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ROGUES: help the class, for the WOTLK expac! look hereFollow

#1 Dec 07 2007 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
(from blue post, posted on world of raids)

We're currently gathering class feedback from players for Wrath of the Lich King concerning thoughts on the areas of each class that is perceived to be most in need of improvement. This thread is not intended for discussion purposes and we ask that you please review the below format before presenting your feedback. It's very important for us to be able to review all provided feedback and as a result, not following the required format will very likely result in your post being removed.

• List your primary talent tree(s), i.e. Holy/Disc.
• List the content you're primarily pursuing or most enjoy, i.e. Raiding, PvP, Solo, etc...
• Provide a brief description of the areas you feel are most in need of improvement (you may list a maximum of three issues and each issue should be described in one or two sentences).
• List up to five specific spells/abilities/talents you feel most need change, redesign or improvement in the order you feel each is most in need of attention. (MOST to LESS)

Please remember to be constructive when providing feedback, and avoid discussions with others so that this thread can remain a promising and reliable source for feedback. It's also important to note that we're not looking for suggestions on how aspects of your class can be improved, but rather which areas are in need of improvement by your own assessment. When we have collected enough feedback we will reply back to this thread thanking everyone for their assistance, and the thread will be locked.


fill this out, and post it in the thread im linking at the bottom of the post... its for the good of the class, so dont post sh*t thatll just make OP and nerf targets

also, dont be a jerk and get our class destroyed

just post what you honestly think, and let the dev team know how ya feel :)

----------(this is mine)

• List your primary talent tree(s), i.e. Holy/Disc.

• List the content you're primarily pursuing or most enjoy, i.e. Raiding, PvP, Solo, etc...
-Solo PVE, Solo PVP, Arena PVP

• Provide a brief description of the areas you feel are most in need of improvement (you may list a maximum of three issues and each issue should be described in one or two sentences).

-Daggers being almost outclassed by swords/maces/fists in any area of the game. Full combat swords almost beats any dagger build in raids. AR/Prep builds, or combat maces are better for 99% of the game's PVP situations.
-Rogues being so very cooldown reliant in high-end PVP. Almost any class when they don't having their cooldowns (anything over a 120 second timer) have a shot of winning a fight; this is much harder for rogues, especially if we get attacked out of stealth, and out of cooldowns.
-Rogues not having a true 'specialty' role in any area of the game. Melee dps? We are better as far as PVE goes, but it's never needed to have a rogue around. PVP CC? Nah, any caster and hunters outclass us there. PVP DPS? 9/10 people would rather have a MS warrior.

• List up to five specific spells/abilities/talents you feel most need change, redesign or improvement in the order you feel each is most in need of attention. (MOST to LESS)

-Premeditation (2 free cp isn't quite as powerful as it used to be)
-Shadowstep (current form is great, just a 1 second snare effect is all it needs, so we can land the move we 'stepped to hit)
-Vigor (again, extra 10 energy isn't quite the same as it used to be)
-Expose Armor (since you added armor ignore, the situations where you would need an expose armor for the extra dps woudl either be overkill of their remaining armor, or not quite the dent 3-5 CP should do)
-Ambush (when was the last time anyone used it seriously, PVP or PVE?)


fill out the little forum, like i did... and go there to post and let them know what needs to change

(when i tried to post, the link was down... so hopefully itll work later)

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 11:12am by mongoosexcore
#2 Dec 07 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
I posted mine last night, it's on Page 11 if you want to find it and read it.
#3 Dec 07 2007 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
I read through the pages. Sadly, there aren't many well thought out replies like yours. The problem with asking a population for feedback and recommendations is that 50% of the population falls in to that the IQ < 100 domain.
#4 Dec 07 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
well then post something and make the 'good post' side have 1 more member !! :D
#5 Dec 09 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
I'm banned from O-boards, will anyone post mine?
#6 Dec 09 2007 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
I can post for somebody on the EU forums.

I wanted to post but couldn't think of anything good.


Lol, I saw that in one of the blue posts >.< somebody was advertising a space on the first page.
#7 Dec 09 2007 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Maybe they'll actually fix Vanish now.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#8 Dec 09 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
The Demea of Doom wrote:
Maybe they'll actually fix Vanish now.

They already stated that they will not be working on anything related to latency, ie: vanish.

I forgot where I read that, might go check up on it so I can link.
#9 Dec 09 2007 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
You know what the easiest fix for vanish would be? When you do it, anything targeting you has its cast interrupted, and autoattacks are turned off for .1 seconds. Fixed. No temporary immunity, no unbreakable stealth, just make all attacks stop while the server catches up.
#10 Dec 09 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
lol thats almost impossible to code, and would **** you your side, healing mid heal = interrupt your own teammate?

why not 1 second paladin bubble efect? MUCH simplier i think
#11 Dec 09 2007 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
Not really that hard to code at all. There are already plenty of effects that turn off auto-attack and interrupt casting.
#12 Dec 09 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
Nooblestick wrote:
Not really that hard to code at all. There are already plenty of effects that turn off auto-attack and interrupt casting.

*cough* feign death*cough*
#13 Dec 09 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
I still say a two second stealth shield where the rogue takes all damage done to him but can't lose stealth.
#14 Dec 09 2007 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
Just came out of arena game where there was a boomkin druid.

Summons treants, so I hit cloak and vanish, what happens?

Oh yea, good guess, treants just carry on bashing on me, gg.
#15 Dec 09 2007 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
-Ambush (when was the last time anyone used it seriously, PVP or PVE?)

Sorry, new rogue here. Why is this useless? I would assume this is a good opener on mages? Also I use it all the time while leveling, so I would assume it is good for non instance things like dailies/farming? Or am I wrong? please tell :)
#16 Dec 09 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
lets be very generous here, for the average rogue

ambush + pve = a no-no

ambush + pvp?

4k dmg crit, account for some resilience (lets say... 15% dmg worth) so now 3400, but you wont hit that hit very often if at all, without using shadowstep and all that kinda jazz

but even 3.4k, most decent 70 pvp opponents, have at least 10k... so its a 30% opponent at best, and thats only for clothes really... but unlike cheap shot, it only yields 1-2 CP opposed to 2-3, and leaves you wide open to get kited after you use it... assuming you land it without getting hit outta stealth first

to make it good you need minimum 13 sub, and dagger users should be mutilate anyways.... and mutilate doesnt use it, since a mutilate is 2 cp always and almost the same kinda damage... and frees up some talents

speccing for ambush is just speccing for the worst opener we got, its only good vs clothies... but cheap shot AND garrote both outclass it in terms of usefulness

ambush is 110% fine to use before outlands, but once you go through the dark portal, itll become very noticeable that its just not worth the effort anymore
#17 Dec 09 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,538 posts
It destroys clothies before 70. Then they get 10k health and 400 resilience and shrug it off like a mosquito bite.
#18 Dec 09 2007 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
Not to mention Sap and Garrote are much better than Ambush seeing how they have been both buffed since BC.

Vigor needs to boost energy regeneration as well before it becomes a non-filler talent, or give an extra CP point possibility for a total of 6, basically something that doesn't suck.

Ambush needs a debuff effect to make it worth using, maybe remove a buff or buffs.

Premed is fine imo, free 2 CPs allows you get to 5 CPs pretty easily and you can choose what to do from there.

Shadowstep needs more tuning, maybe half a second of movement debuff to account for latency, Blizzard has already acknowledged that Vanish can be negated through server lag so its only fair that this talent which is designed to move us into melee range be functional as well.

Improved Expose Armor should negate some Resilience as well, seeing how 10 points (at 1st tier, 3rd tier) in our best Support tree is effectively negated by Resilience.

However, the biggest problem with asking for class improvement on WotLK this early is the fact that none of us, meaning any player, knows what kind of talents will be given for the 70-80 gap, which means while some of these suggestions look very good on paper now, that might not hold true once we learn of the 70-80 talents, itemization, and general changes. Case in point for the Rogue class, Seal Fate Daggers/Swords, that build was very viable in PvP and PvE, but Mutilate pretty much blew it out of the water for utility, another example would be Weapon Expertise, that talent and the skill it affects has undergone some radical changes not once but twice. Therefore, this suggestion thread would only be as effective as our knowledge of the WotLK content, which as of now is very limited at best.
#19 Dec 10 2007 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
Premed is fine imo, free 2 CPs allows you get to 5 CPs pretty easily and you can choose what to do from there.

see, my issue with premed is that while 2 cp is fine and good... it just isnt nearly as worthy as AR, not even close.... its on par with vigor, and thats barely

premed cs EA gouge openers now have stun resist to a chance negate it on all classes (next warlock to resist my cs AND my ks i will personally hunt down and kill i swear to god i will)

i just think vigor should be 15 energy now (would give mutilate burst combos the extra 5 energy to gouge in time), and premed should be (3 min cd: current effect + your opener moves (all of them) cannot be resisted/dodged/parried and now have +5 yds added to range, lasts 10 seconds)

that would make premed a hella utility move... cuz who in arena wouldnt love having a 15 yard sap? it would draw at least SOME people away from ar/prep, seeing its a GARUNTEED cs land at 10 yd range, enough to be outside cons/flare/arc-ex

thats very nice on the low end since it would set tempo would be good on any level, even 2v2 where setting a early tempo can easily win a match

honestly a lot of rogues want a talent to buff energy regen, but i dont like that idea.... whatever tree has it will either hafta be a tier TEN talent, or it would break that tree into the primary raid tree... nothing say dps increase like 9 hemos for a normal trees 8 in terms of time

we already got potentcy, we dont need a different more reliable variant

the point of the thread is while we dont know what the xpac will bring, we can steer em the right way! i mean if they think shadowstep is 110% okay as is, then its not gonna change... if everyone thinks x move needs a buff, then itll get one

i just hope this doesnt scale **** the wrong way like the 'healers get +dmg on their heal sets'
that idea was great.. if it would only CERTAIN heal items, not EVERY ****** ONE

i mean what sounds better to you as a healing class SPECCED DPS?? (not a paladin basically)

40 spell dmg flat? or 81 healing for emergencys AND 27 dmg??

13 dmg for 41 healing? thats pvp op ******** haha, resto druid packing tons of heals and good moonfire hits.... ya that was a terrible decision

you know what pieces deserved the +dmg? tier 4-5-6 and raid pieces, not pvp ****.... no one in raids cares if they get dmg since they only use it to farm (the main point of the decision to begin with was to make healers more fun to play)

giving a pvp titan disc pri a +600 spell dmg sw:pain for free is stupid... giving a tier 5 raiding resto sham a farming mode in terms of elem. dps is a good idea

how ****** ridiculous...
#20 Dec 10 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
ambush + pve = a no-no

Just curious why :) I see why cheap shot is nice, we can setup a nice long chain of stuns, but if my goal is to kill things as fast as possible and reduce downtime while leveling is cheaps shot still my best option? The fight will definately last longer but will the benefit of not getting hit (plus one more CP) make up for it when adding up downtime comes into play? And if this isn't the reason to not use ambush to open, then what is?

edit: Actually now that I think about it, maybe the fight could even be quicker with cheap shot due to high crit potential backstabs or some multilates, but again I'm just guessing here.

It destroys clothies before 70. Then they get 10k health and 400 resilience and shrug it off like a mosquito bite.

This also makes perfect sense, but I was thinking more along the lines of against mages. I would assume they can blink out of cheap shot and our opener is wasted, but maybe our goal is to make them burn blink soon? I don't know, my rogue pvp experience is even more limited :)

Edited, Dec 10th 2007 12:03pm by Helsingg
#21 Dec 10 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
Helsingg wrote:
ambush + pve = a no-no

Just curious why :) I see why cheap shot is nice, we can setup a nice long chain of stuns, but if my goal is to kill things as fast as possible and reduce downtime while leveling is cheaps shot still my best option? The fight will definately last longer but will the benefit of not getting hit (plus one more CP) make up for it when adding up downtime comes into play? And if this isn't the reason to not use ambush to open, then what is?

edit: Actually now that I think about it, maybe the fight could even be quicker with cheap shot due to high crit potential backstabs or some multilates, but again I'm just guessing here.

Because Cheap Shot -> SnD is faster DPS than a frontloaded Ambush.
#22 Dec 10 2007 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
the point of the thread is while we dont know what the xpac will bring, we can steer em the right way! i mean if they think shadowstep is 110% okay as is, then its not gonna change... if everyone thinks x move needs a buff, then itll get one

Thats my point, what is the point of talking about current talents and skills if we don't know how it affects and synergizes with future talents and skills. Another example would be Backstab or Combat Daggers in general, how many Rogues would have yelled for a buff to Backstab/Combat Daggers pre-BC?
#23 Dec 10 2007 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
put it this way, how many yelled for daggers to be good for pvp? then what happened? mutilate
#24 Dec 10 2007 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
400 posts
mongoosexcore wrote:
-Ambush (when was the last time anyone used it seriously, PVP or PVE?)

mongoosexcore also wrote:
unlike cheap shot, it only yields 1-2 CP opposed to 2-3, and leaves you wide open to get kited after you use it...

Perhaps some kind of 4/6 second daze effect would help counter this? I know that if someone suddenly stabbed me in the back of the neck I would be a little shocked for a couple of seconds.

Honestly I still wouldn't use it with a daze effect but it would certainly help prevent the old-school shadowstep problem of Premed>ShS>Ambush.... enemy runs off. Add a 3 second silence to the daze effect or some kind of resilience / armor ignoring ability and it might start to become useful again. Especially since Muti rogues could open up with ambush and save themselves the DR on cheapshot.

It isn't a totally illogical idea, technically if you were fighting plate mail with daggers you would be aiming for un-armored areas anyway like armpits, between helmet & the neckbrace, or groin areas. So it would stand to reason that a move like Ambush where you assume the rogue has the luxury of time to pick a spot to attack it, would be un-affected by armor anyway??

Perhaps give it a 50% chance to totally ignore either totally - or a percentage of your enemies armor...

If anyone thinks thats a good idea feel free to post it as your own thoughts. For some reason the official forums only ever seem to let me log on like once a year. Since I started playing wow its only allowed me to log in twice...

Edited, Dec 10th 2007 5:24pm by Flubgaurd
#25 Dec 10 2007 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
• List your primary talent tree(s), i.e. Holy/Disc.


• List the content you're primarily pursuing or most enjoy, i.e. Raiding, PvP, Solo, etc...


• Provide a brief description of the areas you feel are most in need of improvement (you may list a maximum of three issues and each issue should be described in one or two sentences).

-Resilience and huge stamina totals have utterly destroyed the burst damage potential that defined the rogue class prior to BC.
-Despite the recent changes to shadowstep, mobility is still a huge issue for rogues, especially since the opportunity cost involved with speccing shadowstep is far too steep for most rogues to pay (AR/prep).
-Dagger builds are dead for serious PvP, which is totally inconsistent with Blizzard's original concept for the class. Pull up your roll-a-toon screen. What symbol represents the rogue class? A dagger. /boggle

• List up to five specific spells/abilities/talents you feel most need change, redesign or improvement in the order you feel each is most in need of attention. (MOST to LESS)

-A resilience mitigation aspect to trees that favor dagger use. Example: Cold Blood: When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next offensive ability by 100% and causes that attack to ignore 50% of your target's resilience. Alternatively (or both?): Find Weakness: Your finishing moves increase the damage of all offensive abilities by 2/4/6/8/10% and cause your offensive abilities to ignore 5/10/15/20/25% of your target's resilience.
-Sprint: ~5 second duration, ~45 second cooldown.
-Shadowstep: reduce cooldown to 15 seconds, or keep it at 30 seconds and make it trainable.
-Vanish: Change spell name to "Maybe" to better reflect the true theme of this ability (suggestion stolen from o-boards)
-Imp. EA: Add a -resil% component to this.
#26 Dec 11 2007 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
I don't want no crap negating resilience with EA or anything- Give us some way to completely ignore it. Buff Serrated Blades to give us 5% resilience ignore/rank- That would make a lot of people stay hemo even after the nerf.

Buff daggers. I dont care whether you keep it about burst damage or not, but mutilate should NOT be considered a good 41 point talent in Assassination, which in 90% of PvP, the entire tree is never used. Combat daggers also needs to be relooked into, because while it technically outDPS combat swords, the cycles are near-impossible to keep up.


-Vigor should be changed to 20, no not 15, energy. Yeah, with the gladiator set you get 130 energy, which is pretty damn insane, but in your average arena you get more energy from just hitting AR right off the bat, which is pretty pointless instead of not waiting 'till a better time... And that's not even taking into account Prep, which doubles the amount...
-I want more burst damage in Assassination. Buff Expose Armor, Imp. Kidney Shot, and make a new Imp. Poison replacement talent, that gives 2/4/6/8/10% increased poison effect (Crippling Poison goes up to 80%, etc.) as well as the current effect.
-Another idea with Vigor: Replace it with a new 31 point talent that makes your poisons un-resistable and un-dispellable. I'd definitely rather have the confidence that my poison is always going to proc during my CS so i can get a decent damage Mutilate off then being able to KS afterwards.
-Combat doesn't need much change, but SA could be made a little more powerful. Make the abilities un-mitigateable in any way, and I would be happy.
-Subtlety: Shadowstep NEEDS to be trainable. It's the only way short of crappy Imp. Sprint that rogues have versatility in Arena. After we blow CloS, Imp. Sprint and our pvp trinket, we are free to be kited by mages. I find it troubling just to keep up with them if they have a healer who can dispel their crippling poison, because even just their frost armor freezes me every few hits and slows me to boot. Being frozen allows the mage to get a 3k ice lance, and obviously a talent very shallow in the Frost tree should not give you a 15% chance whenever someone hits you to increase the damage of your next ice lance by 300%.
-Another thing about Combat: Backstab sucks compared to Mutilate. If it wasn't for all those bleed-immune bosses, and the failure of EA in raids, it would be decent, but still... Give combat 2 separate 41-pt talents- a slightly buffed, not poison dependant Mutilate, and SA, buffed again. Then, remove Mutilate from Assassination, and give us something like Ambush being useable un-stealthed. With your giant energy pool, it would actually be decent CP generation, too.
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