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SoC doesn't really seem to cut it ...Follow

#1 Nov 22 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
I've just dinged 20 and am levelling Ret, so ofc, that means I've just hot SoC.

Excited, I headed off to Westfall to protext ol' Daphne from the Defias waves (I'm still wondering if I'll be able to do that with a fledgling Ret spec at 20, but I digress).

On my way there, I decided to give my new found toy (SoC) a try with my shiny new 2H sword (Searing blade, I think it is). LOng story short, I was very dissappointed ... after about 5 fights, I think SoC proc'd about 5 times in total. It seemed about once every 3rd fight.

Now if this is the way that SoC is going to work, I'm going back to using SoR, cos that definitely deals more damage at this stage.

What's wrong here... did I just have a bad bit of luck, is my weapon too fast (it IS fast at about 2.5), Does SoC only start really working later on, etc, etc.

Oh, and the other thing, what's your opinion, should I be able to do that "Protect Daphne" quest as a lvl 20 Ret Pally (obviously with a sword and board ... my Main's a warrior, I've gotten used to having to carry a shield around wth me ;->)
#2 Nov 22 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
Had same problem... Went away before Thirty.

If you don't like it right now continue to use your SoR for now. Don't be shy about picking up some AGI, try fighting things 1 level below you, and get the slowest, biggest hitting Axe you can find.

At 32 with Corpsemaker with Fiery on it I hit for about 180, my SoC goes off at least 1/2 the time (seems like more) and hits for 200, and they both have a chance to proc Fiery! Quad-Crits are fun numbers...

310 60 380 66 in 1 swing =)
#3 Nov 22 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
SoC doesn't proc with every swing, and you do need a very slow weapon to make it worth it. 3.6 give or take is usually the speed you want to shoot for.

Also, link your armory so I can check you out.

I did it at 20 as ret, so you should be able to.
#4 Nov 22 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Searing blade is a much too fast weapon to really be effective on SoC. Try using it again after you get your Verigan's Fist.
#5 Nov 22 2007 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
Verigans + SoC = mob down to 50% 1st swing
#6 Nov 22 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
As everyone else has already said, as a ret Paladin you really have to pay a LOT of attention to weapon speed -- more, really, than overall DPS. You're better off with a weapon that has slightly lower DPS if it is nice and slow, than you are with a faster, slightly higher DPS weapon. This trips up many Paladins early in the game before they are used to weighing weapon speed as a critical factor in equipment choice. The reason is that SoC procs at a very low rate per minute, and the slower your weapon the better chance you have of having it proc per swing.
#7 Nov 22 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
300 posts
When I leveled my blood elf pallie, I had Sin'Dorei Warblade (3.2 I believe), and was practically 3 shotting mobs. There was a slight difference in damage when I switched to the Blood Tempered Ranceur (2.6 or 2.8), there was a slight difference in killing speed (the ranceur made up for the lack of damage by faster attacks, but since they're about the same, it didn't matter too much).

Searing blade should have around 29% chance of proccing SoC, whereas Sin'Dorei Warblade/Verigan's Fist has 37.3% chance of proccing it, for bigger damage too. My guess is that you're unlucky.
#8 Nov 22 2007 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
608 posts
The Honorable CapJack wrote:
SoC doesn't proc with every swing, and you do need a very slow weapon to make it worth it. 3.6 give or take is usually the speed you want to shoot for.

Also, link your armory so I can check you out.

I did it at 20 as ret, so you should be able to.

For some or other reason, I can't see the armory from my office, so I can't get the correct URL.

My Pally's name is Bedivere on Kul Tiras(EU).

wrt a slower speed weapon being what is required, I fully understand the requirement (I have an MS warrior as a main, same thing applies there). My only concern was that it only seemed to proc once a minute or so ... that seems wrong in my mind. Even with a faster weapon, I would have expected to see it proc a little more often.

Then again, as Shinn said, maybe I've just been unlucky.

Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.
#9 Dec 02 2007 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Rather than paying attention to DPS, I simply look at the damage on the weapon. If the average damage is higher (stats aside) I usually pick it.
#10 Dec 03 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:

Then again, as Shinn said, maybe I've just been unlucky.

That's why a backronym for SoC is Seal of Casino.
#11 Dec 03 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
That's why a backronym for SoC is Seal of Casino.

SoC is set at base 7PPMs with a +modifier based on AGI. With a weapon at ~3.5 with a real PPM rate of about 12, youre looking at 17 SPM with 12 of them proccing. Hardly a casino roll when you're talking about at least Double Damage, and double Weapon Proc chance.
#12 Dec 03 2007 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
tzsjynx wrote:
SoC is set at base 7PPMs with a +modifier based on AGI.

Wait, what? No. Unless some things have changed recently that I'm completely unaware of, there are no +modifiers for how often SoC hits. It's reliant on only two things: weapon speed and luck.

With a weapon at ~3.5 with a real PPM rate of about 12, youre looking at 17 SPM with 12 of them proccing. Hardly a casino roll when you're talking about at least Double Damage, and double Weapon Proc chance.

At 7PPM (Real PPM? What the hell is that?), SoC should proc 8.57 times a minute with a 1.00 swing timer.

3.6 speed weapons (which are the most common, 3.8 and above are extremely rare) swing 16.67 times a minute, so 17 swings in a little over a minute.

60/(16.67*8.57) = .42 probability of a proc every swing. So all things considered, with a slow enough weapon you should be seeing a proc at least one out of every three swings. If you're swinging 17 times, you should only see a proc on 17*.42 = 7.14 swings. 7 swings out of 17. Not 12. Still, that's much better than if you had a 2.5 speed weapon.

With 2.5 speed weapons you're swinging 24 times a minute for 60/(24*8.57) = .29 probability of a proc every swing. Now you're down to seeing a proc once every four swings, and it's going to be a much weaker proc too.
#13 Dec 03 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
tzsjynx wrote:
Warning - Attempting to patch together any coherent message from my posts may result in chronic headaches and/or intense vomitting.


Seriously, you threw some numbers around with a couple more acronyms, and aside from you disagreeing with a sarcastic piece of 2-years old humour, I didn't get your point (if you had one).
#14 Dec 03 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good

At 7PPM (Real PPM? What the hell is that?), SoC should proc 8.57 times a minute with a 1.00 swing timer.

7 PPM with autoattacks. If there's 7 PPM, it should proc... 7 times in a minute no matter what the swing speed is on average. What he meant by Real PPM is probably your autoattack PPM plus the number of bonus procs you get off instant attacks (re: Crusader Strike).
#15 Dec 03 2007 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
I judge seal of the crusader then cast SoR. The holy damage is very good and happens every swing (there is the rare resist though). Then every 8 seconds judge SoR and recast it if your mana can support it. I have little problem taking on 2 mobs at the same that are 2-3 levels higher than me (I have a good mix of Protect, Holy and Ret for talents right now). Of course that is at level 35. At 20 it might be harder to take on 2 mobs that are higher than you. Can't remember anymore

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 12:10pm by IronhideBismarck
#16 Dec 03 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
IronhideBismarck the Flatulent wrote:
I judge seal of the crusader then cast SoR. The holy damage is very good and happens every swing (there is the rare resist though). Then every 8 seconds judge SoR and recast it if your mana can support it. I have little problem taking on 2 mobs at the same that are 2-3 levels higher than me (I have a good mix of Protect, Holy and Ret for talents right now). Of course that is at level 35. At 20 it might be harder to take on 2 mobs that are higher than you. Can't remember anymore

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 12:10pm by IronhideBismarck

yeah, if you have improved SoR in holy and enough +spell damage and the mana to support it, you can dish out good damage with SoR. however it is tough to have enough +spell damage to make that style anywhere near competitive with a properly geared ret pally using SoC. especially after you factor in the 8% crit bonus from talents.
i can put out decent damage on my 70 healadin with SoR (especially since i have the bonus +spelldamage from talents and even more +damage from healing gear now). but my 66 ret pally easily out dps's my 70. my 66 ret with the SoC and CS out dps's 70 hunters and locks and even one 70 mage... (ok the mage example is a rare case admittedly.)

to the OP stick it out, use slow, high damage weapons, and boost your ap/crit and you'll grow to love SoC. you'll love the occasional white crit/SoC crit combo followed by a CS crit... i love seeing, 1100 white, 1200 yellow, at the same time followed almost immediately by a 1200 from CS. you won't probably ever see 5k crits like a mage, but the number of SoC, white and CS crits makes up for it.

#17 Dec 03 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
RPZip wrote:

At 7PPM (Real PPM? What the hell is that?), SoC should proc 8.57 times a minute with a 1.00 swing timer.

7 PPM with autoattacks. If there's 7 PPM, it should proc... 7 times in a minute no matter what the swing speed is on average. What he meant by Real PPM is probably your autoattack PPM plus the number of bonus procs you get off instant attacks (re: Crusader Strike).

Yeah. That is stereotypical of my math. I'm really bad with it, I admit, I've made stupid little mistakes like that my entire life. I really should leave these formulas to someone else, but I don't think we have anyone dedicated to them on this particular forum.

So 60/(7*16.67) = .51 probably of a proc per swing. Does that sound right, or is my formula just completely wrong?

That's still less than 12 out of 17 though. 17*.51 = 8.67 or roughly 9 out of 17 swings.

And there still shouldn't be any "Real PPM" for SoC. Unlike, say, a Shaman's Stormstrike, none of our abilities (namely Crusader Strike) can proc SoC. It procs off of auto-attack and auto-attack only. Unless, again, something has changed that I am unaware of, but I haven't noticed any changes like these over the last few patches. The only way you could force a few more procs out of SoC is if you were swinging something like the Thrash Blade or you had Reckoning. Basically, you would just need more auto-attack swings.
#18 Dec 03 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good

Yeah. That is stereotypical of my math. I'm really bad with it, I admit, I've made stupid little mistakes like that my entire life. I really should leave these formulas to someone else, but I don't think we have anyone dedicated to them on this particular forum.

So 60/(7*16.67) = .51 probably of a proc per swing. Does that sound right, or is my formula just completely wrong?

Eh... no. 7 PPM means you should get a proc once every 8.57s on average (60 / 7), or with a 3.6 swing speed on 42% of swings (3.6 / 8.57).

16.66 Swings * 42% Proc Chance = 6.99 Procs, which is the correct value given slight rounding errors.

As a general rule, if you expect 7 procs per minute and you end up without 7 procs per minute something is wrong with your math. =p


And there still shouldn't be any "Real PPM" for SoC. Unlike, say, a Shaman's Stormstrike, none of our abilities (namely Crusader Strike) can proc SoC.

It's being moved to completely physical damage; I didn't know it couldn't before, but there's a decent chance it will as of the next patch.

The only way you could force a few more procs out of SoC is if you were swinging something like the Thrash Blade or you had Reckoning.

#19 Dec 03 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
windfury, mongoose, any haste buff from a trinket...
#20 Dec 03 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
RPZip wrote:

Yeah. That is stereotypical of my math. I'm really bad with it, I admit, I've made stupid little mistakes like that my entire life. I really should leave these formulas to someone else, but I don't think we have anyone dedicated to them on this particular forum.

So 60/(7*16.67) = .51 probably of a proc per swing. Does that sound right, or is my formula just completely wrong?

Eh... no. 7 PPM means you should get a proc once every 8.57s on average (60 / 7), or with a 3.6 swing speed on 42% of swings (3.6 / 8.57).

16.66 Swings * 42% Proc Chance = 6.99 Procs, which is the correct value given slight rounding errors.

As a general rule, if you expect 7 procs per minute and you end up without 7 procs per minute something is wrong with your math. =p

Gaudion wrote:
At 7PPM (Real PPM? What the hell is that?), SoC should proc 8.57 times a minute with a 1.00 swing timer.

3.6 speed weapons (which are the most common, 3.8 and above are extremely rare) swing 16.67 times a minute, so 17 swings in a little over a minute.

60/(16.67*8.57) = .42 probability of a proc every swing. So all things considered, with a slow enough weapon you should be seeing a proc at least one out of every three swings. If you're swinging 17 times, you should only see a proc on 17*.42 = 7.14 swings. 7 swings out of 17. Not 12.

So my original math was right. Why did you correct me then?

EDIT: Ah... I see. I worded that first line a little wrong. But the math is still correct.


And there still shouldn't be any "Real PPM" for SoC. Unlike, say, a Shaman's Stormstrike, none of our abilities (namely Crusader Strike) can proc SoC.

It's being moved to completely physical damage; I didn't know it couldn't before, but there's a decent chance it will as of the next patch.

CS is completely physical damage now and it doesn't proc SoC. It just derives bonus physical damage from your +spell damage. Without them actually coming out and saying that CS is going to proc SoC, I would be disinclined to expect it. I certainly haven't seen any mention of it on the 2.3.2 testing so far, and this is a fairly significant change that I would expect to be getting attention.

KTurner wrote:
windfury, mongoose, any haste buff from a trinket...

I thought they changed Windfury a long time ago so that additional procs can't proc off of it?

Increasing your attack speed with Moongoose or a haste buff would just be increasing your auto-attack speed, which goes along with what I said earlier: the only way to force more SoC procs is to augment your outgoing auto-attacks.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 3:54pm by Gaudion
#21 Dec 03 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good

Gaudion wrote:
At 7PPM (Real PPM? What the hell is that?), SoC should proc 8.57 times a minute with a 1.00 swing timer.

3.6 speed weapons (which are the most common, 3.8 and above are extremely rare) swing 16.67 times a minute, so 17 swings in a little over a minute.

60/(16.67*8.57) = .42 probability of a proc every swing. So all things considered, with a slow enough weapon you should be seeing a proc at least one out of every three swings. If you're swinging 17 times, you should only see a proc on 17*.42 = 7.14 swings. 7 swings out of 17. Not 12.

So my original math was right. Why did you correct me then?

I didn't, reread my original post. The problem was your conclusion was incorrect; with a 1.0 Swing Timer you're still only going to see 7 procs in a minute, not 8.57. With an average proc once every 8.57s you'll see one 11.6% of the time at 1.0 speed, or ~7 times per minute.

In essence;

At 7PPM (Real PPM? What the hell is that?), SoC should proc 8.57 times a minute with a 1.00 swing timer.

is just flat out wrong.


CS is completely physical damage now and it doesn't proc SoC. It just derives bonus physical damage from your +spell damage. Without them actually coming out and saying that CS is going to proc SoC, I would be disinclined to expect it. I certainly haven't seen any mention of it on the 2.3.2 testing so far, and this is a fairly significant change that I would expect to be getting attention.

Interesting. I don't play a Retadin, my focus is on Warriors, but this would be the one and only physical attack not capable of proccing on-hit enchants.

Hell, Warrior's Sunder Armor can proc Mongoose and that doesn't even deal any damage. CS not being able to is... odd.
#22 Dec 03 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
OK First

I did NOT just spit out random Acronyms. PPM is Procs Per Minute (hey guess what thats a real term and generally used by the knowledgable WOWing community.) SPM is Swings per Minute cuz I didn't feel like typing it out.

I don't sit here and do math on fake numbers, or take recordings or any of that crap. What I said came DIRECTLY from DrDmg addon. MAYBE it's wrong. But with my Corpsemaker at 37 (when I quit Ret) my CM would swing 15.789473684210526315789473684211 times per minute if kept in constant combat (which is what PPMs calculates.) On that note, a base stat of 7ppm (which is what DrDmg says) my SoC was then set to 11.9 Procs Per Miniute adjusted (which I had been told was due to Agi.)

I don't care if you think I'm wrong. I don't even care if I AM wrong.
You getting so upset is hilarious to me.

Fact of the matter is SoC procs AT LEAST 50% of the time with any sort of good weapon, does massive damage, and is in no way an unreliable source of stable DPS.
#23 Dec 03 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
toolofjesus wrote:
yeah, if you have improved SoR in holy and enough +spell damage and the mana to support it, you can dish out good damage with SoR. however it is tough to have enough +spell damage to make that style anywhere near competitive with a properly geared ret pally using SoC. especially after you factor in the 8% crit bonus from talents.
i can put out decent damage on my 70 healadin with SoR (especially since i have the bonus +spelldamage from talents and even more +damage from healing gear now). but my 66 ret pally easily out dps's my 70. my 66 ret with the SoC and CS out dps's 70 hunters and locks and even one 70 mage... (ok the mage example is a rare case admittedly.)

to the OP stick it out, use slow, high damage weapons, and boost your ap/crit and you'll grow to love SoC. you'll love the occasional white crit/SoC crit combo followed by a CS crit... i love seeing, 1100 white, 1200 yellow, at the same time followed almost immediately by a 1200 from CS. you won't probably ever see 5k crits like a mage, but the number of SoC, white and CS crits makes up for it.

I rarely have a mana problem as I have stacked a bunch of spirit and I usually have Blessing of Wisdom on (though I am in a toss up between Wisdom and Blessing of Kings). Usually only if fighting two higher level mobs at the same time does mana become an issue so I try and avoid those situations. Otherwise I have pretty much zero downtime when it comes to mana. I also use a faster one handed mace which increases the frequency of SoR hits. With SoCrusader judged, I am producing at least 50% more damage on top of my normal hits. Normal hits are in the 65-70 range and SoR + SoCr add on another 35-40 on mobs at my level. Then judging it is adding another 150 damage at least once a fight and as many as 3 times.

I also have a several protection talents to push up my armor. Level 38 and I am pushing 3800 armor which seems to mitigate a ton of damage. Maybe I am a bit of newb but I am really liking how this is working at the moment.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 3:30pm by IronhideBismarck
#24 Dec 03 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
OK First,

He didn't say you spit out random acronyms, he just said you through out a bunch of acronyms (which you did). He knows what PPM is and it took me a minute to figure out you meant Swings per Minute with SPM.

SECOND (if you're going to start numbering your points, at least continue it),

You don't need THAT many decimal points to put in a number, just round it off to 15.8 or something. Also, there has never been any proof or anything that has ever suggested that SoC procs increase with AGI. It is fairly constant that SoC procs 7 times a minute on average. You may have gotten lucky strings of them off. But other people with a lot more time on their hands has had SoC thoroughly researched and tested with an average SoC proc 7 times a minute.


I don't think he was upset, he was responding to your post which was just wrong. Anyone reading that post if it wasn't challenged who doesn't know any better might think that it was correct when it wasn't.


SoC does not proc at least 50% of the time unless you get a lucky string of procs. You would need a swing timer of about 4.2 seconds to get a SoC proc 50% of the time. Since it procs less than that, procs on a PPM system, and is in no way controlled by the user it is an unreliable source of STABLE DPS, and a very reliable source of BURST DPS, which is why SoB is preferred over SoC for a BE Paladin.

Fifth, (Yes there is a fifth)

I would highly recommend that you don't attack veteran members on the boards, especially with that attitude. You will just get flamed to death and get more mad than you need to. I think you are the one who was getting upset by this and it was very apparent in your post.
#25 Dec 03 2007 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
Jack wrote:
You don't need THAT many decimal points to put in a number

I know I thought it was funny =P

You already know my stance on these forums, you've been one of the only ones to help at all and I'm doing everything my own way and KICKING *** at it. I love the Mage and Lock forums here but this Paladin one doesn't like to help people out too often.

I distinctly remember seeing a base PPM of exactly 7, followed by a stat that said "Actual PPM" with a number something like (I didnt take any screenies) 11.9. With SoC Proccing for 250+ and critting for 400 (400 was my top for some reason and it showed up often at 36, maybe its a hard cap on the spell or something) my point was that considering SoC a "gamble" is at least as ignorant as any of my posts on here.

Don't gotta say "QFT" to me I don't care -- just Downrate me like ya'll have done in the past. Then you wont have to see my beautiful messages. Also knock my Sig which has been my Sig since 1999 - longer than any of ya'll have been here most likely.


prolly not 1999, thats just when I started EQ... probobly late 2000 XD

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 4:51pm by tzsjynx
#26 Dec 03 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Ok... so at the end of it all, I did get the correct formula and conclusion. That arbitrary first line is just completely wrong. Hell, that's a major victory as far as I'm concerned.

RPZip wrote:
Interesting. I don't play a Retadin, my focus is on Warriors, but this would be the one and only physical attack not capable of proccing on-hit enchants.

Hell, Warrior's Sunder Armor can proc Mongoose and that doesn't even deal any damage. CS not being able to is... odd.

Yeah, "interesting" is definitely the word for it. We were all throwing a collective fit when they made it quite clear during TBC beta testing that CS would not be triggering SoC.

Actually, the problem with CS not proccing SoC is on SoC's end and has nothing to do with CS. SoC is restricted to proccing off of auto-attacks to the exclusivity of all else.

Where's tommy when you need him? Could we get a Retribution Paladin in here to clear a few things up? Is CS capable of proccing things like Mongoose or other enchants, WF, etc.? I've not touched my Paladin in ages, much less Retribution post-50, so I'm not entirely clear on where things stand with CS beyond the fact that it absolutely will not proc SoC.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 5:05pm by Gaudion
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