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switchin my shadowstep styleFollow

#1 Dec 12 2007 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts

only things i encounter as difficult are druids and shamans (and sl/sl locks, but those are hard for everyone lol)

the change to this will lower my performance in solo on warriors, rogues, frost mages

but i got all of those on farm if i use even 1 CD, so i figure thats a good trade-off

38% wound poison and a extra 500 armor ignore on ea, plus better energy? thats win as hell after fully seeing the big fuss and seeing where shadowstep isnt a godsend

i cant wait to tear into a resto druid premed-cs-5pt ea-1pt slicendice style
#2 Dec 12 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
You're going to miss the combat goodies. Precision, DW spec, imp sprint...I'd feel like a little kid who just got his blanket taken away.

Why two in setup? Are you getting focused enough for it to be worth it?
#3 Dec 12 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
setup is a stellar 1v1 talent, even better in fateful rogue-rogue fights when you mirror evasions

you generate far more cp then him (shiv has ruined this a lil bit but you still outrace him by a brisk amount)

usually yields a cp during evasion against a warrior for every talent in it too, and dw shammys are just SOL when you do it to them

my build doesnt have precison or dw spec, im just enough for riposte and imp sprint, so i wont be missing as much

but shadowstep being as anti kite as it is, i think i lose some ground on kiters for some ground on poison-cleansing.. and its worth it

i do get focuses a good amount actually, but im bigger into 1v1 then anything else... so its a pain in my opponents *** :D
#4 Dec 12 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Just out of curiosity, how do you use ShS in a matchup where your enemy isn't trying to kite you? e.g. Warrior, Enh Shammy, Rogue
ShS evis or something?
#5 Dec 12 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
ill give ya a rundown for how i use it on every class:

druid: feral i use to power up garrote, anything else i save for the first time i get kited (cyclone, roots) and use it with ks/shiv

hunter: you can step and get a opener ff before flare outs you, so i use it prefight to cs, then immediately shiv and EA

mage: wait for the blinl, try to save a cp for it too... they blink, your nova'd... step->ks = didnt hafta COS to break the nova, frees it up for w/e you like (neat trick huh)

paladin: power up garrote, you can garrote before cons breaks you if your good with it or the din isnt moving... otherwise just step-cs

priest: wait for the first fear, or the first pissoff timed blackout proc (blackout when they are on the run yields a mindflay if they are shadow)

rogue: when opponent is <15% hp, i use it... it takes them at least 1-3 seconds to realise what happened, it gives you a NICE chuck of burst for the ender and you can usually step-ghostly-ks before they turn around

shaman: non-healing ones i up garrote, healing ones i save it a lil bit.. since you can avoid the totems-sap-kill 2 totems-restealth unless they trinket out.... and i wait for when they kite a lil, then step-kick OR i bait a heal out when im expecting it by walkin away a lil bit (as if to restealth) and step-kick

also good if you hafta go away to kill a poison-cleanse totem/searing totem or honestly want to restealth, since its a nice 'back in their face' move, and if they dont make you use it you get a free stealth lol

warlock: wait for first fear/coil, or for step-cs on felhunter locks (no risk there) ...warlocks panic pretty hard when they burn their first escape move and it yields no results, and didnt bait out your COS

if you step the first fear or coil, your easily safe for the next 3 fears (kick/trinket/cos when u see it coming) and by the 4th try you can re-step

warriors: power up the garrote (important!) and use the 2nd time when they are under 10% hp, since itll buy you a good 2-3 seconds of time to handle them similar to my rogue method... then they execute but cheat death immunes it

step-5evis is a nice finisher but i find i dont get it often without trying for it, step-kick is a lifesaver in 2v1 fights, step-blind is a sucker punch in 2v2 arena (you step the healer who is purposely out of range of your blind, blind em! then back to main target.... you didnt even lose your cp on first target [SOON TO CHANGE, new step adds 1cp... might change that tactic based on situation])
#6 Dec 12 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
mage: wait for the blinl, try to save a cp for it too... they blink, your nova'd... step->ks = didnt hafta COS to break the nova, frees it up for w/e you like (neat trick huh)

Dayyyummm, that's vicious.

warlock: wait for first fear/coil, or for step-cs on felhunter locks (no risk there) ...warlocks panic pretty hard when they burn their first escape move and it yields no results, and didnt bait out your COS

Coil: three-second duration. Global cooldown = 1.5 seconds, Fear = 1.5 second warlock coil-->fear, and you got no chance to step before the fear? Or are you saying you eat both the coil and the fear and THEN step? Or trinket the fear?
#7 Dec 12 2007 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
coil: if you dont se fear getting cast by the time coil ends, step

fear, no coil: some locks save the coil for mid-end fight as a escape, as it does regain life too, step the first fear if they hard-cast it and you dont kick it

coil->fear (or coil, and when coil ends you see fear about to finish casting): step after the fear ends, they should still be in range or be in range shortly enough

or if your UD and got your trinket up..

coil->fear: trinket the moment fear starts, then step.. big shocker, and when they try the next fear you got wotf still (either break it or immune it, personal preference)
#8 Dec 12 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Problem is you can't just hold onto that CloS forever, those dots are doing alot of damage to you. Without adrenaline rush you don't have the burst against good locks, I think I'd take you out pretty easily. AR/prep mace rogues on the other hand are a very difficult 1v1, I lose most of these on my lock. But shadowstep? I'm pretty damn confident I'll win.
#9 Dec 12 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
10k hp, 246 resil atm

unless your full s2/s3 sl-sl you arent killing me, i got a running record on warlocks entirely

and i didnt say anything about cos, that was for shadowstep... cos you use when u see fit

i was saying along the lines of warlocks expect that first big range they get on us to cause us to cos, when that isnt the case you can just use it whenever to stop dps when its at its highest

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 5:37pm by mongoosexcore
#10 Dec 12 2007 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Thats not much resilience TBH. I was more commenting on you saying you'll force us to deathcoil early, as if we're taking all this burst damage. Sorry without AR you don't have the burst damage to force a deathcoil that early. Theres no point having an e-duel but my lock has more HP, over 100 more resil then you do, and tons of spell damage. And I'm not even amazingly geared for a lock, full S3 dreadgear locks are pushing 14k hp, more armor then you, 490 resil and 1000 spell damage. The dots are going to force an early cloak, we can easily survive the lack of burst in shadowstep, and deathcoil/reapply dots before you lolstep behind us.

AR/prep rogues are a huge danger to even the best geared locks, at only 11.4k health and 355 resil I can't survive their burst. I talk to alot of 490 resil locks and they say the same thing. But shadowstep...not so much of a warlock killer.
#11 Dec 12 2007 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
good for ar/prep, i fight enough locks and i can tell you shadowstep is a good killer.... im sure when its versus 14k hp and 500 resil or w/e ******** it might lose some ground

but the argument has nothing to do with d-coil and when we use cos

wait on coil to use step, then step back. keeps in melee range, cos is completely irrelevant

and if your so sure you can kill me, id love to ptr with you and see how you fight... that makes you so good, i could always use the lessons (no sarcasm, if you know some king trick besides outrageously outgearing your opponent i wanna see it)

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 8:28pm by mongoosexcore
#12 Dec 12 2007 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
good for ar/prep, i fight enough locks and i can tell you shadowstep is a good killer.... im sure when its versus 14k hp and 500 resil or w/e bullsh*t it might lose some ground

That "whatever bullsh*t" will be most locks you face in high end arena. Are you saying your spec can't compete with them? AR/prep sure as hell can. I don't see why you're pushing a sub-par PVP build. Rogues are still our what if you can beat locks as shadowstep? You can DESTROY them as AR/prep. When I'm getting healed in 2v2 my healer literally can't switch to my pet. I'm eating way too much damage, and guess what? My pet dies from soul link damage. But whatever floats your boat. I can beat alot of classes with 61 points in destruction, doesn't make 61 destro a good build.

I've basically retired my lock, I have a 58 undead rogue and a 70 undead mage on a PVP server now. Those are my new mains. But really, I could put in 3 weeks of work grinding AV, and come out with 13.4k unbuffed HP and 440 resilience. Theres plenty of locks who love the class and PVP all day, trust me they'll all be SL/SL with ridiculous stam/resilience. If you had full rogue gear would you dominate those locks everytime? Because I guarantee you a good AR/prep mace rogue would.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 11:13pm by mikelolol
#13 Dec 12 2007 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
6,129 posts
info on me? 10k hp, 216 resil when i did most of these fights... always fighting people over-gearing me

So you have most classes on farm even being undergeared. Ok.

im sure when its versus 14k hp and 500 resil or w/e bullsh*t it might lose some ground

unless your full s2/s3 sl-sl you arent killing me

Ok... So you lose when you are undergeared. Ok.

Which is it?
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#14 Dec 12 2007 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
and if your so sure you can kill me, id love to ptr with you and see how you fight... that makes you so good, i could always use the lessons (no sarcasm, if you know some king trick besides outrageously outgearing your opponent i wanna see it)

Sorry but I can't take pity on people who whine about their gear. You want it both ways, if you win your so awesome, if you lose its zomg because of your gearz! If your spec was so awesome, why dont you PVP more and get gear? I have 350 resil and I was raiding T5, working, going to school and I leveled a mage + rogue alt. I don't even PVP that seriously, I've missed COUNTLESS weeks of arena and I'm still rocking a full set of mixed and matched arena gear. If all you do is PVP you should easily have 400+ resil and S2 or S3 weps.

Gear up, beat real warlocks with your spec (duelists, gladiators in SL/SL) I'll be sort of impressed (but not really because its still a duel instead of an arena match). What would impress me more is you tearing it up in 2v2 with a healer as shadowstep.

Edited, Dec 12th 2007 11:26pm by mikelolol
#15 Dec 13 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
at rpzip:

i beat opponents when im undergeared yes, but when sl/sl overgears me there is a point where i cant make up the gap... but then again i doubt a lot of people can, short of ar/prep burning all 10 minutes worth of cd's

most sl/sl locks i fought when i was figuring tactics out were about 13k hp under 400 resil... overgearing yes, but not full s2 and s3.. more like s1-s2-mag n below raid kinda setup

so while they had the endurance, they werent fully up-to-date on the dps stats, not enough to overcome the way i played (cheat death was a lifesaver in some of those)

i wont lie though, 1 or 2 stun resist at the wrong time would **** me up worse then when a rogue fear-resists a psy scream

basically, can i beat sl/sl? yes
can it overgear me and i still win? yes, but only to a point

thats how pvp has always been since xpac though, a rogue in all blues vs a rogue in full s2... s2 boy can hand the opener over and hell win most likely

at mikelolol:

i dont blame my losses on my gear, ever. when i lose i lost, fairs fair... doesnt matter the reason (except lag, thats not quite a reason i like handling... when my fist weapon is clipping their char model and im OOR for shiv i get pissy lol)

i know ar/prep is better, i never said it wasnt... but bear wanted to know how i do things as 'step

i personally like step because i can win most fights (equal or undergeared by a decent amount) with 2 minutes worth of cds (premed step blind cos) while ar/prep sometimes needs that 5 min ar, vanishes sprints and what-not

and i hate bg farming, i hate it like the plague.. im working on it but it can barely ever hold my attention, ever.... and considering my switch to just pvp was only recent (patch 2.3 to be exact) i havent gotten around to it mainly

only gotten like 20k honor since then, its such a bore! >< workin for 2 more pieces but itll take some time

step is not our definitive pvp spec, it will lose a lot of its punch with the hemo nerf, but ar/prep will lose just as much if not more

in arena it doesnt do so well, and its a spec meant to be twin dps... not rogue-healer... but the advice was for 1v1, and it works in 1v1

after all i usually pick fights with people mixed s1-2-3 and vet-vind... full vind and full s3 i dont see myself fairing so well, but then again as step i dont think i should be

the builds good, it isnt that good honestly
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