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Sticky subject...should druids be able to communicate with oFollow

#1 Dec 08 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
Hello everyone!,
Well hmm I really only want your input on this...I just began playing my druid and soon enough here I was in moonglade... I was astonished by the city (I really love it) better yet I love the concept of druids putting nature as first priority above wars that may be plaguing the land... They worked together and both tauren druid and nightelf druid came to some sort of understanding.

Now... I was there and tried to speak to someone else (A night elf) and of course, I couldn't since i'm a Tauren... and now I was like "Wow... we live in the same city, we even fought wars together but I can't even say hello!" and I found that a bit disturbing... I mean it is necessary to keep the whole concept of the game together , I mean this IS a PvP game after all but don't you feel that it kinds of throws off the whole storyline to the litter simply because of the concept?

I found it a bit sad and spoke about it with my g/f who practically told me I was an idiot to have even thought of the possibility that druids might be able to speak to one another... is it really such a bad idea? Well for PvP it might be but what about the PVE servers?

Please tell me what you think about it, thank you and have a nice day!


#2 Dec 08 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
Blood Elves forgot how to speak Common when they changed sides. Undead forgot how to speak Common when they died. Dranei forgot how to speak Orcish when they joined the Alliance. And yes, Druids can't talk to each other.

The language barrier in this game is purely a gameplay issue, and makes absolutely no sense lore-wise. On the other hand, not being able to yell at the opposing faction does wonderful things for your sanity, so I can't really call it a bad thing.
#3 Dec 08 2007 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
back in the day, id say druid-specific communication would have worked, but now that druids are getting more and more populated, the % of ******** that play the class has gone up, and therefore, id have to say no. if only for that sanity think zip mentioned.
#4 Dec 08 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Perhaps give druids their druidic language, but only allow them to use it in moonglade? Maybe (but probably not) Shattrath
#5 Dec 08 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I'd say if you wanna let them communicate it would be a limited set of phrases related through nature rooted basic concepts. That limitation would allow the game to retain its Ally vs Horde stance but gives druids their common ground ( with limitations )

#6 Dec 08 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
It is bad enough having the 12-14 yr olds /spitting on you after they ganked you 3-1 or you are 10 levels lower than them. To have to listen to them trash talk as well would probably make me quit the game. I enjoy playing on a PvP server and don't mind getting killed occaisionally while questing, it just adds to the atmosphere/challenge of the game. (this does not include getting corpsecamped by a toon 30 levels higher etc)

#7 Dec 08 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
At one point in the game undead COULD speak common. Know what people said? "lawl you suck" "noob" "haha I killed you" and it gets worse from there. Quickly Blizzard decided that was a bad idea since the players couldn't handle it, and so they made UD have their own language and took away the ability for the sides to talk easily. If druids could talk 90% of it would be "you suck noob."
#8 Dec 09 2007 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
"I'm right behind youuu." "lolPounce!"
#9 Dec 09 2007 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
149 posts
I don’t know. I think I like the idea of being able to converse with Tauren Druids, but only in Moonglade. I also think that Moonglade should be a non-combat zone. (in other words, PvP combat should not possible in Moonglade)

Here is what I would do. This ability would only be available after level 40, and only usable in Moonglade. The ability would work as a chat channel, and could be turned on or off as desired. Special Moonglade quests could also be set up where you have to group with a druid from the opposing faction in order to complete it, with desirable rewards to promote this co-operation.

I think this would add a special element to the game, and would increase the depth of my in game experience. Out of Moonglade, it would be business as usual. How interesting would it be to find yourself at odds in the main world setting with a druid that you grouped with and had fun with before?

Just an idea.
#10 Dec 09 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
Too easily exploitable.

More specifically, you could create a message relaying system completely in-game using a feature like that. You'd need to have two accounts parked in Moonglade but I could see it being done, esp. on the larger servers. Meh.
#11 Dec 10 2007 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
There seems to be a lot of people who worked out "translations" for a few key words/phrases. You still cannot say "omfg i pwned joo u sux!!1!" but you can say "I love you long time". I wonder if they ever made an add-on to ease that process.
#12 Dec 10 2007 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
I really like the idea of cross-faction communication, especially between druids. I'd like to see language as a learnable skill. I wonder if Bliz had that in mind at some point. That might explain the "300/300" language skills in our stats.

Yes, this would lead to more trash-talking from immature a$$holes, but we could /ignore them just as easily as we ignore a$$holes in our own factions.

In a somewhat related vein, druidwise: do any of you tend to be more helpful or tolerant of druids in the opposing faction? Outside of bg, of course. I'm not big into the lore of the game, but it seems appropriate to me that we should cut each other more slack than we do other classes. Maybe that feeling will change as druids become more common, assuming they do. The increasing number of druid a$$holes and all that...
#13 Dec 10 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
On my gnome Lock I once met two orc players. One of them started speaking to me in words spaced out like "h e y t h e r e l i t t l e o n e" and more of that, the other one logged off simultaneously and about 20 seconds later I get a whisper from an ally asking me if I could understand what the other orc just said.

I couldn't be bothered at that time because I was quite unknown in the ways of cross-sides speaking, but now that I read this thread it all came back to me. As I remembered it, it seemed that that orc cracked the language barriers somehow in multiple sentences that were directed at ME, no general sentences.

Wish I remembered his name so I could ask him about it on my horde chars...
#14 Dec 10 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,888 posts
I wonder what could be done of good if the time spent trying to brake the barrier language in wow was actually spent in something usefull, even if it was usefull to the game. I'm pretty sure that the person who tried to brake this rule was just trying to say something like "you noob" or "lol" or something in these lines.

That been said, I liked the idea Haldan gave, and there are ways that Blizzard could use against exploitations. But, then again, I don't see they doing this. Too much work for something almost useless, since the druidic population is so low (and I like it this way).

Edited, Dec 10th 2007 5:32pm by Brisin
#15 Dec 10 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
RPZip wrote:
Too easily exploitable.

More specifically, you could create a message relaying system completely in-game using a feature like that. You'd need to have two accounts parked in Moonglade but I could see it being done, esp. on the larger servers. Meh.

Yeah I could see that happening. Have a "AllianceTranslator" and a "HordeTranslator" sitting in moonglade.

Say I was an Orc Warrior named OrcyMcWarriory, and I wanted to call a human mage named HumanMcMagey a "stupid noob";

Then I would do /w AllianceTranslator [HumanMcMagey] You're a stupid noob.

AllianceTranslator would get the message and send it to the HordeTranslator via druidic language, then HordeTranslator would then do this

/w HumanMcMagey [OrcyMcWarriory] > You're a stupid noob.

Give any WoW player an inch, and they will take miles and miles with it.
#16 Dec 10 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Zalophus wrote:
In a somewhat related vein, druidwise: do any of you tend to be more helpful or tolerant of druids in the opposing faction?

Definitely. Maybe because when I rolled my drood I wanted to go Tauren but had other toons and real-life buds on Alliance side and I didn't want to be broke and lonely.

Zalophus wrote:
Maybe that feeling will change as druids become more common, assuming they do. The increasing number of druid a$$holes and all that.

You don't say it explicitly, but your point echos something I've heard before that as a class gets more popular the percentage of a-holes goes up. I'd think the number of "cool" druids would increase at approximately the same pace as the number of druidiots. Doesn't matter much to me, because 90% of the people I meet in game are cool, and the other 10% I just don't hang out with long enough to be bothered. ***** 'em, buh-bye.
#17 Dec 10 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
Overlord CapJack wrote:
RPZip wrote:
Too easily exploitable.

More specifically, you could create a message relaying system completely in-game using a feature like that. You'd need to have two accounts parked in Moonglade but I could see it being done, esp. on the larger servers. Meh.

Yeah I could see that happening. Have a "AllianceTranslator" and a "HordeTranslator" sitting in moonglade.

Say I was an Orc Warrior named OrcyMcWarriory, and I wanted to call a human mage named HumanMcMagey a "stupid noob";

Then I would do /w AllianceTranslator [HumanMcMagey] You're a stupid noob.

AllianceTranslator would get the message and send it to the HordeTranslator via druidic language, then HordeTranslator would then do this

/w HumanMcMagey [OrcyMcWarriory] > You're a stupid noob.

Give any WoW player an inch, and they will take miles and miles with it.

Pretty much.

I actually worked out a way to do this before using essentially 10-character Morse Code (certain characters that always translated to the same, unique set of other characters) but never got around to finishing the mod to do so. The theory is quite sound, though.
#18 Dec 10 2007 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
you would think so jeebar, but thats not been my experience. back when druids "sucked" you had to REALLY love druids in order to play one. so when you met another druid, there was a damn good chance they had A.) put the time in the learn the class right, and B.) had a lot in common with you, at least as far as druids went.

people didnt roll druids for dps, or tanks, or healing, or any of that. they rolled druids because they saw the lore and the flavor of the class and they liked that. people now roll druids because theyre the best 2v2 arena healer, or awesome tanks, or wonderful dps, or because they can be a moonchicken. when theres a good chance the guy who ganked you is playing a druid because they can be a moonchicken, then you know the player quality of the class has taken a dump.
#19 Dec 10 2007 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Quor wrote:
you would think so jeebar, but thats not been my experience. back when druids "sucked" you had to REALLY love druids in order to play one. so when you met another druid, there was a damn good chance they had A.) put the time in the learn the class right, and B.) had a lot in common with you, at least as far as druids went.

OK, I'll buy that...good points. I myself have always bought into the logic that most people with Druid mains are "versatility junkies" -- people that even in real life are "jacks of all trades." I've said it before: the Druid class is the Subaru Brat of Azeroth. Is it a car? A truck? A commute car? A 4x4? Who knows, who cares, it can do it all.

I guess now that with a focused spec we can be a top-shelf tank, or a top-shelf healer, you get more people in it for that one purpose instead of the versatility side of things.

Net-net, I like helping Tauren druids and wish I could talk with them sometimes, but from a gameplay perspective it'd mess too many things up. Oh well.
#20 Dec 10 2007 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i used to be quite hardcore about druid peace between the factions. it used to be maintained too, at least as long as no other faction members were present, and even then youd sometimes get a situation where the horde druid and the alliance druid wouldnt even really get involved in a battle while their allies duked it out. i had more than one situation where i said "leave the druid alone" and my friends slaughtered some allies, i waved at the druid, the druid waved at me and my friends, and we went about our merry way.

those days are, sadly, long gone. most druids i know are druids because druids are OP, and fast becoming the new flavor of the month class. it saddens me to say such things, but its the truth.
#21 Dec 11 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
I'd think the number of "cool" druids would increase at approximately the same pace as the number of druidiots.

That's most likely true, but it's always the idiots who stand out. How often do you hear about good things happening on the evening news?

I wonder what could be done of good if the time spent trying to brake the barrier language in wow was actually spent in something usefull,...

"Useful"? How do you define "useful" in terms of WoW? I play for fun; if somethings fun, it's useful to me. If it's not fun, I don't do it.
#22 Dec 11 2007 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
the way i see it, the number of "good" druids wouldnt increase nearly as much as the number of "bad", because all the good druids are already playing druid. sure, you might get a "good" person from another class who takes druid up and likes it, but barring complete new players to the game, pretty much everyone whos "good" and wants to play a druid has been playing one since they started.

perhaps thats the pessimist in me, but its what i believe nonetheless.
#23 Dec 12 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
The number of people playing the druid class will go up, but because of how disparagingly slow the first 20 levels are and then how mediocre we are at everything until lvl ~32, I doubt that the people who are playing druid as a "flavor of the month" will ever reach lvl 40.

I'm a hunter main, leveling a druid for my raid as a healer, but I love the class, versatile and fun, but challenging. The challenging part is what's going to weed out the noobs. And after playing a Hunter to 70, a noob Druid is better than any noob class.
#24 Dec 12 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
The number of people playing the druid class will go up, but because of how disparagingly slow the first 20 levels are and then how mediocre we are at everything until lvl ~32, I doubt that the people who are playing druid as a "flavor of the month" will ever reach lvl 40.

I am always amazed when starting new characters as I'm hanging around towns and I see a lot of lowish Druids. But once I go back to my 70, I don't see that many. Really only a handful.
#25 Dec 12 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,888 posts
Zalophus wrote:

[quote]I wonder what could be done of good if the time spent trying to brake the barrier language in wow was actually spent in something usefull,...

"Useful"? How do you define "useful" in terms of WoW? I play for fun; if somethings fun, it's useful to me. If it's not fun, I don't do it.

If you think that making a mod to translate "you noob" to the other faction is usefull, be my guest.
If you want to know what I think is usefull, I would say mods like Omen, Bigwigs, lighthead and many others. That's usefull, wow wise.
Or, maybe, to think about the maths under the game.
But, hey, that was my opinion. Keep yours and be happy =]
#26 Dec 12 2007 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
Quor wrote:
those days are, sadly, long gone.

I don't play on a PVP server and I'm sure that makes a huge difference, but when I encounter a Tauren druid, we almost always just exchange a /salute and go about our business. I've never gotten a /rude or anything like that from a fellow druid. We don't ninja each other's flowers either.

I agree with those saying that the "dr00ds r kewl I make 1 now and rawk and get phat lootzes!!" people are getting weeded out at the low levels and moving toward classes where there's less initial time investment. I've seen maybe half a dozen in the Outland whereas Teldrassil is full of 'em. Nobody tell them how that investment pays off tenfold in the 50's; I kind of like being rare. :)
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