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So my first heroic...Follow

#1 Nov 27 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
So I did my first heroic run last night in Ramparts and lets just say... we got our *** kicked. (It was everyone in the groups first Heroic run)

I think we died about 12 times with our pali healer before he had to go. Then I asked a friend if she was still Resto,

She said yes. (found out later she was a balance resto hybrid. (27/0/31) So we died 3 more times in the same spot and all gave up.

I have a few questions for all of you that have done these before.

1.) Did they change the Resist rate or something? I have been told that people never had a problem with mobs resisting but I had at least 6 resists (not counting the Immunes that we didn't know about) pop in a rediculous rate. We would be doing good then we would get one of them that resist the trap and bam I am trying to kite something that resists my wingclip and I end up dead... and the group shortly after.

2.) Anyone able to give me some advice? I have been trying to get better at kiting, ( I kited a couple of the dogs in Ramps. one at a time but same pull.) I try to conc shot them as soon as they come to me. then run around pop a conc and Arc shot every time its up and if they get close I pop my Wingclip/Raptor strike macro and try to get away from them. Is this right? should I be doing something different?

3.) Our warrior was almost dead most of the fights with just the one mob on him so I am not sure if I should drop aggro of that dog onto the warrior... Was kind of scared it would drop to the Pali healer. So should I keep trying to kite the dogs or give them to the warrior? that was kinda one of my worries was giving him to much for our healer to keep up with.


I apoligize for this long post but any advice would be really great. Thanks.

Hitash Levat
#2 Nov 27 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
This is what happens when blizzard lowers the rep requirements for the heroics.
More than likely none of you were properly geared for heroic.

Edited, Nov 27th 2007 11:38am by Boganart
#3 Nov 27 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
1,256 posts
I know I wasn't. See link. But I do know that most of them had alot of good gear. They had their key pre-patch. Not sure if that helps but I know I have yet to be able to get a run to get my Sonic Spear.
#4 Nov 27 2007 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
Those first Heroics are always amusing. My first was CoT: Durnholde. I'm no slouch, and everyone else in the group were Heroic veterans, but we still got murdered by the unCCable pats and their spawns.

If you're in Heroics for Badges, just queue up Mechanar or Slave Pens. Almost no point to doing any other Heroics for Badges, they're so difficult.
#5 Nov 27 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Some of the easier normal instances are much, much harder on heroic level (Ramparts, Durnholde). Ramparts has the added bonus of being a lag fest because of the fire graphics (at least for most folks I've talked to).

I agree with the above poster: go for Mechanar and Slave Pens. Underbog isn't a bad idea either (just a tad long), and Steamvaults is easy enough if you can get past the first boss (bring a lock if this is troublesome).
#6 Nov 27 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like gear issues more than anything else.

I haven't had too many problems with trap resists in Heroic Ramparts. After a run or two, you learn which mobs are immune to CC (not that many of them are). The dogs are prime candidates for trapping because, even though they're non-elite, they hit like trucks and run very fast.

A lot of Heroic Ramparts is timing pulls around pats. What that often seems to do is make a group impatient and consequently a little sloppy. With a lot of the mobs (the Destroyers come to mind), if you find yourself having to Wing Clip, you're in very serious trouble. (Especially if your healer's gear isn't up to snuff). There are a couple of tricky 5-pulls but for the most part it's not all that bad.

The biggest difference I've found between Heroics and their easier level 70 counterparts is that the margin for error is much less. If everything is done right and your gear is up to par (along with everyone else in your party), you can run Heroic Ramparts and forget halfway through that it's Heroic. It's important to be dynamic in Heroic dungeons, because even though the "ideal" scenario is to do everything right, that's hardly a realistic goal. Both you and everyone else in your party has to be able to adapt to situations on the fly or things can get out of control. Also, I've seen groups in non-heroic dungeons settle on one strategy, watch that strategy fail repeatedly, and refuse to adjust it. Then they give up. It's even worse when that happens in Heroics. Try what happens throughout the attempt...and then if it doesn't work, adjust for the next go.

Heroics are tough, especially the first few times you run them. I think a lot of it is know it's going to be tough and that puts a lot of people into panic mode even before the first pull. Give yourself a break. Difficult as they can seem, they're also a hell of a lot of fun.

Good luck with your next run :D
#7 Nov 27 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Thanks I have one more question if you don't mind answering that one.

How does Freeze Trap Scale with Gear? You said that the resists are due to gear issues, so what is it that Freeze Trap scales with? Just curious. maybe a stupid question.
#8 Nov 27 2007 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
Thanks I have one more question if you don't mind answering that one.

How does Freeze Trap Scale with Gear? You said that the resists are due to gear issues, so what is it that Freeze Trap scales with? Just curious. maybe a stupid question.

Ummm... it doesnt.

Thus why when I was MM I spent a couple points in SV to get the lowered trap CD and resist rate. Trust me, it is worth it.
#9 Nov 27 2007 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
I think a lot of it is know it's going to be tough and that puts a lot of people into panic mode even before the first pull.

Thanks for informing me I am not the only one that feels like it. Actually I havent dared to enter single one yet, I get headache when someone even mentions them.

#10 Nov 27 2007 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
Heroics require a mindset that you're ok with wiping. If wiping frustrates you, you're not going to have a good time, and your performance will often deteriorate. To me, that's rule #1. Learn to laugh off the wipes and learn from them. As you already know, one little mistake can spell doom (unless everyone in your group is really on their toes and can adjust).

Of course, you should be geared for heroic runs - as should your whole party be. Gear requirements aren't dissimilar to early kara. Get out of almost all your greens. Preferably you'll be in mostly dungeon blues with maybe a PvP epic or 2 off-piece. Everything should be enchanted with an enchant proper for your class/spec. And everyone must be properly gemmed.

If your tank was having a hard time staying alive, it could be a healer problem, or his gear, or both. If the tank's HP isn't at least 12K unbuffed, and defense rating 490 or higher, he's going to get killed a lot, and that means certain wiping.

Gear won't help in trap resists (speccing far enough into SV will, but that's a personal choice and SV is very gear dependant). But having 2 pieces of Beast Lord armor will help your CD on traps, so you can drop another trap quicker to catch that heartbeat resisting mob faster (unless it's completely unnCCable, which requires a different strategy).

The first few heroic runs are always tough unless you're with a veteran group. Don't sweat it too much, and focus on Mech, SP, or UB until you get a piece or 2 of badge/heroic epics.

Edited to add:

And everyone should also be self-buffing as well as group buffing. Brings lots of buff food (ravager dogs or warp burgers/mudfish in your case) and some elixirs. It may seem expensive, but it really helps.

Edited, Nov 27th 2007 2:43pm by Steelray
#11 Nov 27 2007 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Ok. our tank had 9k health and 539 defense ability. So thats why he was sitting kind of low all the time.

I am sitting at around 8.5k health unbuffed. I do have 2 pieces of the beastlord set. I am wearing mostly blues. I got a few greens I am looking for replacements for. My boots, spear, cape are all green. I got the PVP Epic Bracers on, The beastlord Chest and Gloves. I believe my helm is blue, but I don't think it was a lvl 70 quest. I need to also get new shoulders.
(Looks like I need alot)
#12 Nov 27 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Steelray wrote:
Heroics require a mindset that you're ok with wiping.

I am ok with wiping, I am not ok with making mistakes and I am sure I would make plenty due to simple fact that it scares me.

I dont think my gear is a problem, not even on my blued out hunter least my half-purpled lock. And using consumables is normal for me even when farming stuff.

I wish getting enough confidence and getting over the fear of failing would be as easy as getting *proper* gear :(

#13 Nov 27 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Ooooo.... watching this thread. I too am looking forward to hitting the Heroics. Just dinged 68 and starting to think about starting Slave Pens (first non-hero then heroics) just to get my CC skills up.

I too really need to work on kiting, that's why I'm trying to become a mouser, not a clicker. It's NOT an easy switch! @_@
#14 Nov 27 2007 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts

Fisrt off, take a moment when you get a chance to read this post.;mid=1195944877269484079;page=1#m1195944877269484079

Secondly, heroics are supposed to be harder. Obviously. So yes, you should be better geared before making attempts at heroics,,, especially if you haven't even done the instance on the regular setting.

Ramps can suck if the pulls get screwed up and I mean, in a hurry too. With the party, well geared and skilled it can still be a little challenging. No need to rush into heroics. That run can be a tough job for trapping and ya definately gotta be on your toes.
#15 Nov 27 2007 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
217 posts
Hi, despite being quite an old face on these boards, I'd taken a long break from my hunter due to quitting WoW for a little while, then levelling a mage and a priest. I just started back up again, and ran my first heroic this week. Some of my runs have gone extremely well, others have flopped somewhat.

The most important things to a heroic run are gear, spec, and group makeup, probably in that order. It's vital that your tank be specced properly and have enough hp and armor to survive the encounters; if they don't it doesn't matter how good a player they are, they'll be dead. I don't know what the benchmarks are for starting heroics, but 10/11k hp and uncrittable seems reasonable? All three classes seem to do a good job, though I prefer druid tanks for leader of the pack.

Next up is healer. A good amount of +healing and a sizeable mana pool/regen is all that's really needed, from what I've seen. Again, druids, paladins and priests all do a great job. My iffiest run was with a shaman healer, but I'm sure they're just as good when played well.

Finally is group makeup. Having CC that can be reapplied in a the middle of a fight is pretty imperative, with some of the large pulls you can come up against. I find mages to be invaluable teammates, almost as important as the tanks and healers. With 2 piece Beast Lord and/or the talent in survival, we're probably a close second, and then locks. Rogue sap can sometimes be a pain, especially with breaks when a patrol is walking by >.>

I loathe kiting in heroics, as some of the mobs can hit like mack trucks. Pretty much everything in Coilfang that got a stab in on me seemed to be hitting for 3k or more. I know what you mean about the trap resists, seemed to get early breaks a lot in there. Drop your trap early, so you have the cooldown already up for when the pull happens. Drop another at its feet, and that will handle early breaks. Part from that, good luck in the future :)

BTW I believe a defense of 470 makes you uncrittable, so your tank might wanna opt for more stamina instead.
#16 Nov 27 2007 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Well, for a Paladin and Druid tank the specc definitely is important of course, since the other speccs have completely different uses. This goes without saying. But for a Warrior, Protection specc isn't actually mandatory. It helps alot, but isn't mandatory. The Warrior I play with the most is a guildie, and he specced Arms for PvP viability several months back. Still, he is well geared for tanking and really knows his stuff since he's been playing his Warrior pretty much since release.

And I have yet to find a better Heroic tank than him. He is quite simply the best I know of, even compared to the Black Temple tanks I know on my server. (Not many of those. The server is in something of a rut these days) So skill actually overrules specc for Warriors tanking outside of raids. Still, the gear requirement is not something you can shirk on. Unless you can tank Karazhan, you shouldn't be tanking Heroics either to be honest.

That's the problem with alot of classes these days. They get to 70 with no real experience with their main task in a group. Let's say Tanking for a Warrior. They go get their questreward gear, and specc Protection. Oh! Tanking is kind of easy, isn't it? Except that the specc is the reason it get's easy. The Warrior will be using Protection as a crutch while tanking in instances, not truly increasing his skill at tanking. And thus, he will become a liability later on when he needs both the skill and the specc.

The same goes for other classes. I know of Druids who level as Feral and refuses to heal in instances. Then they specc Resto and use the talent tree as a crutch to support them instead of skill at healing/mana conservation and so on. A Druid I leveled to 70 with, leveled as Feral but did nothing but heal in instances. Now at 70 and with a Resto specc he is just an insane healer. He heals as if he was still bound by the limitations of Feral, and the Resto talents is merely a bonus on top of his skill, making him a far better healer than those who didn't heal before they specced Resto.

Hmm... this went off on a tangent. I suppose I just felt like rambling a bit. Just go on, and ignore this if you want. It was probably just some random thoughts.
#17 Nov 27 2007 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
Sethy wrote:
Steelray wrote:
Heroics require a mindset that you're ok with wiping.

I am ok with wiping, I am not ok with making mistakes and I am sure I would make plenty due to simple fact that it scares me.

I dont think my gear is a problem, not even on my blued out hunter least my half-purpled lock. And using consumables is normal for me even when farming stuff.

I wish getting enough confidence and getting over the fear of failing would be as easy as getting *proper* gear :(

I can relate. Believe me.

My first few runs through heroics were nerve racking. Especially because I was running with 2 or 3 players who were raiders (I've not yet cracked that nut). The word "heroic" might have been a little intimidating, but it was more not wanting to look like a huntard in front of those guys. We have a bad rep as it is, and the mentality I see most often is that you are a huntard until proven otherwise.

But it's funny. Those nerves actually heightened my alertness, and I found myself playing better than I thought I would. And yes, I made a mistake or 3 in those first few runs. It happens. But as soon as I did, I owned up to it immediately and apologized. They shrugged it off and assured me that everyone makes a mistake once in a while, "no big deal." I must have done a good enough job though, since they invite me back often.

Now, I'm more relaxed about it. Mistakes are rare, and heroics don't seem so rough.

Just jump in. You'll be fine. The only real difference between normal and heroic - to me - is that the trash mobs hit much harder. Otherwise, it's the same dungeon you already know. If you're confident in your ability to play your role in a dungeon group, and you're geared (both your toons sound like they're ready. The lock more than ready), the only thing to make sure of is getting a decent group. Once you get your feet wet, you'll wonder why you waited so long to do it.
#18 Nov 28 2007 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
217 posts
I typed something really long then realised it was all offtopic. To shorten, I agree with you North, but its good to make things as simple as possible if you don't have the experience, using gear and spec as aids if need be. Everyone has to learn sometime, and good players will get there eventually, even if they start at 70. At least then they'll have all the cards in front of them; Misdirection, traps, aggro management et all. I'm still getting used to the fact that we now have a dispel and a Mortal Strike, hehe. Being able to use all the tools a class has at it's disposal is a good skill to have for heroic dungeons.
#19 Nov 28 2007 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Steelray wrote:

Just jump in. You'll be fine. The only real difference between normal and heroic - to me - is that the trash mobs hit much harder. Otherwise, it's the same dungeon you already know. If you're confident in your ability to play your role in a dungeon group, and you're geared (both your toons sound like they're ready. The lock more than ready), the only thing to make sure of is getting a decent group. Once you get your feet wet, you'll wonder why you waited so long to do it.

Thanks for the support :)

That is what my friend has been telling me too, he seems to have more confidence in me than I have. I am really in need of some nether and badges would be nice too.

We did few runs with another guild, SH on my lock and BM on my hunter and they asked us to come run Kara with them (our guild being small and most players just hitting 70). Since they are pretty experienced raiders I suppose they can judge if I am playing decent enough not to mess things up too much.

All I need is, like you said, to get my feet wet, right now I still get creeps when someone talks about heroics :/

#20 Nov 28 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
Why do so many people dont do heroic's due to confidence? If you think your ready, and are geared ready go for it, its just a game, nothing will come of any harm to you if you try...

The least you'll get if you fail is a big repair bill, nothing much..

Just dont be a bloody wuss and try it, lots to gain nothing to lose!
#21 Nov 28 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Well, you see, I am over responsible when it comes to wasting the time of my group mates due to my eventual incapability.

I am proud to be known as decent player and I have been GM of my guild for quite a while (gave it over to a friend for a bit to take a rest now)... so to me reputation does matter.

Not to say that I find internal satisfaction not in getting leet gear over anything else but in being the best player I can. So far I managed that, I am good CC and top dps in most of my groups on both my toons and I feel good when people I ran something with invite me again.

But then if you cant understand how I (and people alike me) feel, I dont think there is a way to explain.

#22 Nov 28 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
I agree with Sethy, but it's not about confidence Reccyuk.

If you are a responsible player, you have a duty to the team you are supposedly going to support. If you aren't properly skilled or geared, you CREATE wipes that didn't have to happen.

I keep seeing all this stuff about gear being first, that's just not true. A highly skilled person can be wearing inferior gear and still perform to the same level (or better) of an average skilled player in the right gear. I've witnessed this and been very impressed. Skill is the primary requirement in my mind for the end game.

If you feel you're as good as you're ever going to get, then gear should become your focus. Obviously you can work on skill and gear at the same time, like I am currently doing. Sadly, the gear is easier to get than the skill.

I still have much to learn... not "Time for me to leave" yet... oi!
#23 Nov 28 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
217 posts
Sloshot, gear *is* a big determinant of how well you perform. It pretty much always has been in WoW. You may be the best tank in the world at keeping aggro, but if the boss is critting you for 1/3 of your hp. A healer great at timing their spells and whatnot will run out of mana or won't heal for enough, and dps is similarly capped by gear. Either they won't be doing as much per hit and so can't burn down fast enough, or won't have the endurance for longer fights.

Extreme example: Some average guy who leeched arena points off his team for all of last season, getting most of S2, versus a skilled hunter who's fresh into arena, with his 7k hp and no resilience. The odds are highly stacked in favour of the S2 guy. It's the same thing with heroics; skill has its place, of course, but you need to meet certain minimum requirements to be able to progress seriously.
#24 Nov 28 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
Like I said, they aren't mutually exclusive concepts, and at extreme positions like Tank or Healer, gear becomes almost as important at skill. I'm speaking more from the Hunter side of things here. If you can't develop a good shot rotation, can't CC correctly or can't kite correctly, you could be in full T6 and accomplish NOTHING for the group but wipes.

Hunters are a skill driven class. There is skill to other classes as well, but Hunter is among the toughest. For hunters, skill will get you further than gear IMO. I stand by what I said, a highly skilled hunter can do as good or better in lesser gear than an average hunter in 'fully qualified' gear.

Since skill is hard to determine, I can see why the focus is on gear, that's pretty black and white, and you won't find out if you have a Huntard in Hunters clothing until you try them out. However, I'm just pointing out that I'd prefer skill over gear as gear is easier to get than skill and skill can save wipes.
#25 Nov 28 2007 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
Ok. our tank had 9k health and 539 defense ability. So thats why he was sitting kind of low all the time.

I am sitting at around 8.5k health unbuffed. I do have 2 pieces of the beastlord set. I am wearing mostly blues. I got a few greens I am looking for replacements for. My boots, spear, cape are all green. I got the PVP Epic Bracers on, The beastlord Chest and Gloves. I believe my helm is blue, but I don't think it was a lvl 70 quest. I need to also get new shoulders.
(Looks like I need alot)


Your tank need to Dump some defense and get a **** ton of Stamina.

REQUIRED!!!! for Heroics- 490 Defense (anything after that doesnt scale too well) and 12k (unbuffed) Health.

Meaning your tank needs to get about 300 more Stamina.
#26 Nov 29 2007 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
HitashLevat wrote:
2.) Anyone able to give me some advice? I have been trying to get better at kiting, ( I kited a couple of the dogs in Ramps. one at a time but same pull.) I try to conc shot them as soon as they come to me. then run around pop a conc and Arc shot every time its up and if they get close I pop my Wingclip/Raptor strike macro and try to get away from them. Is this right? should I be doing something different?
You've gotten pretty much the rest of your post replied to, so I'll take this.

Your method is fair. But it looks like an "outdoor" kiting method. In Instances there is one huge advantage: The mobs will never break off pursuit.

And most of the Instances are very linear.

So when I've got to kite, I've got a Frost Trap set, pull my kite target with Conc, and run to the zone with Cheetah Aspect. You can snap shot off more Conc, but I don't bother to try to do more damage. That just takes time and doesn't have much impact on the mobs Health. If you get to the zone, FD. If the cooldown is up, drop a Snake Trap (Snake Trap takes time to chew through for mobs, as well as occasionally inflicting a slowing effect). If the group still isn't ready for your mob, you've got a poor group, but you can still run after it and re-aggro it once it nears the group and start pulling it to the zone again.

If you're BM and the mob closes Intimidate can let you regain range, as well as Wing Clip. If you use Intimidate, your Pet will be killed once you FD, so try not to need it :) But a dead Pet is better than a dead Hunter and no Pet anyway.

Edited, Nov 29th 2007 5:39am by Kompera
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