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Blue Attention, more BSFollow

#1 Dec 12 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts

Lots of bush-beating and doublespeak, but makes for an interesting read, if you can stand the torrents of bawling going on. But what else is new from the O-boards?

Oh yeah, and I got a new sig out of it too. :P
#2 Dec 12 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
61 posts
I like how the Blue said that they only buffed Hemo to make everyone spec deep sub. Then took it away, because rogue's were only speccing to get Hemo. Which is completely different from Warriors going into Arms to get MS.

I also enjoyed the extremely anti-rogue Druid towards the 9th page who believes we have no argument against MS because we can use wounding poison...
#3 Dec 12 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
.Smiley: lol

Smiley: disappointed

Smiley: laugh

Smiley: cry

Smiley: lol
#4 Dec 12 2007 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
8,779 posts
I like how the Blue said that they only buffed Hemo to make everyone spec deep sub. Then took it away, because rogue's were only speccing to get Hemo. Which is completely different from Warriors going into Arms to get MS.

I also enjoyed the extremely anti-rogue Druid towards the 9th page who believes we have no argument against MS because we can use wounding poison...

a warrior speccing MS is nothing like a rogue speccing hemo. warriors spec MS to be viable in pvp. rogues are viable in pvp with any spec. no warrior gets past 1700 in arena without using MS spec, but many rogues are 2k+ with deep combat, deep sub, and deep assasin.

as for MS vs wound, the druid has a point, even if he made it in an assholish way. MS is talented, wound is not. if rogues had to spec 31 points into a specific tree in order to get wound poison, then yes, they might be comparable, but MS is, and should be, that much more powerful than wound poison on account if MS being talented.
#5 Dec 12 2007 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, Blizzard's reasoning on this one is severly lacking. Following that logic, Mortal Strike is due for a nerf any minute now, since Warriors just spec in Arm into it and drop the rest in Fury.

Or Imp Counsterspell (Mage: Arcane), Soul Link (Warlock: Demonology), Feral Charge (Druid: Feral), Spirit of Redemption (Priest: Holy).

I guess Paladin, Hunters and Shamans are safe, since they're pretty much the only who ever go 41 in 1 tree.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

as for MS vs wound, the druid has a point, even if he made it in an assholish way. MS is talented, wound is not. if rogues had to spec 31 points into a specific tree in order to get wound poison, then yes, they might be comparable, but MS is, and should be, that much more powerful than wound poison on account if MS being talented.

Oh really?

So if we're talking talent... why is MS 10 time the talent mutilate is?

The problem with MS isn't the debuff imo, it's the ridiculous amount of damage the ability does.

Beside, the whole point is void, since EVERY single warrior spec MS. Saying 'But MS is talented!' means jacksh*t when the only viable pvp spec has MS in it.

The point is - we Rogue would much rather have 1 spec that dominates pvp and is a solid 10/10 (Like Warrior, Mage, Warlock, etc) rather then 3 spec that are 7/10 at best.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 6:28pm by Tyrandor
#6 Dec 12 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
61 posts
I would rather have a talented ability that did good damage and applied a 50% healing Debuff than a poison that did the same except took longer, did less damage, and was cleansable. It free's up my weapon for another poison. Heck... make it a deep sub talent. That would make people spec deeper, which right now, seems to be Blizzard's intent.
#7 Dec 12 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
The point is - we Rogue would much rather have 1 spec that dominates pvp and is a solid 10/10 (Like Warrior, Mage, Warlock, etc) rather then 3 spec that 7/10 at best.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 6:09pm by Tyrandor

Sadly, when we are competing this is rather true...

The responses the rep gave were rather interesting, nothing solid as usual.

We need a solid PvP build, just as (almost)every other class has their CC PvP build that dominates.

Our builds are all average atm.
#8 Dec 12 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent

So if we're talking talent... why is MS 10 time the talent mutilate is?

The problem with MS isn't the debuff imo, it's the ridiculous amount of damage the ability does.

Are you insane? I mean really, truly, ******* insane? MS is the debuff. The debuff is MS. The damage is nice but if they made MS just a random proc on our weapon we could use other attacks, albeit less easily.

Besides which... Mortal Strike doesn't cause any more damage than Mutilate. Feel free to prove me wrong with math; I'll be waiting.


Beside, the whole point is void, since EVERY single warrior spec MS. Saying 'But MS is talented!' means jacksh*t when the only viable pvp spec has MS in it.

And the reason it's the only viable PvP spec is _because_ of MS, so this is a completely self-fulfilling prophecy. Especially before Blizzard started smoking crack and moved the talent trees around, if Bloodthirst had the MS debuff there would have been more than one viable PvP tree for Warriors.
#9 Dec 12 2007 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
The thing that annoys me about the whole nerf hemo thing is on one hand they are saying "We want to make the sub tree more viable but deeper than the points needed just to get hemo" yet they aren’t doing anything further down the tree to address it.

Why not add that extra 15% damage they are taking away to say the shadowstep talent or even to sinister calling. As well as increasing agility by 3%, 6%, 12%, 15% it also increases damage to hemo by the same amount.

Then it would show they aren’t simply nerf slapping and at least keep some sought of viability in the deep sub tree. Instead they don’t have a brain between em to even think of helping while taking.

Oh yeah and make ShS a 15 second cool down or even 20 second cool down plus a quick stun ! That would make it a more viable option rather than just a bit of "fun".

#10 Dec 12 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Are you insane? I mean really, truly, batsh*t insane? MS is the debuff. The debuff is MS. The damage is nice but if they made MS just a random proc on our weapon we could use other attacks, albeit less easily.

The problem is not the Debuff, it's the damage.

To rephrase - it's fine for warrior to have an easy to aply, very hard to dispel 50% healing reduction debuff. This - on top of incredible mobility - is what they bring to the table. This is what they do. This is their gimmick.

There's honestly no need for it to crit for 3k however. That's overkill on top of the debuff.

Considering warrior fights with slow 2 handers, having a 'on proc' 10% damage reduction that stacked to 5 time would be an incredibly big nerf for you guys. I'm certainly not suggesting that.

Besides which... Mortal Strike doesn't cause any more damage than Mutilate. Feel free to prove me wrong with math; I'll be waiting.

Who said anything about damage?

Mutilate is a 41 point talent.
It requires the target to be poisoned.
It requires you to be behind the target.
It requires you to spend 60 energy.
It gives you 2-3 combo points.

Mortal Strike is a 31 point talent.
It requires you to spend 30 rage.
It applies the equivalent of 5 'uncleansable' wound poison.

They do about the same damage. Except it's much harder to get a double Mut crit then a MS crit.

Quite frankly, I'm not sure which one edges out over the other from a damage perspective. For all I care, Mutilate might as well do better and it does give one a lot of combo points.

But considering the heavy requirement (poison, position and talents) Mutilate should be a monster of an ability, not something that's being questioned for viability every day by tons of people.

And the reason it's the only viable PvP spec is _because_ of MS, so this is a completely self-fulfilling prophecy. Especially before Blizzard started smoking crack and moved the talent trees around, if Bloodthirst had the MS debuff there would have been more than one viable PvP tree for Warriors.

Why do you want more then 1 viable tree? That's the real question. We do, and quite frankly, it sucks!

The rogue's spec are so spread apart that we still have people trying out Mutilate and even Combat during this current 'Hemo Craze'. After 3 years, rogues are still looking for 'the' spec.

Yeah, I'd be fun for Fury to work in pvp... but ultimately, you guys have 1 spec that totally dominates. You're monsters in pvp because of it, I'd love to have the same situation... and for a little bit, we did.

I'd rather have 1 spec that's a 10/10 then 3 way to get 7/10. Yeah, it's better to have 3 specs that are 10/10, but you can't really complain when you at least got one.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 7:49pm by Tyrandor
#11 Dec 12 2007 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
The damage is nice

Needlessly downplay much?

Besides which... Mortal Strike doesn't cause any more damage than Mutilate. Feel free to prove me wrong with math; I'll be waiting.

No math support, too lazy....BUT! Let's say, for the sake of argument, that mutilate and MS deal comparable damage. When are you able to use MS? Anytime the cooldown is up and you have the rage for it. When are you able to use mutilate? When you have the energy for it, and the target is poisoned, and you are behind the target. Not to mention, someone tossing out mortal strikes also has a free melee reconnect on a 15-second cooldown. Not so for rogues. Let's say a mutilate on a poisoned target does, on average, twice the damage of a mortal strike. Guess what? I'm still going to pick the non-conditional attack with an unremovable healing debuff, simply because I don't have to work as hard to optimize the conditions for its use.

Edit: bah, tyr beat me to it, and more coherently. Slow response ftl.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 4:54pm by beardownmanup
#12 Dec 12 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent

The problem is not the Debuff, it's the damage.

To rephrase - it's fine for warrior to have an easy to aply, very hard to dispel 50% healing reduction debuff. This - on top of incredible mobility - is what they bring to the table. This is what they do. This is their gimmick.

There's honestly no need for it to crit for 3k however. That's overkill on top of the debuff.

It doesn't. With a 130 DPS 3.6 speed weapon you need about 3500 AP for it to crit that hard on a target with zero armor, even including Impale. Against targets with armor (i.e. everything) you'd need considerably more.

Considering warrior fights with slow 2 handers, having a 'on proc' 10% damage reduction that stacked to 5 time would be an incredibly big nerf for you guys. I'm certainly not suggesting that.

No, but I was saying if they made Mortal Strike aprox. a 50% chance to apply on swing (which would be about equivalent to what it is now, given how slow we swing) with the current debuff it wouldn't be much of an issue.


Who said anything about damage?


Oh really?

[So if we're talking talent... why is MS 10 time the talent mutilate is?

The problem with MS isn't the debuff imo, it's the ridiculous amount of damage the ability does.

You did.

They do about the same damage. Except it's much harder to get a double Mut crit then a MS crit.

Mutilate does considerably more, but okay. It's also more consistent - double Mutilate crits are rarer than a single MS crit, but getting one Mutilate crit, one hit is much more likely and happens rather often.


Mortal Strike is a 31 point talent.
It requires you to spend 30 rage.
It applies the equivalent of 5 'uncleansable' wound poison.

And what do you really think the most important part of that is?

If you said the healing debuff, you are correct! Hence why I called you ******** out of your mind crazy.


Why do you want more then 1 viable tree? That's the real question. We do, and quite frankly, it sucks!

The rogue's spec are so spread apart that we still have people trying out Mutilate and even Combat during this current 'Hemo Craze'. After 3 years, rogues are still looking for 'the' spec.

Yeah, I'd be fun for Fury to work in pvp... but ultimately, you guys have 1 spec that totally dominates. You're monsters in pvp because of it, I'd love to have the same situation... and for a little bit, we did.

Hmm... you're not quite getting it. Your argument was that the healing debuff on MS 'didn't matter' since everyone specced it. The reason everyone specced it is... becaue of the healing debuff. If they removed the healing debuff from MS and made it innate (maybe giving each of the 31-point talents that ability; the special abilities of Bloodthirst and Shield Slam are certainly useless enough that it'd be a nice change) or, as I mentioned, simply made it an on-swing proc Warriors would suddenly have many more viable PvP trees.
#13 Dec 12 2007 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Hmm... you're not quite getting it.


Seriously though, his point is that MS is the ************* insane"ly powerful ability it is because on top of the debuff, it does obscene amounts of unconditional damage. He never said the debuff didn't matter.
#14 Dec 12 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Hmm... you're not quite getting it. Your argument was that the healing debuff on MS 'didn't matter' since everyone specced it. The reason everyone specced it is... becaue of the healing debuff. If they removed the healing debuff from MS and made it innate (maybe giving each of the 31-point talents that ability; the special abilities of Bloodthirst and Shield Slam are certainly useless enough that it'd be a nice change) or, as I mentioned, simply made it an on-swing proc Warriors would suddenly have many more viable PvP trees.

No... you don't get it :P.

They can let MS have it's debuff.

There's nothing wrong with Warrior having that debuff. Rogue have a healing debuff and now even Hunter do. Healing debuff help bringing healing back in line.

Make MS dea a lot less damage, and Warrior will still have their good pvp spec, will still be extremly viable in Arena... but will stop being the monsters they are right now.

I never said the debuff wasn't the most important part of MS - I said the debuff was not the problem. The problem is that on top of the debuff, it deals crazy damage.


No, but I was saying if they made Mortal Strike aprox. a 50% chance to apply on swing (which would be about equivalent to what it is now, given how slow we swing) with the current debuff it wouldn't be much of an issue.

You think if they change the MS talent from what it is right now to a 50% change on swing to apply a healing debuff, it wouldfn't change anything?

I don't know. Seems losing a huge hit every 6 second would be terrible for your overall dps - you'd be left with using Whirlwind and HS... A much bigger nerf then I'm asking for.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 8:53pm by Tyrandor
#15 Dec 12 2007 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
And again, Mortal Strike doesn't do more damage than the 'comparable' Rogue talent of Mutilate, or even Sinister Strike really (when you adjust for the 'cooldown' of 4s Energy Regen vs. 6s innate). Your argument is that Mortal Strike does obscene, ridiculous amounts of damage. It doesn't... or at least, not any more than _your_ comparable attacks, so what is the argument exactly?

EDIT: Since something is clearly being lost in translation;

Mortal Strike does not do obscene amounts of damage. It does a good bit of damage, but so do our other comparable talents (Bloodthirst and Shield Slam), or for that matter talents in other classes trees (see: Mutilate). Warriors are pure and simply a completely broken class without a 30-point talent - to translate it into Rogueworld (where up is down and down is black!) it'd be akin to making Sinister Strike and Backstab 30-point talents but starting you with Shiv at level 1 instead.

Hence, when Rogues (or any class, really) complain about the obscene damage output of Mortal Strike the response is; and? A Warrior without a 30-point talent has _no_ real options to deal damage beyond Whirlwind and Heroic Strike (so, like I said... no real options). It's not that the talent is so overpowering, it's that at level 40 we can finally become a real class instead of some crippled abomination.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 8:57pm by RPZip
#16 Dec 12 2007 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Ugh. The argument is, not only does MS deal large, skillherald-shaped chunks (ok, that was a cheap shot) of damage, but SIMULTANEOUSLY applies a full 50% healing debuff that makes it that much harder to heal that damage. Rogues need time to build up that debuff. Warriors do it with one swing. The quickest way for a rogue to build up that debuff is to put it on the offhand and shiv it up, but that comes at the expense of an on-demand snare. Warriors get BOTH. See the faulty comparison here?
#17 Dec 12 2007 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Hitting MS with a dmg nerf essentially lower PVP's warrior dps, without affecting in any shape or form fury and prot warrior for pve.

Nerfing Wirlwhind or even a Warrior's weapon damage would have repercussion in pve that would be pretty bad.

Nerfing MS, wouldn't. And it would address the damage Warriors do.
#18 Dec 12 2007 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Hitting MS with a dmg nerf essentially lower PVP's warrior dps, without affecting in any shape or form fury and prot warrior for pve.

Nerfing Wirlwhind or even a Warrior's weapon damage would have repercussion in pve that would be pretty bad.

Nerfing MS, wouldn't. And it would address the damage Warriors do.

Reread the edit.
#19 Dec 12 2007 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Um, RPzip, what about the Positioning part of it? The poison part is easy, if a Rogue is spec'd Muti and doesn't have some poison on then there are other issues.

But the fact that we can't use it at all unless we are behind the target makes it much harder to use consistantly.
#20 Dec 12 2007 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
So? I understand that you're 31 point talent gives you the spammable attack you so need...

But the point is you still deal way to much damage for the mobility, damage mitigation and extremely powerful debuff you have.

I'm not saying 'take away MS' - I'm saying Warriors do too much damage, and the only way to nerf them without crippling their pve abilities, is to hit MS. How much of a nerf it needs to be isn't for me to decide, I'm not a mathematicians and any guess I'd hazard to take would probably be way to much.

When 2warrior/Healer and 2warrior/3healer are top comp in Arena, you know there's a problem. If the game was truly balanced, then they'd be spots for every class... right now we're seeing Warrior replace other DPS class entirely.

The option is to buff other dps class (and obviously, the current hemo situation shows what blizz think of this) or to nerf the king of the roost.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 9:30pm by Tyrandor
#21 Dec 12 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
i would hate to agree with the o-boards but

"Warriors were only speccing 21-23 for deathwish = Put Deathwish AND Imp intercept into arms!
Mages were speccing frost for iceblock and WE = Give iceblock for free!
Rogues were speccing Hemo for pve and pvp = nerf hemo and give no solution to mobility problems except for a 41 point talent thats worse than a free warrior skill + doesn't break snares"

#22 Dec 12 2007 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
When 2warrior/Healer and 2warrior/3healer are top comp in Arena, you know there's a problem. If the game was truly balanced, then they'd be spots for every class... right now we're seeing Warrior replace other DPS class entirely.

The option is to buff other dps class (and obviously, the current hemo situation shows what blizz think of this) or to nerf the king of the roost.

thats less a function of the damage warriors do and more a function of warrior longevity. ive had mages hit me for 2k+ frostbolt hits while in pvp (so high stam and resilience too, not just straight damage) and do it from range with a cooldown-less skill. no MS is going to crit for 3k+ unless the warrior has some kind of extraneous buff, i.e. berserking (not found in arena) or an AV battle standard (not found in arena) all while having enrage or death wish up. and then said target needs to be, as zip said, naked, or nearly so, in order for that damage to be achieved.

essentially, in arena, 3k+ MS is not going to happen. there are classes out there that can hit much harder than a warrior can.

i cant say for certain why warrior-heavy teams are showing up more often now, but as i mentioned above, i think that tells more about the direction arena has taken. its a longevity fight now, with the team that can outlast the other doing better, and in terms of longevity, a supported warrior tops everything else.

how to fix this longevity issue? i dont know. healing is damn strong as it is now, and classes that used to epitomize the "glass cannon" mindset are now able to take inordinately more punishment than before, while hardy classes are downright impossible to kill under certain circumstances. its a sticky situation.

one way to go about doing things would be to take each class, select a talent tree, then break it down and rebuild it so that its entirely group based in some way. create skills and talents based on the idea of "great with a group, ****** solo" like the entire warrior class is. include a bunch of stuff focusing on longevity and survivability and what not, but make such things pointless without the proper support expected from a high-quality group. then voila; everyone has an arena viable tree.
#23 Dec 12 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Um, RPzip, what about the Positioning part of it? The poison part is easy, if a Rogue is spec'd Muti and doesn't have some poison on then there are other issues.

But the fact that we can't use it at all unless we are behind the target makes it much harder to use consistantly.

mut rogues have a number of tools that help them find that positioning they need. returned energy on finisher, returned energy based on number of CP used, lowered energy cost for missed/dodged/parried moves, faster base movement speed, and better chance to apply poisons all help to give a rogue the opportunity to hit a target with mutilate. mut rogues also have the base energy (when comboed with the pvp set bonus) to crank out two mutilates in quick succession given the energy (and if youre being kited, you probably have the energy).

failing all that, a rogue can always fall back on the help of his teammates, calling out for a mage or druid to root a target, or a warrior or paladin to intercept/hammer it, or a hunter to trap it and so forth.
#24 Dec 12 2007 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
So? I understand that you're 31 point talent gives you the spammable attack you so need...

But the point is you still deal way to much damage for the mobility, damage mitigation and extremely powerful debuff you have.

Annnnnnd again, Mortal Strike does not do more damage than _other comparable talents_. The closest comparison is Mutilate, but it's not even more damage than Sinister Strike when you adjust for how often it can be used. and the only way to nerf them without crippling their pve abilities, is to hit MS. How much of a nerf it needs to be isn't for me to decide, I'm not a mathematicians and any guess I'd hazard to take would probably be way to much.

Warrior's autoattack is less than a Rogue's autoattack, unless we're living in bizzaro world again. It hits hard but it's slow as hell. Warrior's special attack damage isn't any greater than a Rogue's. So where is the damage?


When 2warrior/Healer and 2warrior/3healer are top comp in Arena, you know there's a problem. If the game was truly balanced, then they'd be spots for every class... right now we're seeing Warrior replace other DPS class entirely.

There was one Warrior in the quarter-finals of the CGS 2v2, and he didn't advance. No Warriors reached the quarterfinals of the 3v3.

Um, RPzip, what about the Positioning part of it? The poison part is easy, if a Rogue is spec'd Muti and doesn't have some poison on then there are other issues.

But the fact that we can't use it at all unless we are behind the target makes it much harder to use consistantly.

Admittedly true, although the comparison to SS still holds true. I'm also usually Rage starved in Arenas unless I'm getting focus fired, though, so both have their caveats.
#25 Dec 12 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Theolo wrote:
i would hate to agree with the o-boards but

"Warriors were only speccing 21-23 for deathwish = Put Deathwish AND Imp intercept into arms!
Mages were speccing frost for iceblock and WE = Give iceblock for free!
Rogues were speccing Hemo for pve and pvp = nerf hemo and give no solution to mobility problems except for a 41 point talent thats worse than a free warrior skill + doesn't break snares"


Since I haven't shared my thoughts on the subject yet I'll just quote this post because it's pretty much exactly my thoughts on the subject.

Hay guyz letz nerf hemo cuz itz way 2 gud 4 roags but we can let warriors keep MS cuz dey need it!!!
#26 Dec 12 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ill wager a guess that hemo shouldnt be as good as MS unless hemo is a 31-pt talent. which it isnt.

so....why do we keep comparing the two?
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