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#1 Dec 03 2007 at 1:33 PM Rating: Sub-Default
454 posts
Am I the only one who would like vanilla-wow servers to be introduced?
#2 Dec 03 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, and why was this posted in the Mage forum?

I don't know why anyone would want to stick around at level 60 not being able to get any of the better loot or see the new fights, when you can go to Outland, level to 70, and still have access to the older fights whenever you wanted to (provided you could get a group for them... with substatially less people needed normally).
#3REDACTED, Posted: Dec 03 2007 at 2:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A) because I mostly play a mage and hence I feel I've got most in common with mages (besides the mage forum is one of the better forums where people respect each other)
#4 Dec 03 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Was that specific questions enough for you cutiepie, so that now you might think before you post?

P.S: I hope you can take this in the spirit it has been written, but reading your first sentence kinda makes me doubt; you might need to work a bit on your attitude thingy.

I think he was being a bit sarcastic with the 'yes', and very truthful with 'why are you posting a generic non-mage-specific WoW question in a mage forum'.

Anobix is also very helpful here (though he doesn't need my defense). Simply check out the other threads in here and you'll know that. Now, let's not talk about attitudes, okay, cutiepie?
#5 Dec 03 2007 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
454 posts
oh geez - do we even have to go into this "he's also very helpful which you of'course don't know anything about" thing? I mean seriously, I've been reading these forums for as long as I can remember, and I remember being helped by anobix - I do know who he is.

I must say though, that even though you totally misunderstood me (really thought I was explicit enough (you even qouted it yourself), but ok, my bad) I liked the way you turned the "cutiepie" thing around ;)

But seriously, the "generic-non-mage"-question you are talking about origins from me playing a mage (mostly, but also a feral/resto druid (depending on weekday - lol) and from some of the troubles I've felt as a mage since TBC launched. Let me ask a second time, would this be explantion enough for you to maybe give me some reasons why you would be against such servers? It's not like you would be forced to play on them :S
#6 Dec 03 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
krqllebqlle wrote:
A) because I mostly play a mage and hence I feel I've got most in common with mages (besides the mage forum is one of the better forums where people respect each other)

B)Because that anyone might think that the original wow was much more fun than tbc? Because that anyone might like the social part about being 40 people together trying to progress which could only happen if all 40 played their best? Because the old honorsystem was imo better? Because balance in PvP went to hell with TBC? Because Blizzard haven't fixed any of the flaws (actually they created a couple of new - can you say arena and oom?) from vanilla wow to TBC?

Was that specific questions enough for you cutiepie, so that now you might think before you post?

P.S: I hope you can take this in the spirit it has been written, but reading your first sentence kinda makes me doubt; you might need to work a bit on your attitude thingy.

Okay sweetie, I will go through your questions for you.

You can still go through and do the old instances, with 40 people and now that most outgear the instance even less (yay, easier way to get through it and see content that would have taken forever to get to!) Also, it rarely came down to all 40 needing to play their best, or even 20 at ZG/AQ20 others could pick up their slack, in BC we have Kara/ZA where everyone of the 10 must be on the ball (until you outgear it) and with the 25-mans as well. The strategies are much more complex (and imo more fun). Crowd Control also becomes a necessary part of 70 instances (which is good so that mages will be taken along a lot more). That and the loot system in the old world was HORRID. The new 3-class Token system is far superior and makes getting loot much faster and simpler. Oh, and let us not forget the amazing flying/epic flying mounts!

I don't exactly see how Arena is a flaw, especially that mages can be one of the strongest classes there if you spec and play correctly. And oom is hardly an issue with the correct party makeup, in my raids I always have a shadow priest and sometimes a shaman in my group dropping totems, I rarely go oom, and even if I do I have pots, mana gems (and even better ones in 2.3.2) and an easy 60% back evocation.

I don't think I had a tough attitude, I still stand by that it is still a fairly 'Main WoW Forum' topic, but I chose to answer this post as a mage would because of the forum that it was chosen to be put into.

That better, cupcake?

Can I understand why people wouldn't want new instances, spells, talents, battlegrounds, continents, raids, pvp types, and new gear? I guess so, but mostly for people that never had a single opportunity to do it otherwise.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 8:53pm by Anobix
#7 Dec 03 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
794 posts
I think we need to move on from pre-TBC WoW. There is no point in putting out servers that is classic WoW. Even if they did do that, it would be really unpopular and would likely get a few senior executives cut.

1) This is not a game that is hosted over BNet, WoW is a constantly evolving world. There were a lot of class fixes and changes that makes the classes what they are today right at this moment. Take them all out and we get the old flaws back.

2) 40 man raids is a burden. On paper it looks nice, more people more interaction right?

In reality, 40 ppl meant more chance of getting deadweight and deadweight got by because more people took the extra load. You could get 10 people hanging on the coat tails of 30.

Now shrink the number to 25 and suddenly a sub-par dpser/healer gets found out really quick. Add in all the stuff you need to do in a boss fight, losing one person really hits the raid hard. 25 mans are harder than 40 mans are.

Social interaction?
Its a blast, the raid is more close knit and coordination is better.

WoW is better for getting rid of 40 mans, 25 mans also meant that more people got to enjoy high end pve content that the devs and designers spent so much time to make.

Back in the day, only a really really small amount of people got to see the insides of AQ40, and dare I say Naxx?
Now in my server alone at least 10 guilds (over both sides) are working on content inside T5 raids and beyond. I do not miss 40 mans, my guildies who done them do not miss them. I am quite sure even DnT folks do not really miss them.
If you do, power to you but Blizzard is not going back to the old model that so many people hated. Hosting a seperate set of servers to go back in time is definately not an option either.

3) PvP that was pre-TBC is lolpvp, the rank associated with it was a testement of how much time one had on their hands and not a true measurement of skill.

Ask anyone who is a pvper now and they would tell you that arena was and is the best thing that ever happened to them. I guess the 45k that Pandemic just won for themselves after winning 2 stirring best of 5 series against Mobforce really helped this cause. Arena is almost as good as a E-sport. Give it a few more tournements and it will really take off.

If the "balance" you talk about involves people wearing T3 wiping the floor in BGs then you just do not understand the meaning of the word. Do not use it in that context again. With arena, gear nullifies gear and skill/built dominates. One can recognize the difference in being outskilled or outgeared.

#8 Dec 03 2007 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
yea i think there should be some servers, not everyone has bought tbc, and some people prob would like to stay awhile at 60 to experience some of that content aswell. not only the 40man raids but also places like sholo,ubrs etc places thats very har to find groups for as it is now. leveled up my mage since the patch and for now i have only grouped once, for SM, the rest seems more like a waste of time, especialy since outland now is so close that doing some runs wouldnt aid my leveling for more than a few hours at best.

i am one of those the op asked for in that sence that i do belive WoW was alot better before TBC. i was abit mad when i relised that the expansion came so fast that i would not get to experience most of naxx. also agree that pvp was better before, the people that had high rank then usualy really had made an acomplishment.(altho i would say it was a bit to hard before, they turned it around and made it way to easy instead)Altho arean is a good thing.

also i really liked the idea of 40man raids, really was a completly diffrent feel on the old raid content.sure karazhan was fun in the beginning, but that place is more of a pug-place(just like ZG was),tk and ssc, pretty boring(except for vashi and kael). cant say anything about mt.h and BT tho, the idea seems fresh but it also, like so much else in tbc seems way to easy.seems most guilds only need 2-3weeks until they have reached ilidan. much like ssc/tk

just outlands as a whole was a dissapointment for me.

for those that can nav arount that wall of text here it goes.

yes for one or two vanilla servers
delete the extra xp from quests(a 30%reduction on xp/level is more than enough)
offer a free move at 60 to a "normal" server

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 9:00pm by Tindaar
#9 Dec 03 2007 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
Tindaar wrote:

also i really liked the idea of 40man raids, really was a completly diffrent feel on the old raid content.sure karazhan was fun in the beginning, but that place is more of a pug-place(just like ZG was),tk and ssc, pretty boring(except for vashi and kael). cant say anything about mt.h and BT tho, the idea seems fresh but it also, like so much else in tbc seems way to easy.seems most guilds only need 2-3weeks until they have reached ilidan. much like ssc/tk

just outlands as a whole was a dissapointment for me.

for those that can nav arount that wall of text here it goes.

yes for one or two vanilla servers
delete the extra xp from quests(a 30%reduction on xp/level is more than enough)
offer a free move at 60 to a "normal" server

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 9:00pm by Tindaar

I see that you are saying that SSC/TK are pretty boring minus Vashj and Kael but when I look at your gear I am going to assume that you haven't raided much past Gruuls/Kara and I checked your guild who hasn't downed more than Loot Reaver and the Loot Below. Do you know how the other fights are through a different source or experienced learning them? Sorry I don't mean to make this an attack, just I don't like it when an entire raid instance is called boring/trivalized when you have only seen (or downed) 2/10 of the bosses between the two.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 9:13pm by Anobix
#10 Dec 03 2007 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
acually no i havent downed all the bosses in there and yes its more of a first ipresion and only my opinion, havent raided since last spring ecept a few jump ins.
"my guild" is Vetus Vicis, who has cleared SSC and currenly working on kael, armory prob say CaS still since it hasnt been updated for quite a while.
changed guild when i decided to start playing again since i dont want a "free-ride" but already thinking of quitting again.

so reasons for me thinking they are boring
SSC, grapics is pretty damn boring imo, only mob kind worse than nagas for me would be murloks, oh wait they are in there to :( give me dragons again :)

when it comes to the eye i just really dont like the "space" theme that is so spread in outlands(sure it might fit with lore but still, not to my liking.
find mech,arc and bot equally "boring/missplaced" acually the whole zone of netherstorm.

and to be honest, when it comes to vashi and keal, they are ALOT harder than anything else in those instances, and the kind off difficulty more bosses should have.
that said SSC and the eye are pretty decently balanced. what i did write in my last post was abour mt.H and BT.
most guild iv seen and or read about does find vashi and kael to be a bump in the road, but after that it seems to be a highway up to the final parts of BT.

BUT that is ofc not from personal experience, but from friends thats been there and also from what ive read and seen on progression charts.

no offence taken btw, and i see what you mean, could perhaps made it more clear that this was only my opinion and no way near any facts :P
#11 Dec 04 2007 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Hosting pre-2.0 servers only would not be feasable, economically, for Blizzard. Coming from a coding background, if you think about this game as just a piece of software, you would basically fork the software at the 2.0 point and then maintain both a 1.x version and a 2.x version (soon to be a 3.x version). If you've ever looked at the way companies do business, you would see that they generally maintain only patch-stream of a product going at any time.

This would be similar to saying that Windows XP needs to have a SP1 release that is supported and a pre-SP1 release that is also developed on. It would basically double the support/maintenance costs at Blizzard.

That is why I think it wouldn't happen. I cannot say that I loved or hated the 40 man raids as I dinged 60 just a month before TBC came out, and my guild at that time stopped raiding to wait for the launch. They were at the spider boss in Naxx at the time, I think.
#12 Dec 04 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Okay, just got back from uni. I would like to say it's nice to hear everyones opinions and arguments for why they feel that way. Just wanted to comment on these things:

You can still go through and do the old instances, with 40 people and now that most outgear the instance even less (yay, easier way to get through it and see content that would have taken forever to get to!)

This is way we fail to understand each other. I don't want easy instances as TBC has providen us with (don't start crying about how hard you have it - theres a nice progression in gear starting with kara and then moving up - not like in the old days BWL -> Naxx gap was rather huge!) I don't want welfare epics, I want people to achieve something before they are given epics.

don't exactly see how Arena is a flaw, especially that mages can be one of the strongest classes there if you spec and play correctly. And oom is hardly an issue with the correct party makeup, in my raids I always have a shadow priest and sometimes a shaman in my group dropping totems, I rarely go oom, and even if I do I have pots, mana gems (and even better ones in 2.3.2) and an easy 60% back evocation.

Either you misunderstood or else you are playing stupid. I don't know which arenas you enter, but in mine theirs a maximum of 5 players on each team, pots not allowed, and evocation easily wasted if your a getting hit. Most matches end up being a drain fight (except for the 4 dps team in which mages do extremely well if played correctly, yes) and the mage will be one of the first to go oom in those.

The strategies are much more complex (and imo more fun). Crowd Control also becomes a necessary part of 70 instances (which is good so that mages will be taken along a lot more). That and the loot system in the old world was HORRID. The new 3-class Token system is far superior and makes getting loot much faster and simpler. Oh, and let us not forget the amazing flying/epic flying mounts!

Yeah, welfare epics ftw :S Ever been to Naxx or AQ? My all time favorite fight is still Ossirian the Unscarred in AQ20 - talking about intense match. Granted, flying mounts are nice though.
#13 Dec 04 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
I don't look at it as welfare epics, I look at it as a means to not need to raid the same place for 3 months to finally see the Mage helm drop, where in the current iteration it became much easier to separate loot and make people feel like they have a chance at getting something. It also helps that when there are 25 people there they need to work better in unison and that there is a larger chance for each of them to get loot (which should keep more people around). My old guild (pre-bc) only raided MC/AQ20/ZG we went back post-bc and did a bit of AQ40 with about 20 people, was okay, but not outstanding. I just like the way that progression works in the new world as opposed to the old. There aren't are not as many strict gear checks, which I believe is a positive and a negative.
#14 Dec 04 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix wrote:
not need to raid the same place for 3 months to finally see the Mage helm drop,

We did MC for 4-5 months and I still don't have my T1 Shoulders. It's all I had needed to complete my set. Smiley: glare
#15 Dec 04 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
A) because I mostly play a mage and hence I feel I've got most in common with mages (besides the mage forum is one of the better forums where people respect each other)

Rule 3'd and 4'd


B)Because that anyone might think that the original wow was much more fun than tbc? Because that anyone might like the social part about being 40 people together trying to progress which could only happen if all 40 played their best? Because the old honorsystem was imo better? Because balance in PvP went to hell with TBC? Because Blizzard haven't fixed any of the flaws (actually they created a couple of new - can you say arena and oom?) from vanilla wow to TBC?

I did all of the old endgame content before TBC came out, and I don't want to go back. Getting 40 people together to do anything was horrendous, and you had to have a high tolerance for stupidity that people just cannot get away with now.

The old honor system was utter crap; the new one isn't much better, but the old one just... sucked. PvP Balance is considerably better now than it used to be.
#16 Dec 04 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Well, then we disagree, simple as that RPzip, but really, no reason to call me an idiot, was there now? And let me just add, your guild sucked if it was that bad to run with them. I miss the old honor system, since it has been to easy to get gear now - it simply just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as it used to since now one can get s1 gear within a week or 2 farming AV wheras it took months in the old days with a slow progression. Battlegrounds were much more teambased before TBC - premades meant a lot more. Now they don't mean anything as AV is the fastest way to get honor, no matter if you win or loose.

And PvP balance being better? are you joking me somehow? seriously? ohh, forgot, MS button got easier to hit with TBC and the new melee weapons somehow hit harder than in the old days. J/K :P But take a look at which classes are the most represented in arenas and then come back and tell me that everything is balanced.

(and once again, GZ on the warglavie)
#17 Dec 04 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:
I miss the old honor system, since it has been to easy to get gear now - it simply just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as it used to since now one can get s1 gear within a week or 2 farming AV wheras it took months in the old days with a slow progression. Battlegrounds were much more teambased before TBC - premades meant a lot more. Now they don't mean anything as AV is the fastest way to get honor, no matter if you win or loose.

And PvP balance being better? are you joking me somehow? seriously? ohh, forgot, MS button got easier to hit with TBC and the new melee weapons somehow hit harder than in the old days. J/K :P But take a look at which classes are the most represented in arenas and then come back and tell me that everything is balanced.

(and once again, GZ on the warglavie)

True on that count but the BG honor program is meant to be grind now. It was meant to be a ladder pre-TBC, it turned out to be a grind and a ladder at the same time. Mind you if the ladder was measuring both sides it would not be so bad but the ladder only measured one side. You are not competeting with Ally or Horde to climb the ladder. You are doing it with Joe Schmoe the Tauren warrior on your server. Remember the arenas are meant to be the meaningful form of pvp now not BGs, I say again that its a grind. Call it welfare or lolezmode or whatever you like, Blizz made the call. 85% of the players liked it, end of story.

Almost all the High Warlords and Grand Marshals (the rank 14s) do not want to do it all over again. This was the case when you wanted competitive pvp toons, each toon had to go through the grind to R14. Most if not all would say that its a matter of how much time you had and not how much skill you had. Devs had went on record to say that they made a mistake making the honor system into a grind *** ladder.
We do kinda have a another problem with Challenger, Rival and Gladiator ranks but thats another story.

BG dailies have done more than enough to dispell "the grind AV till you have enough honor then go grind the marks" situation. You also more or less get around the same amount of honor from the other BGs. The only thing AV has going for it is the amount of time spent in it. Looking at honor/hr alone, AV will still win. Honor/game is about the same now as long as you stay till the end.

Resilience and ratings is the new PvP. The days of 1 shots are over. There was a time when warriors can 3-4shot everything in their path, but those days are about over too if you had enough resilience. PvP mages can have 10k hp now, with iceblock becoming trainable mages will be more sturdy with or without icespec. I still expect it to the predominant spec for Mages doing PvP though.

5v5s, 3v3s and 2v2s are balanced against class composition not individual classes. 5v5s has its issues and tweaks are being made to make individual classes more competitive. Hunters getting mortal shot, dispell arcane shot and deadzone reduction was a direct measure to address the issues that hunters faced. They had a even bigger problem than mages do. Mana wars is an important part of arenas now, Pandemic won several of their games by winning their mana wars when they took on Mob:Turtleforce. The fact that outside organizers are looking at 3v3 more is a major wakeup call to Blizz. They will be more changes to the format and the balances surrounding the format.
#18 Dec 04 2007 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
Like everyone has said Blizzard making vanilla servers not gonna happen ever too big of a pain for them. If you want to still have a challenge while raid old raids you can still do that heck if your guild was willing you could all make level 60 alts and raid with them but it would take a while.... but hey it is POSSIBLE.
#19 Dec 04 2007 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent

We did MC for 4-5 months and I still don't have my T1 Shoulders. It's all I had needed to complete my set.

I am proud that I managed to dodge my guild's attempts to make me take T1 throughout MC :D

Blue +dmg gear + Zul'Gurub loot ftw.

To make this post somewhat on topic:

#20 Dec 05 2007 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
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Kavekk wrote:
Blue +dmg gear + Zul'Gurub loot ftw.

Eww, I wouldn't be caught dead in that damnable white dress. ZG loot may have better stats, but T1 had STYLE...
#21 Dec 05 2007 at 4:44 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Infenos wrote:
Like everyone has said Blizzard making vanilla servers not gonna happen ever too big of a pain for them. If you want to still have a challenge while raid old raids you can still do that heck if your guild was willing you could all make level 60 alts and raid with them but it would take a while.... but hey it is POSSIBLE.

Good point, why is it that you can't do this ... it's all just a matter of self-control. Get yourself and a bunch of your friends to 60 and do old content till it comes out of your ears, thay way you can make it as hard on yourself as you want.

I never raided pre-tbc, I have only heard of how much an absolute nightmare it was trying to get 40 people together, and working together. My current guild-mates are all MC / AQ40 / BWL "Vets" ... they've been there, done it all (at least most of it) ... and firmly maintain that it sucked. The result of which is that our guild charter specifies quite clearly that if we never do 25 mans, it's perfectly cool ... we'll do 10 mans together and have fun doing it .. if we never progress, but continue having a blast ... then we're succeeding, and I'm perfectly happy with that.

As for the old honor system ... I've owned far too many players in BG's with "Grand Marshall" above their heads to know with absolute certainty that they got that title simply cos they were able to put enormous amounts of time in, not because they are skilled PvPers (yes, I suck, and I can still beat them !)

You want to do well in Arenas today ... you have to be able to PvP properly. No, I'm not talking about getting the gear as a measure, cos everybody can get that .. I'm talking about making it to the top of the rankings ... Putting in time more than anybody else doesn't guarentee that ranking ... it used to, not any more. To me, that's an improvement.

So ... "Are you the only one who would like Vanilla Wow Servers" ... probably not, but you are so much in the minority, your collective subscriptions for the next year would probably not cover the capital outlay required to run a seperate infrastructure to give you what you want.

Now ... let me ask THIS question ... Am I the only one that sees a market for a perma-death server ;->
#22 Dec 05 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Like everyone has said Blizzard making vanilla servers not gonna happen ever too big of a pain for them. If you want to still have a challenge while raid old raids you can still do that heck if your guild was willing you could all make level 60 alts and raid with them but it would take a while.... but hey it is POSSIBLE.

Good point, why is it that you can't do this ... it's all just a matter of self-control. Get yourself and a bunch of your friends to 60 and do old content till it comes out of your ears, thay way you can make it as hard on yourself as you want.

A) You gain XP for killing mobs.
B) I won't have the old talents.
#23 Dec 05 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent

Eww, I wouldn't be caught dead in that damnable white dress. ZG loot may have better stats, but T1 had STYLE...

Male Gnome mages are doomed to ridicule no matter what we wear.

#24 Dec 05 2007 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Kavekk wrote:

Eww, I wouldn't be caught dead in that damnable white dress. ZG loot may have better stats, but T1 had STYLE...

Male Gnome mages are doomed to ridicule no matter what we wear.


That's why I rolled a human female. I seriously make gear choices partially based on how my character looks. Only if the stats are ridiculously better will I take something else.

You have NO idea how much I hated that vest and butt fugly green pants of doom I wore from 62-70.
#25 Dec 05 2007 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:

A) You gain XP for killing mobs.
B) I won't have the old talents.

Now you're splitting hairs ... gaining XP doesn't mean you hve to upgrade your skills and talents ...

What is it exactly that you're after ... experience old world content, or simply trying to get your own way ... because you can still do both without having a server dedicated to an old version of the software !!

#26 Dec 05 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
krqllebqlle wrote:
Like everyone has said Blizzard making vanilla servers not gonna happen ever too big of a pain for them. If you want to still have a challenge while raid old raids you can still do that heck if your guild was willing you could all make level 60 alts and raid with them but it would take a while.... but hey it is POSSIBLE.

Good point, why is it that you can't do this ... it's all just a matter of self-control. Get yourself and a bunch of your friends to 60 and do old content till it comes out of your ears, thay way you can make it as hard on yourself as you want.

A) You gain XP for killing mobs.
B) I won't have the old talents.

either way your will very slowly level your way up past 60, I still do not see why it is so difficult to want to do this. That or you know what you can do? Not upgrade to BC.
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