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Pre-Kara Gear ListFollow

#1 Dec 06 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Just what is says, a list of gear for Restoration Shamans to shoot for to get ready to heal Karazhan.

Gavel of Pure Light
Stormshield of Renewal
Headdress of the Tides
Choker of Fluid Thought
Mantle of the Sea Wolf
Cloak of the Everliving
Harness of Deep Currents
Primal Surge Bracers
Fathomheart Gauntlets
Stillwater Girdle
Oceansong Kilt
Wavefury Boots
Ancestral Band
Cosmic Lifeband
Lower City Prayerbook
Scarab of the Infinite Cycle

Most of these pieces are obtained through either reputation or regular level 70 instance runs.

A few of the pieces are obtained through heroics, with about half of the heroics being the "easier" heroics, and the other half being some of the tougher ones.

If you aren't having any luck getting the Scarab to drop, feel free to purchase and equip 2 Prayerbooks, however I highly recommend getting the Scarab as the 2 Prayerbooks will share a cooldownm while the Scarab's proc will be independent of the Prayerbook's cooldown.

I did not include any Heroic badge gear, as most of the older badge gear really isn't worth it if you are starting in Kara anyway. The badge shield can be replaced by the shield from Chess. The badge trinket isn't that much better than the Prayerbook or Scarab. And the badge ring/cloak have multiple items in Kara itself to replace it. Also you will really want to save your badges for...

...the new badge items released in 2.3, as they are phenomenal pieces of gear and are well worth getting, however you will probably have cleared Kara a couple of times before you have enough badges to get any of it.

Finally a quick stat breakdown for this gear. These stats are solely what is gained through the gear itself and does not take into account any bonuses added by your talent spec.

Healing: +1174
Int: +277 (4155 more mana than you have naked, not taking into account Ancestral Knowledge, which you may or may not have)
MP5: 84 (again not taking into account the ~50 MP5 you get from always having Water Shield up and expiring, although this will hopefully be changing with the next patch to a straight 50 MP5)

If anybody has any questions or suggestions, feel free to post them or send me a PM.

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 9:11am by Bigdaddyjug
#2 Dec 07 2007 at 6:08 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Here is a list of gear Elemental Shamans can shoot for to get ready to DPS in Karazhan.

I readily admit there may be cloth pieces with more spell damage, spell crit, or spell hit, however with this set you will have a decent amount of all 3 of those for starting Karazhan, and you won't be as squishy when grinding or doing dailies.

This set of gear should put you around 680 spell damage and 15% spell crit. As a nice added bonus, you also get a good bit of spell hit rating, enough to give you around 7% to hit between gear and spec.

Gladiator's Spellblade
Spellbreaker’s Buckler
Tidefury Helm
Brooch of Heightened Potential
Tidefury Shoulderguards
Baba’s Cloak of Arcanistry
Tidefury Chestpiece
World’s End Bracers
Earth Mantle Handwraps
Girdle of Living Flame
Tidefury Kilt
Magma Plume Boots
Scintillating Coral Band
Evoker’s Mark of Redemption
Xi’ri’s Gift
Quagmirran’s Eye

Edited, Dec 8th 2007 7:40pm by Bigdaddyjug
#3 Dec 07 2007 at 6:08 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Again, pretty self-explanatory. This is the list for Enhancement shaman to shoot for to get ready for Karazhan.

I included the Gladiator's weapons available with honor points because there simply aren't any weapons you can get from 70 instances or Heroics that even come close to the DPS on the Gladiator's weapons.

I also freely admit that I am not nearly as familiar with Enhancement shamans, and if anybody has any suggestions for gear, please post it up or PM me and I will make the changes.

Again, I included only mail gear, as this will serve you better when farming or doing dailies.

Gladiator’s Cleaver x 2
Helm of Desolation
Skeletal Necklace of Battlerage
Pauldrons of Desolation
Netherfury Cape
Hauberk of Desolation
Vindicator's Linked Bracers
Gauntlets of Desolation
Vindicator's Linked Girdle
Greaves of Desolation
Vindicator's Linked Sabatons
Veteran's Band of Triumph
Vindicator's Pendant of Triumph
Bladefist's Breadth
Hourglass of the Unraveller

With this set of gear you should end up with approximately 950 attack power, 90 hit rating, 25.5% to crit, and about 8,000 HP.

Edited, Dec 8th 2007 7:38pm by Bigdaddyjug
#4 Dec 07 2007 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
thanks for the ele list, if i was scholar this would = rate up

btw, how do i get scholar? premium membership?

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 8:03pm by Draeneipally
#5 Dec 07 2007 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Draeneipally wrote:
thanks for the ele list, if i was scholar this would = rate up

btw, how do i get scholar? premium membership?

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 8:03pm by Draeneipally

No; in order to obtain Scholar, you have to be rated up so that your average Karma is 3.1 (correct if I'm wrong here), or something like that. Basically an average of "Good" posts.
#6 Dec 07 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
o ok then thanks, thanks for the elegear list too. I have something to go by now
#7 Dec 07 2007 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
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Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#8 Dec 07 2007 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
No problem folks, anything to help.

Don't put too much store in my enhance list though, I haven't been enhance in so long I wasn't really sure what to use. I looked for any higher level mail with Str but there basically wasn't any.

After realizing there wasn't gonna be any STR mail I started looking for hit rating, knowing how important it is for dual-wielding classes from my rogue.

As I said, if you have any suggestions for any of the lists, please don't hesitate to post them or PM me. The only list I am fairly secure in is the Resto list as that is my current spec.
#9 Dec 07 2007 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
TBH, the majority of gear on the Enhancement list won't get you anywhere.

The Abacus is not very good, the Bladefist trinket is still better for its crit rating and the attack power boost every 2 minutes.

A lot of the bosses in Kara have AoE, you WILL need stam for Kara, Rapid Striking is a Hunter chest, the necessary shaman stats are simply not high enough on that piece. Same goes for the bracers, belt, and helm.

As a Kara shaman, you want around 8k health, 1k AP, 100 Hit Rating, and around 20% crit UNBUFFED MINIMUM.

Honestly, forget the Pauldrons of Desolation and farm the honor for the Gladiator shoulders and if you must get the set bonus replace the Dream-Wing Helm with the Helm of Desolation.

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 10:54pm by TheYardstick
#10 Dec 08 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
I wasn't even looking at the Desolation set bonus, TBH.

I just looked for gear that give some stats that enhancement shamans can use.

As I said earlier, there are ZERO pieces of mail with Str on them in the level 70 instances.

I also tend to disagree about the trinkets.

Those trinkets work great for any dual-wielder, and the Abacus should be even better for a crit-dependant class like enhance shamans.

Even with how dependent on crits enhance shamans are, 1% to hit will add more DPS than 1% to crit, especially seeing as enhance Shamans only have 1 instant melee attack.
#11 Dec 08 2007 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I wasn't even looking at the Desolation set bonus, TBH.

I just looked for gear that give some stats that enhancement shamans can use.

As I said earlier, there are ZERO pieces of mail with Str on them in the level 70 instances.

I also tend to disagree about the trinkets.

Those trinkets work great for any dual-wielder, and the Abacus should be even better for a crit-dependant class like enhance shamans.

Even with how dependent on crits enhance shamans are, 1% to hit will add more DPS than 1% to crit, especially seeing as enhance Shamans only have 1 instant melee attack.


Taken straight from the Elitist Jerks Theorycraft thread the order of importance in Shaman stats goes more or less as follows: Strength, AP, Crit Rating, Agi, THEN hit rating.

The reason being that we a rare occurence in which we have 2 abilities that are hit capped and that we have the most hit % in our talent trees than any other class in the game. In fact, many Shamans raid with UNDER 100 Hit Rating. Most of the items that we get with hit rating just have that stat tacked on as an added bonus.
#12 Dec 08 2007 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Ok, I apologize.

I realized that I was getting the Abacus and the Hourglas confused.

I'm also making some changes to the gear list. And I checked the stats on the gear list this time. It will give you ~950 AP, ~25.5% to crit, and ~90 hit rating.
#13 Dec 08 2007 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Ok, I apologize.

I realized that I was getting the Abacus and the Hourglas confused.

I'm also making some changes to the gear list. And I checked the stats on the gear list this time. It will give you ~950 AP, ~25.5% to crit, and ~90 hit rating.

So far so good, let's aim for a target of 1k AP, you have plenty of crit to give up for AP and hit rating is right where it should be.

Trust me, you will have plenty of crit raid buffed, I jump from 24% to 33% crit raid buffed, and I can hit upwards of 2.2k AP raid buffed.

This is just in mixed blues and epics.

The Hourglass is definitely a must, I have seen it used into BM. It has a high proc rate, essentially you'll have the 300AP buff for entire fights.
#14 Dec 08 2007 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
I admit I am much more familiar with the stats for elemental and restoration as those are the last 2 specs I was. I never got to raid as enhance mainly because I hit 70 as enhance and couldn't get a PUG for a regular 70 instance, much less a heroic to get gear.

Yardstick, if you have any suggestions for particular pieces of gear to look for just let me know what they are and I'll add them.
#15 Dec 08 2007 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I admit I am much more familiar with the stats for elemental and restoration as those are the last 2 specs I was. I never got to raid as enhance mainly because I hit 70 as enhance and couldn't get a PUG for a regular 70 instance, much less a heroic to get gear.

Yardstick, if you have any suggestions for particular pieces of gear to look for just let me know what they are and I'll add them.

I'm not too familiar with the easy-to-access Enhancement gear seeing as I got all my PvP gear fairly quickly.

I have a few items though.

Helm Of Desolation
Talon Lord's Collar (I think it's called that)
If you can't get the Abacus or Hourglass, go for the Core Of Ar'kelos, it's a VERY easy item to get and is rewarded from a small chain in Netherstorm.

I'll suggest more items once my memory comes back up to speed.

But, I feel ya man, I know nothing about stat importance for Ele or Resto ><
#16 Dec 09 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
821 posts
i think you are aiming rather high with your "starting" gear i think it´s faster to wipe yourself through kara for a few weeks than farming all that stuff.
Some of the heroic badge "stuff" is really usefull.

Edited, Dec 9th 2007 4:29pm by Oakenwrath
#17 Dec 09 2007 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Oaken, I agree.

In fact, that's exactly what I did as resto, only I didn't have to "wipe through" so much since the rest of the members of my group were pretty well geared.

I think I started Kara as restoration with barely +800 healing and barely 8k mana.

I'm not saying to go into Kara and be successful you need EVERY piece of gear on this list.

I'm just pointing out that, especially for resto and ele, these are the best pieces of gear you can get without raiding.

I do, however, disagree about the "old" badge gear, especially for ele and resto spec.

Most of the old badge pieces aren't any better than things you can get in Kara. In fact, some of them are worse.

You would be much better off saving any badges you can get until you can get some of the "new" badge pieces. I know for a fact with the resto bracers, you could end up using those as your guild is killing Illidan, as there are only 1 or maybe 2 sets of bracers better than those, and there's no guarantee they will drop or you will win the bid/roll for them.

If you're at the point where you've purchased all of the "new" badge pieces and you have extra badges left over, by all means purchase any of the "old" badge pieces that may still be an upgrade.
#18 Dec 09 2007 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Oakenwrath wrote:
i think you are aiming rather high with your "starting" gear i think it´s faster to wipe yourself through kara for a few weeks than farming all that stuff.
Some of the heroic badge "stuff" is really usefull.

Edited, Dec 9th 2007 4:29pm by Oakenwrath

If you have the time to get the heroic badge stuff then I have no idea how you won't have the time to get the gear on the list.
#19 Dec 10 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
The tidefury set bonus is great but there is much better gear to get with just a little questing and grinding. For instance you can get the shoulders from Heroic slave pens which are epic, have better damage and higher crit then the tidefury shoulders.

The shamanistic helm of second sight is great reward and you will keep it for a lot longer then you would the tidefury piece. While doing the quest for this helm you also have the chance to get one of the better rings to drop which will be used up til SSC unless you find a world drop.
#20 Mar 15 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
I know alot of PvP stuff is great for Ench shaman but anyone got any substitions to all the PvP gear for gear you an obtain via dungeons/quests/heroic/badge? I hate PvP with a passion and am sad I'll have to do it for teh S3 weapons, but I really want to avoid it as much as possible.
#21 Aug 04 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I have a question? So in order to be somewhat prepared for KZ these are the minimum stats ? "950 attack power, 90 hit rating, 25.5% to crit, and about 8,000 HP".

I am 69 have, have one peice of the gear listed and have 1150 base AP, 22.56% crit, 31 HR (9% from Talents) but only 6061 HP. Now when I hit 70 I will eventually have 2x Merciless Gladiator's Cleavers (already have 1) which will bump my HR, Crit Rating, Health and AP not to mention overall DPS. I also have a few slots to fill with either enchants or enhancement such as socketing my helm with the Relentless Earthstorm Diamond, getting the head enchant, the exalted shoulder enchant, putting Cobrahide Leg Armor on pants (will get the nethercobra when I get pants worth putting them on).

So my question would be do you think when I hit 70 that my stats would be good enough to enter KZ?? I know my HPs are low, but they will jump at least 400 from the axes, and a few with gaining the last lvl and adding some chants, etc. So I am sure I would be 6500-7000 by then.

UMIKO's Armory Page

Edited, Aug 5th 2008 9:01am by OKCToolguy
#22 Aug 05 2008 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
Well I only remind an obvious thing that there is different stats "needed" (depends about rest of your raid group) to enter karazhan and to clear it. At first bosses it's not so necessary to have hight hp since you should not get hit at all. Then later on you maybe will get hit by aoe and can't avoid it.

My shaman alt is only 63 atm and I specced resto at 60. I'm loving the survivability of shield, armor and earth shield (well my main is still mage so clothies are familiar for me). I started doing bg's at 61 and yes, I know I'm low but still I'm almost always 2nd or 3rd in healing done so I think I'm doing ok. Side tracks (is it right way to say it? Off topic?) ftw, but like yesterday in daily AB I was only one in whole bg who was defending bs and always outlasted attackers until got help from others. Just kited around healing my self and called someone also there.

So to my point now finally, pfff..... I have really started enjoying Bg's and started checking the gear available through honor. I know that pvp gear is lacking MP/5 and also little int but it's miles ahead from Q drops, ofc if u look at the item lvl. So my idea was to get as much merciless gear as possible so that with those I could get my +heal and other stats ready to enter more 5-mans and also kara. By mixing merciless with some cloth I think I might get decent staring gear.

Now, that was not a statement, it was a question =). I farmed 14k honor few days ago in av and have more than enough to get that 1H mace which had some avesome 423+heal (more than 500 with enchant from 1 slot)

Oh my, I hope I make some sense to some of you. Q here maybe was that isn't merciless gear quite good start for resto in shorter fights and enough to get you start in kara and such?
#23 Aug 05 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
respec'd enhance after a 1-70 run as elemental. I got tired of lightning bolt spam in heroics so decided to switch.

Here is what I picked up in the last 2 months. I average 625-725dps depending on group makeup (again read: salv)

It's not perfect, but he's been up to and including curator with no problems. I would have taken him to full clear but the times didn't line up. Anyway I did 705dps on that first half of kara.

#24 Aug 05 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
respec'd enhance after a 1-70 run as elemental. I got tired of lightning bolt spam in heroics so decided to switch.

Here is what I picked up in the last 2 months. I average 625-725dps depending on group makeup (again read: salv)

It's not perfect, but he's been up to and including curator with no problems. I would have taken him to full clear but the times didn't line up. Anyway I did 705dps on that first half of kara.

Not an expert in enhancement, but doesn't look too bad for gear. You will of course want to replace most of it, but your set is better than my enhancement set (~1000 AP). Make sure you work on getting the alchemist's stone (shattered sun recipe). It's expensive, but one of the best in the game.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#25 Aug 07 2008 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Yeah, my trinkets are my weak spot, obviously took elemental quest rewards on the way up so they are kinda worthless to me now. I have the recipe for the SSO Alchemists stone, just slowly working on getting the mats together now for it. I was helping a crew through regular BM the other day on my hunter and the hourglass dropped for him. So I decided to run BM 3 more times on my shammy. No trinket. *cries

I do think I'll go pick up Core Of Ar'kelos though, thanks for pointing that one out Yardstick.
#26 Oct 07 2008 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
100 posts
I know this is an old thread but figured i would post this here. It was stated in the Enh shammy section to get the gladiator weapons due to no other good weapons being available. Would the SSO Badge fists be an acceptable replacement? Just wondering cause im not big on pvping to get the gladiator weapons. Im refering to the Vanir's Right/Left Fist of Brutality.
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