one thing that other classes have against us, take that away and we come very powerful.

And the shadow res thing from priests isn't exactly the same thing. It's a spell, not an aura. So aside from mana, it doesn't cost them anything to use it. As for Paladins, all auras cost them the ability to use their other auras, and it's the same thing with Hunter Aspects. One or the other is going to have to use theirs, and I don't want to get in that debate with Hunters. To wit:

Hunter: "I won't use my aspect, you just use your aura."
Paladin: "No, if you use yours I can use X aura which will help this other group."
Hunter: "But my aspect will help this other group and do more dps."

etc... etc...
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