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Annoying spellFollow

#27 Dec 12 2007 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well, you can do some pretty annoying things. Focusing basicly on arena here. If your talking a straight up 1v1 fight I have always been a fan of not standing still unless my opponent is snared down.... that means im only casting CoC, AE, Nova, Fireblast and Icelance while running around like a nut with boar's speed on boots. It totally depends on the matchup however. Believe me, you can mess up a healer without any trouble... C/S the first heal, hit them with an instance cast... spellsteal usually is some good, then cast polymorph on them immediately. they won't get a heal off...Hit the other bad guy your partner is on a couple times just before the poly breaks, cast icebolt, then lance lance lance lance to stack up your +crit and then counter, poly etc each time its up... eventually hes still ok on health from the poly heals but is totally out of mana. You just pop a gem or your lovely channeled mana regain. and by that time his buddy is dead.

Any 1v1 type combat is well served with spellstealing everything followed by a polymorph and then channel mana regain while they are polymorphed... and they just start the fight over basicly, except now you have all your buffs, plus all theirs.

Ice elemental iceblock has to be the most annoying combo for another class that is out there.... especially if you watch to see if they untarget you to hit the elemental out of frustration and immediately drop block to hammer them again.

A macro to cancel iceblock on first keypress, blink on second key press is great if you you swiftly swing your mouse as you hit it. You blink off in a direction before they can tell what direction your facing... gives you time to go invis if you want sometimes before they see where you went to... or even to bandage before they figure out where to turn to face... (obviously, after the blink, it works best to duck around or behind something bettween the two of you..) This is best served with ice-elemental up so they have a friend to keep them company (and keep them from eating/bandaging etc.

If you are talking about freezing your opponent with nova, (assuming they are chasing you, run backwards suddenly while they are on ya... now your behind them and they are frozen.... once it breaks and they turn to come at you again, just Cone of Cold right in their face then blink through them and then either spin and hit em or keep running, cause they are not gonna catch you after that if you run along.) But anyhow, you were talking about a SPELL not tactics to really do some good.... I think we probably have the tools there already.... more tricks is probably best served by adding in a specialty trinket, using racial abilities (escape artist) popping a potion (cure poison, freeaction, swiftness etc) use trade gear... frost grenades, nigh-invulerability belt, Gnomish Shrink Ray on a meleer, etc. Stuff like that.

I would settle for them fixing frostbolt so the freeze effect procs right.
#28 Dec 12 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Groarr wrote:
it came to my mind, that mages need IMO some new spell... a real annoying spell

Ice Lance crits you for 2300 damage.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#29 Dec 13 2007 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
OP, you just sound like a totally frustrated player who keeps loosing in PVP and wants some uberbutton to push. Please, mages are NOT gimped and since TBC mages got a lot of useful things/damage-increases.

Just learn to use them.
#30 Dec 13 2007 at 4:37 AM Rating: Excellent
137 posts
Im not going to focus on everything, here are some points:

So I end up having to use spells with 4min cd and more

Everyone uses cooldowns. You think mages are the only ones with cooldowns of around 2-4 minues? Everyone has cooldowns, the longer, the better the move. The true reason why they are on cooldowns is because their good. What if I could use Bestial Wrath over and over and over. Immune to CC until I have no mana left! That is why its on cooldown! Why not use them? Thats is their point. You cant expect to beat somone just sitting there only using a handful of moves.

Yeh right, rogues never ever open with imp. kick to silence me. Then they don't slow me to 30% speed and when I blink they will not be right behind me aghain, using blind to prevent action from me. I will then Iceblock, IF I'm specced for it that is, and try freezing him, which he will not break immediately with trinket/vanish/or the many other things there are. He will then not start reducing my life to 0 while I cannot Iceblock and when i take elemental for help he will not use cloak of shadows to encounter the nova or get freezed and use some of the unrooting abilities he has not yet used-> somewhere there I end up dead. Really easy fight, I really understand those ppl whispering me that I should have beaten him cuz I'm a frost mage and we are soooo wtfop against melee...

The reason hes winning? Using cooldowns! I will go on about this. Do you think cloak of win shadows is not on a cooldown? What about blind and vanish? All of these are on cooldowns, and they are winning because they are blowing every one one of them. And as Poldaran said, their caster killers. They get the jump on pretty much anyone and well game over.

It kind of sounds like you are doing arena, with long breaks in between the battle, but have you tried dueling several times in a row? After a few fights, where you use all your CDs to win, probably ever after 1 fight vs some skilled player you will just not have any CDs left.

Other players are not mobs, they are not just quick kills then you move on. They are just as powerful (maybe more, maybe less) than you are, and arnt going to be pushovers. Dont expect them to be like mobs, with low damage, 1-2 moves and easily beaten. Your fight with a skilled player and you dont expect to have to use cooldowns? Skilled players are (obviously) skilled, and will require greater skill to beat. As said above they are not mobs or pushovers, and will not go down without a hell of a fight.

Hitting ppl with coc who are right behind me is definately not a thing that should be considered "a basic mage skil"

I don't have a point about this, it just made me laugh.

Ever thought about huntards? Yeh, those guys who can now disspell your buffs?

Ummm, we are huntards because we can dispell a buff such as your personal favorite ice armor, which does nothing to us anyway but slowing our pet which is either

A) Not doing to much damage as we are not BM or

B) is immune to it anyway becuase they are big and red...

Or maybe we are dispelling that measly 40 intellect you were bagging. We are not all huntards just becasue were hunters. sure theres some dumb asses in or class, but their everywhere.

I always have to react fast if I want to win

And all us huntards have to do is stand and auto shoot? Everyone has to react fast, this isnt a slow game. PvP is quick and timing is everything. A well timed interrupt, stun or slow can turn the tide of a fight.

Ignite is a cool thing but the last time i tried it in a fire tree i noticed, that if a mage crits away a shield and he is doing like 200 damage to the hp of the enemy he will be ignited for 80 damage even if the total crit was 1200 and the normal ignite would have to be like 480 damage and and and.

Becasue the chances of this happeneing every time you get a crit is??? This is in no way something to attack ignite about. How about the times it goes off a 4k pyro crit? Hurts... a lot.

How come all other classes will just prevent any long cast from us anyways?

Because it might hurt?

Also our image... locks look like demons, they can get cool wings and they have a cool demon with them, shammys look like a vulcano about to explode in one of their sets... and mages look like uhm well mages. Hey, just for the fun of it, why can't we look cool also?

I remember someone posting someone like this a while back.

'And the hunter slowly crept up on his target, aiming his gun, but Oh no! It ran away! Did the hunter make too much noise? Is there a demon behind that bush? No. It's because it saw the bright blue guy with lighting shooting out of his shoulders trying to hide behind a bush.'

Ive only ever loved the look of Crypt stalker. No other hunter armor has ever looked so cool. Demon stalker looks alright, but is on par with the looks of everyone (expect warlocks) elses gear. And Gronn stalkers? Blinking foreheads FTW!

I just picked out a few things here. Nothing to major, but some small points that you must realise some other classes share. Don't take this as being offensive in any way, I sometimes kinda write a little offensivly. Poldaran covered most of the things really.
#31 Dec 13 2007 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
I first start my mage on a pvp server and i leveled him to 70 without bigs problems. On 1vs1 if i have the first hit i normaly win. If an other class jump on me if they are melee i normaly win 70% of the fight but if its caster it around
40%. And if its lock then they have to be rly bad player to lose.

As frost i think we have all the annoying spell we need. Just need skill to use them right and don't panic. I don't want an other spell i allready have to much spell that i don't use.

Only thing i can't understand its the iceblock debuff. Were we too much OP without that?

#32 Dec 13 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
fenwickquallim wrote:
Only thing i can't understand its the iceblock debuff. Were we too much OP without that?

Blizzard seems to think we were, in arenas anyway.
#33 Dec 13 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, replies xD, you are all right on some points, and prbably I kinda got carried away when I started some kind of monologue here cuz of few replies...

Well the main thing again: I do not want some 1hit button, to be overpowered to all classes, but it sometimes looks to me like everyone is just like: oh hunters have no deadzone anymore, but thats ok, I'm fine with that and they disspell my shields, but I will just act as if they can't rain mana and just stel useless buffs. Oh, a rogue, he can now silence me, bash at me till crippling is up and when I blink he launches his 1 min cd cloak and I can do nothing to stop him if I do not have 450 resil and 12k hp... And they are by far not a gimped dmg-class.

Hmm, druids, go in with some high crit, do feral charge to stun me for 4secs and bash at me for like 2k crits... Nice, 13k hp to bite through in average gear. And then their weak instant heals...

Hey dudes, I know as I've stated that more skill/gear will get me further, but why are there sooo many mage- cryptonite classes/speccs? You tell me, that it is only normal to have to use every CD you have to beat someone who is using his tiny and cute 1min CDS, but really think about it for just one single sec, do other classes have to do the same to beat us?

And the thing of a mage going 1v1 against a real healer: yeh, get the healer oom... best some drood with his instant HOTs... riiiight... they have no mana, our damage is more mana efficient then their heals, and I can totally nuke them down in 8 secs, while their HOTs are ticking and throw more HP at him. Best if he has a shield up also, and silence/ scream/ hurricane.

Hey I realise, that I probably also said some stupid stuff, but saying like: "ah, this this and this class can't be beaten 1on1 by me, but thats fine, I will just emote /sit and give him the fun of critting me" is something that sounds stupid to me.

Hmm, 2.2k iclance, cuz Every mage got over 1k SD+ and noone is running around in s1 nowadys, cuz it's soooo hard to get... tell how I crit that much on someone with 10-15% or even more crit damage reduction... Easy calculation: assuming the highest possible hit for IL which is 187 as base damage you would only need the minor amount of 1710 SD+ to crit 2.2k on a traget with some ok resilience. not taken into account that he might be buffed with improved dampen magic and has no resist chance or any of this nice stuff. BTW good luck getting a good druid rooted to crit that much.

And I did not see any good argument so far that tells me why our other trees are kinda weak in PvP, the only thing I've heard so far was: all trees get stuff to deal with problems. I tried finding information what he could mean, and found, that we will get IB from trainer, nothing else that is not for frost. Imbasauce. And for some reason some other classes find that unfair while they kill a firemage or better a 3min mage on CD without starting to sweat.

Also spellsteal:649 mana and then I'm trying to get the other dude oom? steal all buffs on him? what starts next? Mana shield FTW? prbably I can start some race with that tactics, but the only thing I will win is the price for the fastest guy oom ever...

But I will say this now: Probably not everything I've said is right, and when I said I don't see the point in your tactic, this might also be because I'm too stupid to see it, and to unskilled, but having a class with our "awsome" PvP capabilities and then say there is NO way you can think of to improve stuff for us sounds suspicious to me...
#34 Dec 13 2007 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Hmm, 2.2k iclance, cuz Every mage got over 1k SD+ and noone is running around in s1 nowadys, cuz it's soooo hard to get... tell how I crit that much on someone with 10-15% or even more crit damage reduction... Easy calculation: assuming the highest possible hit for IL which is 187 as base damage you would only need the minor amount of 1710 SD+ to crit 2.2k on a traget with some ok resilience.

I think what you have missed is ice lance does to triple damage on frozen targets, and has 100% bonus damage on a crit, and has benefits of spell damage and increased crit chance by 50% all when the target is frozen all from the Frost tree. And then some more boosts to frost damage from the tree. Thats where the big crits come from.

You tell me, that it is only normal to have to use every CD you have to beat someone who is using his tiny and cute 1min CDS, but really think about it for just one single sec, do other classes have to do the same to beat us?

Beatial Wrath / The Beast Within to beat frost nova.
Intimidation to beat how close blink got to me.
Trinketing out when you come to close and I hit that damn Ice armor.

Just had some spare time to go over some things.
#35 Dec 14 2007 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Mages need an annoying spell? an interrupt, an AoE root, the ability to repeatedly slow attackers, several instant attacks that deal direct damage - whether AoE or single-target, blinking away from stuns, the easiest form of CC imaginable, etc. are NOT annoying? Oh, not to mention (dependant on talents) a mage could do some of the following: an insta-cast every few minutes that does several thousand damage, become immune to all effects, kite EXTREMELY well, AoE slow (in different formats)...yeah mages need MORE annoying things!

I'm not saying mages are OP, I'm just saying they got enough as it is.
#36 Dec 14 2007 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
221 posts
skribs wrote:
Mages need an annoying spell? an interrupt, an AoE root, the ability to repeatedly slow attackers, several instant attacks that deal direct damage - whether AoE or single-target, blinking away from stuns, the easiest form of CC imaginable, etc. are NOT annoying? Oh, not to mention (dependant on talents) a mage could do some of the following: an insta-cast every few minutes that does several thousand damage, become immune to all effects, kite EXTREMELY well, AoE slow (in different formats)...yeah mages need MORE annoying things!

I'm not saying mages are OP, I'm just saying they got enough as it is.

TOTALLY agree.. :)

Groarr, try being in arena AGAINST a mage, goddamn, most annoying class after rogues, imo, heh

btw, look at my sig for what classes i've got :)

Edited, Dec 14th 2007 10:16am by NecareXX
#37 Dec 14 2007 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
Here's some thing that would help mages.. Well, a lot. Not totally overpowered, but very good.

Heat kiss: Every time your fire spells score a critical hit, there is a 20/40/60% chance the enemy will be stunned for 3 seconds. 31 point fire talent.

Pyroclasm: Replaces improved fireball. All your fire spells gain an aditional 3/6/9/12/15% of their additional spell damage.

Frostwave: Deals 439 to 539 damage, knocks an enemy back, and inflicts a debuff. The debuff lasts 30 seconds, and has 20% every 3 seconds to freeze the target to the ground for 2 seconds. 1 min CD. 36 point frost talent.

Improved blink: Causes your blink to break any movement impairing effects, and purge 2/4/6 effects from you and causes the next attack/spell made against you in the next 6 seconds to have a chance of 20/40/60% to miss. Every talent cuts cooldown by 2/4/6 seconds. 36 point arcane talent.

Unending Ice: Replaces ice elemental, elemental becomes available to anyone. Changes you into a cloud of frost for 8 seconds. While clouded, your movement speed is reduced by 50%, and you can only cast frost spells, but you are invulnerable and have a frost aura that damages and chills nearby enemies for 103-238 frost damage every second, and chills for 3 seconds. CD 40 sec. The cloud can fly in outland, but of course, when you turn back, you're a bit dead if you were high when you were in cloud form.
#38 Dec 14 2007 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
Quote: an interrupt, an AoE root, the ability to repeatedly slow attackers, several instant attacks that deal direct damage - whether AoE or single-target, blinking away from stuns, the easiest form of CC imaginable, etc. are NOT annoying? Oh, not to mention (dependant on talents) a mage could do some of the following: an insta-cast every few minutes that does several thousand damage, become immune to all effects, kite EXTREMELY well, AoE slow (in different formats)...yeah mages need MORE annoying things!

Yeah, our hardcore Frostnova, that will break automatically after 5 secs in most cases, while we are 1.5secs on GCD and that can be beaten by totally every class in the game surely owns hard.

Blink is good, no questions asked.

I believe our instant attacks are not really annoying, but only fair, seeing how hard it is to get out any casttime spell in PvP at all, so mages wo instant casts would just be ridiculous, a joke, not a real example for an annoying ability.

Did you even try PoM scpecc ever? Its pure frustration if you are going against more than one target every 3mins. Also for being usable every 3mins its too unsafe, as IB, bubble and spellreflect will rather mess our tactic up. Aoe slow... talking about CoC I guess?

Show me what classes we can effectively kite? It doesn't make sense to get distance between pure ranged classes and me, so casters and hunters are already not in the group. Try kiting a good feral drood, so rather not either... Rogues slow us to 30% movement speed, which is more than we can do, so also not... yeh, warriors, but if he is smart and uses reflect and fearshout(dunno) and his trinket + engineering or anything that gives him control over the fight even they can be hard. AND warriors also have the advantage of muuch HP, to make 1 or so mistake, while any interfering or mistake on my side will make me most likely loose. Paladins: great, stun-> blink,repantance-> hanging around lamely, Getting crit for 2.5 or 3k, If I crit I get 30% of the damage I inflicted back, and even the lamest geared pallys with cristal thing axe and so on crit for over 2k. not to mention blessing of freedom and bubble when it gets tough heal up and I have to do the same thing over again. And thats just half the trouth, because the longer I have to fight also makes it likely for his buddies to turn up cuz they also wanna take the flag I'm guarding.

Oh yeah, and I did not make any mistake, calculatig IL damage, you are wrong on this point I believe, but seeing how everything is possible, proove it and not just toss in a few words that might be related to the topic and then draw the conclusion that this will result in 2.2k crits...

Oh, and its nice to know that I can even force a class that does not allow me to use any casttime spells at all to use 1 or 2CDs, other than that... I do not see why these things are sooo dangerous to you anyways; also you din't mention how this looks agaist mages in other speccs than frost...
#39 Dec 15 2007 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Groarr wrote:
Try kiting a good feral drood, so rather not either...

Rank 1 frostbolt til they're OOM from all the shapeshifting.

Groarr wrote:
Paladins: great, stun-> blink,repantance-> hanging around lamely, Getting crit for 2.5 or 3k, If I crit I get 30% of the damage I inflicted back, and even the lamest geared pallys with cristal thing axe and so on crit for over 2k. .

You need more resilience. More PvP gear in general. My paladin has a ******* Gorehowl and doesn't crit like that very often.

Groarr wrote:
not to mention blessing of freedom and bubble when it gets tough heal up and I have to do the same thing over again.

Spell steal the Blessing of Freedom. Now it's not a problem. Paladins as a whole are an attrition fight. Control. Survive. Wear down. This is why frosties are better at fighting them than other mage types. It's why 17/0/44.

Groarr wrote:
Oh yeah, and I did not make any mistake, calculatig IL damage, you are wrong on this point I believe, but seeing how everything is possible, proove it and not just toss in a few words that might be related to the topic and then draw the conclusion that this will result in 2.2k crits...

I have a better idea. If you're certain your math is correct, show it. You'll win more arguments with sound numbers than by telling someone to show theirs.

Groarr wrote:
Did you even try PoM scpecc ever? Its pure frustration if you are going against more than one target every 3mins.

So, uh...pick the proper PvP spec? *shrugs*

Groarr wrote:
Rogues slow us to 30% movement speed, which is more than we can do, so also not...

They have to hit you to do it. Don't let em touch you in the first place, IMO.

Groarr wrote:
yeh, warriors, but if he is smart and uses reflect and fearshout(dunno) and his trinket + engineering or anything that gives him control over the fight even they can be hard.

LOLreflect. No, seriously. LOLreflect. Pay attention and you'll catch him and be able to just smack him with a rank 1 fireblast or an icelance.

Groarr wrote:
Oh, and its nice to know that I can even force a class that does not allow me to use any casttime spells at all to use 1 or 2CDs, other than that... I do not see why these things are sooo dangerous to you anyways; also you din't mention how this looks agaist mages in other speccs than frost...

If some class is forcing you to not use any cast time spells at all, you just need to learn to play. I can get fireballs off all the time in arenas and BGs against just about any class.

In the end, quit worrying about PvP as a 1v1 sport. Mages play very well in teams or groups, which is how the game is balanced. It's fine. It really is.
#40 Dec 15 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
I would have to say, 1v1, I lose to hunters 95% of the time. (scince patch)

The rest of the classes, I dont get that "uh-oh RUN!" feeling. I feel I have a good chance at beating just about any of them. In fact, I have stopped pvping on my lock and druid, cuz I just love my mage and the wide variety of ways I can beat classes.

Of course, if I dont use my imp CS at just the right time, or Slow or Frost Nova, or any of the other spells in my ******** I die. So does every class if they miss the appropriate action.

Ive found, that frost isnt the best spec for me in PVP, because of my playstyle.

I really prefer my AP/POM/PYRO spec. Slow is a very powerful spell too, if you cast it on whoever is attacking you.

Anyway I would say if you find mage is too difficult for you to play, try the no skill required warlock. (and yes, contrary to belief, it takes some skill to play a warlock properly, and not be reliant on fear)
#41 Dec 15 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Groarr wrote:
Oh yeah, and I did not make any mistake, calculatig IL damage, you are wrong on this point I believe, but seeing how everything is possible, proove it and not just toss in a few words that might be related to the topic and then draw the conclusion that this will result in 2.2k crits...

Ummm, where did I confuse you? I thought it was pretty straight forward. Ok, I'll make it easier. I'll even supply the link for you.

Look for the talents Ice shards (Bonus 100% damage on crits), piercing Ice (total bonus 6% damage), Shatter (increased crit chance when frozen by 50% when maxed out), Arctic Winds (total increase of 5% damage), Winters Chill (total stacking effect of 10% extra crit chance when fully stacked) and Just look up the spell Ice lance, hell, I'll even do that for you.

See how it does triple damage to frozen targets. Theres everything layed out for you. Ice lance isnt a terrably powerful spell on its own, but when buffed up like this, thats where it shines.

Groarr wrote:
Oh, and its nice to know that I can even force a class that does not allow me to use any casttime spells at all

Who the hell is going to let you? The way you get these off are through skill, subtlety or anything you can think of. Hang behind a bush or out of veiw and cast away. You can't expect to just stand in the middle of a field and expect no one to notice you launching powerful spells at you and try to stop you. Its all about learning what works on who and using it to its fullest!

It seems yet again Poldaran has beaten me to it! Damn you!

Edited, Dec 15th 2007 8:47pm by Palintanta
#42 Dec 17 2007 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Well, regarding the POM spec, I actually love deep arcane for PvP. By deep, I mean you pick up 4x points in arcane and impact in the fire tree. Get the uninteruptable arcane missiles as a talent and improved arcane missiles. Also get slow. I have around 1K spell damage and those missiles hurt bad. And, while they did nerf the MSD + LC + Arcane Spec, it still procs every 45 seconds and you can machine-gun AM at the enemy with AM that hits for normal 700 per pulse and crits for 1200 per pulse.

The only reason I'm not deep arcane all the time is that I need the 10/48/3 damage for raids.

I dueled a druid (resto) the other day... that was fun. Rank 1 polymorph for the win til OOM, and destroy them. For feral druids, use rank 1 frostbolts and rank 1 frost nova (no one should use any other rank than that).

As a deep fire mage, fireblast that hits for 2K is pretty annoying to other classes. That and a strafing ice lance on the run hurts over time (its like a DOT).
#43 Dec 17 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
I'm seriously surprised that some ppl seem to think they are giving good advice when they say: hide behind bush and nuke away, seriously plz tell me more of these imba tricks cuz all of us other mages are too stupid to think of something like this for ourselves.

Rank 1 poly on resto druids? What was he doing? casting his longest healing spell all the time for you to interrupt it? no use of lifebloom? strange...
Normally they just wait until I'm oom, and their 250 mana instant heal is a quite good tool for that... cast some wraths at me or whatever else and it will take long, but I'll die.

You can get your spells out on every class in the game? Yeah, with the imba bush-tactic, np. But I hate when I'm the only one who sees the need of defending flags in AB or so, and some rogue /drood comes up alone and I have no chance at all... So I kinda disagree that this game is balanced around 5v5... being a free kill whenever alone at least for some classes is hardly balance... And If your balance theory is true, why are some classes also good alone then? Sounds unfair to me.

And never let rogues get close? Garrote? 3 secs of bashing at me then sprint and cos, tell me how, but this seems hard to avoid. At leats I can't see how I'm keeping him away that way...

And using deep arcane :/ I tried, but need more SD + resilience and HP for this to really work out I think. Also it annoyed the crap out of me when my missiles get feral-charged/ CSed or kicked, cuz no CS and blink for like 8 secs is imo a bit lets say like digging my own grave in some situations.

I know that its possble to just cast from back, but what if I have some encounter 1on 1 like it still happens often enough even in BGs? I refuse to accept to just have no chance against some classes cuz the "Game is balanced around group PvP". And I never ever saw a really high rated PvP vid about some mage casting from the back, cuz it doesn't seem to be what ppl imagine under "skill" "entertainment" or even "real PvP".
It sounds so weird how some peeps seem to be willingly accepting the facs and say we are ok...

C'mon fear lasts for several seconds if the lock is lucky, his pet eats my bufs/shields or does whatever nasty ability and there is drain life, siphon life and deathcoil if its gets tough, not to mention getting silenced by his stupid pet, and some ppl are still like: well thats ok, cannot imagine how we could do better... Priests disspell IB now, and noone is like: why not give it some backdraft? Like a talent that will inflict damage for every spell that gets taken from us... But no, everyone is just sitting there: nah, new spells and abilities will just be too complicated for me to deal with.

But everyone has his own opinion, if you think that priests doing over 500 dmage with their SW:P each tick and then mindflay and mindblast when possible, while getting healed for all the damage they cause then thats ok with me, I dont like it. Hmm or warlocks with 12k hp, SL and 500 resilience, who can't be beaten even if you have some decent gear, cuz your IL and stuff is gonna crit like 900.

Ok, assuming we have a totally full frost specc which is not always a benefit IMO but still. Talents normally just increase the BASE damage of a spell so the 5% increase and the 6% one will make IL hit for, if we assume the very highest base damage (187), 208.

2.2k crit on someone with 15% critreduction is a real crit of 2588. Divided by 2 that is 1294 HIT and it does triple damage so divide by 3 : 431. So with the base damage of 208, if you are specced ridiculously deep into frost, your IL needs to recieve 223 damage plus. It gains 14.29% of our SD so we will need 1563 SD+. I am right, you are wrong, big deal. And I said 1700 cuz I was assuming a less frost heavy specc like 17/0/44, enough math and arguments for you?

Look ppl, I have much space to improve compared to mages like "Saqe" (watch his movies!) and those, but I think there are more less and equally skilled and geared mages than me then there are much more skilled and geared ones. Although I do not doubt there are still quite some.

I just think that if I ask if someone has any cool idea what spell we could need or how our existing ones can be improved its kinda weird to get anwers like: shut up we have everything we need everything is fine, we own everything, and if not we are still great in groups. Whats wrong? Are you afraight of even imagining that we could get buffed? Uh, scary, new spells. Improvements to olds ones: ZOMG duckandcover.
#44 Dec 18 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts


You turn a guy into a sheep for ten seconds. I'd say that's damn annoying. You want more? Frost Nova and Blink. There's two right there! They **** me off all the time. Hey, what about Counterspell?

Mages are a finesse class, and the OP's problem seems to be that Mages are a finesse class. I mean, I don't know, go roll a Warlock and name him Dotnrun.

I totally know, as I have stated above, that mages have good potential, and that we can win some stuff, but getting really good takes kind of too much skill in compariso to other classes.

You're saying that the Mage class takes too much skill? That it is too elitist? Do you want every second idiot rolling a Fire Mage? You're a DPS clothie! Glass Cannon is your code name.
#45 Dec 18 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
I am so done with the massive QQ thread.... If anyone has not figured it out, it doesn't matter what you say, Groarr will come back with a bunch of moaning about how other classes can kill us.

Why not go to the warrior forum and post this drivel there and see how far it gets you.
#46 Dec 18 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
ktangent wrote:
I am so done with the massive QQ thread.... If anyone has not figured it out, it doesn't matter what you say, Groarr will come back with a bunch of moaning about how other classes can kill us.

Why not go to the warrior forum and post this drivel there and see how far it gets you.

We could have just rated him down...but we don't rate much here on the mage boards.
#47 Dec 18 2007 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
If you rate all of his posts in this topic down, does he get rated super-down? More down than usual? Like a neg-rep combo finishing move?

(Nooble question: What does QQ actually stand for? I don't think I've ever seen it on any forum ever.)
#48 Dec 18 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
(Nooble question: What does QQ actually stand for? I don't think I've ever seen it on any forum ever.)

#49 Dec 18 2007 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Really? It doesn't even look like two crying eyes. I mean, there's no pupils. And why are the tears going diagonally? That hypothetical kid must have the weirdest hypothetical face ever if his tears are flowing diagonally to the right.
#50 Dec 18 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
Well just as I said, I was just trying to find out if anyone else thinks that some of our spells need to be reviewed, and I said I'd stop if all dudes think we couldn't do better at all.

There you go, see you on some other topic or so, I have no intentions to get flamed just for bringing up reasonable arguments or you threatening me with rating me down, just because you can't find any good argumens anymore. You have your opinion and I have mine, no need to hate me for it, because I do not hate you either for it. If this is annoying some of you sooo much, just don't look at the topic, I mean what part do you have in this that you can't just ignore it? Grow up...

Ummm, where did I confuse you? I thought it was pretty straight forward. Ok, I'll make it easier. I'll even supply the link for you.

Yeah, as straight forward as me telling you some of the hunter talens from marksmanship tree, then link a nice, slow gun and scope, say that you have aspect of the hawk, and thats why hunters always crit 8k selfbuffed with aimed shot; not really founded argument I would say, would you?

I also didn't say that all classes are imba or that some classes might not have greater issues than mages in PvP, so no need to point out that we have tools against several classes /speccs, they are just not working everywhere IMO.

I'm off learning to play my mage, as it seems I'm playing the most imba class in the game, and seemingly just don't know how to. -.- Which seems to be the consens of this discussion.

So I think this topic is closed from my point of view, unless some others wanna discuss something here, but if you wanna criticise me more I really do not care that much, so why bother?
#51 Dec 18 2007 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Groarr wrote:
There you go, see you on some other topic or so, I have no intentions to get flamed just for bringing up reasonable arguments or you threatening me with rating me down, just because you can't find any good argumens anymore. You have your opinion and I have mine, no need to hate me for it, because I do not hate you either for it. If this is annoying some of you sooo much, just don't look at the topic, I mean what part do you have in this that you can't just ignore it? Grow up...

You are basically in a mode where you feel your idea is right and you're not really truly willing to listen to others.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

And that's why you're getting rate downs.

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