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Why does everyone hate on druids?Follow

#27 Dec 12 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
I only used the word gulliable as I doubted that you have ever played the Balance spec

And you are still misusing (and misspelling, fwiw) the word. Semantically speaking, the word you seek is "ignorant", though it is no less applicable, as I don't think playing a class is a pre-req for reading a Damage Chart.

Sorry, English is not my first language :)

Although, Im sorry if I seem to be 'attacking' your particular posts, im just using them as an example as what other posters have said. Mainly because I'm a lazy little... *mumble mumble*

After mulling over what has been said here, I think I have struck upon why I seem to defend the Moonkin 'cause' so passionatly... there seem to be an un-usual(sp? ^^) ammount of moonkin druids on my server, at least 40% of druids on my server consider themselves as a Doomkin at heart, either because they can no longer play it (have gone resto for endgame) or simply ARE balance spec. I invite anyone here who actually wants to see exactly how many there are on my server to create a new alt and join the 'Moonglade' channel (/join Moonglade), on the alliance side ofc :).

When I get invited into groups, I DO get asked if im DPS, on rare occasions(again... sp?) but I do generally come out on top of dps in 5mans or w/e...

Anyway... im not quite sure how to end this... just, sorry if I seemed to direct my arguments at you, Ayn, but I dont really see this kind of 'Classism' Whilst I actually play wow, most classes and specs on my server are equally played, even ShS -.-
#28 Dec 12 2007 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
i would think the reason you got into druid was because you wanted to be able to multi-class the game, be an offtank, offheal, offdps, all in one, if you wanted to be a better tank, healer, or dps in particular ten i think you should reroll so you can. druid bear form will never be as good as a warrior, cat form never as good as a rogue, tree of life ... well ok, tree of life is absolutely awesome for healer, low mana cots, constant healing instead of burst, and healing gets a bonus from spirit, gotta love it. but still never as good as a holy priest in raids. you'll always be classified a 2nd class, and alot of groups can be picky, i'm sorry to hear that. but when i look for someone to replace a bad group member (more often than not a druid with an ego who thinks he can tank better than a warrior in bear form (damn mana sponges), i would gladly replace them with someone who knows their roll better in the group and follow through without complaint so my job is 20x's easier.

Your ignorance is showing. While tanking is 90% skill, if you want to get right down to the theorycraft of it druids have an advantage over warriors in terms of mitigation in 5 mans. Warriors advantage has always stemmed from being uncrushable, which is a function of level difference between the target and the tank. Against raid bosses, this is a 15%. There is nothing in 5 mans that is level 73 though, bosses are 72 and almost all your trash is 70-71. Druids have at most a 10% chance to be crushed, but most of the time it will be 0%-5%. When crusing blows are less of a factor, the greatest mitigation comes from armor and druids win that comparison easily.

As for feral dps, druids can easily keep up and often surpass rogues up to T5. I have a screenshot of a shade of aran fight in kara where I did 26% of total damage done, followed by 2 rogues doing 18% and 17%. Given that shade is a melee friendly fight with no threat limits, it's a good place to compare maximum dps. I could actaully probably do better now since 2.3 increased feral AP.

Balance druids scale well with gear and put out some great numbers too. Their biggest weakness is 5 mans, since you need the CC when you got a crappy tank. In raiding, CC doesn't matter so only dps counts and boomkins can keep up with with the mages and locks, the crit aura is just icing on the cake that means any raid would love to have 1 or 2 come with them on 25 mans.
#29 Dec 12 2007 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
druid bear form will never be as good as a warrior, cat form never as good as a rogue, tree of life ... well ok, tree of life is absolutely awesome for healer, low mana cots, constant healing instead of burst, and healing gets a bonus from spirit, gotta love it. but still never as good as a holy priest in raids.

I have to say in Karazhan, I have yet to have a rogue beat me in DPS. This could be due to their spec/skill, but their gear is roughly equivalent to mine.

There are several fights where a warrior is a better tank than a druid, but in the majority of cases (at least thru tier 4 level) there is very little if anything separate the two different tanks. Druids spend a lot of time OT'ing because we are extremely well suited to the role, not because we are substandard MainTanks.

Frankly, your opinions seem a bit out of date. Back to the days pre-BC where what you are saying was in fact quite true in a lot of cases. Even then, a lot of peoples opinions/preconceptions were based on ignorance as there weren't many ferals around then as 99% of druids had to be resto to raid.

Edited, Dec 13th 2007 4:12am by RareBeast
#30 Dec 13 2007 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Last night we did the ring quests in Nagrand. We did this with 2 hunters and 2 druids (with a 3rd druid joining us for the last round). Our tank was a moonkin and he did a great job. We won every event on the first try. The other 2 druids were resto.

Don't discount the druid just because he/she is balance. The worth of a class/build is not on the class/build itself but on the ability of the player.
#31 Dec 14 2007 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Last night we did the ring quests in Nagrand. We did this with 2 hunters and 2 druids (with a 3rd druid joining us for the last round). Our tank was a moonkin and he did a great job. We won every event on the first try. The other 2 druids were resto.

Don't discount the druid just because he/she is balance. The worth of a class/build is not on the class/build itself but on the ability of the player.

Rate up for velveetie for being such a keen observer of the obvious. As a shadow priest, I've healed virtually every none-heroic instance and even got to off-tank 70 elites a number of times (mana consuming though).

The case isn't wether or not a druid is resto specced, it is about wether or not the druid has the skill to heal. Balance druids always seem to go Balance/Resto, and the Balance tree actually has some excelent resto talents. Dreamstate, anyone? To all Balance druids; get some Intellect heavy healing gear and you, too, can heal every none-heroic around.

As for the people flaming me for saying that druids have CC; read what I wrote, please.

We do. Actually, we got 3. The obvious is Entangling Roots, our truted snare. The other two, however, is often overlooked, and doesn't really shine that often, since their rather situational; Cyclone and Hibernate. We do got CC, but we don't get to use it that often (unless your in a place outside filled with dragonkin and animals).

I already said it was situational... and then you quote me saying "Lolzors ye NuB, you cannot use it in most instances". Look up the word situational; only in certain situations.

God I hope they change all humanoids to dragonkin in the 70 instances. Make the rogues/mages bleed for a bit.

(PS: there are 2 instances where dragonkin are present; Durnhold and BM. the true problem is that in Durnhold, it is only at the last boss, and at BM, they are killed, not CC'd. :( Blizzard = unfriendly vs Hibernate)
#32 Dec 14 2007 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
i'll be the first to say i will pass on druids in a group if i can unless i know them to be a good druid. i'm sorry to say too many bad druids out there. i'll give you a few examples.

was tanking uldaman on my warrior had feral druid cat form while i was tanking4-6 mobs. we get to named switches to bear form desides i'm not big enough to tank it.

tanking brd on my prot pally. multi mob tanking just fine i'm lvl 54 cant rember lvl of druid but was acouple lvls lower than me. i've been tanking there since lvl 50. they are doing cat then deside to bear it up and start taunting mobs off me. i end up telling them to go to cat and they do. but then they deside they are gonna pull after i mark kill order with fairy fire( might not be right name). so they stop that and go back to bear and start growling off me again. needless to say over 500k damage pally with useing the shield with no shield spike and the druid beat the healer at least with little over 200k didnt think he was gonna break it.

now there are druids like a guy i group with who is balance our group normaly is 2 prot pallies bal druid mixed up warrior and some pick up guy. druid will dps and heal other pally dps backs up heal. and we do pretty good.

i know this aint all druids but thats just two of my many bad expierances with druids in groups. and heaven forbid a feral druid with more mana less hp in bear form and lower lvl than my prot pally heal instead of trying to make me heal. oh and did i mention didnt have regenrat for his rezz with him. sorry was a diff exparience there.

sorry for ranting and raveing just some peeps make me made and seems like it's 4/5ths the people i group with on my server are morons.
#33 Dec 14 2007 at 6:40 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I already said it was situational... and then you quote me saying "Lolzors ye NuB, you cannot use it in most instances". Look up the word situational; only in certain situations.

I hope you're not talking about me, cause I actually made an effort to remain as polite as I could. You were sounding so thrilled about our "CC'ing abilities" that I somewhat felt you needed a bit of a reality slap. (No real offense meant, though)

Even though you mentioned briefly that they were situational, you didn't seem to realize that with such situational CC one wouldn't choose a Balance Druid for CC, pretty much considering the Druid to be lacking CC. It's like grouping with a Lock. You choose him for his damage, but if there's a demon or elemental to be CC'd, it's nice to have him.

It's pretty much the same with a Balance Druid, but the difference is that Locks, Mages, etc, will often provide more than just pure DPS. (Food, SS, real AoE, etc)

I'm not trying to bash Balance Druids, it's just that they seem sub-par in a PvE environment. Now in PvP I don't have much of a complaint against them. (Or in a PvE raid where you can afford to have DPSers with little to no CC.)

EDIT: As you may deduce from my signature, I also hang out around the Pally forums. The condition of the Balance Druid is much alike the Retribution Pally. Although the Ret Pally gets flamed more. It's just that both are at a disadvantage in various PvE settings.

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 8:41am by Selverein
#34 Dec 15 2007 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
250 posts
I feel like posting in this already beaten dead thread. Looks like a fun place to throw some sparks! Smiley: yippee (I recommend you skip this entire post as it's just full of stupid whim and basically says everything other people have alreaday said. Norly)

There have been times when I've seen Boomkin out-DpS a Mage. Doesn't matter. I've seen Hunters out-DpS Mages too, and Hunters are purely a utility CC class to me (trust me, you will never convince me that Hunters are a DpS class. Ever. Don't bother. Get your hunter-*** busy and kite a few things, off tank with your pet, and chain trap. If you start spamming shots.. then the group could be handling larger pulls is all you're telling me).

Ok so you've got an idea of how I think. Frikkin messy, and I don't mean lolzerguntilwewin like 60% of the pre-SSC raiders out there. Yeah any fool can spoonfeed undergeared players. Hell, it's what we do for our kids, and alot of kids play. Whatever.

On with the point: Balance Druids don't CC. I have not seen any of them consistently DpS well (yes aggro is often an issue with that, and further that even with the armor multiplier of moonkin form, the gear doesn't really shine as 'tank stats').. Enough digression. I think people play Boomkin cause they enjoy it. Right? Great for yous! The OP asked why people hate on 'em (this is where people like me antagonize the topic).

PvP: Spam spam spam spam run spam run spam run spam (resto and boomkin very similar in this way..)

PvE: spam spam spam aggro wait wait spam oom wait oom (think ya'll covered that one too)

CC: Root? What the frik are you thinking? an effect that can break on damage, and it deals damage. Who was the genius behind that one? CC my ***..
Cyclone? That might qualify as an interrupt, if interrupts can have casting times. Counterspell FTW! Stun FTW! Cyclone? wtf is that garbage?
Hibernate! yes! Now This is CC! and a damn good one too! WTB organized beasts in next dungeon.. Maybe those Barrens Raptors will conquer some continent? Druids will be THE CC class then! Maybe Arakkoa should count as beasts? ... idk

SD wrote:
In pvp, I regularlly (sp?) eat the damage of other classes, even whilst not pvp geared. Now, this next fact is important, so listen up... I have never met a Player of any spec that I cannot beat at least once in a duel.

This made me lawlz. People NEVER agree with me when I tell them how easy PvP is.. I'm afraid to say this too loud, but you might actually be a really talented player.. and you could probably PWN with any class.. Most PvPers I know who go boomkin do so because they can't avoid / get out of melee and also can't keep up with it to do anything but spell damage (aka spamoonfire). I know where you're coming from though. My feral druid eats rogues and warriors for lunch, casters are tricky sometimes.. but all it takes is a couple crits on them. lol. PvP is a joke, but a fun one. Makes me laugh (since it's a joke?)

So what's left? Spell Crit? I like it. My fire mage likes it. Who doesn't like spell crit? So yeah Boomkins do help as support to that degree, but remember my original point? I am a messy thinker.

I expect any Hunter to be able to solo 3 level 70 elites in SH, or 7-8 level 70 non-elites at once if they're survi (maybe even elits too? Never tried that one).. But I've done it, so I expect it. Druid gonna CC 3-7 mobs? NOT! But.. Hunter's don't DpS real good. I mean yea, they do DpS, and it is pretty steady (take cover! incoming epeen defense mechanisms! "I r huntre n I cna doo DpS nub" or something to that effect is sure to follow some snippet quote of my text wall here). So since Hunters aren't DpS.. I get a Mage, so we can pull more controlled and kill faster. But what if you want big pulls and fast kills? Hunter / Mage + Warlock. mmm SS comes in handy, and does well with a shaman in group for DpS too.. and they do so much friggin damage I am amazed. every time. I mean, honestly, damn ya'll.. Warlock DpS. /nod. Oh and they can seduce and banish. that's several 1ups on Boomkin. So what about those Shaman? Best damn healers I've seen in smaller content. I LOVE chain heal. I'd much rather a DpS shammie over boomkin for why? Versatility! Remember my first post? That was the key.. Boomkin are not very versatile. THAT's why the hate.. and.. well most of them I know are ditzes anyway. I wonder if they're hotties irl? heh. *Dies from 12,000 angry Boomfires*

#35 Dec 17 2007 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Bordagar, your points make perfect sense in the context of large-scale raiding. For those who do not play for the purposes of hardcore raiding, moonkin begins to shine. Grinding for mats or rep? You can literally chain-kill your way across the landscape and hardly get touched, then retrace your path in flight form and loot 10, 15, 20 bodies. PvP? As long as you use all forms and all abilities at the appropriate times, Balance Druids will turn the tide of a battle. 5-mans? Few things are more useful than having a DPS turn into an extra healer with battle rez when the designated healer goes down, and there's nothing like having a healer that also gives you an extra .5 DPS for a total of 3.5 DPSers in a 5-man.

So yes, if you raid you have little use for us, and that's fine by me. Just remember there's more to WoW than raiding.
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