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help with a dps druidFollow

#1 Dec 14 2007 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
A druid friend of mine that i run kara with has been playing the dps role alot latley in kara. Unfortunatly his dps has been very far from awsome.

Now i understand that a druid needs to make things bleed and that plays a big part in damage. and in kara they cannot bleed. but still he only accounted for 10 percent of the damage in the run ( a little under 1 mil ) When myself as a hunter accounted for 20 percent (or about 2 mill damage)

Now i really want to help him get the most damage outa his druid, and i really think he has the skills to do it. i just think he may have gotten a little to used to tanking.

so here is his character. any tips on non kara dps gear, strategy, or anything that you think would help the dps would be greatly apreciated.

Now i will probably get in trouble for asking about this. but i think he will thank me later when he is beating me in the damage meters.

thanks a ton in advance for any tips: here is his armory
#2 Dec 14 2007 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
He's pretty well-geared, but looking at his talent build, I do see some things that could be... wait, seriously, is this for real? You're not yanking my chains, are you? How can someone be on Kara level and have a talent build like this? eBay account or what?

Sorry, but this seems just a bit too extreme. No Omen of Clarity, no Naturalist, Improved Mark of the Wild and only 4/5 Ferocity...

Kick him in the groin someday. He deserves it.

Tell him to respec and to get at least Omen of Clarity and Naturalist. Naturalist will up his damage by 10% and Omen of Clarity will be king in those long boss fights.

He does know about the whole Mangle + Shred routine, right? Get behind the target and use Mangle once to apply the debuff, then spam Shred until the Mangle debuff is about to fade, then Mangle, etc.

Getting Feral Aggression will max out his Ferocious Bite damage, which is good for the encounters where mobs are immune to bleed effects.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Dec 14 2007 at 2:13 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
I totally agree to Mazra's post, the talent spec does not look very good. Why would you ever need 1/3 survival of the fittest? If you tank you go full out in that, if you never tank you leave it alone.

Worse than spec and gear however is the fact that he seems to try both tanking and dps'ing at the same time. I don't know if the gear he is wearing in armory is a joke or something. I assume he has better than a grey cloth chest :P He's also walking around in +def gear and dps gear. If you role is dps, carry a set for that and put it on. If your role is dps/offtank, then it's ok to wear your tanking gear and let the dps suffer. It's really up to the raid leader to decide if he wants you in tanking or dps gear.

A few easy pointers for improving his dps get rid of the grey cloth chest :P, get gloves of dextrous manipulation from attumen, garonas signet ring from curator, dps neck from chess (can't remember name), new cloak, get rid of +def trinket :P. And then fix spec to something like this. Whether you like intensity or natural shapeshifter is a matter of personal preference, and the last point can be put in natures grasp or wherever you like. I would not recommend feral aggression. It gives a boost to dps in karazhan, but overall the talents are better spent elsewhere

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 11:13am by DKDruid

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 11:14am by DKDruid
#4 Dec 14 2007 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
Naw he is a good player. Problem is that i dont think he has ever tried dps. he is used to tanking in five mans all the time. and now that our guild group is doing well in kara (two awsome warrior tanks) we really have no need for another kara tank.. so we asked him to go feral.

would you guys mind posting a wowhead tallent build that you feel would help him do the most damage in a 10 man raid setting.

also do you have any documentation of the whole mangle shred thing you are refering to. thing is i have to learn it and somehow find a way to teach it to him without offending him.

Also i would really apreciate a breakdown in his gear. and what gear (pre kara) would be best for him dps wise.

sorry for all the trouble and i really apreciate all the help.

and about the grey chest piece thing.. i think he may of accedentally put that on by mistake. hope he didnt vendor his chest piece.

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 5:39am by Slammerofkooter

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 5:47am by Slammerofkooter
#5 Dec 14 2007 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
Here is probably the cookie cutter feral build there is 1 floating point left to spend which can either go in Natures Grasp in the Balance tree or in Natural Shapeshifter in Resto for a 10% reduction on shifting costs. (or anywhere else for that matter)

All the feral talents that are needed for dps and tanking are covered, plus Furor for the rage/energy boost on shift, Naturalist for 10% damage increase and OOC which is a beast of a talent.

A standard DPS rotuine on a mod that can't bleed is
Shred till mangle debuff is about to expire
Shred etc etc

rinse and repeat

For a mob that can bleed (and maiden in Kara is one of these)
Shred to 5 CP's
Shred to 5 CP's
rinse repeat.

Pre-kara I can't really think on stuff, but you should make sure to stack STR and AGI til AP is around the 2000 mark then aim for just AGI. Also you should try to get +hit into the 140's

Early drops in Kara that can help are the Gloves from Attument, Boots and Trinket from Moroes
If he's an Elem LW you could suggest getting the Primal Strike set .

The legs he has on armoury should be patched with the 40AP 10Crit not the 30Sta as they should be dps not tanking. Get the Heavy Clefthoof for tanking if needed.

From the armoury, grey chest aside, he should really be getting either a dps set (AP, AGI, STR, HIT) or a tanking set (STA, ARM, DODGE, DEF) not mixing the two together.

That's all I have for now.

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 6:06am by kadanis
#6 Dec 14 2007 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I agree with most that has been said, except a few things:

-While Mazra is right that FA will help with Fero Bite on mobs that can't bleed, I'd really hate to lose 5 points in that talent. I'd suggest leaving it alone.

-In the linked build, I don't think Primal Tenacity is part of the cookie-cutter build. It's optional and more oriented toward PvP and only a few select PvE encounters. If you're tanking and Fear is part of the fight, you'll probably either step down and let a Warr handle it or have Priests spam Fear Ward on you.

-For PvE I'd put the 3 points in either Intensity for more useful Enrage and a bit better regen while in healing gear or Natural Shapeshifter to make better use of the powershifting to increase your DPS or instant Rage if you need to use FC with no mob on you and lack the Rage to use it.

-Savage Fury is also optional but if he plays DPS a lot I guess it's worth keeping. Then again, Shred should be the main attack skill and Mangle should only be used for the debuff.
#7 Dec 14 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
256 posts
To the poster above: He already has boots of natural grace. I don't think the moroes ones can top those :)

EDIT: Selverin was faster than me :) So this post is aimed at the one above him :)

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 3:02pm by DKDruid
#8 Dec 14 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Slammerofkooter wrote:
Naw he is a good player. Problem is that i dont think he has ever tried dps. he is used to tanking in five mans all the time. and now that our guild group is doing well in kara (two awsome warrior tanks) we really have no need for another kara tank.. so we asked him to go feral.

would you guys mind posting a wowhead tallent build that you feel would help him do the most damage in a 10 man raid setting.

also do you have any documentation of the whole mangle shred thing you are refering to. thing is i have to learn it and somehow find a way to teach it to him without offending him.

Also i would really apreciate a breakdown in his gear. and what gear (pre kara) would be best for him dps wise.

sorry for all the trouble and i really apreciate all the help.

and about the grey chest piece thing.. i think he may of accedentally put that on by mistake. hope he didnt vendor his chest piece.[/i]

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 5:47am by Slammerofkooter

Sorry, but no, he isn't a good player if his talents and gear are like that. I have more health, armor, and avoidance (wtf 12% dodge!?), and I've never set foot in a raid. I can't imagine his dps gear being any better.

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 10:22am by Norellicus
#9 Dec 14 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I always love these "a friend of mine" threads.
#10 Dec 14 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
PriestValon wrote:
I always love these "a friend of mine" threads.

It really is a friend of his Mr. Skeptic. Slammerofkooter is Koot and Koots on Rexxar. You've heard what happens when you assume right? TROLL

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 2:42pm by Dirksdead
#11 Dec 14 2007 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
ya it really is a guildy of mine.. you see the thing is that i dont think he has ever even attempted to max out his dps. So i thank you all for the tips and hopefully i will get to talk to him about this soon.

LOL its not the easiest thing in the world for a non druid player to tell a person who only plays druid that there damage sucks and then recommend a build and gear for them.

Also. i have noticed that his shoulders are slightly strange.. are those ok for dps or should he find other stuff?

actually if someone could skim over his gear and lemme know what needs to be replaced for dps. and what are some good options (pre kara) to replace them with.

Once again thanks a ton for any help.
#12 Dec 14 2007 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Slammerofkooter wrote:
actually if someone could skim over his gear and lemme know what needs to be replaced for dps. and what are some good options (pre kara) to replace them with.

You have got to have him put on his DPS gear then, man. There's no way a level 70 is rolling with a gray cloth vest for DPS, and many of his other pieces are not DPS-centric. The necklace, for example, +40 stamina and +17 defense rating...USELESS in terms of DPS.

His shoulders you mention are nice as are most epics, and the 30 strength and 21 agility contribute to attack power, but that gear is neither intended nor customized for PvE DPS. The equip stats are +healing and +resilience, the set bonus is more resilience, and then he's customized them with +7 resist all, +8 dodge, and +8 defense.

Here's my DPS gear, which I think is a fairly respectable non-PvP-er pre-Kara DPS setup:

My AP is aroudn 2700 and breaks 3000 with a few buffs, my crit is aroudn 32%. I ran my first heroic the other day, Steamvaults, in DPS role, and was right in the mix with the hunter and rogue in the party, who have more experience in and gear from heroics and Kara.

#13 Dec 14 2007 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
It really is a friend of his Mr. Skeptic. Slammerofkooter is Koot and Koots on Rexxar. You've heard what happens when you assume right? TROLL

I'm not sure who's sockpuppet you are, but it doesn't matter.

The funny thing about "a friend of mine" threads isn't necessarily that the poster is too shy to admit being the one who needs help, but it often is that the friend in question who needs the help should do the research himself. While general advice can be given, as has been just done here, specific research must be done by the guy himself.

As for the gear advice, check the Sticky, there's a link to a "shopping" list for pre-Kara tank gear. Or better yet, tell your friend to come here and check it out himself, it'd do him good.

Also. i have noticed that his shoulders are slightly strange.. are those ok for dps or should he find other stuff?

From what I remember there aren't a lot of good shoulder options for tanking Druids and Arena ones are amongst the better choices. Edit: As mentioned though, could indeed be better for PvE DPS. (i.e. steal those Rogue shoulders next time they drop >_>)

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 2:18pm by Selverein
#14 Dec 14 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
Selverein wrote:
I'm not sure who's sockpuppet you are, but it doesn't matter.

I don't know what I did to deserve to be called a sockpuppet, but hey, whatever makes you feel like a man, use it.
#15 Dec 14 2007 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Erm... the fact that your very first post was defending some random guy. That's usually what people do. They create a false account and post some nonsense to avoid the consequences of their acts.

Maybe you just felt the sudden urge to create your account at the same moment you saw this thread, what do I know...
#16 Dec 14 2007 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Dirksdead wrote:
Selverein wrote:
I'm not sure who's sockpuppet you are, but it doesn't matter.

I don't know what I did to deserve to be called a sockpuppet, but hey, whatever makes you feel like a man, use it.

100% of your TWO posts have been out-of-the-blue messages supporting the idea that some other unknown (to us) poster is in fact talking about some other completely unknown toon instead of one of his own.

First I've heard the term sockpuppet, but I'd say it's likely you could be another login of Slammerofkooter validating his "no really it's a friend" claim.

However, as Selv said "it doesn't matter" to me either. Don't know don't care, I just find it funny how quickly you bustedout the "whatever makes you feel like a man" line.
#17 Dec 14 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
I just stand up for my friends. ***** me. I didn't create a false account, just never needed to post on this forum before. He made a post trying to get help for a guildie and was falsely called out as being the player needing help. Then you guys proceed to make an assumption about me too. This will be my last post on this forum.

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 3:43pm by Dirksdead
#18 Dec 14 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
No big deal, let's not start a war over this, mhm?
I'd simply suggest the next time you step in to be less aggressive about it. You said yourself that one must not simply assume and yet the reason you stepped in was because you assumed Valon was saying Koots asking for himself and using the "friend of mine" thing as an excuse.
#19 Dec 14 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
Please dear god lets not start an argument over this. The simple truth is i am here on these forums all the time. just not the druid forums. I dont have a druid. i have a hunter (see sig) and a priest that i just recently dinged 70 with.

The reason my guildy is not posting here is because he is one of the many players who has not even considerd comming here for advice. he dosent even know about this site.

Also one of the main reasons why i came here to try and learn about druid dps is because he probably would refuse to. Not only that but he would probably get totally pissed about what has been said. he gets offended easily.

He has no clue that i want to talk to him about his dps being low and he even has no clue that his dps sucks.

So i still have to find a way to break this news to him. without pissing him off.

Please lets not turn this into a thread war. I apreciate the help and would love to keep more help comming.

Dirks dead and myself are both guildys of basharass (the druid) and we would really like to do better in kara and that is why we are here asking questions. because our guildy refuses to do it on his own.

Now with that said. I am positive that the grey chest he is wearing in that profile was a mistake he has better gear than that chest.

but other than that.. the gear you see is the gear he has been dpsing kara with.

and belive it or not he was out dps'd by even the tank i think. or close to it.

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 4:05pm by Slammerofkooter
#20 Dec 14 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
Slammerofkooter wrote:
and belive it or not he was out dps'd by even the tank i think. or close to it.

See, this should NEVER HAPPEN. EVER. Even mediocre dps doesn't fall that low.

How has he been allowed to continue to raid to the point of almost exalted with Violet Eye and he's like this? Was he resto for most of it? >_>
#21 Dec 14 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Make him read this:
At least the part concerning feral cats.

Read this:

Read this:

Read this:

Download this spreadsheet:;9007551;/fileinfo.html

And this too:

That should solve all his problems. If he decides he does not need, boot him off the guild. He is not willing to learn and will not be a good player ever.
#22 Dec 14 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
wow brisin.. thank you very much for that awsome post.. if i could rate you up i would do it as much as possible.

Also thanks to everyone who posted, every peice of information will be usefull..

Thanks a ton, and i will keep yall updated with any improvments to his damage.
#23 Dec 14 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Slammerofkooter wrote:
but other than that.. the gear you see is the gear he has been dpsing kara with.

and belive it or not he was out dps'd by even the tank i think. or close to it.

Not only would I believe that, I'd be surprised if he could ever outDPS anybody but the healers. That gear is absolutely abysmal for cat form exaggeration. Frankly I have trouble believing that he's enough of a "playah" to be rolling in epic PvP gear and has that much Kara experience and still doesn't know his class well enough to put together better gear than that. Yours must be a very patient guild.

Seriously, ask him what his attack power and crit are...they should (but won't) be at least 2500 and 32%. Bare friggin' minimum. I'd be really surprised if he's over 2000 and 28% with that gear.

Edit: I'll rate Brisin up for ya, Koot. : )

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 2:46pm by JeeBar
#24 Dec 14 2007 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
If your friend wants to learn how to play his druid, then he really needs to learn himself. Looking at his spec, gear etc. there is no "quick fix" where you can say "do this" to max out his DPS.

Even for tanking his spec is far from good. The Survival of the Fittest is perhaps the most important talent for tanking in Karazhan as it helps you get to crit immunity.

Just tell him to come here and read any "feral" type posts. Just lurk & read for a while till he gets a fell for it and then come and ask any questions to help "fine-tune" his gear, attack rotation etc.

#25 Dec 14 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
Going by the description you give of your friend, he is and always will be a crappy feral druid.
He needs to take it to the next level, but first he has to admit that he sucks and second be willing to put in the effort to correct the first.

I'm kind of in the same situation, being in a very casual guild we unfortunately have several members in our kara raid with that same attitude.

My advise is to live with it or kick him from the raid, I'd go with the latter.
#26 Dec 14 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
thanks a ton for all the tips guys. i have been talking to him and he was very VERY accepting to the idea of a respec and gear change.

Also i think from what i was hearing he did not lead with mangle and go into the whole mangle shred rotation. so hopefully this will lead to some huge gains in dps
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