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#77 Dec 06 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
sederix wrote:
I use voidwalker in instances all the damn time. One would usually see me with that, or felguard when needed. I have never had any consistent problem with that. And, usually, no one else does either-- so you really can not just other players. If fact, I have been asked not to use felguard many times, because my group wanted a minion that was made to take more hits than to deal them.

I usually don't use a VW in instances, and I don't have a Felguard either. Mostly, I use an Imp, with occasional use of Felhound, Succubus, or Enslaved Demon. Once in a while, and only if I'm asked to, I'll bring out my VW - but that wouldn't be my choice. In those instances, I defer to the raid leader's choice. For me, the VW has all of the vices of a hunter's pet, and very few of the good things.

On the other hand, when outside farming or questing, the VW is my pet of choice.

Inoperante wrote:
But surely ANYONE level 60+ is gonna out-aggro a VW, including yourself, with just a few hits/spells?

That's my experience anyway. I've tried using him now I'm Aff, but two ticks of CoA or Corr and he's lost aggro and essentially useless.

You have to give the VW time to grab the aggro, and learn a bit of aggro control to use a VW effectively. My VW holds aggro fine even with 4 DoTs on a mob. Again, I'm talking about using him for farming/questing - not instances.

Edited, Dec 6th 2007 4:34pm by ohmikeghod
#78 Dec 06 2007 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
Inoperante wrote:
But surely ANYONE level 60+ is gonna out-aggro a VW, including yourself, with just a few hits/spells?

That's my experience anyway. I've tried using him now I'm Aff, but two ticks of CoA or Corr and he's lost aggro and essentially useless.


I can dish out 6k SB even with my crappy gear. There is no VW that would keep aggro after that.

First off, are your refering to instances in general, or are you refering to Outland, or Heroics?

We are talking about level 70 normal 5 mans, you are the one that mentioned Slab, no?

Second, what about the warlocks that are speced for Affliction or Destruction? Are you saying, since they do not even have a felguard, that they are IDIOTS because they choose a minion that works well for them??

I am destro now. Not raiding destro but nevertheless. I never use VW apart from saccing him for farming shards.
I use succubus, dead to up my damage, alive to seduce.
I never saw a capable level 70 affliction or destro lock on my server with VW. Ever.

If fact, I have been asked not to use felguard many times, because my group wanted a minion that was made to take more hits than to deal them.

Felguard is designed to be the most powerful pet a lock can have, mini tank. Hence 41 points in demo which is a lot.
You actually make me wonder how your talent points look like if you still find VW a viable option for offtanking after getting felguard.

#79 Dec 06 2007 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Sethy cleared up a lot of this but I'll reply as well.

sederix wrote:
In oter words I've seen a Felguard work, and work fine. VW's almost never work.

LOL, I am sorry, but are we even talking about the same class?
First off, are your refering to instances in general, or are you refering to Outland, or Heroics?

Instances in general, regular Outland instances specifically if you like.

Second, what about the warlocks that are speced for Affliction or Destruction? Are you saying, since they do not even have a felguard, that they are IDIOTS because they choose a minion that works well for them?? Or, are only Demonology warlocks idiots, if they do not get the same use out of their other minions as you do?

I don't generally get a minion as a tanking class. But that aside where are you even getting that first part from? No, I'm not saying all locks need to spec demo to not be idiots. What I'm saying is historically, locks that to opt for the VW rather than the Felguard (if available), felhunter, Succy or imp have proven themselves to be gigantic balls of suck. Extrapolating from that, I've decided that i'm not going to run with a lock that insists on using a VW in an instance unless they can give me a good reason for it. None have yet.

I use voidwalker in instances all the damn time.

Oh good, an opportunity - why is the VW a better choice than felhunter, succy or imp?

If fact, I have been asked not to use felguard many times, because my group wanted a minion that was made to take more hits than to deal them.

Then they're really foolish for asking for the VW.

As far as healing goes, how many of you have ever played a healer?
I've played several, granted the highest I've healed have been level 65 instances.

The job has nothing to do with what a hunter/warlock is using, but how well the group works together with what they have. Just watch their mana burn fast, when all the damage is focussed on one or two characters, and you will see what I mean. Further, healing the pet/minion should be last on the list of priorities; there are cases where it is needed, but not generally.

That's utterly silly. Working from the bottom, up: The pet usually is last on the healer's list unless it's OTing. (see where this is going?) If you don't heal the OT then who do you think the mob comes for next after it goes down? The healer.

When you say "Watch their mana burn fast when the damage is focused on 1 or 2 players" and you actually intimating that it's *easier* for a healer when every party member and pet are all taking damage instead of just the tank? I... just... have no possible polite way of responding if that's what you're implying. I hope I've misunderstood.

As for working together with "what they have" well they have more than a VW, and in pretty much every case, any one of those extra options are also better options - why would anyone intentionally gimp the group?
#80 Dec 06 2007 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
Oh good, an opportunity - why is the VW a better choice than felhunter, succy or imp?

Or imp?
Let's see... because it has served perfectly well so far. What more of a good reason do you want?

What I'm saying is historically, locks that to opt for the VW rather than the Felguard (if available), felhunter, Succy or imp have proven themselves to be gigantic balls of suck.

According to who? You are assuming that your play style is somehow the best, and just because some people might agree with you, does not mean that is the only viable option.
By "balls of suck", you mean "not die in two hits" then I agree. But, some people like to pick a minion that will actually outlast them, so I guess we are idiots for going with what WORKS lol.

Why not start a poll in a separate thread, asking which has worked best? To be fair, the question should include before and during Outland, as I am aware needs change drastically in that time.

This is a little off-topic, so just warning to all ;)

I... just... have no possible polite way of responding if that's what you're implying.

What is your definition of easy?
My alt. is a priest, so I would rather throw on a Renewal periodically on everyone, with the occasional Heal/Flash Heal and Prayer of Healing, than have to spend all my mana keeping up with a massive amount of damage in a short time-- granted, I am not speced for healing, but it's the same principle.
Systematically dying is not my idea of easy, and that is what can happen if one character is taking all the damage in a long fight.
When everyone is doing that thing called "working together": no one dies, regardless of which minion/pet they use.

I'll show you why that works:
Let's pretend these characters have the same health bar, and are fighting something that hits them for an insane amount of damage for their level.
In example A, we can see what will happen when the whole groups works together, sharing damage.
In example B, we see what will happen if at least one of that group decides to "tank".
Both examples, let's assume that one of them is healing and they are able to heal whenever they are needed.

A) 1000 damage / 5 player(s) = 200
B) 1000 damage / 1 player(s) = 1000

The priest spell "Prayer of Healing" costs about as much as the Heal spell, but heals less. In example A, you could use Prayer of Healing and the occasional renew to keep up with the damage; in example B, you would have to use Heal or Greater Heal periodically.

To me, example A seems the most efficient. More complicated, but I find that there are fewer casualties.

Edited, Dec 6th 2007 10:37pm by sederix
#81 Dec 07 2007 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
Or imp?
Let's see... because it has served perfectly well so far. What more of a good reason do you want?

Hehe, that reason i understand like this one: "So many years, even centuries, bow served us perfectly so far, why should i use a gun instead now?" No offence, but this is just nonsense. As many people stated, VW is viable option for grinding, one of best actualy if you're affliction, but for regular OL instances...

This is a little off-topic, so just warning to all ;)

I have 2 healer toons, 70 pally and 55 priest. Succesfully healed in heroics too. Have to mention only one:

A) 1000 damage / 5 player(s) = 200
B) 1000 damage / 1 player(s) = 1000

Difference is plate or cloth wearer, difference is 12k hp with plate or 6-7k with cloth, differnece is 3 mobs hitting tank for 500-1000 dmg each or 3 mobs, hiting 3 targets, one for 500 dmg, second for 2k dmg, third for 4k dmg. Try to keep healing this and stay not OOM...
Crapy 66 lvl elite for group quest in Terrocar hits VW for 1500 dmg EACH hit...what to say in regular or heroic instances...

Everyone can have own way to play this game, but there are fundamental points on which you can build your playstyle. And if you choose wrong one...;n=Coruin
#82 Dec 07 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
sederix wrote:

A) 1000 damage / 5 player(s) = 200
B) 1000 damage / 1 player(s) = 1000

The priest spell "Prayer of Healing" costs about as much as the Heal spell, but heals less. In example A, you could use Prayer of Healing and the occasional renew to keep up with the damage; in example B, you would have to use Heal or Greater Heal periodically.

I am sorry but what kind instance do you usually heal when you can keep up with the damage with occasional renew?

#83 Dec 07 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
1,729 posts
I usually just do what I am told in Instances, occasionally reminding my tank that I can Banish something cause he tends to forget. I've never been asked to pull out VW to off-tank. Nor would I have ever thought that to be a plausible option. If you had no other CC, and a 5-6 mob pull, the tanks I group with would rather keep the 2-3 mobs Un-CCed on themselves, as they can generate more aggro that way. The healers I group with would rather only have one person to heal. Your getting you info from crappy players, or just coming up with bad ideas.

As you said in this post, it's about the team using all of thier abilities to get the job done. All of your abilities include the Succubus, and if used properly is excellent CC. I can chain-seduce a mob at least 3 times, even with a resist or two, and much more with no resists, using the macro that was posted in this thread. To help with resists I also Curse of Shadows before Seducing, this also pulls the Mob closer to me, further from the tanks Thunderclap. While doing so, I still keep up ALL my DPS. I can keep another one banished if I have to, and as long as it isn't a Heroic, I can Off-Drain-Tank something that heads for the healer too with just a Siphon Life, Corr, Searing Pain until it's on me, or SB if nightfall procs, then Drain Life.

Edit: Added in the bit about CoS

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 10:49am by Lathais
#84 Dec 07 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
"So many years, even centuries, bow served us perfectly so far, why should i use a gun instead now?" No offence, but this is just nonsense.

What you are saying, is just because something WORKS perfectly well, that's a reason to stop using it?
That's like saying pain medicine works fine, but because it's been in use for so long, let's just try something else like amputation only because it does the job differently. Who is being silly? I already said voidwalker works perfectly fine, so you have no basis to assume the job does not get done, whatever that may be.


I am sorry but what kind instance do you usually heal when you can keep up with the damage with occasional renew?

Renewal, or whatever else works. The point is that in example A, less damage is being allocated to particular players in general, so it should take less mana to keep up with the healing; whatever spell works is not really the issue.

Difference is plate or cloth wearer, difference is 12k hp with plate or 6-7k with cloth.

Damage is damage. It has to be recovered all the same. My example is meant to point out the difference teamwork makes. I am sure you understand.

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 3:51pm by sederix
#85 Dec 07 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
sederix wrote:

What you are saying, is just because something WORKS perfectly well, that's a reason to stop using it?
I already said voidwalker works perfectly fine, so you have no basis to assume the job does not get done, whatever that may be.

You saying that VW works perfectly fine doesnt make it so.
There are people here that are 70 for long and ran tons of instances of every kind, including heroics and raiding, and they all say VW doesnt work for anything but affliction farming at level 70.

I finally hit 70 recently

..... is the first thing you said in post that started this thread.

Who do you think is more competent to make statements about VW or any other pet?

#86 Dec 07 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default

You saying that VW works perfectly fine doesnt make it so.

LOL come again?
"It has worked perfectly fine so far". What is wrong with you?
#87 Dec 07 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Celcio wrote:
Like has been said here - if the lock gives a reasoned argument for it then fine but I've never seen it happen.

sederix wrote:
Or imp?
Let's see... because it has served perfectly well so far. What more of a good reason do you want?

And still waiting.
#88 Dec 07 2007 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Scroll up.

Edited, Dec 7th 2007 6:03pm by sederix
#89 Dec 07 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Oh right, didn't I say it should be a reasoned arguement though? Yeah still waiting.

sederix wrote:
"So many years, even centuries, bow served us perfectly so far, why should i use a gun instead now?" No offence, but this is just nonsense.

What you are saying, is just because something WORKS perfectly well, that's a reason to stop using it?
That's like saying pain medicine works fine, but because it's been in use for so long, let's just try something else like amputation only because it does the job differently. Who is being silly? I already said voidwalker works perfectly fine, so you have no basis to assume the job does not get done, whatever that may be.

Actually you're the one talking about moving backwards down the improvements line so your example fits perfectly for VW.

Yep, amputation did perfectly fine for decades before antibiotics came along. Sure there were lots of problems with it and people really had to work together to keep the patient alive, but it worked, by gum!

Show me one metaphor that people have legitimately and usefully moved backwards and away from recent improvements to achieve a goal like you are with VW.
#90 Dec 07 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
So basically, bottom line, the general consensus is that VW is a waste of f*cking space in instances.

Except one guy who seems to manage to make it work.

Now, we either go with the majority, experience and reasoned argument...or we announce sederix as God.

Let me think about this...
#91 Dec 07 2007 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
357 posts

I keep wanting to reply but it's kinda pointless at this point, just going around in circles, so this be it for me.

Do whatever works for you at the time, but realize that it is not a catch all solution. Having a VW/felguard OT will work in some cases, but to rely only on that method is stupid. Seduce will work in some cases, but to rely only on that method is also stupid.

"So many years, even centuries, bow served us perfectly so far, why should i use a gun instead now?" No offence, but this is just nonsense.

Just to use this as a reference. The gun is the best choice for most situations, however you always want to keep the bow with you in case the gun jams, you run out of bullets, or you can't make noise. To simply say the bow is now crap and throw it away would gimp you when that situation arrives. To ignore the gun cause the bow has helped you so many times would gimp you just as much.

It is the same with a lock. Use what works atm, but don't just dismiss all the other options until it's too late. Nothing worse than realizing you need to use the gun but don't know which way the bullet comes out.

Edited, Dec 8th 2007 12:25am by ccbutch
#92 Dec 07 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Rate ups for joo, ccbutch.

I love a lock in an instance that swaps out pets (or asks - like "Lotta mobs, want succy or you ok?", "Hits hard, need imp?") in an instance. LOVE THEM! And I've been really fortunate to have grouped with a lot of them and tried to be that lock myself.

Your points are dead on, use the best pet for what's in front of you (and know how to use it).

(gah but I must just add that I've never seen the VW be the "best pet" in an instance.)

On a COMPLETE sidenote I've never played or grouped with a lock who used the pet as a sac-tool in an instance, from this and the poll is seems like there actually ARE a fair few out there - I think it'd be really interesting, maybe someday!
#93 Dec 07 2007 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
sederix wrote:
I already said voidwalker works perfectly fine, so you have no basis to assume the job does not get done, whatever that may be.

But the job you were asked to perform was crowd control, not off-tanking. You didn't perform the job and were kicked. Whose fault was that?
#94 Dec 08 2007 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Celcio wrote:

On a COMPLETE sidenote I've never played or grouped with a lock who used the pet as a sac-tool in an instance, from this and the poll is seems like there actually ARE a fair few out there - I think it'd be really interesting, maybe someday!

I used that option even before I respecced. For example the void boss in Slab, you cant keep felguard alive around him very long and its not worth trouble trying. And dps matters on that boss.
Even easier after I dumped felguard, succy ran with me for seducing and then when I dont need her anymore poof I get +15% shadow damage buff.

I used sacced VW as a trial in SH whenever I had to SoC, 240ish hp every 4 sec might not be that much but it sure helped me to stay alive.

Imp was wonderful with Master Demonologist, spam SBs and not worry about aggro :)
I can only imagine how useful he might be in early BM runs for those that have Dark Pact.

What leads me to complete sidenote..... I would very much like to see how Sederix build look like.
What pet you use pretty much depends on what talents you have too. They can make it work or ***** it up.

#95 Dec 08 2007 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Sethy wrote:
[quote=Celcio]For example the void boss in Slab, you cant keep felguard alive around him very long and its not worth trouble trying. And dps matters on that boss.

Oooh I bet this would be helpful in the last guy in SV too where you need as much quick high DPS on the tanks as possible.

And seconded on seeing the build, I wonder if this is it?
#96 Dec 09 2007 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
357 posts
(gah but I must just add that I've never seen the VW be the "best pet" in an instance.)

Depending on the tank and group make-up I will sometimes pull a VW out(affliction, so no felguard) on the mobs at the end of Botanica. The little bastards that are immune to all forms of CC and you have to pull 5 or something like that. This is only if the tank can't hold them and we don't have enough aoe so we have to do em 1 at a time. It makes things a bit rougher on the healer but over all it can make those pulls go much smoother.

PS. I know I said I'd stay away, but I have an addiction.
#97 Dec 09 2007 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
But the job you were asked to perform was crowd control, not off-tanking. You didn't perform the job and were kicked. Whose fault was that?

I told them before starting, as I usually tell a group I dont start, that I was DPS not CC. So, they wanted me, but whined because I did not change my mind.
We just did Steam Vault and Heroic Underbog-- could not complete them, because we were undergeared. I was using my felguard mostly, while our other warlock was using suckybitch and imp. This arrangement worked fine, and it was not an issue which minion either of us chose.

You made the point that somehow crowd control is better than voidwalker, and that the "history" of warlocks shows this. I find that interesting, because according to the latest poll that we started, most people prefer to use their imp, while the second most use whatever suits a situation.
Imps are not made for taking damage or crowd control. This means the "history" of warlocks is far too varied to make silly arguments over their roll in a group. So, the voidwalker and the suckybitch are not prefered very much in general lol.
#98 Dec 09 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
357 posts
You made the point that somehow crowd control is better than voidwalker, and that the "history" of warlocks shows this. I find that interesting, because according to the latest poll that we started, most people prefer to use their imp, while the second most use whatever suits a situation.
Imps are not made for taking damage or crowd control. This means the "history" of warlocks is far too varied to make silly arguments over their roll in a group. So, the voidwalker and the suckybitch are not prefered very much in general lol.

Are they preferred? No. Personally I would much rather have my Imp out due to Dark Pact and it's endless supply of mana. I believe this is why most people picked imp on the poll. After all, why would you keep the succubus out if she serves no purpose.

I told them before starting, as I usually tell a group I dont start, that I was DPS not CC.

And herein lies the problem. As a Warlock you ARE CC. To deny this is to not understand your class. Most groups you will go with the importance is CC first, DPS second. To refuse to use crowd control in instances will just get you put on ignore lists, while learning to master cc will get you put on friends lists and invited to more parties.

We just did Steam Vault and Heroic Underbog-- could not complete them, because we were undergeared

Where you really undergeared, or was your tank taking a beating from 3 people because you refused to cc the other two because thats not what Warlocks do. That, my friend, is not so much undergeared as it is unwillingness to work as a team.
#99 Dec 09 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
sederix wrote:
You made the point that somehow crowd control is better than voidwalker, and that the "history" of warlocks shows this. I find that interesting, because according to the latest poll that we started, most people prefer to use their imp, while the second most use whatever suits a situation.
Imps are not made for taking damage or crowd control. This means the "history" of warlocks is far too varied to make silly arguments over their roll in a group. So, the voidwalker and the suckybitch are not prefered very much in general lol.

You have it backwards, more people adjust based on mobs/instance than use the imp.

Fact still remains that VW is pretty much on the bottom for preferred pet in instances and yet you still claim it's actually useful.
#100 Dec 10 2007 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
I think ccbutch give clear answer, rate up for that, and will not go over again, but let me clear:

What you are saying, is just because something WORKS perfectly well, that's a reason to stop using it?
That's like saying pain medicine works fine, but because it's been in use for so long, let's just try something else like amputation only because it does the job differently. Who is being silly? I already said voidwalker works perfectly fine, so you have no basis to assume the job does not get done, whatever that may be.

I wish to tell you that, VW is good as a everyone warlock tool, but when you do OL instances you have much more powerfull choices of minions. I'm not tell you to stop using VW...i already said, it's your choise to be or not to be more effective warlock.;n=Coruin
#101 Dec 10 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
ccbutch wrote:
I told them before starting, as I usually tell a group I dont start, that I was DPS not CC.

And herein lies the problem. As a Warlock you ARE CC. To deny this is to not understand your class. Most groups you will go with the importance is CC first, DPS second. To refuse to use crowd control in instances will just get you put on ignore lists, while learning to master cc will get you put on friends lists and invited to more parties.

I'll go you one better. "I do DPS, and refuse to CC" is what the OP was complaining about. Eliteism. It's the same thing that I've heard from other classes in PuGs. "I'm a shadow priest. I don't Heal"
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