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Help with huntersFollow

#1 Dec 15 2007 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
OK another nOOb question.

I'm lvl 19 and trying to bg. 1v1 vs rogue and I lose - expected - but how the hell do you deal with a hunter?

Pins me with pet and I'm dead. Can't get near him.

Earthbind doesn't seem to stop the pet, Stoneclaw doesn't distract it. He hits me with concussive shot, pops out of range and all I get off is 1, maybe 2 shocks then I'm dead. If I try to fight the pet - same result.

It's really beginning to get on my nerves as horde on my server turns up with at least two hunters in every bg. Had five of the sods in one bg!

I don't have much hair left - help ;D
#2 Dec 15 2007 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
you have no 1v1 vianbility against hunters/locks until 66 when you get your elementals.
#3 Dec 15 2007 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
101 posts
Once again Draeneipaladin, you amuse me with your comment...
You will get viable 1v1 options against other classes, but it's not just with the elementals. Those things are 20 minute cooldowns, anyone can go 1 on 1 with someone if they have a 20 minute CD with you. Without them, there are different ways to surpass a huntard with the different trees.
1. Resto
Just try to melee the dude, putting down poison cleansing totem and earthbind totem to keep him in your range and to put his poisons at an ease. Use lightning bolt every once in a while, put on water shield to keep up mana, heal yourself, etc. It'll take a while as resto. Don't bother with Earth Shield because he can arcane shot it off.

2. Enhancement
Same totems, but do stormstrike + earth shock / frost shock (depending on if he's well in your range or not) and melee, etc.

3. Elemental
Same totems, maybe wrath of air, lightning bolt spam and keep 'im in your range.

Yea, these tactics are for 70s but for lower levels... Well, for 19 it's really hard to beat someone as a shaman because you don't have windfury, stormstrike, earth shield, reduced casting LB, etc.
As a 19 you barely scratch the tip of the iceberg with your class. If he's your twink, then GL, but if he's your first character / alt then keep leveling him, don't waste your time in the 19 bracket. For later on, as you get more of the abilities listed then you'll be able to stand a chance. 49 is a really good bracket to PvP in.
#4 Dec 16 2007 at 1:24 AM Rating: Default
notice how he is asking for "HUNTER" notice how i posted "HUNTER/LOCK"

and no, none of those strategies will work on a competant hunter.

Ele/resto, he will silence so theres no chance of doing any damage other than Flame shock/frost shock, or healing for that matter.

enhancement fairs a little better but the hunter will stun/snare, if hes MM you've already lost.

the hunters shots combined with the pets DPS make it to where you wont be able to cast but maybe 2 spells/heals before he kills you.

#5 Dec 16 2007 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
Hi and thanks for the advice.

He is an alt that I started out of curiosity. I'm growing to like playing him though; so I may stick with him.

I can PvE ok and do reasonally well as part of the flag defence in wsg. I just fall foul of Hunters everytime I try to join the offence - I'm probably just a bit too gung-ho. I try to bypass their front line and get in amongst them to purge their casters; especially the healer(s).

I only have a couple of hundred honour to get for my IotA, so grind these off then go level as you suggest.

Thanks again
#6 Dec 16 2007 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Drakothh wrote:
... a bunch of idealistic, unrealistic crap.

Draenei's suggestions may have been completely worthless, but yours were even less than worthless.

The short, honest, and unfortunate answer is that you don't stand a chance against a competent Hunter one-on-one and you never will. Ever. The best shot you've got is as an Elemental Shaman once you've gotten four (count 'em) pieces of a gladiator set so you've got 70% pushback resistance on your LB's/CL's, but even then, the Hunter should still beat you.

World PvP you're screwed. BG's, just try to run away and hope that someone else can and will deal with them. Arena's... hope your partner can help you control them.

We simply don't have the tools in either of our three specs to deal with them.
#7 Dec 16 2007 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with the notion that we have no chance. 1v1 in 49 bracket I usually have few problems with them. I'm resto spec and it seems that we are always underestimated. I can usually just outlast him, keeping him in range with earthbind and frost shock. Beat him down until he pops BW, and then just use what little burst damage you have to finish him off. Also, PvP trinkets help a lot.
#8 Dec 16 2007 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
I never had a problem with hunters until they got rid of there deadzone crap...

I am sure if i was spec PvP i could get them, but having to respec to beat a class is annoying lol.
#9 Dec 16 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
getsuga wrote:
I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with the notion that we have no chance. 1v1 in 49 bracket I usually have few problems with them. I'm resto spec and it seems that we are always underestimated. I can usually just outlast him, keeping him in range with earthbind and frost shock. Beat him down until he pops BW, and then just use what little burst damage you have to finish him off. Also, PvP trinkets help a lot.

There is no shortage of bad Hunters out there. And if you're beating Hunters, you're beating bad ones.

Even if you outlast his entire mana pool, the simple fact of the matter is that you will never kill them if they are competent. Once they get out of shock range--beyond 20 yards, which is not hard to do with the tools they have available to them--they are essentially lost to us. The only spells we have that reach further than that are LB and CL, so it's basically you standing there casting LB/CL while they shoot you and their pet beats on you.

Also, if you're still twinking in the 49 bracket... then you don't have a clue. Burst damage kills are still possible at that point. You should wait until you get Outland, preferably 70, before you try to make a valid judgement.
#10 Dec 16 2007 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Actually most hunters are terrible, but since they have no dead zone (bug or buff?) it is hard to compete, at least if your ele or resto.

There is no trouble at all getting close to hunters, it is trying to get close and as an ele continue to dps while being attacked by his shots and his pet making it impossible to cast. As resto it is even worse since it has become difficult to outlast them because now our Earthen Shield is worthless in pvp.

Enhancement should still have the same chance to beat them, generally they can burst faster then a hunter can, basically now hunter has a better chance since now they can burst when the shaman is in there face. I have never had trouble with hunters before, but now it is much harder for me, regardless of there spec, I am ele tho and it is hard to get off bolts and I am pve spec, I am sure it wouldn't be so bad if I hade 4 set pvp gear bonus tho.
#11 Dec 17 2007 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
Well I dinged 20 so I guess non of this really matters any more but I was wondering if Stoneclaw does distract pets?

If it doesn't perhaps it should?
If it does maybe it should get a PvP armour value? So the pet has to spend a few seconds destroying it and allows me time to (try) and get to the hunter?

Looking forward to 27+ now to try out Frostshock - Should really help my flag defence.

PS Don't know why, but I seem to have far less trouble with Locks than Hunters. Don't kill them that often, but drop a tremor on the way in and I can usually get them down to a few points of health. But we are talking lvl 19; so its probably because they haven't learned how to play their class :)
#12 Dec 17 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
warlocks are MUCH easier when im facing them 1v1, (if they jump me while im fighting im dead). Possibly because theyre sub-casters. Meaning i can nuke them more then they can nuke me. only problem is usualy the fel-guard, void walker bashing me. My elemental pretty much eliminates the pet as a distraction. So i am free to nuke. Hunters are a bit harder since its like melee but from range. Yesterday i was dueling a friend of mine. When a flagged hunter deliberately runs into my earthbind totem and flags me. He starts attacking. I pop my ELemental out and take the pet off me. And kill the hunter with 324 hp left. He didnt release but i guess waited for his friend to kill me which he didnt so i went ghost wolf form and humped his body.
#13 Dec 17 2007 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
I used to have no problem out-lasting hunters--even the few good ones--but I had no hope of killing them (resto). Ever since the arcane shot buff, though, it's much harder. The really frustrating thing is that most of the time they don't even realize how devistating their damaging-dealing purge is: apparently it's part of most normal shot rotations.

I'll agree with most others: as a hybrid, we just don't have anough of our class tools at level 19. If you plan to twink a shaman, it's best to do so at 29 or 39, and most say that we hit our PvP peak in the 50's.

As for locks, I find them easier since we have great caster lock-down abilities. Hunters are all about kiting and range, which shamans have fewer reliable tools against.

I was wondering if Stoneclaw does distract pets?

If the pet is on aggressive, then yes, it's susceptible to any taunt. However, if the hunter specifically commands the pet to attack a target, taunts won't work. Worth a try to see if the hunter is awake, but nothing to count on.

However, Stoneclaw (and Earth Elemental) does work on snake trap.
#14 Dec 17 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
861 posts
I have a pretty easy time with hunters as an untwinked 39 enhancement IF i get the drop on them. If they tag you with aimed/concussive shot from 40 yards, game over. But if you can get close to them in ghost wolf (best way to charge at an enemy) frost shock them when u get close enough, start swinging and drop earthbind when the shock starts wearing down. then shock when they swat earthbind or get out of its range, etc. I usually add a searing totem to get a little extra dps and try to circle around behind them or the way they're going because they're gonna lay a trap in front of themselves. Granted, maybe the hunters I'm attacking suck but they're easy kills -- again, if I get the drop or we both start w/in shock range. Usually even a scatter shot will not give them time to get adequate range if they're both frost shocked and earthbound. Needless to say, pvp trinket is a lifesaver on these guys too.

The key is to ignore the pet. Kill the hunter and pet goes away. Stoneclaw doesnt seem to work but most hunter pets in my bracket do mediocre damage.
#15 Dec 18 2007 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
However, Stoneclaw (and Earth Elemental) does work on snake trap.

Should drop magma totem. The snakes have almost no health and they die with one "burst" from magma totem (and it will damage the pet... and the hunter if he kites past it).

Stoneclaw ONLY works on the pet if you attack the hunter before they give it commands. It will rush to "defend" the hunter. If you stoneclaw at THIS point, it WILL distract the pet. All he has to do is redirect it, but I find if you start damaging the hunter... they tend to get a little distracted and tend not to redirect the pet because they are too busy trying to get away from you.

I have to agree, competent shaman vs competent lock/hunter/rogue... the shaman doesn't stand a chance alone unless maybe enhancement with some lucky windfury procs.

PS: I REALLY feel there should be a penalty for dispelling Earth Shield much like there is for lifebloom and that one warlock buff. Spending 900 mana on a shield that can be dispelled with no penalty sucks in pvp. Doubled Armor for 1 min? A strong health regen? I don't know, but it should be buffed up some for pvp.
#16 Dec 18 2007 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
No one has mentioned windwall totem vs. hunters. A simple overlook or is it just not worth it?
#17 Dec 18 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
No one has mentioned windwall totem vs. hunters. A simple overlook or is it just not worth it?

I have tried windwall vs hunters... and I honestly don't see their damage decrease lol... Stoneskin and Windwall both suck IMHO. Plus you have the pet hitting you for melee damage so you'd theoretically have to lay down both? Then you wouldn't have so many other more useful totems. Grounding for the mage or warlock that is with them... tremor totem for the warlock that is with them. Wrath of air or Grace of Air... Strength totems, etc.

Then the hunter is going to keep running away from you as you chase them, taking you away from your totems. You'd have to relay them, while they keep backing away from them.
#18 Dec 18 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
If you are PVPing, get the insignia of the Horde/Alliance to get out of concussive shot/freezing trap. The hunters I've gone up against, seem to rely on their ability to kite you. If you trinket out of their movement impairing ability, they seem to get a little lost as it throws them out of their rhythm. I'm an enhancment shammy and I usually just run straight at a hunter (if they've noticed me) in the bg's. I frost shock as soon as I get into range. I ignore the pet and am sure to swerve around to the side as I get ready to engage in mele, as they always drop a trap right in front of them. After dropping an earthbind totem I always drop a nova totem. They always seem to ignore the nova totem until its too late and they see a chunk of their life disappear.
A couple of other things that are very helpful are the defiler trinkets that cast a damage absorbing shield and the defiler boots that increase your run speed.
Also, observe the basic PVPing tactic of trying to get behind them. They can't shoot you if you aren't in their line of sight.
#19 Dec 19 2007 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Kellindross wrote:
I'm an enhancment shammy and I usually just run straight at a hunter (if they've noticed me) in the bg's.

Issue number one: you're in BG's. Very easy to blindside someone here. BG's as a whole are about the most inaccurate measurement of how well your class fares in PvP right behind ganking them in PvE while they're in the middle of fighting a mob.

I frost shock as soon as I get into range.

Issue number two: if the Hunter knows you're there, say... if you're standing across from one another in an arena, it's not that simple. Without the arena set gloves extending your shock range five yards, that initial FS is never going to reach him without help. I.E. other BG members or your arena partner. Even with that bonus range, you're going to be snared right back immediately, so you're not really gaining any ground on him.

Issue number three: this is all just considering Conc Shot and Freezing Trap. If he's got Entrapment (which many, I would say most, PvP Hunters tend to take) and drops a Frost Trap, you are completely wrecked. At that point, you might as well just curl up into the fetal position and wait to die if you're Enhancement.

... as they always drop a trap right in front of them.

Issue number four: good Hunters will sit right on top of their Freezing Trap if they absolutely need it to hit you (I.E. they're looking to escape you). Not really much you can do in that situation other than eat it.

Also, observe the basic PVPing tactic of trying to get behind them. They can't shoot you if you aren't in their line of sight.

#20 Dec 19 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
gaudion wrote:


the fact that casters are already pwnt by hunters just means their silence is OP and needs to be nerfed imo.

Edited, Dec 19th 2007 1:56pm by Draeneipally
#21 Dec 19 2007 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Hunters, all three specs, are equipped with ways of getting OUT of melee range and back into shooting range. (Traps, Wing Clip, Counterattack, the pets themselves, etc)

The only range that shaman really have is Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, which at max is 36 yards, and there is no way of preventing spell pushback other than Eye of the Storm (and a tier bonus), which is moderately into the Elemental tree and is based on the enemy's crit chance.

As such, it is virtually impossible for any spec'd shaman to take down any spec'd competent hunter in 1v1, just as holy and shadow priests can't stand up against any warlocks in 1v1 (I don't know how discipline fares).
#22 Dec 19 2007 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
I have alot of 19 pvp experience. This is how: YOU DONT'T! It used to be possible to dead zone them. Now you can't and we, as well as all other classes (I twinked a mage), are pathetic compared to hunters in 19.

Hunters are OP just get used to it.
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